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RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : सामान्य विज्ञान-1

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : सामान्य विज्ञान-1

1. ‘ब्लैक होल’ (Black Hole) अंतरिक्ष में एक पिंड है जो किसी प्रकार के विकिरण (Radiation) को बाहर नहीं आने देना । इस गुण का कारण है इसका:

(a) बहुत छोटा आकार
(b) बहुत बड़ा आकार
(c) बहुत उच्च घनत्व
(d) बहुत अल्प घनत्व

2. मोटरकारों के अपेक्षाकृत नए मॉडलों की निम्नलिखित विशिष्टताओं पर विचार कीजिए:

(a) रेडियल टायर
(b) सुप्रवाही ढांचा
(c) बहुबिन्दु ईंधन अंत:क्षेप
(d) उत्प्रेरक परिवर्तक रेचक सहित

इनमें से कौन–कौन सी विशिष्टताएं मोतरका के अपेक्षकृत नए मॉडलों को अधिक ईंधन दक्ष बनाती है?

(a) 1 और 2
(b) 2 और 3
(c) 2, 3 और 4
(d) 1, 3 और 4

3. जब एक सीडी (आडियो एवं वीडियो प्रणालियों में प्रयुक्त होने वाली कॉम्पैक्ट डिस्क) सूर्य के प्रकाश में देखी जाती है तो इंद्रधनुष के समान रंग दिखाई पड़ते हैं । इसकी व्याख्या की जा सकती है :

(a) परावर्तन एवं विवर्तन की परिघटना के आधार पर
(b) परावर्तन एवं पारगमन की परिघटना के आधार पर
(c) विवर्तन पर पारगमन की परिघटना के आधार पर
(d) अपवर्तन, विवर्तन एवं पारमगन की परिघटना के आधार पर

4. निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार कीजिए :

1. यदि कोई व्यक्ति पानी भरी बाल्टी में पड़े एक सिक्के को देखता है, तो उसे सिक्का अपने वास्तविक स्थल से अपेक्षाकृत निकट लगेगा ।
2. यदि जल के अन्दर कोई व्यक्ति जल तल से ऊपर एक सिक्के को दिखता है तो उसे सिक्का अपने वास्तविक स्थल से अपेक्षाकृत अधिक ऊचाई पर लगेगा

उपर्युक्त कथनों में से कौन–सा/से कथन सही है/हैं ?

(a) 1 और 2
(b) केवल 1
(c) केवल 2
(d) न तो 1, न 2

5. पेट अथवा शरीर के अन्य आन्तरिक अंगों के अन्वेक्षण के लिए प्रयुक्त तकनीक, एन्डोस्कोपी, आधारित है:

(a) पूर्ण आंतरिक परावर्तन परिघटना पर
(b) व्यतिकरण परिघटना पर
(c) विवर्तन परिघटना पर
(d) ध्रुवण परिघटना पर



(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

आरआरबी जूनियर इंजीनियर(JE) परीक्षा (चरण -1) के लिए अध्ययन किट


1(c), 2(d), 3(b), 4(a), 5(a)

(Download) RRB Junior Engineer(JE) Exam Paper 2009

(Download) Railway Recruitment Board : Junior Engineer (JE) Exam Papers-2009

1. Which of the following was the capital of 'Kuru' Mahajanapada?
1) Mathura 
2) Indraprastha
3) Videha 
4) Mithila

2. Out of the following remains excavated in Indus Valley, which one indicates the commercial and econimic development?
1) Pottery 
2) Seals
3) Boats
4) Houses

3. Which of the folliwng is not an example of literature of Vedic tradition?
1) Vedas
2) Puranas
3) Vedangas
4) Purvas

4. The Indian king who opposed Alexander was
1) Ambhi 
2) Porus
3) Dhananand
4) Mahapadmananda

5. Who laid the foundation of the city Patliputra?
1) Udayan
2) Ashoka
3) Bimbisara
4) Mahapadmananda

6. What was the name of Budha's Charioteer?
1) Manna
2) Channa
3) Devadata
4) Raghu

7. The most famous Kushan ruler was
1) Rudradaman 
2) Vasudeva I
3) Kanishka 
4) Ashoka

8. Between which two rulers was the first Battle of Panipat fought?
1) Akbar and Bahlol Lodi
2) Babur and Ibrahim Lodi
3) Bairam Khan and Sikandar Lodi
4) Shahjahan and Daulat Khan Lodi

9. When and where was the 'Ghadar Party' founded?
1) America, 1913 
2) England, 1917
3) Denmark, 1921
4) Scotland, 1925

10. Gandhiji's movement of boycotting the foreign goods aimed at
1) Promotion of Welfare State 
2) Creating anti-British sentiments
3) Promotion of Cottage Industry 
4) Full independence



(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

Courtesy: RRB

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Paper : RRB ASM General Knowledge Solved Paper

(Paper) Railway Recruitment Board : A.S.M Exam., 2007 General Knowledge Solved Paper

1. Which of the following countries is a land locked country in south America?

a. Ecuador
b. Peru
c. Uruguay
d. Bolivia

Ans : d

2. Canary Islands belongs to

a. Norway
b. Spain
c. New Zealand
d. Portugal

Ans : b

3. Titan is the largest natural satellite of planet

a. Mercury
b. Venus
c. Saturn
d. Neptune

Ans : c

4. Which of the following planets rotates clock wise?

a. Pluto
b. Jupiter
c. Venus
d. Mercury

Ans : c

5. A difference of 1 degree in longitude at the Equator is equivalent to nearly

a. 101 km
b. 111 km
c. 121 km
d. 125 km

Ans : b

6. The earliest known Indian script is

a. Mori
b. Devanagari
c. Brahmi
d. Kharosti

Ans : c

7. How many times the preamble was amended

a. once
b. twice
c. thrice
d. four times

Ans : a

8. The term socialist was added in the Preamble by the...amendment

a. 40th
b. 42nd
c. 44th
d. 49th

Ans : b

9. The state with the lowest population in India is

a. Goa
b. Tripura
c. Mizoram
d. Sikkim

Ans : d

10. Which person or organisation received the Nobel Prize three times so far?

a. Medame Curie
b. Linus Pauling
c. Alexender Flemming
d. International Committee of the Redcross

Ans : d

11. The Finance Commission is appointed for every... year

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

Ans : c

12. Under which five year plan did agriculture show a negative growth?

a. 1st plan
b. 2nd plan
c. 3rd plan
d. 4th plan

Ans : c

13. Who is the founder of the Capital city of Agra?

a. Akbar
b. Babar
c. Sikinder Lodi
d. Mubarak Shah Sayyad

Ans: c

14. The first tide generated electricity project was established at

a. Vizhinjam, Kerala
b. Mangalore, Karnataka
c. Paradeep, Orissa
d. Vishakapattanam

Ans : a

15. National Institute of Oceanography is located in :

a. Calcutta
b. Chennai
c. Mangalore
d. Panaji

Ans : d

16. The 2004 Olympics were held in :

a. Bangkok
b. Rome
c. Athens
d. Nagasaki

Ans : c

17. Who headed the committee appointed on Kargil War ?

a. Gen. V. P. Malik
b. Gen. S. K. Sinha
c. K. Subramanyam
d. K. C. Panth

Ans : c

18. The C. K. Nayudu Trophy is related to the sport of

a. cricket
b. Hockey
c. Football
d. Chess

Ans : a

19. New York is situated on the river

a. Hudson
b. Thames
c. Danube
d. Tigris

Ans : a

20. "The Woman of the Millennium" selected by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is

a. Margaret Thacher
b. Hillary Clinton
c. Chandrika Kumaratunga
d. Indira Gandhi

Ans : d

RRB Loco Pilot (ALP) Exam 2019 Printed Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड लोको पायलट परीक्षा (Stage-1) अध्ययन सामग्र

