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National Academy of Indian Railways (NAIR)

National Academy of Indian Railways (NAIR)


The Academy was originally founded in 1930 at Dehradun. However it was soon closed down and the infrastructure used to establish Indian Military Academy. The National Academy of Indian Railways, formerly known as Railway Staff College was then setup at its present regal sylvan surroundings at Vadodara, in 1952. It is housed in the Pratap Vilas Palace (built in 1914 AD) surrounded by lush green lawns and designed by C.F. Stevens in the renaissance style. The property comprising of 55 acres of garden and wooded land, enlivened by the calls of peacocks and migratory birds, was purchased from the Gaikwads (erstwhile rulers) of Vadodara.

Role of National Academy of Indian Railways
Railways in India, an important segment of the country's transport infrastructure, were started about 160 years ago. Keeping pace with changing times the railways have a competent, hard working and skilled workforce of about 1.3 million with tremendous potential to excel in almost all professional areas.
An efficient transport infrastructure is a crucial asset for social and economic development of a country, personnel mobility for work, study and leisure as also efficient and economical distribution of resources and produce are the essential requirements of modern day living.
Human resource is the most important resource of any organization whose efficiency determine success. Therefore, development of this resource is of prime concern for Indian Railways.
National Academy of Indian Railways acts as a FRIEND, PHILOSOPHER and GUIDE of the Railway Officers in their appreciation of this huge Indian Railways Organisation so that they can play a positive role in bringing about improvement, to keep pace with the changing environment.
As the alma mater the National Academy of Indian Railways , Vadodara functions as the apex training institute for the officers of all departments of Indian Railways in general and Accounts, Personnel, Stores and Medical departments in particular.

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Courtesy : NAIR

National Academy of Indian Railways : Questions Bank for Participants of Grade ’A’ Foundation Course (Elecrical Engineering)

National Academy of Indian Railways : Questions Bank for Participants of Grade ’A’

Foundation Course (Elecrical Engineering)

Q1 (a)How is the uniform wear of the ‘pantograph strip’ due to rubbing with contact wire ensured in OHE ? 
     (b) Draw sketch of a ‘Cantilever assembly’ of OHE, name different parts and show location of Contact and Catenary Wires. 
Q.2   Explain what do you understand by the following  ? 
a. DC  viz a viz AC Traction
b. Circuit Breaker
c. Electric Energy Conservation
d. End‐on‐ Generation
e. Factor of AC comfort
f. LHB
g. Flasher Light

Q.3  Explain the working of ‘Air Conditioning system’ of AC coach with the help of sketch. 
Q.4 (a) What is the difference between ‘regulated & unregulated OHE’?  How is OHE regulation achieved? 
     (b) What are the functions performed by the following equipments in an electric loco? 
a. Tap Changer
b. Baby Compressor
c. Arno Converter
Q.5 (a)  Write brief note on  the following: 
a. Neutral Section
b. Rail Bonds
c. Power Block & Traffic Block  
(b)   For a WCAM1 Co‐Co 123 T locomotive,  indicate the following:‐
a. Type of Traction              
b. Type of Service                                                    
c. Number of Traction Motors          
d.   Axle Load            
Q.6  Write brief notes on ‐ 
a. Breath Analyser Equipment
b. Tractive Effort and Adhesion
c. Electrical Clearance
d. Difference in requirements of Goods & Passenger Locos
e. Various types of Brakes on electric locomotives
f. Electric Loco Maintenance Schedules
Q.7  Draw ‘power circuit’ diagram of an AC electric loco. 
Q.8  Write brief notes on any four 
a. EMU
b. Safety item on Loco
c. Traction Sub Station
d. Various Train Lighting Systems
e. Roof Mounted Package Unit
f. 3‐Phase Loco
Q. 9   Please mark the correct answer.       
1. Axial distance between catenary & contact wire at the
OHE  support in vertical plane is called ?
(a) implantation

(b) gradient of OHE

(c) encumbrance

(d) stagger
2   The fittings, which is used to transfer the weight of contact wire  to the  catenary  wire is called ? 
(a) section insulator    

(b) Jumpers        

(c) cantilever assembly      

(d) droppers
3  In regulated OHE, how much tension is kept in OHE? 
(a) as per tension / temperature chart              

(b) 3000 kg
(c) 2000 kg                      

(d) 1500 kg
4  What is the  distance of caution boards from neutral section location ? 
(a) 100 m.& 500 m.                

(b) 2000 m. & 1000 m.
(c) 500 m. & 250 m.                

(d) 250 m. & 150 m.
  5     The distance between centre line of  the  track  to  the nearest  face  of  the structure   is called ? 
(a) clear span      

(b) track separation        

(c) implantation

(d) track clearance
Q. 10  WAG4 B‐B loco is provided with 1540 horse power motors.For this loco, please indicate 
(a) Gauge      .
(b) Type of Traction         .
(c) Total Horse Power      .
(d) No of bogies      
(e)    Type of Service       .
Q.11   Describe  organization of electrical department in an electrified division.  Please indicate responsibilities of each officer. 
Q.12   Describe Train lighting systems used in non AC coaches on IR. 
Q.13  Explain the following terms in context of 25kv AC traction distribution system. 
1. Portal    

2.Neutral Section
3.       Stagger    

4.  Isolator
5.  Remote Control Center
Q.14   For a conventional AC loco motive please explain the following‐ 
I. Tap change
III. Regulating winding  
IV. Rectifier
V. Dynamic Brakes   
Q.15 (a)  Please indicate various types of train lighting systems.  
(b)   Please name the factors governing comfort of a passengers in an air‐conditioned coach.  

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National Academy of Indian Railways : Questions Bank for Participants of Grade ’A’ Foundation Course (Law)

National Academy of Indian Railways : Questions Bank for Participants of Grade ’A’

Foundation Course (Law)

(Que 1). Write short notes on any Five on the following. 

1.Rule of Law 
2.Principles of Natural Justice 
3.The relationship between the Railway Act 1989 and Indian Railways. 
4.Bailable and non-bailable Offences. 
5.Essential conditions for payment of compensation uder W.C. Act 1923. 
6.What are the pecuniary limits of District forum, State commission and National commission to file a complaint under Consumer Protection Act? 
7.List out permissible deduction under payment of Wages Act 1936. 
8.What are the  various authorities under Industrial Dispute Act 1947 ? 
9.What are the various provisions for working hours of worker governed by Factory Act ? 