21. The General Assembly of United Nations meets

a. Once a year
b. twice a year
c. thrice a year
d. Once in five years

Ans : a

22. The "Common Wealth Games 2002" will be held in

a. Toranto
b. Manchester
c. Tokyo
d. Canberra

Ans : b

23. All India Radio commenced operations in

a. 1926
b. 1936
c. 1945
d. 1947

Ans : b

24. The "Killer Instinct" is written by

a. Sulakshan Mohan
b. M.K.Santanam
c. O.P.Sabharwal
d. Subash Jain

Ans : c

25. The Secretary-General of UN is appointed by the

a. Security Council
b. Trusteeship Council
c. General Assembly
d. World Bank

Ans : c

26. Postal Voting is other wise called:

a. external voting
b. secret voting
c. plural voting
d. proxy voting

Ans : d

27. The Common Wealth of Independent states (CIS) consists of....republica?

a. 10
b. 11
c. 12
d. 13

Ans : c

28. Which of the following harbours is considered as the world's finest natural harbour?

a. Sydney harbour
b. Toronto harbour
c. New Jersy harbour
d. Singapore harbour

Ans : a

29. Who invented Radar?

a. Henrey Backquerel
b. Max Planck
c. Robert Watson Watt
d. Humphrey Davy

Ans : c

30. Sandal Wood trees are mostly found in...

a. Trophical Evergreen Forests
b. Tropical most Decidous
c. Alpine forests
d. Trophical Thorn Forests

Ans : d

31. The first country to legalise medically assisted suicide is

a. Switzerland
b. New Zealand
c. USA
d. Netherlands

Ans : d

31. India's newsprint industry is mainly located in

a. Indore
b. Dehradun
c. Nepanagar
d. Nagpur

Ans : c

32. The tomb of Babur is at

a. Kabul
b. Lahore
c. Multan
d. Larkhana

Ans : a

33. The joint session of the two houses is presided by

a. the speaker
b. the president
c. chairman of Rajyasabha
d. none of these

Ans : a

34. The Gandhara school of Art was influenced most by the

a. Greeks
b. Shakas
c. persians
d. Kushans

Ans : a

35. The Simon Commission was appointed in

a. 1927
b. 1928
c. 1929
d. 1930

Ans : c

36. Sikkim became a full fledged state of the Indian Union, in the year ?

a. 1972
b. 1973
c. 1974
d. 1975

Ans : d

37. Who is the founder of Mahabalipuram ?

a. Rajaraja Chola
b. Mahendra Varman
c. Narsimha Varman
d. Narsimha Chola

Ans : c

38. The 189th member of United Nations is

a. Palau
b. Tuvalu
c. Soloman Islands
d. Nauru

Ans : b

39. When was Burma separated from India

a. 1947
b. 1942
c. 1937
c. 1932

Ans : c

40. Which of the following country has more than 55,000 lakes?

a. Poland
b. Denmark
c. Finland
d. Norway

Ans : c


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RRB Loco Pilot (ALP) Exam 2019 Printed Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड लोको पायलट परीक्षा (Stage-1) अध्ययन सामग्र

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(Paper) Railway Recruitment Board : A.S.M Exam. Solved Paper-2

(Paper) Railway Recruitment Board : A.S.M Exam. Solved Paper-2

1. When was Television separated from Akashvani (radio) as an independent organization?

(1) 1959
(2) 1965
(3) 1976
(4) 1982

Ans. (3)

2. When water condenses into ice

(l) heat is absorbed
(2) heat is released
(3) heat remains unchanged
(4) None of these

Ans. (2)

3. Which of the following inert gases is not found in atmosphere?

(1) Xenon
(2) Argon
(3) Helium
(4) Radon

Ans. (4)

4. Which of the following diffuses at the fastest rate?

(1) Solid
(2) Gas
(3) Liquid
(4) None of these

Ans. (2)

5. What temperature at Celsius scale is equal to 300°K.?

(1) 30°C
(2) 27°C
(3) 300°C
(4) None of these

Ans. (2)

6. The United Nations imposed sanctions on?? recently due to nuclear issue.

(1) Japan
(2) China
(3) North Korea
(4) South Korea

Ans. (3)

7. The capital of Pandya dynasty was

(1) Mysore
(2) Kanchipuram
(3) Madurai
(4) Dwarsamudra

Ans. (3)

8. Tripitak a religious scripture of

(1) Jainism
(2) Hinduism
(3) Buddhism
(4) Muslim

Ans. (3)

9 Who is the writer of ‘Adhe— Adhure’?

(1) Mohan Rakesh
(2) Premchand
(3) S.K. Tripathi ‘Nirala’
(4) Ashok Vajpayee

Ans. (1)

10. By which Constitutional amendment, fundamental duties were incorporated in the Indian Constitution?

(1) 42nd
(2) 43rd
(3) 44th
(4) 39th

Ans. (1)

11. The headquarters of Central Food Technology Research Institute is located in

(1) Delhi
(2) Anand
(3) Ahmedabad
(4) Mysore

Ans. (4)

12. Which is common in Jainism and Buddhism both?

(1) Non-violence
(2) Violence
(3) Fast
(4) Way of worship

Ans. (1)

13. Light Year is used to measure

(1) intensity of light
(2) mass
(3) time
(4) astronomical distance

Ans. (4)

14. Which of the following is used in the ripening of fruits?

(1) Ethylene
(2) Nitrogen
(3) Carbon dioxide
(4) Hydrogen

Ans. (1)

15. Which of the following was’ involved in Alipore bomb case?

(1) Aurobindo Ghosh
(2) P.C. Benerjee
(3) Bipin Chandra Pal
(4) Subhash Chandra Bose

Ans. (1)

16. The Sikh Guru Arjun Dev was assassinated during the rule of

(1) Humayun
(2) Akbar
(3) Shahjehan
(4) Jehangir

Ans. (4)

17. In an organic compound, which element is generally present in addition to hydrogen?

(1) Phosphorus
(2) Sulphur
(3) Nitrogen
(4) Carbon

Ans. (4)

18. The process by which energy is generated In’ the sun is the

(1) fusion of Uranium
(2) fusion of Helium
(3) fusion of Hydrogen
(4) None of these

Ans. (3)

19. What is the source of electric energy in an artificial satellite?

(1) a mini nuclear reactor
(2) a dynamo
(3) a thermopile
(4) solar cells

Ans. (4)

20. Ramanuja preached

(1) Ahimsa
(2) Gyan
(3) Bhakti
(4) The vedas

Ans. (3)

21. Who did not participate in the revolt of 1857?

(1) Rani Lakshmibai
(2) Bhagat Singh
(3) Tantya Tope
(4) Nana Saheb

Ans. (2)

22. On October 17, 1940, the individual Satyagraha was inaugurated by

(1) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(2) Jawaharlal Nehru
(3) M.K. Gandhi
(4) Acharya Vinoba Bhave

Ans. (4)

23. The biggest producer of fish in the world is

(1) China
(2) Russia
(3) Japan
(4) Norway

Ans. (1)

24. In which state is Silent Valley located?

(1) Tamil Nadu
(2) Kerala
(3) Assam
(4) Arunachal Pradesh

Ans. (2)

25. Who decides whether a bill is a Money Bill or not?

(1) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(2) Prime Minister
(3) President
(4) Parliamentary Committee

Ans. (1)

26. Solid carbon dioxide is called

(1) soft ice
(2) dry ice
(3) white ice
(4) None of these

Ans. (2)

27. When 1 kg of a liquid is converted from liquid to vapour, the absorbed heat is called

(1) latent heat of vaporization.
(2) latent heat of fusion of ice
(3) latent heat of sublimation
(4) None of these

Ans. (1)

28. Should all universities start taking on-line admission with immediate effect at all levels in the entire country?
  1. No, because every student has no easy access to internet
  2. Yes, it will free the students and their parents from long standing problem of knocking at the doors of different colleges and queuing up.

(1) Only argument (i) is strong
(2) Only argument (ii) is strong
(3) Neither argument (i) nor (ii) is strong
(4) Both the arguments (i) and (ii) are strong

Ans. (4)

29. Product Fair and Lovely is related to

(1) Rocket Benkisar
(2) ITC
(3) P and G
(4) HLL

Ans. (3)

30. Should government make it compulsory that all private medical institutions be included in the general admission test conduct ed by the government?
  1. No, private institutions should have the right so that they decide their own admission strategy that is more suitable for work management.

  2. Yes, all medical institutions whether private or government should adopt same ad mission standard.

(1) Only argument (i) is strong
(2) Only argument (ii) is strong
(3) Either argument (i) or (ii) is strong
(4) Neither argument (i) nor (ii) is strong

Ans. (1)

31. In case the President of India decides to resign, he will address his letter of resignation to

(1) Prime Minister
(2) Chief Justice
(3) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(4) Vice-President

Ans. (4)

32. The metal extracted from Bauxite is

(1) Silver
(2) Copper
(3) Manganese
(4) Aluminum

Ans. (4)

33. They Cyclone represent a position of atmosphere in which

(1) Low pressure in the centre and high pressure around
(2) There is high pressure in the centre and low pressure around
(3) There is low pressure all around
(4) None of these

Ans. (1)

34. ‘Sea of Tranquility’ is the name given to

(1) Atlantic Ocean
(2) A specific area of Antarctica
(3) A specific area on moon’s surface
(4) None f these

Ans. (4)

35. Capital of Pallavas was

(1) Arcot
(2) Kanchi
(3) Malkhed
(4) Banvasi

Ans. (2)

36. Onam is an important festival of

(1) Tamil Nadu
(2) Kerala
(3) Andhra Pradesh
(4) Karnataka

Ans. (2)

37. How much does our body contain water by mass?

(1) 65%
(2) 70%
(3) 60%
(4) None of these

Ans. (2)

38. What determines the sex of a child?

(1) Chromosomes of the father
(2) Chromosomes of the mother
(3) RH factor of the parents
(4) Blood group of the father

Ans. (1)

39. The two civilizations which helped in the formation of Gandhara School of Arts are:

(1) Indian and Roman
(2) Indian and Egyptian
(3) Greek and Roman
(4) Indian and Greek

Ans. (1)

RRB Loco Pilot (ALP) Exam 2019 Printed Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड लोको पायलट परीक्षा (Stage-1) अध्ययन सामग्र

40. ‘Thinkpad’ is a laptop associated with which of the following companies?

(1) HP
(2) TCS
(3) Infosys
(4) IBM

Ans. (1)

41. The first summit of SAARC was held at

(1) Kathmandu
(2) Colombo
(3) New Delhi
(4) Dhaka

Ans. (4)

42. The wire of flash bulb is made of

(1) Copper
(2) Barium
(3) Magnesium
(4) Silver

Ans. (3)

43. The curves showing the volume temperature behaviour of gases plotted at different fixed pressures are called

(1) isochors
(2) isobars
(3) V.T.P. curves
(4) isocurves

Ans. (2)

44. Project Tiger was launched in

(1) 1973
(2) 1976
(3) 1978
(4) 1983

Ans. (1)

45. How many letters in the word TRYST have as many letters between them as in the alphabet?

(1) None
(2) 2
(3) 3
(4) 4

Ans. (1)

46. From the alternatives, select the set which is most alike the set (23, 29, 31).

(1) (17, 21, 29)
(2) (31, 37, 49)
(3) (13, 15, 23)
(4) (41, 43, 47)

Ans. (4)

47. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?

13 13 65 585 7605 129285?

(1) 2456415
(2) 2235675
(3) 2980565
(4) 2714985

Ans. (4)

48. If “VEHEMENT” is written as “VEHETNEM” then in that code how will you code. “MOURN FUL”?


Ans. (1)


(1) gratify
(2) avarice
(3) accessory
(4) amend

Ans. (3)

50. Praduman is older than Janaki; Shreshtha is older than Kshama; Ravindra is not as old as Shreshtha but is older than Janaki. Kshama is not as old as Janaki.

Who is the youngest?

(1) Praduman
(3) Shreshtha
(4) Kshama

Ans. (4)

51. In a row of children facing North, Bharat is eleventh from the right end and is third to the right of Samir who is fifteenth from the left end. Total how many children are there in the row?

(1) 29
(2) 28
(3) 30
(4) 27

Ans. (2)

52. Which number is missing?

1, 9, 25, 49?

(1) 121
(2) 81
(3) 16
(4) 169

Ans. (2)

53. In the word CALIBRE, the previous letter in the English alpha bet replaces each consonant and each vowel is replaced by the next letter and then the order of letters is reversed, which letter will be third from the right end?

(1) A
(2) C
(3) B
(4) K

Ans. (4)

54. How many such digits are there in the number 57683421, each of which is as far away from the beginning of the number, as they will be when arranged in descending order within the number?

(1) One
(2) Two
(3) Three
(4) More than three

Ans. (4)

Directions (55, 56, 57) : In the following questions there are two words to the left of the sign (::). which are connected in some way. The same relationship exists between the third word and one of the four alternatives under it. Find the correct alternative in each case. 55. Medicine : Sickness: : Book:?

(1) Ignorance
(2) Knowledge
(3) Author
(4) Teacher

Ans. (1)

56. River: Dam: : Traffic:?

(1) Signal
(2) Vehicle
(3) Motion
(4) Lane

Ans. (4)

57. Session: Concludes: : ? : Lapses

(1) Leave
(2) Permit
(3) Agent
(4) Policy

Ans. (4)

58. If 16 = 11, 25 = 12, 36 = 15, then 49 =

(1) 14
(2) 20
(3) 19
(4) 17

Ans. (2)

59. Pick out the stranger in the following:

(1) The Ramayan
(2) The Mahabharata
(3) The Geeta
(4) Godan

Ans. (4)

60. KEATS = 56, SHELLEY = 86, BROWNING =?

(1) 45
(2) 37
(3) 50

Ans. (4)

Directions (61—62): What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions? (You are not expected to calculate the exact value) 61. (9321 + 5406 ÷ 1001) (498 + 929 + 660) =?

(1) 13.5
(2) 4.5
(3) 16.5
(4) 7.5

Ans. (4)

62. 561204 x .58 =? x 55555

(1) 606
(2) 646
(3) 586
(4) 716

Ans. (3)

63. The difference between the greatest number and the smallest number of 5 digits formed by 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 using all but. once is:

(1) 32976
(2) 32679
(3) 32769
(4) None of these.

Ans. (1)

64. Area of a parallelogram whose base is 9 cm and height 4 cm is ? sq cm.

(1) 9
(2) 4
(3) 36
(4) 13

Ans. (3)

65. The number which is neither prime nor composite is

(1) 0
(2) 1
(3) 3
(4) 2

Ans. (2)

66. The length of a room is three times its breadth. If the perimeter of the room is 64 cm, then its breadth is ?cm.

(1) 64
(2) 32
(3) 16
(4) 8

Ans. (4)

67. Aditi read 4/5 th of Tintin comic book which has 100 pages. How many pages of the book is not yet read by Aditi?

(1) 40
(2) 60
(3) 80
(4) 20

Ans. (4)

68. What is the meaning of the word ‘beckon’?

(1) gestictilate
(2) did not signal
(3) did not call
(4) invite

Ans. (1)

69. A box contains coins (equal number of every one) of rupee and half rupee, coins of 25 paise, 10 paise 5 paise value, 2 paise value and one paise value. The total value of coins in the box is Rs. .1158. Find the number of coins of each value.

(1) 500
(2) 400
(3) 700
(4) 600

Ans. (4)

70. The area of a rhombus with diagonals 12cm arid 20cm is — sq cm.

(1) 120
(2) 12
(3) 20
(4) 240

Ans. (1)

71. A piece of road is one kilo- meter in length. We have to supply lamp posts. One post at each end, distance between two consecutive lamp posts is 25 meters The number of lamp posts required is:

(1) 41
(2) 51
(3) 61
(4) 42

Ans. (1)

72. There are 800 students in a class. On one particular day, if 1 of the students were absent; 10

How many students were present?

(1) 700
(2) 650
(3) 720
(4) 750

Ans. (3)

73. The quotient in a division sum is 403. The divisor is 100 and the remainder is 58, the dividend is

(1) 40458
(2) 34058
(3) 43058
(4) 40358

Ans. (4)

74. A labourer was engaged for 25 days on the condition that for every day, he works, he will be paid Rs 2 and for every day, he is absent he will be fined 50 paise. If he receives only Rs. 37.50, find the number of days he was absent.