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Courtesy : NAIR

National Academy of Indian Railways : Questions Bank for Participants of Grade ’A’ Foundation Course (Commercial)

National Academy of Indian Railways : Questions Bank for Participants of Grade ’A’

Foundation Course (Commercial)

 Q1. Write the full forms of the following:
(a) डीटीसी (जी) DTC (G): ___________________________________________
(b) टीडीआर TDR: _____________________________________
(c) एनटीईएस NTES: _______________________________________________
(d) टीएमएस TMS: _____________________________________
(e) आइवीआरएस IVRS: _____________________________________________
(f) पीसीटी PCT: _______________________________________
(g) पीआरएस PRS: ___________________________________________
(h) सीसीओ CCO: _____________________________________
(i) एमएसटी MST: _______________________________________________
(j) टीटीई TTE: _____________________________________
(k) आरसीटी RCT: _____________________________________________
(l) आरएमसी RMC: _______________________________________
(m) जेटीबीएस JTBS
(n) जीटीबीएस GTBS
(o) आरटीएसए RTSA
(p) पीएनआर PNR
(q) एनआरयू
सीसी NRUCC 
(r) ज़ेडआरयू
सीसी ZRUCC
(s) डीआरयू
सीसी DRUCC
(u) टीएजी TAG
(v) एलपीओ LPO
(w) ईएफटी EFT
(x) बीपीटी BPT
(y) ईडीआर EDR
(z) ईडी (सी व आईएस) ED (C&IS)
(aa) आईआरसीए IRCA
(bb) सीटीटीआई CTTI
(cc) सीआरएस CRS
(dd) यू
टीएस UTS
(ee) आईआरसीटीसी IRCTC
(ff) एवीएम AVM
(gg) सीसीटीवी CCTV
(hh) एफओआईएस FOIS
(ii) डÞãयू
आरएफ WRF 

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Courtesy : NAIR

National Academy of Indian Railways : Questions Bank for Participants of Grade ’A’ Foundation Course (Civil Engineering)

National Academy of Indian Railways : Questions Bank for Participants of Grade ’A’

Foundation Course (Civil Engineering)

Sub: Accounts : Civil Engineering

Fill in the Blank
• Rails are rolled in a length of ____________________m.
• UTS stands for…………………………
• Life of 52 Kg. Rail (90 UTS) is approximately ---------------GMT.
• Life of 60 Kg. Rail (90 UTS) is approximately ---------------GMT.
• Testing of rails/joints to identify cracks etc. is done by _____________testing
• SPURT car is used for…………………
• Two different sections of rails are joined by using------------------------------.
• Fish plate required to be provided to join fracture in case of Thermit weld is --------------------------
• Approximate weight of PRC Sleeper is-----------------Kg.
• Minimum sleeper density to be provided on Gr. A route is ---------------sleepers/Km.
• Recommended sleeper density to be provided on Gr. A route is ---------------sleepers/Km.
• Minimum size of Ballast used on track is about ------------------ mm size.
• Maximum size of Ballast used on track is about ------------------ mm size.
• Extra ballast is required on ---------------------( inside/outside) of curve.
• Steepest Gradient which exists in a particular section is known as ----------------------------.
• What is full form of USFD
• What is full form of GMT
• What is full form of LWR
• What is weight of 1m piece of 60 Kg rail
• How is rail designated
• How much is ballast cushion provided on Group “A route
• Average speed of Patrolmen is taken as _________________Km/Hrs. while making Patrol chart.
• Maximum length to be travelled by a patrolmen should not exceed………….km in his total duty hrs.
• In a section having triple Beat and double frequency of Patrolmen, the requirement of patrolmen would be ----------------_nos.
• In a section having double Beat and double frequency of Patrolmen, the requirement of patrolmen would be ----------------_nos.
• In the event of abnormal rainfall during day or night patrolling is organised over the affected length by the order of ---------------------
• Pair of _____________rails with _______________rail is known as point.
• Permissible speed on 1 in 8 1/2 curved switch is----------------kmph 
• Permissible speed on 1 in 12 curved switch is----------------kmph
• Term CMS crossing is used for ………………..
• Manual packing is not recommended for-----------------------sleeper track.
• Maximum progress of packing by latest CSM machine is about ------------------------ sleepers per hr.
• To accommodate expansion/contraction in LWR breathing length ____________joint is provided.
• For LWR minimum sleeper density shall be …………………..sleeper per KM.
• In conventional maintenance system through packing of entire track is completed once in ………..Yrs.
• In conventional maintenance system overhauling of entire track is completed once in ………..Yrs.
• Track laid with 3 rail panel is known as…………………
• Welded rail track for a very long length ( 5-7 Km) iscalled…………………………………Questions
• What are different type of Rails in use.?
• Indicate approximate life of various sections of Rails.
• What is USFD? How it is done?
• What is LWR? Why and how is LWR de-stressed ?
• Explain the function of SEJ.
• What are different types of sleepers?
• Mention advantages and disadvantages of various types of sleepers.
• Functions of various Rails and Sleeper fastenings.
• What is sleeper density? What are the recommended and minimum sleeper density for various category of routes.
• What are the functions of Ballast?
• What quality and size of ballast is specified to be used?
• What is ballast cushion? How it is measured? What are recommended values?
• What is minimum sleeper density for LWR
• Mention factors on which speed for particular track depends
• Four basic parameters for maintenance of Track Geometry are