(1) 5
(2) 6
(3) 7
(4) 4

Ans. (1)

75. Which least number should be added to 2600 to make it a perfect square?

(1) 3
(2) 9
(3) 1
(4) 5

Ans. (3)

76. The unit of radioactivity is

(1) megavolt
(2) curie
(3) weber
(4) quark

Ans. (2)

77. When 782 is subtracted from the square of a number, the answer is 6460. What is that number?

(1) 109
(2) 113
(3) 112
(4) 115

Ans. (3)

78. The difference between 42% and 28% of a number is 210. What will be 59% of that number?

(1) 900
(2) 420
(3) 885
(4) None of these

Ans. (3)

79. Ellora caves of Maharashtra were built during the rule of

(1) Rashtrakuta
(2) Pallava
(3) Pal
(4) Chola

Ans. (1)

80. The first split in Indian National Congress took place at

(1) Surat
(2) Ca1cutta
(3) Allahabad
(4) Madras

Ans. (1)

81. Gingerisa

(1) transformed flower
(2) transformed root
(3) transformed stem
(4) transformed leaf

Ans. (3)

82. The famous Kalinga war was fought near

(1) Udaygiri
(2) Nauli
(3) Balasore
(4) Barabati

Ans. (1)

83. Mig fighter plane manufacturing unit in Orissa is located at

(1) Brahmapur
(2) Sunaveda
(3) Cuttack
(4) Sambalpur

Ans. (2)

Directions (84—85): Choose the correct passive voice of the sentence at the question place. 84. I remember my father taking me to the zoo

(1) I remember taken to the zoo by my father
(2) I remember being taken to the zoo by my father
(3) I remembered my father taking me to the zoo
(4) None of these

Ans. (2)

85. Have you shut the door?

(1) Has the door been shut by you?
(2) Have the door been shut by you?
(3) Has the door been shut?
(4) Have the door being shut by you?

Ans. (1)

Directions (86 – 87) Choose the single word substitution for the group of words. 86. The motive to earn money

(1) merchant
(2) mercenary
(3) matinee
(4) materialistic

Ans. (2)

87. The state of being without wife

(1.) saint
(2) bigot
(3) celibacy
(4) bigamy

Ans. (3)

Directions (88—90): In the following questions there is an error in the one part of each sentence. Choose that part. 88. A towny man (1)/gets (2)/a lot of (3)/comforts (4).

Ans. (1)

89. Standing (1)/on the roof (2) helicopter(3)/flew over me (4)

Ans. (1)

90. A motor car which (1) / weighs less then (2) / two tons may be(3) / driven across the bridge (4)

Ans. (2)

Directions (91—95): Fill In the blanks with appropriate words. 91. A third world — will destroy everything.

(1) fight
(2) battle
(3) war
(4) avenge

Ans. (3)

92. He accepted with thanks some humble presents ? me.

(1) of
(2) from
(3) with
(4) by

Ans. (2)

93. Education helps us ? ourselves to even unfavorable circumstances.

(1) adapt
(2) adept
(3) adopt
(4) except

Ans. (1)

94. Several goats were sacrificed at the ? .

(1) alter
(2) altar
(3) allusion
(4) illusion

Ans. (2)

95. The news is too good ? be credible.

(1) to
(2) for
(3) than
(4) with

Ans. (1)

96. The antonym of the word ‘crude’ is

(1) dear
(2) refined
(3) shallow
(4) wild

Ans. (2)

97. The synonym of the word ‘sparked’ is

(1) flickered
(2) flashed
(3) enlivened
(4) provoked

Ans. (2)


(1) 4
(2) 0.5
(3) 1
(4) None of these

Ans. (1)

99. If 32 = 2x then x = ?

(1) 15
(2) 4
(3) 5
(4) 8

Ans. (3)

100. Fill in the next number in the series.

2 5 8 11 14 ?

(1) 18
(2) 17
(3) 19
(4) 16

Ans. (2)


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(Paper) Railway Recruitment Board : A.S.M Exam. Solved Paper-1

(Paper) Railway Recruitment Board : A.S.M Exam. Solved Paper-1

1. Destination India, conference on commerce and trade was organised at:

(a) Zurich
(b) Bangalore
(c) Singapore
(d) Tokyo

2. According to a survey by Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry which of the following countries tops the list on labour productivity:

(a) India
(b) Luxembourg
(c) Belgium
(d) France

3. Indias first Asset Reconstruction Companys road map was prepared by:

(a) SBI
(b) IDBI
(d) HDFC

4. Which of the following country is the new member of International Coffee Organisation?

(a) India
(b) Sri Lanka
(c) Kenya
(d) Vietnam

5. Who among the following headed the Indo-UK Round Table conference held at London to strengthen bilateral ties between the two countries?

(a) Swaraj Paul
(b) Jaswant Singh
(c) K.C. Pant
(d) Yashwant Sinha

6. Diva a specially ! ! designed womens international credit card has been launched by:

(a) Federal Bank
(b) Standard Chartered Bank
(c) Dresdner Bank
(d) ABN-Amro Bank

7. Richard Grasso is the head of:

(b) London Stock Exchange
(c) New York Stock Exchange
(d) Dubai Stock Exchange

8. Indiva is the multipurpose vehicle, launched by____at the international motorshow in Geneva.

(b) BAJAJ and SIL
(c) LML

9. Match the following Company/organisation Chief Executive Officer

I. General Electricals A. Harvey Pitt
II. Star Alliance B. S. Devarajah
III. Securities and C. Jeff Immelt Exchange Commission
IV. Manufacturers Association of Information Technology D. Cheong Choong Kong

(a) A B C D
(b) B A C D
(c) C D B A
(d) D C A B

10. Nokia Corporation, the leading mobile phone makers is a___based company.

(a) USA
(b) Japan
|(c) Philippines
(d) Finland! !

11. ICENET is the network connecting the offices of the:

(a) Central Board of Excise and Customs
(b) State Bank of India
(c) Human Resource Ministry
(d) External Affairs Ministry

12. Geographical Information System Software known as Gram Chitra was unveiled by:

(a) C-DAC
(b) Media Labs Asia
(c) Satyam Infoway
(d) Honda

13. The Kofi Annan Institute for IT Excellence, has been set by India at____:

(a) Kenya
(b) Guatemala
(c) Ghana
(d) Durban

14. Indias first Defence Intelligence Agency became operational in___2002.

(a) June
(b) March
(c) April
(d) May

15. The first hydel project in Andaman and Nicobar islands has been commissioned by:

(a) NHPC
(b) Dabhol Power Corporation
(c) BHEL
(d) NTPC

16. First Indian Laboratory (and India to be the 26th country) to be accredited by the College of American Pathology is:

(a) Cipla lab
(b) Speciality Ranbaxy Ltd
(c) Zydu! ! s Cadila Ltd
(d) Sun Pharma lab

17. Smart Kid Insurance policy has been launched for students by:

(a) Tata-AIG
(b) SBI-Cardif
(c) ICICI Prudential
(d) LICI

18. Who among the following has been appointed as the chairman of Central Electricity Authority:

(a) J.L. Bajaj
(b) H.L. Bajaj
(c) Y.N. Prasad
(d) J.L. Raina

19. Chilka Development Authority, the first organisation in the Asian subcontinent to receive Ramsar Wetland Conservation Award for the year 2002 is in:

(a) Kerala
(b) Orissa
(c) Assam
(d) Uttaranchal

20. The chief architect of Ganga Action Plan, an environmentalist and recipient of various awards died recently. Name him.

(a) Md. Bazzi
(b) Arshad-uz-Zaman
(c) Dr T.N. Khoshro
(d) George Soros

21. CBE-2002 a NATO exercise by Canada, Greece, Hungary, Turkey, UK and US was launched in____, for NATO peace programme.

(a) Georgia
(b) Angola
(c) Durban
(d) Ireland

22. 2002 MN is the name of:

(a) Supercomputer
(b) Asteroid
(c) Spacecraft
(d) Star

23. Orange Prize is given in the field of:

(a) literature
(b) sports
(c) medicine
(d) acting

24. In the global tea production, India accounts for____per cent of tea production.

(a) 27
(b) 26.7
(c) 24.3
(d) 27.7

25. USA has signed a legislation to protect the country from biological terrorist attack worth:

(a) $ 4.6 billion
(b) $ 6 billion
(c) $ 7 billion
(d) $ 8 billion

RRB Loco Pilot (ALP) Exam 2019 Printed Study Kit

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26. World day to combat desertification and drought is observed on:

(a) June 17
(b) June 20
(c) April 17
(d) July 20

27. Name the robot spacecraft, launched by NASA to observe frozen core of comets.

(a)! ! Contour
(b) Odyssey
(c) Dumar
(d) Columbia

28. Blue Ocean, the Worlds most powerful Supercomputer, is specifically designed for:

(a) NASA
(b) US Naval Oceanographic office
(c) US Federal Reserve Bank
(d) US Intelligence Agency

29. To review the disclosure and investor protection guidelines, a committee was constituted by SEBI under:

(a) T.N. Chaturvedi
(b) A.K. Basu
(c) N.J. Reddy
(d) Y.H. Malegam

30. First State to introduce a life insurance scheme covering 1.2 crore students and three lakh teachers is:

(a) Karnataka
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Rajasthan

31. Hrithik Roshan has turned down an offer to act in the Warner Brothers film,____due to unavailability of dates.

(a) Escape from Taliban
(b) Hamlet
(c) Three Wall
(d) Hey Ram! Genocide in the land of Gandhi

32. œThe Shade of Swords  is a book written by:

(a) M.J. Akbar
(b) Manil Suri
(c) Urmila Lanba! !
(d) Vasant Potdar

33. Indias first Jan Shatabdi Express between Mumbai-Goa was commenced on:

(a) April 16, 2002
(b) April 20, 2002
(c) June 20, 2002
(d) June 16, 2002

34. Who among the following has been appointed as the chairman of IIM Ahmedabad:

(a) Y.C. Deveshwar
(b) N.R. Narayana Murthy
(c) Sanjiv Gupta
(d) M. Damodaran

35. Automobile Industrys man of the year 2002 is:

(a) Carlos Ghoshn (Japan)
(b) Dr Mark Faber
(c) Dr Doom
(d) Lious Haochuang

36. Who among the following has been named as the White Lightning in the cricket?

(a) Adam Parore (New Zealand)
(b) Allan Donald (South Africa)
(c) Ben Hollioake (Australia)
(d) Dion Nash (New Zealand)

37. Which Indian cricketer has bagged a deal with ESPN?

(a) Md Kaif
(b) Yuvraj
(c) Sachin Tendulkar
(d) Anil Kumble

38. Who among the following is the official sponsors of the Indian team at the Asian Games to be held ! ! in Busan, South Korea?

(a) Phillips
(b) Sahara
(c) LG
(d) Samsung

39. 24 Brand Mantras, is a book written by:

(a) Bimal Chowdhary
(b) Shiv Khera
(c) Arindam R. Chowdhary
(d) Jagdeep Kapoor

40. Ist developing country in the world to make use of fire optics technology is:

(a) China
(b) Japan
(c) India
(d) Vietnam

41. Defence Research and Development Organisation was formed in the year:

(a) 1980
(b) 1958
(c) 1956
(d) 1975

42. Who among the following has been appointed as the President of the flagship channel Zee TV:

(a) Apurva Purohit
(b) Pritish Nandi
(c) Jitendra K. Singh
(d) Raghu Rai

43. Indias first commercially manufactured sports car is:

(a) Reeva
(b) Indigo
(c) Sedan
(d) Fibro

44. How many new railway zones have been notified by the Railway Ministry in July 2002:

(a) 10
(b) 8
(c) 14
(d) 5

45. Name the quarterly magazine, launched by The Time Grou! ! p.

(a) Bindia
(b) b-drive
(d) none of these

46. According to Economic Intelligence Unit, maximum amount of FDI is received by:

(a) India
(b) China
(c) South Korea
(d) Brazil

47. European Union Summit was held in Slovenia at:

(a) Bled
(b) Geory
(c) Repti
(d) Ottowom

48. Transport Research and Injury Prevention Programme was awarded the Stockholm award and is unveiled by:

(a) IIT, Kanpur
(b) IIT, Delhi
(c) IIT, Kharagpur
(d) IIT, Chennai

49. Alvaro Silva Calderon was appointed as the Secretary General of:

(a) OPEC
(b) FIEO
(c) NACO

50. ASEAN was set up in the year:

(a) 1985
(b) 1975
(c) 1967
(d) 1958


1. (a)2. (b)3. (c)4. (d)5. (c)6. (b)7. (c)8. (a)9. (c)10. (d)11. (a)12. (b)13. (c)14. (c)15. (a)16. (b)17. (a)18. (b)19. (b)20. (c)21. (a)22. (b)23. (a)24. (d)25. (a)26. (a)27. (a)28. (b)29. (d)30. (a)31. (b)32. (a)33. (a)34. (b)35. (a)36. (b)37. (c)38. (d)39. (d)40. (c)41. (c)42. (a)43. (a)44. (d)45. (b)46. (c)47. (a)48. (b)49. (a)50. (c)


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(Paper) Railway Recruitment Board : A.S.M Exam., 2007 General Knowledge Solved Paper

(Paper) Railway Recruitment Board : A.S.M Exam., 2007 General Knowledge Solved Paper

1. Which of the following countries is a land locked country in south America?

a. Ecuador
b. Peru
c. Uruguay
d. Bolivia

Ans : d

2. Canary Islands belongs to

a. Norway
b. Spain
c. New Zealand
d. Portugal

Ans : b

3. Titan is the largest natural satellite of planet

a. Mercury
b. Venus
c. Saturn
d. Neptune

Ans : c

4. Which of the following planets rotates clock wise?

a. Pluto
b. Jupiter
c. Venus
d. Mercury

Ans : c

5. A difference of 1 degree in longitude at the Equator is equivalent to nearly

a. 101 km
b. 111 km
c. 121 km
d. 125 km

Ans : b

6. The earliest known Indian script is

a. Mori
b. Devanagari
c. Brahmi
d. Kharosti

Ans : c

7. How many times the preamble was amended

a. once
b. twice
c. thrice
d. four times

Ans : a

8. The term socialist was added in the Preamble by the...amendment

a. 40th
b. 42nd
c. 44th
d. 49th

Ans : b

9. The state with the lowest population in India is

a. Goa
b. Tripura
c. Mizoram
d. Sikkim

Ans : d

10. Which person or organisation received the Nobel Prize three times so far?

a. Medame Curie
b. Linus Pauling
c. Alexender Flemming
d. International Committee of the Redcross

Ans : d

11. The Finance Commission is appointed for every... year

a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

Ans : c

12. Under which five year plan did agriculture show a negative growth?

a. 1st plan
b. 2nd plan
c. 3rd plan
d. 4th plan

Ans : c

13. Who is the founder of the Capital city of Agra?

a. Akbar
b. Babar
c. Sikinder Lodi
d. Mubarak Shah Sayyad

Ans: c

14. The first tide generated electricity project was established at

a. Vizhinjam, Kerala
b. Mangalore, Karnataka
c. Paradeep, Orissa
d. Vishakapattanam

Ans : a

15. National Institute of Oceanography is located in :

a. Calcutta
b. Chennai
c. Mangalore
d. Panaji

Ans : d

16. The 2004 Olympics were held in :

a. Bangkok
b. Rome
c. Athens
d. Nagasaki

Ans : c

17. Who headed the committee appointed on Kargil War ?

a. Gen. V. P. Malik
b. Gen. S. K. Sinha
c. K. Subramanyam
d. K. C. Panth

Ans : c

18. The C. K. Nayudu Trophy is related to the sport of

a. cricket
b. Hockey
c. Football
d. Chess

Ans : a

19. New York is situated on the river

a. Hudson
b. Thames
c. Danube
d. Tigris

Ans : a

20. "The Woman of the Millennium" selected by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is

a. Margaret Thacher
b. Hillary Clinton
c. Chandrika Kumaratunga
d. Indira Gandhi

Ans : d

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रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड लोको पायलट परीक्षा (Stage-1) अध्ययन सामग्र