• Write down steps (activities) required to be taken in Through packing.
• What is difference between Throughpacking and Overhauling?
• What are the activities in Annual cycle of Maintenance.?
• Why Machine maintenance is required. ? Briefly mention about various Tie Tamping machines in use on IR and what is their output.?
• What are the various types of Patrolling in vogue.
• What are the duties of patrolman?
• What are the equipment to be carried by the Patrolmen? 
• How is Patrol chart prepared? Mention criteria to be followed while preparing the patrol chart.
• Explain the situation where Curves are required to be provided.
• What is the relationship between degree of curve and radius of curve ( Write formulae only).
• Give relationship ( Equation) between super-elevation , Radius of curve and Speed (velocity) of train.
• What is Cant deficiency and cant excess? What are the permissible values for them?
• Explain the need for transition curve?
• What are the various components of Points and crossings.?
• How are they designated?
• What are the Main factors which are responsible for limiting speed on Turn out .?
• How much speed is permitted for various type of P&C.
• What are the different Classes of Level Crossings.
• What are the items to be checked during inspection of Level Crossing.
• Draw sketch showing location of Temporary speed restriction Boards for work of long duration for following cases where train is required to stop at work site where train is required to pass at restricted speed
• Draw sketch showing protection of work for short duration for the train for following cases where train is required to stop at work site where train is required to pass at restricted speed
• What is Schedule of dimensions. Values for important schedule of dimensions.
• What is ODC.?
• What are different classes of ODC? How they are moved? What precautions are to be taken?
• Who is competent to grant approval for movement of various classes of ODC?
• Name different types of elastic fastening used in LWR
• What are requirement of a good ballast 

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National Academy of Indian Railways : Questions Bank for Participants of Grade ’A’ Foundation Course (Accounts)

National Academy of Indian Railways : Questions Bank for Participants of Grade ’A’

Foundation Course (Accounts)

Sub: Accounts
Prepared by: Professor Accounts Mgt.

 Part-I-Functions and structure of Accounts Deptt.

(1) Financial objective of IR is ---------------------------------------------------------------
(2) Accounting may be defined as -----------------------------------------------------------
(3) All the major decisions of IR are subject to approval of -----------------------------
(4) IR get power to spend money through --------------------------------------------------
(5) Two main tasks of accounts deptt. are ---------------------- and -----------------------
(6) Internal checks means -----------------------------------
(7) ------------------settlement of ---------------- claims is also the job of accounts deptt.
(8) Job costing is done in ------------------------------------- on IR.
(9) Five most important functions of accounts deptts are ------------------------
(10) Accounts deptt. on IR is headed by ---------------------------------
(11) Financial commissioner was first appointed in the year ---------------------
(12) --------------------- Committee appointed in ---------------------recommended the separation of railway finances from the general finances.
(13) Two purposes behind appointment of FC were ------------------ and ---------
(14) In case of disagreement between FC and the Board Members/CRB, FC has right to refer case to ---------------------
(15) Zonal/UP accounts deptt. is headed by ---------------------------
(16) Pension section in FA&CAO office is under -----------------------
(17) Traffic Accounts is under ----------------------------------
(18) Statistical officer reports to -------------------------------
(19) Sr. EDPM reports to ---------------------------------------
(20) Traffic Costing officers reports to ----------------------
(21) Cash and pay office is directly headed by ------------------------
(22) Only a traffic officer can become traffic costing officer (true/false)
(23) Only accounts officer can become statistical officer (true/false)

Part – II Accounts Inspection of executive office by accounts deptt.

(24) Accounts conducts inspection of executive offices to ensure that ------------
(25) Account inspections are conducted as per pre planned and approved Programme (true/false)
(26) Accounts inspection sections are available in -----------------------------------
(27) Station inspections are normally done by ------------------------------------
(28) Store accounts and stock keeping is inspected by ------------------------
(29) Accounts inspection report part I can be closed by executive officers by taking corrective measures. (true/false).
(30) Accounts inspection report part II is closed by the audit deptt. (True/False)
(31) The objection which deals with shortage/excess of stock is ------------------
(32) Account inspection report part I is prepared in ---------------------- copies.
(33) Accounts and audit conduct simultaneous inspections (true/false)
(34) Stock verification is done as per the provisions of ---------------------------
(35) Station accounts are inspected as per the guidelines available in -------------

Part – III Statutory Audit.

(36) CAG means ------------------------------------------------
(37) CAG derives his powers from----------------------------------------
(38) Audit is responsible for audit of -----------------------------------------
(39) The head of Zonal audit is------------------------------------
(40) Main purpose of audit is to ensure that--------------------------
(41) CAG can be removed in a manner prescribed for-------------------
(42) Article-------------------prescribe for mode for his appointment.
(43) Audit deals directly with the executive deptts. (true/false)
(44) In case of disputes between audit and account the matter is referred to------
(45) Special letters can not be issued by the divisional audit officer. (true/false)
(46) The annual audit report to parliament is examined by------------------------
(47) Draft paras are issued by Divisional Audit Officer (true/false)
(48) Draft paras are issued by-------------------------------
(49) Draft poaras are addressed to--------------------------

(50) Reply to draft para must be sent within-----------weeks. 

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Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Exams

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RRB LOCO PILOT लोको पायलट - मॉडल प्रश्न General Awareness (सामान्य जागरूकता) (सेट-8)

RRB LOCO PILOT लोको पायलट - मॉडल प्रश्न General Awareness (सामान्य जागरूकता) (सेट-8)

1.    निम्नलिखित में से किस देश में मुसलमानों की संख्या सबसे अधिक है?

(a)    भारत
(b)    पाकिस्तान
(c)    इण्डोनेशिया
(d)    सऊदी अरब

2.    बहुत अधिक पकाना और खाद्य तेलों का बार-बार प्रयोग क्यों अत्यधिक अवांछनीय है?

(a)    तेल के वाष्प से आन्तरिक प्रदूषण हो सकता है।
(b)    कार्सिनोजेनिक पदार्थ जैसे बेन्जपाइरीन पैदा होते हैं
(c)    भोजन का पोषक तत्त्व कम हो जाता है।
(d)    तेल की हानि और बर्बादी होती है

3.    राज्य प्रतीक के फलक के नीचे देवनागरी लिपि में उत्कीर्ण शब्द ‘सत्यमेव जयते’ निम्नलिखित में से किस उपनिषद् से लिए गए हैं?

(a)    प्रश्न    

(b)    मुंडक 
(c)    मांडुक्य    

(d)    ईशावास्य

4.    हेल्गोलैण्ड निम्नलिखित में से किस देश का द्वीप है?

(a)    ब्रिटेन      

(b)    जर्मनी
(c)    यू.एस.ए.   

(d)    इण्डोनेशिया

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Loco Pilot (ALP) Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) लोको पायलट परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

5.    किस नगर को ‘भारत की सिलिकन घाटी’ कहा जाता है?