21. The General Assembly of United Nations meets

a. Once a year
b. twice a year
c. thrice a year
d. Once in five years

Ans : a

22. The "Common Wealth Games 2002" will be held in

a. Toranto
b. Manchester
c. Tokyo
d. Canberra

Ans : b

23. All India Radio commenced operations in

a. 1926
b. 1936
c. 1945
d. 1947

Ans : b

24. The "Killer Instinct" is written by

a. Sulakshan Mohan
b. M.K.Santanam
c. O.P.Sabharwal
d. Subash Jain

Ans : c

25. The Secretary-General of UN is appointed by the

a. Security Council
b. Trusteeship Council
c. General Assembly
d. World Bank

Ans : c

26. Postal Voting is other wise called:

a. external voting
b. secret voting
c. plural voting
d. proxy voting

Ans : d

27. The Common Wealth of Independent states (CIS) consists of....republica?

a. 10
b. 11
c. 12
d. 13

Ans : c

28. Which of the following harbours is considered as the world's finest natural harbour?

a. Sydney harbour
b. Toronto harbour
c. New Jersy harbour
d. Singapore harbour

Ans : a

29. Who invented Radar?

a. Henrey Backquerel
b. Max Planck
c. Robert Watson Watt
d. Humphrey Davy

Ans : c

30. Sandal Wood trees are mostly found in...

a. Trophical Evergreen Forests
b. Tropical most Decidous
c. Alpine forests
d. Trophical Thorn Forests

Ans : d

31. The first country to legalise medically assisted suicide is

a. Switzerland
b. New Zealand
c. USA
d. Netherlands

Ans : d

31. India's newsprint industry is mainly located in

a. Indore
b. Dehradun
c. Nepanagar
d. Nagpur

Ans : c

32. The tomb of Babur is at

a. Kabul
b. Lahore
c. Multan
d. Larkhana

Ans : a

33. The joint session of the two houses is presided by

a. the speaker
b. the president
c. chairman of Rajyasabha
d. none of these

Ans : a

34. The Gandhara school of Art was influenced most by the

a. Greeks
b. Shakas
c. persians
d. Kushans

Ans : a

35. The Simon Commission was appointed in

a. 1927
b. 1928
c. 1929
d. 1930

Ans : c

36. Sikkim became a full fledged state of the Indian Union, in the year ?

a. 1972
b. 1973
c. 1974
d. 1975

Ans : d

37. Who is the founder of Mahabalipuram ?

a. Rajaraja Chola
b. Mahendra Varman
c. Narsimha Varman
d. Narsimha Chola

Ans : c

38. The 189th member of United Nations is

a. Palau
b. Tuvalu
c. Soloman Islands
d. Nauru

Ans : b

39. When was Burma separated from India

a. 1947
b. 1942
c. 1937
c. 1932

Ans : c

40. Which of the following country has more than 55,000 lakes?

a. Poland
b. Denmark
c. Finland
d. Norway

Ans : c


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(Papers) RRB Chandigarh: Assistant Station Master (A.S.M) Exam - 2007 Solved Paper

RRB Chandigarh: Assistant Station Master (A.S.M) Exam - 2007 Solved Paper

1. If x means ", = means +, + means =, " means x then find the value of 13 " 12 - 400 + 20 x 100

(a) 1/760
(b) 76
(c) 176
(d) 186

2. If the numbers divisible by 3 between 14 and 55 (both inclusive) and the numbers with 3 at unit's place of them are removed then how may numbers will remain?

(a) 24
(b) 23
(c) 22
(d) 25

3. A trader told his servant Shambhu that he left for his home from the shop after every 2 : 40 hours. I left for home 55 minutes earlier and for the next time I will leave for home from my shop at 8 :15 p.m. At which time did I inform my servant?

(a) 6 30
(b) 6:00
(c) 6 15
(d) 4:20

4. Nivedita stops to walk after covering a distance of 10 km to the west. She then turns to the right and walks 8 km. Again she walks 4 km to the right. How far is she from her office?

(a) 18 km
(b) 8 km
(c) 16 km
(d) 10 km

5. Karishma is taller than Kajal. Kajal is taller than Vimal. Ankita is taller than Kajan and Vimal. Which is the tallest?

(a) Karishma
(b) Kajal
(c) Ankita
(d) None of these

6. Radha and Saroj are ranked 10th and 16th respectively in a class of 37 students. What will be their ranks from the bottom in the class?

(a) 28th, 22nd
(b) 27th, 21st
(c) 28th, 20th
(d) 27th, 22nd

7. If `A'=26, and SUN =27, then CAT?

(a) 24
(b) 57
(c) 58
(d) 27

8. A number when divided by three consecutive numbers 9, 11, 13 leaves the remainders 8, 9 and 8 respectively. If the order of divisors is reversed, the remainders will be:

(a) 8, 9, 8
(b) 9, 8, 8
(c) 10, 1, 6
(d) 10, 8, 9

9. Find the multiple of 11 in the following numbers?

(a) 978626
(b) 112144
(c) 447355
(d) 869756

10. Four prime numbers are arranged in ascending order. The product of first three is 385 and that of last three is 1001. The largest prime number is:

(a) 11
(b) 13
(c) 17
(d) 9

11. On dividing a number by 19, the difference between quotient and remainder is 9. The number is:

(c) 361
(d) 371

12. Mohan engaged a servant on the condition that he would pay him Rs. 200 and a uniform after 10 days. The servant served only for 5 days and got Rs. 20 and a uniform. Find the price of the uniform.

(a) Rs. 80
(b) Rs. 120
(c) Rs. 140
(d) Rs. 160

13. If you subtract - 1 from + 1, what will be the result?

(a) 2
(b) -2
(c) 0
(d) 1

14. Find the value of 50 x 8.

(a) 40
(b) 200
(c) 8
(d) 0

15. One litre of water is evaporated from a 6 litre solution containing 4% sugar. The percentage of sugar in the remaining solution is:

(b) 4%

16. When water is changed into ice, its volume increases by 9%. If ice changes into water, the percentage decrease in volume is:

(a) 9%
(b) 10%
(c) 18%
(d) 900/ 109 %

17. A watch becomes fast by 5 minutes everyday. By what per cent does it become fast?

(a) 50/144 %
(b) 5%

18. A bag contains 25 paise. 10 paise and 5 paise coins in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. If their total value is Rs. 30, the number of 5 paise coins is:

(a) 50
(b) 100
(c) 150
(d) 200

19. The temperature of a place increases uniformly from 21°C to 38°C from 9 am to 2 pm. What was the temperature at noon?

(a) 28.5°C
(b) 27°C
(c) 30°C
(d) 32°C

20. If 5 men or 9 women can do a piece of work in 19 days; 3 men and 6 women will do the same work in:

(a) 10 days
(b) 15 days
(c) 12 days
(d) 7 days

21. Total area of 64 small squares of a chess board is 400cm2. There is 3 cm wide border around the chess board. What is the length of the side of the chess board?

(a) 17 cm
(b) 20 cm
(c) 26 cm
(d) 23 cm

22. If the radius of a circle is increased to 3 times. Then how many times will its circumference be increased?

(a) 2 times
(b) 1/3 times
(c) 9 times
(d) 3 times

23. A passenger train runs at the rate of 80 kmph. It starts from the station at some time. After 6 hours a goods trains leaves the station. The passenger train overtakes the goods train after 4 hours. The speed of goods train is:

(a) 32 km/h
(b) 50 km/h
(c) 45 km/h
(d) 64 km/h

24. A boat takes half time in moving a certain distance downstream than upstream. What is ratio between rate in still water and rate of current?

(a) 1 2
(b) 3 : 1
(c) 2 : 1
(d) 1 : 3

25. Two pipes can fill a cistern in 6 minutes and 7 minutes respectively. Both the pipes are opened alternately for 1 minute each. In what time will they fill the cistern?

(a) 5 minutes
(b) 17/3 times
(c) 45/7 minutes
(d) 5/4 minutes

26. Find the value of0.0016

(a) 0.4
(b) 0.04
(c) 0.8
(d) 4

27. By what number must 32 be multiplied to make it a perfect square?

(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) 2

Directions (28-30): Fill up the blanks with the appropriate words.
28. Mr. Jagdish is confident his success.

(a) about
(b) of
(c) for
(d) regarding

29. He persisted doing things in a manner in which he had been doing them.

(a) on
(b) at
(c) about
(d) in

30. An exhibition the new trends in computer education was held in Delhi.

(a) into
(b) for
(c) of
(d) on

Directions (31-35): In the following questions choose the word that can be substituted for the given words.

31. A disease which spreads by contact

(a) infection
(b) contagious
(c) contiguous
(d) uxoring

32. A science which studies insects

(a) Entomology
(b) Epistemology
(c) Entymology
(d) Biology

33. That which cann't be corrected

(a) Ineligible
(b) Ineluctable
(c) Insortable
(d) Incorrigible

34. One who believes easily

(a) sedulous
(b) credible
(c) assiduous
(d) credulous

35. A speech made for first time

(a) simultaneous
(b) drawn
(c) extempore
(d) maiden

Direction (36-39): Write word which is most opposite in meaning of the given word.

36. Obstinate

(a) Hoary
(b) Amenable
(c) Tenable
(d) Tender

37. Pernicious

(a) Salutary
(b) Recondite
(c) Innocuous
(d) Disastrous

38. Radical

(a) Singular
(b) Unusual
(c) Normal
(d) Conservative

39. Mention

(a) Impart
(b) Observe
(c) Attend
(d) Conceal

Direction (40-42): Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the word.

40. Sedentary

(a) Material
(b) Sluggish
(c) Slash
(d) Mischief

41. Pertinacious

(a) Stubborn
(b) Tremulous
(c) Stupid
(d) Stingy

42. Gregarious

(a) Clumsy
(b) Pugnacious
(c) Turbulent
(d) Saciable

43. In Rajasthan, Mount Abu, famous for Jain temples is known for:

(a) Abu temple
(b) Ranakpura temple
(c) Dilwara temple
(d) Marble temple

44. The United Nations Organisation was formed on:

(a) October 20,1945
(b) November 11, 1944
(c) October 24, 1945
(d) June 26, 1946

45. In Vedic literature the meaning of the word `Nishk' was ornament. It was used in Artharva Veda as:

(a) Weapon
(b) Agricultural implements
(c) Script
(d) Coin

46. The executive in India is directly responsible to the:

(a) President
(b) Judiciary
(c) People
(d) Legislature

47. The major producer of copper is:

(a) Kerala
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Orissa
(d) Madhya Pradesh

48. Boys scout and Girls Guide movements were formed by:

(a) Charles Andies
(b) General Ramphel
(c) John Quat
(d) Weden Powel

49. In history the Chola rulers are famous for which type of administration?

(a) Central
(b) Urban
(c) State
(d) Village administration

50. Chanakya was known by the name:

(a) Samudragupta
(b) Vishnugupta
(c) Shrigupta
(d) None of these

51. The largest reserve of crude oil is in the country:

(a) Iran
(b) Iraq
(c) Saudi Arab
(d) Kuwait

52. The Jainism propounded the complete knowledge as:

(a) Jin
(b) Ratna
(c) Kaivalya
(d) Nirvana

53. The rotational motion of earth is maximum at the:

(a) North pole
(b) Tropic of Capricorn
(c) Equator
(d) Tropic of cancer

54. Silicon dioxide is used in:

(a) Cement production
(b) Cutting hard precious metals
(c) Glass manufacture
(d) None of these

55. In which of the following chemical energy is converted into electrical energy?

(a) Dynamo
(b) Thermopile
(c) Battery
(d) Atom bomb

56. If the atmosphere is removed from the earth:

(a) Day will lengthen
(b) Night will lengthen
(c) Both will remain same
(d) Both will be equal

57. In Kushana period the maximum development was observed in the field of:

(a) Religion
(b) Art
(c) Literature
(d) Architecture

58. In rice production Indic is ranked in the world

(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth

59. The brightest star in the sky is:

(a) Proxima Centauri
(b) Bernard
(c) Nebula
(d) Cirius

60. The number of permanent member nations in the UN Security Council is:

(a) 10
(b) 5
(c) 7
(d) 15

61. From which mine diamond is extracted?

(a) Panna
(b) Golkunda
(c) Jaipur
(d) None of these

62. Like Poland in Europe which state in India is large?

(a) Bihar
(b) Orissa
(c) Madhya Pradesh
(d) Maharashtra

63. The capital of Vijayanager empire. Hampi was situated on the bank of the river:

(a) Krishna
(b) Pennar
(c) Tungbhadra
(d) Godavari

64. The land shape formed at the drainage site of the Chanbal river is:

(a) Ramp
(b) Rift
(c) Delta
(d) None of these

65. Which of the following rivers passes through Himachal Pradesh?

(a) Sutlej
(c) Ravi
(d) Chenab

66. Rigmies are related to:

(b) Europe
(c) Africa
(d) America

67. Mettur dam is situated on the river:

(a) Krishna
(b) Cauvery
(c) Narmada
(d) Mahanadi

68. Most abundant element in maximum rocks is:

(a) Silicon
(b) Carbon
(c) Iron
(d) None of these

69. The old name of African country Ghana is:

(a) Abisinia
(b) Congo
(c) Gold Coast

70. Who first deciphered the Ashokan inscriptions?

(a) James Princep
(b) James Williams
(c) John Munro
(d) None of these

71. The foundation of Indian Vedanta philosophy is:

(a) Ram Charit Manas
(b) Mahabharat
(c) Puranas
(d) Upanishad

72. In which Satyagraha movement of Mahatma Gandhi women participated most?

(a) Quit India
(b) Non-cooperation
(c) Salt
(d) Bardoli

73. The noble gas is:

(a) Helium
(b) Oxygen
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Hydrogen

74. In which part of the Constitution, the separation of executive and judiciary has been described?

(a) Preamble
(b) Fundamental rights0
(c) Directive principles of state policy
(d) Seventh schedule

75. Who administers the Union Territory?

(a) Council of Ministers
(b) Governor
(c) Former Governor
(d) President

76. The spherical shape of rain drops is due to:

(a) Surface tension
(b) Viscosity
(c) Gravity
(d) Atmospheric pressure

77. Which is not an electric resistant?

(a) Lac
(b) Glass
(c) Charcoal
(d) Ebonite

78. The first black Nobel prize winner of literature in the world is:

(a) Tom Morrison
(b) Luther King
(c) John King
(d) None of these

79. Which of the following planets has the highest period of revolution around the sun?

(a) Mercury
(b) Earth
(c) Mars
(d) None of these

80. The headquarter of Asian Development Bank is in:

(a) Geneva
(b) Manila
(c) Bangkok
(d) Jakarta

81. Which of the following elements is found in free state?

(a) Iodine
(b) Magnesium
(c) Sulphur
(d) Phosphorus

82. In which disease blood does not clot?

(a) Thrombosis
(b) Haemophilia
(c) Pneumonia
(d) None of these

83. The Ajanta caves are situated in:

(a) Maharashtra
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) None of these

84. National Codet Corps was established in:


85. The first Yoga University was established at:

(a) Bodh Gaya
(b) Mumbai
(c) Monghyr
(d) Kolkata

86. The biggest glacier of India is:

(a) Siachin
(b) Yamanotri
(c) Chunhari
(d) Gangotri

87. The number of schedules in Indian Constitution is:

(a) 11
(b) 12
(c) 13
(d) None of these

88. The Commonwealth games were recently held in:

(a) Britain
(b) Canada
(d) India

89. Which of the following did not come to India?

(a) Megasthanese
(b) Columbus
(c) Vasco De Gama
(d) Fahein

90. Double fault is related to:

(a) Footbal
(b) Rugby
(c) Tennis
(d) None of these

91. Which of the following countries is the biggest producer of milk?

(a) Pakistan
(b) Australia
(c) America
(d) India

92. Who is the Indian Mass Universe 2006 in india?

(a) Neha Kapoor
(b) Neha Dhupia
(c) Priyanka Sud
(d) None of these

93. CTPN : DSQM :: MUSK?

(a) NUTL
(b) NTTJ
(c) NTTL
(d) LTRS

94. LO : PK :: IT : ?

(a) GT
(b) SH
(c) MN
(d) FU

95. Which of these is the largest railway zone?

(a) Central Railway
(b) Southern Railway
(c) Eastern Railway
(d) Northern Railway