(a)    मुम्बई      

(b)    चेन्नई
(c)    हैदराबाद    

 (d)    बंगलुरु

6.    संसार की सबसे बड़ी कंक्रीट संरचना माना जाने वाला ‘थ्री गॉर्जिज डैम’ निम्नलिखित में से किस देश में स्थित है?

(a)    चीन    

 (b)    ताइवान
(c)    मलेशिया   

(d)    थाइलैण्ड

7.    पहली क्लोनित भेड़ का नाम था

(a)    मॉली    

(b)    डॉली
(c)    जॉली    

(d)    रोली

8.    भारतीय क्रिकेट में पहला टेस्ट सेंचुरिऑन कौन था?

(a)    वीनू मांकड
(b)    सी.के. नायडू
(c)    लाला अमरनाथ     
(d)    मंसूर अली पटौदी

9.    ऑप्टीकल फाइबर का आविष्कार किसने किया ?

(a)    सैमुएल कोहेन
(b)    नरिन्दर कपानी
(c)    पर्सी एल. स्पेन्सर
(d)    टी.एच. मइमाह

10.    किसी पण्य पर उत्पाद शुल्क देय होता है

(a)    उसके उत्पादन के सन्दर्भ में
(b)    उसके उत्पादन और बिक्री के सन्दर्भ में
(c)    उसके उत्पादन और परिवहन के सन्दर्भ में
(d)    उसके उत्पादन, परिवहन और बिक्री के सन्दर्भ में

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Loco Pilot (ALP) Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) लोको पायलट परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

Answer Key :

1. (c)   2. (b)    3. (b)    4. (b)    5. (d)   6. (a)    7. (b)   8. (a)    9. (b)    10. (a)    

Rail Wheel Factory Yelahanka (RWF Bangalore) : Trade Apprentices

Rail Wheel Factory Yelahanka (RWF Bangalore) : Trade Apprentices


Post Detail :

Education Qualification:

Method of Selection :

How to Apply :

Important Date :

Start Date of online : 30-10-2017

Last date of online : 29-11-2017


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RRB LOCO PILOT लोको पायलट - मॉडल प्रश्न Reasoning (तर्क शक्ति) (सेट-4)

RRB LOCO PILOT लोको पायलट - मॉडल प्रश्न Reasoning (तर्क शक्ति) (सेट-4)

निर्देश (17-21) : निम्नलिखित जानकारी का ध्यानपूर्वक अध्ययन कर निचे दिए गए प्रश्नो के उतर दीजिये ?
M, P, J, B, R, T और F केंद्र की और मुँह किए एक वृत्त के गिर्द बैठे हैं I B, J के बाए तीसरा हे जो M के बाए दूसरा हैं I P, B के बाए और तीसरे और R के दाए दूसरा हैं I T, M का निकटतम पडोसी नहीं हैं I

1. M के दाए चौथा कौन हैं ?

(a) B
(b) T
(c) J
(d) R

2. T के बाए दूसरा कौन हैं ?

(a) F
(b) M
(c) P
(d) J

3. निम्नलिखित में से किस जोड़े में दूसरा व्यक्ति पहले के तुरंत बाए बैठा हैं ?

(a) JR
(b) PJ
(c) TR
(d) MP

4. R के सन्दर्भ में F का स्थान कोन-सा हैं ?

(a) केवल A
(b) केवल B
(c) केवल C
(d) A और B दोनों

5. B के दाए तीसरा कौन हैं ?

(a) R
(b) J
(c) M
(d) डाटा अपर्याप्त हैं

(E-Book) RRB आरआरबी सहायक लोको पायलट Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) हिंदी Hindi Exam Papers PDF

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Loco Pilot (ALP) Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) लोको पायलट परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

Answer Key :

1. (d)    2 (d)    3. (a)    4. (c)    5. (d)

RRC Jaipur : Apprentice Recruitment 2017

RRC Jaipur : Apprentice Recruitment 2017

Post Detail :

Railway Recruitment Cell, Jaipur is inviting applications regarding RRC Jaipur Recruitment. Organization is in the search of deserving and capable candidates for filing up the 1164 Apprentice posts. Those candidates, who want to apply for RRC Jaipur Recruitment 2017, are required to fill RRC Jaipur Application form on or before the last date that is 29-11-2017.

RRC Jaipur Vacancies:

  • Divisional Railway Manager’s Office (DRM Office), Ajmer: 153 Posts
  • Divisional Railway Manager’s Office (DRM Office), Bikaner: 168 Posts
  • Divisional Railway Manager’s Office (DRM Office), Jaipur: 84 Posts
  • Divisional Railway Manager’s Office (DRM Office), Jodhpur: 39 Posts
  • T.C. Carriage Ajmer: 210 Posts
  • T.C. LOCO Ajmer: 126 Posts
  • Carriage Works Shop Bikaner: 90 Posts
  • Carriage Works Shop Jodhpur: 294 Posts

Education Qualification:

The candidates who want to apply for RRC Jaipur Recruitment, should have  passed 10th class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) with at least 50% marks in aggregate from recognized Board and also possess National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by NCVT/ SCVT

Age :

To apply for RRC Recruitment, the maximum age of the candidates must be 25 years as per the RRC Jaipur Apprentice Recruitment 2017. Upper Age Relaxation will be given to the reserved category candidates as per the norms of the organization.

Method of Selection :

Selection will be on the basis of Medical Examination/ Merit List. The merit list will be prepared on the basis of percentage of marks in matriculation (with minimum 50% (aggregate marks) + ITI marks in the trade in which Apprenticeship is to be done. the panel will be on the basis of simple average of marks in the matriculation and ITI.

How to Apply :

First of all, log on to official portal, that is to fill the RRC online application form On the home page of official website, hit on “Please click here to view the Notification No.04/2017 (NWR/AA) dated 30.10.2017 for Engagement of Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961 over NWR” link under the Latest News & Events section A new page will be open with PDF format read it carefully Once you read the complete information then hit on “Apply” tab presented at the top in the advertisement Go back to the previous page and hit “Apprentice ONLINE / E-Application” link Then Fill RRC Online Application Form with precise details in proper manner such as name, valid current mail id and other relevant information After wards you should upload latest passport size image with signature and credentials/ testimonials/ certificates Pay the requisite fee. At last, hit on “Submit” button and take a print out of filled application form for further use in future.

Fee Payment :

To apply for RRC Jobs, candidates have to pay the requisite amount of application fee Rs. 100/- as per the government rules.

Important Dates: 

  • Starting Date to Apply Online: 30-10-2017
  • Final Date to Apply Online: 29-11-2017 till 17.00 P.M

Click Here To Download Official Notification

Click Here To Apply Online


Model Questions : RRB LOCO PILOT Set-1 (Reasoning )

Model Questions : RRB LOCO PILOT  Set-1


निर्देशः निम्नलिखित प्रत्येक प्रश्न में कौन-कौन से अक्षर या अक्षरों का समूह दी गई श्रृंखला को जारी रखेगा?

(a)    MNOP    (b)    NOPQ
(c)    PONM    (d)    OPQR

2.    APZ, CQY, ERX, GSW, ITV    
(a)    KVU    (b)    JVK
(c)    JUV    (d)    KUU

निर्देशः प्रत्येक प्रश्न में एक अनुक्रम दिया गया है, जिसमें पद/आकृति लुप्त है। चार दिए गए विकल्पों में से वह विकल्प चुनिए, जो अनुक्रम को पूरा करंे।

3.    CEG, IKM, OQS, ?
(a)    TVX    (b)    UWY
(c)    UWZ    (d)    TVW

4.    A, B, D, G, ?
(a)    1    (b)    J    (c)    K    (d)    L

5.    a, d, c, f, ?, h, g, ?, i    
(a)    j, a    (b)    f, j
(c)    c, k    (d)    e,j

6.   किसी खास कोड में GOAL को BPHM और MIND को OJEN लिखा जाता है, तो उसी कोड में SOAR को क्या लिखा जायेगा?

(a)    BPTS
(b)    STBP
(c)    BPST    
(d)    PBST

7.    किसी निश्चित कूट भाषा में COIMBATORE को DPJNCB UPSF  लिखा जाये, तो उसी कूट भाषा में INDORE को क्या लिखा  जायेगा?

(a)    JOENQF    (b)    JMCPQD
(c)    JOEPSF    (d)    HMCNQD 

8.     मेघना कार चलाती हुई 10 किमी दक्षिण जाती है, फिर वह दाएँ मुड़कर  6 किमी जाती है । पुनः वह दाएँ मुड़ती है और 10 किमी जाकर रुक जाती है । वह प्रारंभिक स्थान से अब कितनी दूरी पर है?

(a)    16 fdeh    
(b)    6 fdeh 
(c)    4 fdeh
(d)    12 fdeh 

निर्देश ;प्रश्न 9-10: निम्नलिखित में परस्पर संबन्धित शब्दों के जोड़े दिखाए गए है। उस जोड़े को चुनिए, जो सर्वाधिक उपर्युक्त सम्बन्धवाले शब्दों को जोड़ता है।9.    उपग्रह: ग्रहपथ::?
(a)    प्रक्षेपास्त्र: प्रक्षेपमार्ग
(b)    तीर: परास
(c)    गोली: नली
(d)    ऊपर उठाने का यंत्र: धुरा

10.    भुरभुरा: टूटना:: ?
(a)    काँच: तिड़कना    
(b)    पैना: खरोंच
(c)    वृक्ष: हवा
(d)    लचीला: मुड़ना

Answer :

1.(d)    2. (d)    3. (b)    4. (c)    5. (d)    6. (c)    7. (c)    8. (b)    9. (a)    10. (d)

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Loco Pilot Exam

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) लोको पायलट परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

Courtesy: RRB 

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Mumbai


Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Mumbai

About RRB Mumbai:

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), Mumbai functions under the Ministry of Railways, Government of India. It is primarily responsible for recruiting the group 'C' staff.

Railway Recruitment Board, Mumbai, is carrying out recruitment for Mumbai Division & HQ of Western Railway, and Mumbai, Nagpur, Solapur, Pune, Bhusawal Division and HQ of Central Railway, Nanded Division of South Central Railway and Nagpur Division of South East Central Railway. Earlier RRB Mumbai (then Known as Railway Service Commission) was located at Churchgate. In February 1986 it was shifted to Mumbai Central. The RRB building at Mumbai Central has been rebuilt in October 2000.

Selection Method of RRB Mumbai:

  1. The selection process is subject to rules and regulations issued by Railway Board, Ministry of Railways ( Government of India) which includes reservation of jobs for Schedule caste (SC), Schedule Tribes (ST), other backward classes (OBC), Ex Servicemens etc.
  2. Employment Notifications calling for applications from eligible candidates are published in local News Papers Employment news / Rojgar samachar and an indicative advertisement is published in local news papers.
  3. The time period given to apply in response to notifications is not less than 30 days. The applications received in the time period prescribed are scrutinized with reference to criteria published in the notification.
  4. Schedule of Written / On-line examination is also published in News papers and employment news / Rojgar samachar. Eligible candidates are informed of their date and center of their examination by call letters.
  5. List of Candidates successful in the examination is published in the newspapers, internet and successful candidates are also advised by post.
  6. Candidates declared successful in Written / On-line examination are called for Aptitude test / Type Test / Documents verification / Interviews etc.
  7. Viva-voce test (interviews) have been eliminated in most of RRB examinations w.e.f. 18.3.99. To see procedure which is applicable for the selections of various categories of posts click here.
  8. Final Panel is then formed as per merit, requirement and final result is published in Employment news / Rojgar samachar and intimation letters are sent to successful candidates advising them - their allotted Railways / Zone.


(Summary of Vacancies) RRB Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) & Technicians Jobs

RRB Mumbai NTPC Exam CUT-OFF Marks

Important Links:

Courtesy : RRB Mumbai

(Info) Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC) Mumbai

Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC) Mumbai

About RRC Mumbai:

Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) vide their Letter No. E(NG)-II/96/RR-1/62 dated 18.07.2005 have delegated the powers of recruitment to Group 'D' posts to the General Managers. In pursuance to this, Railway Recruitment Cell was opened in Central Railway. The Railway Recruitment Cell has been entrusted with the responsibility to make recruitment to all Group 'D' posts from open market.

Jurisdiction :

The Cell undertakes the recruitment for Group 'D' vacancies in Mumbai, Pune, Bhusawal, Nagpur, Solapur Divisions, workshops and extra divisional units in the territorial jurisdiction of Central Railway.

Important Links:

Contact Information:

Railway Recruitment Cell, 1st Floor,
Chief Project Manager (Conv.)’s Office Bldg.,
Goods Shed, P.D’Mello Road,
Wadi Bunder, Mumbai - 400010.

Tel. No. : 022 - 67453140.

<<Go Back To Main Page

Courtesy: RRC-CR Mumbai

Indian Railways Zones and Divisions

Indian Railways Zones and Divisions

Sl. No Name of the Railway zone Abbr. Route length (in Km) Headquarters Divisions
1 Central Railway CR 3905 Mumbai Mumbai, Bhusawal, Pune, Solapur, Nagpur
2 East Central Railway ECR 3628 Hajipur Danapur, Dhanbad, Mughalsarai, Samastipur, Sonpur
3 East Coast Railway ECoR 2572 Bhubaneswar Khurda Road, Sambalpur, Waltair
4 Eastern Railway ER 2414 Kolkata Howrah, Sealdah, Asansol, Malda
5 North Central Railway NCR 3151 Allahabad Allahabad, Agra, Jhansi
6 North Eastern Railway NER 3667 Gorakhpur Izzatnagar, Lucknow, Varanasi
7 North Western Railway NWR 5459 Jaipur Jaipur, Ajmer, Bikaner, Jodhpur
8 Northeast Frontier Railway NFR 3907 Guwahati Alipurduar, Katihar, Rangia, Lumding, Tinsukia
9 Northern Railway NR 6968 Delhi Delhi, Ambala, Firozpur, Lucknow, Moradabad
10 South Central Railway SCR 5803 Secunderabad Secunderabad, Vijayawada, Hyderabad, Guntakal, Guntur, Nanded
11 South East Central Railway SECR 2447 Bilaspur Bilaspur, Raipur
12 South Eastern Railway SER 2631 Kolkata Adra, Chakradharpur, Kharagpur, Ranchi
13 South Western Railway SWR 3177 Hubballi Hubballi, Bengaluru, Mysuru, Kalaburagi
14 Southern Railway SR 5098 Chennai Chennai, Tiruchirappalli, Madurai, Palakkad, Salem, Thiruvananthapuram
15 West Central Railway WCR 2965 Jabalpur Jabalpur, Bhopal, Kota
16 Western Railway WR 6182 Mumbai Mumbai Central, Ratlam, Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Vadodara

(Notification) Centralised Employment Notice No.: CEN 03/2015

(Notification) Centralised Employment Notice No.: CEN 02/2015 for PWDs Categories

Post Details:

Age Limit:

Age as on 01/01/2016

  • Minimum : 18
  • Maximum : 29

Application Fee:

  • SC/ST/Women : No fee
  • GEN/OBC : No fee

How to Apply:

Apply online  only

IMP Date:

Click Here for Official Notification

Click Here to  Download RRB Ebooks

Courtesy: RRB

(Notification) Centralised Employment Notice No.: CEN 03/2015

(Notification) Centralised Employment Notice No.: CEN 03/2015 for Para-Medical Categories

Post Details:

Age Limit:

Age as on 01/01/2016

  • Minimum : 18
  • Maximum : 32

Application Fee:

  • SC/ST/Women : No fee
  • GEN/OBC : 100 Rs.only

How to Apply:

Apply online  only

Click Here for Official Notification

Click Here to  Download RRB Ebooks

Courtesy: RRB

(Notification) Centralised Employment Notice No.: CEN 04/2014 for Stenographers(English / Hindi), Law Asst, Jr.Translator (hindi)

(Notification) Centralised Employment Notice No.: CEN 03/2014

Stenographers(English / Hindi), Law Asst, Jr.Translator (hindi)

Post Details:


Candidates should have requisite Educational/Technical qualifications (as indicated in the vacancy table) from recognized Board/University /Institute as on the date of submission of the ONLINE application for this Centralized Employment Notice. Those awaiting results of the final examination need NOTapply. Candidates who have obtained diploma/degree through distance mode except AMIETE are not eligible to apply. 

Age Limit:

  • Minimum : 18
  • Maximum : 33

Application Fee:

No examination fee for candidates belonging to SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen / Women/ Minorities/ Persons with Disabilities/Economically backward classes (refer to General Instructions Para 4). For UR/OBC male candidates not coming within the purview of exempted categories, as above, examination fee is ` 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only). 

Pay Scale :

  • 9300–34800 GP- 4200
  • 9300–34800 GP- 4600

How to Apply:

Candidates are required to apply ONLINE for a particular post to any one RRB ONLY, on the website of Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) as indicated in Para 15. Detailed instructions for filling up ONLINE applications are available on the website of RRB(s). Brief Instructions to fill up the same are given in Para Nos. 5 and 5 (A) of this notification. Application to more than one RRB for the same post will lead to rejection of all the applications for that post. 

IMP Date:

  • DATE OF PUBLICATION : 11.10.2014
  • DATE AND TIME OF CLOSING :  10.11.2014

Click Here for Official Notification

Click Here to  Download RRB Ebooks

Courtesy: RRB

(Notification) Centralised Employment Notice No.: CEN 04/2014 for SE,JE,CDMS,DMS & CMA

(Notification) Centralised Employment Notice No.: CEN 02/2014


Post Details:


Candidates should have requisite Educational/Technical qualifications (as indicated in the vacancy table) from recognized Board/University /Institute as on the date of submission of the ONLINE application for this Centralized Employment Notice. Those awaiting results of the final examination need NOTapply. Candidates who have obtained diploma/degree through distance mode except AMIETE are not eligible to apply. 

Age Limit:

  • Minimum : 18
  • Maximum : 33

Application Fee:

No examination fee for candidates belonging to SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen / Women/ Minorities/ Persons with Disabilities/Economically backward classes (refer to General Instructions Para 4). For UR/OBC male candidates not coming within the purview of exempted categories, as above, examination fee is ` 100/- (Rupees One Hundred only). 

Pay Scale :

  • For Junior Engineer Group - Grade Pay Rs.4200
  • For Senior Section Engineer Group - Grade Pay Rs.4600

How to Apply:

Candidates can apply to any one RRB (separately for SSE and/or JE group, depending upon their eligibility) only through ONLINE application mode by visiting the website of RRB concerned. The websites of RRBs is given in Para 15. Before applying, candidates are advised to go through the instructions available on the website of RRB and in this notification. The onus is on the candidate to prove that all the information provided/ submitted by him/her in the application is true. 

IMP Date:

  • Date of publication: 20.09.2014 
  • Date & Time of Closing: 19.10.2014 up to 23.59 Hrs.

Click Here for Official Notification

Click Here to  Download RRB Ebooks

Courtesy: RRB

(NOTIFICATION) RRB-ALLAHABAD : Posts of  Senior Section Engineer Recruitment-2014

(NOTIFICATION) RRB-ALLAHABAD : Posts of  Senior Section Engineer Recruitment-2014

Post Detail :

The candidates applying for the post(s) of JE Group - Grade pay Rs 4200/- (Junior Engineer, Depot Material Superintendent, Chemical &Metallurgical Assistant) and SSE Group - Grade pay Rs 4600/- (Senior Section Engineer,  Chief Depot Material Superintendent), should ensure that they fulfill all eligibility conditions prescribed for the post/examination. Admission of the candidates for the written examination(s) for the posts notified in this notification would be on the basis of the information furnished by them in the ONLINE application. If at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in his application is false /incorrect or the candidate has suppressed any relevant information or the candidate otherwise does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post(s), his/her candidature will be cancelled forthwith.

Education Qualification:

Four years Bachelor's Degree in (a) Civil Engineering OR (b) a Combination of any sub stream of Basic streams of Civil Engineering from a recognized University/ Institute.

Age :

Minimun age:20

Maximum age :35

Fee :

No examination fee for candidates belonging to SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen / Women/ Minorities/ Persons with Disabilities/Economically backward classes (refer to Para 4). For UR/OBC male candidates not coming within the
purview of exempted categories, as above, examination fee is Rs.100/-.

Method of Selection :

 Selection is made strictly as per merit, on the basis of written examination

Pay Scale:

9300-34800 GP-4600

How to Apply :   

Candidates are required to apply ONLINE to any one RRB ONLY, separately for SSE and/or JE group,depending upon their eligibility, on the website of Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) as indicated in Para 15. Detailed
instructions for filling up ONLINE applications are available on the website of RRB(s). Brief Instructions to fill up the same are given in Para Nos. 5 and 5 (A) of this notification. Application to more than one RRB for the same group will lead 4to rejection of all the applications for that group.

Important Date :

Date of publication: 20.09.2014

Date & Time of Closing: 19.10.2014 

Click Here To Download Official Notification


Rail Wheel Factory Yelahanka, (RWF) Bangalore

Rail Wheel Factory Yelahanka (RWF Bangalore)

About RWF Bangalore

Rail Wheel Factory (earlier known as Wheel and Axle Plant) is situated in Bangalore, India. It is a state-of-the-art plant, meeting bulk of the requirement of wheels, axles and wheel sets for the Indian Railways. The spare capacity available is profitably utilised to meet the domestic demands for non-railway customers and exports.

RWF strives to build successful and lasting relationships with its customers by consistently exceeding their expectations. Customer focus and quality remain our watchwords.

The plant is certified to ISO-9001: 2008 and ISO-14001: 2004 standards by M/s. IRQS. It is also certified to confirm to the Quality Assurance Program of Association of American Railroads (AAR) in respect of manufacture of new wheels and axles.

All products are subjected to stage and final inspection, starting from the chemical composition of the molten metal till the final inspection. This includes micro/macro properties of the material, Magnetic Particle Testing, Ultrasonic Testing, Hardness, warpage, dimensional parameters, surface finish etc.

All our products are accompanied with a Quality Assurance Certificate and carry a warranty of one year from shipment. RWF has the full capability to design and manufacture any size of wheels, axles and wheelsets to suit individual customer’s special requirements.

Important Links:

(Notification) Rail Wheel Factory : Re-Engagement of Clerks in Stores Recruitment-2019

RWF Bangalore: Trade Apprentices

Click Here For Notice of RWF


Contact Details

Rail Wheel Factory, Yelahanka

Bangalore - Karnataka

Pin Code - 560106

Fax No : +91-80-28460367

Courtesy : RWF Bangalore

South East Central Railway

Zonal Railways : South East Central Railway

About South East Central Railway:

In recognition to persistent public demands, a new Railway Zone, with its headquarters at Bilaspur, was inaugurated by Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Atal Bihari Bajpai on 20th Sep' 1998.

It was a pleasant coincidence that the new Railway Zone was dedicated to nation by Shri Atal Bihari Bajpai, Prime Minister, on 05th Apr' 2003.

Development of railways in the region served by the present South East Central Railway has passed through many phases over the last about 125 years.

Division Under take South East Central Railway

  • Bilaspur
  • Raipur
  • Nagpur

Important Links:

Courtesy : SECR


Northern Railway

Zonal Railways : Northern Railway

About Northern Railway:

April 16, 1853, was a public holiday in Bombay. Throughout the early afternoon, throngs of holiday makers could be seen making their way to Bori Bunder from where wafted strains of music, rendered by the Governor's personal band. Shortly before 3.30 p.m., 400 privileged personalities of the city climbed aboard the center of the day's festivities - the 14 gleaming carriages of the Great India Peninsula Railway, coupled behind a small steam engine, named the Falkland.

Northern Railway, the Jewel Set in the Crown of Indian Railways, has embarked on the mission to vanquish distances and create its own metaphor of existence. Formally established in the year 1952, it remains the largest zone in terms of route Kilometers, even after the re-organization of the Indian Railways into 16 zones. Northern Railway now comprises of 5 Divisions-Ambala, Delhi, Ferozpur, Lucknow and Moradabad.

Spreading across the states of Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and the Union Territory of Chandigarh, Northern Railway seems to have the vantage point of standing atop the peninsula and transposing its work rhythms to the rest of the country. Click Here More Details

Latest Vacancies:

Important Links:

Contact Details:

Public Relations Office,

Northern Railway,

NDCR Building,

State Entry Road, New Delhi.

Courtesy : Northern Railway

(Info) North Western Railway

Zonal Railways : North Western Railway

About North Western Railway:

North Western Railway came being on 1st October, 2002. It was carved out of 2 divisions each from Northern and Western Railways. The formation of this zone along with five other new zones was first approved by Railway Board on 16th September, 1996 and foundation stone for this zone was laid on 17th October 1996 by the then Prime Minister Shri H.D. Deve Gowda at K.P. Singh Stadium, Jaipur. The impetus for formation of New Zone came with the Government of India notification no. 97/E&R/700/1/Notification dated 14.06.2002 wherein it was decided that North Western Railway with its jurisdiction over existing Jaipur and Ajmer divisions of Western Railway and Jodhpur and Bikaner divisions of Northern Railway was to come into effect from 1.10.2002. Read More..

Important Links:

Contact Details:

North Western Railway

GM Office, Near Jawahar Circle, Jaipur

Courtesy : North Western Railway

North Eastern Railway Recruitment

Zonal Railways : North Eastern Railway

About North Eastern Railway:

April 16, 1853, was a public holiday in Bombay. Throughout the early afternoon, throngs of holiday makers could be seen making their way to Bori Bunder from where wafted strains of music, rendered by the Governor's personal band. Shortly before 3.30 p.m., 400 privileged personalities of the city climbed aboard the center of the day's festivities - the 14 gleaming carriages of the Great India Peninsula Railway, coupled behind a small steam engine, named the Falkland.

At the stroke of the half-hour, the driver of the Falkland opened the engine valves, as his fireman shoveled vigorously. The Falkland breathed heavily, enveloping bystanders in a cloud of steam. The driver reached for the whistle chord, the crowd cheered lustily and the boom of the first volley of a 21 gun salute resounded through the moist heat of the afternoon. A final toot of the whistle, a final snort from Falkland and India's first railway train edged forward, puffing and hissing and groaning through the 35 kilometers to Thana.

Almost six years later, on March 3, 1859, the first Railway Line in North India was laid between Allahabad and Kanpur. This was followed, in 1889, by the Delhi - Ambala - Kalka line. From these modest beginnings, the Indian Railways have grown to become the world's largest network under a single management, covering 7000 stations spread over 62,725 route kilometers and 1,07,360 track kilometers, carrying over 11 million passengers and over one million tonnes of freight every day

Division Under North Eastern Railway:

  • Izzatnagar Division
  • Lucknow Division
  • Varanasi Division

Important Links:

(Notification) North Eastern Railway : Sports Persons Recruitment-2018

Group 'C' & Group 'D' Recruitment-2018

Courtesy : North Eastern Railway

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Trivendrum

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Trivendrum

About RRB Trivendrum :

Railway Recruitment Board, Thiruvananthapuram, was constituted in March 1983 under the name of Railway Service Commission, Thiruvananthapuram. It caters to the recruitment needs of all Group 'C' vacancies of Thiruvananthapuram, Palghat and Madurai Divisions of Southern Railway. The candidates recruited by this Recruitment Board are liable to be posted anywhere on Southern Railway.

The selection is based purely on merit and is subject to the rules and regulations framed by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board). Reservations of posts for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Castes, Ex-servicemen are made in accordance with rules framed by the Government of India from time to time.

Railway Recruitment Board, Thiruvananthapuram, functions directly under the control of Railway Recruitment Control Board, Ministry of Railways, Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi - 110 001.


(Summary of Vacancies) RRB Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) & Technicians Jobs

RRB Chennai NTPC Tier-2 Exam Result for Document Verification

RRB Thiruvananthapuram NTPC Exam CUT-OFF Marks

Important Links :

Contact Details :

Go Back To Main Page

Courtesy : RRB Trivendrum

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Siliguri

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Siliguri

About RRB Siliguri :

The Railway Recruitment Board, Siliguri came into existence during Financial Year 2009-10 as 21st RRB of Indian Railways. It is functioning under the administrative control of Railway Recruitment Control Board, Ministry of Railways, Railway Board, New Delhi.

The newly set-up “Railway Recruitment Board, Siliguri” is now ready to discharge its responsibilities.


(Summary of Vacancies) RRB Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) & Technicians Jobs

RRB Siliguri NTPC Tier-2 Exam Result for Document Verification

RRB Siliguri NTPC Exam CUT-OFF Marks

Important Links:

Contact Details :

Go Back To Main Page

Courtesy : RRB Siliguri

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Secunderabad

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Secunderabad

About RRB Secunderabad:

Railway Recruitment Board, Secunderabad was established in the year 1978. This Board caters to the recruitment needs of all the divisions, workshops and Head quarters Office of South Central Railway, Indian Railways Institute of Signal Engineering and Telecommunications, Secunderabad Subsequently the recruitment for Visakhapatnam division of South Eastern Railway was attached to this Railway Recruitment Board with effect from 27.10.1994.

On formation of new zones and reorganization of divisions, jurisdiction of RRB, Secunderabad at present consists of Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Guntakal, Vijayawada and Guntur, divisions and all workshops and Headquarters office of South Central Railway, Indian Railways Institute of signal Engineering and Telecommunications, Secunderabad and Visakhapatnam Divisions of East Coast Railway.


(Result) Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Secunderabad-Goods Guard

(Summary of Vacancies) RRB Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) & Technicians Jobs

RRB Secunderabad NTPC Tier-2 Exam Result for Document Verification


Important Links:

Go Back To Main Page

Courtesy : RRB Secunderabad


Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Ranchi

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Ranchi

About RRB Ranchi:

Railway Recruitment Board, Ranchi was opened as Branch Office of Calcutta Service Commission in 1973 and was known as Railway Service Commission, Ranchi. In 1981, this branch office was put under the administrative control of Patna Railway Service Commission. In 1984, Railway Service Commission, Ranchi was made an independent RRB to recruit exclusively Schedule Tribe candidates. When all Railway Service Commission were renamed as Railway Recruitment Board in 1985, the Ranchi Railway Service Commission was also renamed as Railway Recruitment Board, Ranchi.

The present jurisdiction of Railway Recruitment Board, Ranchi is as follows:-

SL No Zone Divisions Community
1 South Eastern Railway Ranchi All Communities
2 East Central Railway Dhanbad All Communities
3 South Eastern Railway Chakradharpur All Communities


(Summary of Vacancies) RRB Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) & Technicians Jobs

RRB Ranchi NTPC Tier-2 Exam Result for Document Verification

Important Links:

Go Back To Main Page

Courtesy : RRB Ranchi


IMPORTANT: RRB EXAM PORTAL is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways, For RRB official website visit -

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