1. (B) 2.(D) 3.(A) 4.(D) 5.(D) 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (B) 11. (D) 12.(D) 13.(A) 14.(C) 15.(A) 16.(D) 17.(A) 18.(C) 19.(D) 20.(B) 21. (C) 22. (D) 23. (A) 24. (B) 25. (C) 26.(B) 27. (D) 28. (B) 29. (A) 30. (C) 31. (B) 32. (A) 33. (D) 34. (D) 35. (D) 36. (C) 37. (C) 38. (D) 39. (D) 40. (B) 41.(A) 42.(D) 43.(C) 44.(C) 45.(D) 46. (D) 47. (B) 48. (D) 49. (D) 50. (B) 51.(C) 52.(C) 53.(A) 54.(C) 55.(C) 56. (C) 57. (B) 58. (D) 59. (A) 60. (B) 61.(A) 62.(C) 63.(C) 64.(A) 65.(D) 66 (C ) 67 ( B ) 68 (A ) 69 (C ) 70 ( A ) 71.(D) 72.(A) 73.(A) 74.(D) 75.(D) 76. (A) 77. (C) 78. (A) 79. (D) 80. (B) 81.(C) 82.(B) 83.(A) 84.(A) 85.(C) 86 (A ) 87 ( B ) 88 (C ) 89 (B ) 90 ( C ) 91.(D) 92.(A) 93.(B) 94.(C) 95 (D)


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रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड लोको पायलट परीक्षा (Stage-1) अध्ययन सामग्र

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(Paper) R.R.B. Ajmer : A.S.M Exam., 2009 Solved Paper

Railway Recruitment Board

R.R.B. Ajmer (A.S.M) Exam., 2009 Solved Paper

1. The Buland Darwaja is related to

(1) Shershah
(2) Babur
(3) Akbar
(4) Jehangir

Ans. (3)

2. The Military Games were held in Hyderabad from October 17, 2007 to October 27, 2007.Which country won the highest number of medals?

(1) China
(2) Russia
(3) India
(4) Japan

Ans. (2)

3. The Railways gets the maximum income from

(1) Goods freight
(2) Passenger’s fares
(3) Advertisement
(4) None of these

Ans. (1)

4. What is sound?

(1) Energy
(2) Heat
(3) Magnet
(4) Ray

Ans. (1)

5. The chief source of heat energy is

(1) Sun light
(2) Biogas
(3) Electricity
(4) Natural gas

Ans. (1)

6. The Aravalli hills are located in

(1) Madhya Pradesh
(2) Rajasthan
(3) Assam
(4) Jharkhand

Ans. (2)

7. A plant can be disease resistant due to

(1) Pesticides
(2) Virus
(3) Fungi
(4) Bacteria

Ans. (1)

8. Which of the following Chief Ministers served for the longest tenure?

(1) Lalu Prasad
(2) Jyoti Basu
(3) Ms. Mayawati
(4) M. Karunanidhi

Ans. (2)

9. Which of the following straits separates Europe from Africa?

(1) Berring
(2) Dobar
(3) Gibralter
(4) Mulucca

Ans. (3)

10. The UN Climate Change conference was organized in Bali from December 3, 2007 to December 14, 2007 for 12 days in which 1000 people participated .Bali is situated in

(1) Indonesia
(2) Malaysia
(3) Morocco
(4) China

Ans. (1)

11. The description of caste system is found in

(1) Rig Veda
(2) Sam Veda
(3) Yajurva Veda
(4) Atharva Veda

Ans. (1)

12. Who is called the Akbar of Kashmir?

(1) Janulabeddin
(2) Sikandar
(3) Queen Didda
(4) Emperor Sangram Singh

Ans. (1)

13. The Border Road Organization comes under

(1) Defense
(2) Urban Development
(3) Corporate sector
(4) Private sector

Ans. (1)

14. Which of the following corporations was started first by the Government of India?

(1) Damodar Valley Corporation
(2) National Thermal Power Corporation
(3) National Hydel Power Corporation
(4) All the above

Ans. (1)

15. Which of the following is not a part of three gems of the Buddhism?

(1) Buddha
(2) Sangha
(3) Dhamma
(4) Ahimsa

Ans. (4)

16. Who was the first Indian to reach Antarctica?

(1) Rakesh Sharma
(2) G.S. Sirohi
(3) B.K. Dutta
(4) K. Karuna Nautial

Ans. (2)

17. A saturated solution at S.T.P. is

(1) Colorless
(2) Green
(3) Red
(4) Red and green

Ans. (1)

18. The pure element in the following is

(1) Glass
(2) Diamond
(3) Lime
(4) Salt

Ans. (2)

19. What is gypsum?

(1) Lime
(2) Bleaching powder
(3) Blue vitriol
(4) Ammonium chloride powder

Ans. (3)

20. Bones of horses of Harappan civilization were found at

(1) Lothal
(2) Harappa
(3) Surkotada
(4) Mohanjodero

Ans. (3)

21. What is Ag-mark?

(1) Technique to increase agricultural productivity
(2) Green Revolution
(3) Test of purity in the production of vegetable oil etc.
(4) None of these

Ans. (3)

22. Who has taken the highest number of wickets in Test Cricket?

(11) Muttiah Muralitharan
(2) Shane Warne
(3) Anil Kumble
(4) Shoaib Akhtar

Ans. (1)

23. In 1947, 532 princely states were annexed to India except three. Which of the following was not among the three princely states?

(1) Junagarha
(2) Bhavnagar
(3) Hyderabad
(4) Kashmir

Ans. (4)

24. Which of the following gases is used to prepare Ammonia gas?

(1) Nitrogen and oxygen
(2) Nitrogen and oxide
(3) Nitrogen and hydrogen
(4) Nitrogen and carbon

Ans. (3)

25. In which of the following states of India, per capita income is highest?

(1) Orissa
(2) Assam
(3) Manipur
(4) Kerala

Ans. (4)

RRB Loco Pilot (ALP) Exam 2019 Printed Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड लोको पायलट परीक्षा (Stage-1) अध्ययन सामग्र

26. By import of — the inflation has been caused in India?

(1) Wheat
(2) Rice
(3) Sugar
(4) Petroleum

Ans. (4)

27. The meeting of Commonwealth Nations was held in Uganda on November 25, 2007. Who was elected its General Secretary?

(1) Mahesh Sharma
(2) Kamlesh Sharma
(3) Bimalesh Sharma
(4) Kailash Sharma

Ans. (2)

28. In which country the Hindu temples were razed to the ground in December, 2007?

(1) Indonesia
(2) Malaysia
(3) Mauritius
(4) Afghanistan

Ans. (2)

Directions (29 — 33) : Read the following passage carefully and then answer the following questions on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage by choosing the best answer to each question out of given four options.

On hearing the news of the massacre at Jallianwala Bagh, Udham Singh did not attend his school but took a train to Armritsar and visited the spot. There, he stood for several minutes in a trance, picked up the soil, rubbed it on his forehead and put some in a phial. He fasted that night. According to his family members he placed fresh flowers on the holy dust every morning, drawing inspiration from it. One early morning he went to the river Ravi and pledged that he would Colour its waters with the colour of his blood, to create what he called the freedom’s flood. With this aim in view in 1921, he first landed in Africa. From there he went to America to meet the Indian revolutionaries working for the liberation of the motherland.

In 1923, he landed in England. In 1928, he returned to India in response to an urgent call from Bhagat Singh. When he reached Lahore, he was detained for violation of the Arms Act. He was released after four years rigorous imprisonment. In 1935, he escaped to Germany by giving a slip to the police. From Berlin, he reached Paris and purchased a revolver. He kept it ready for action and managed to reach London again. Opportunity came on March 13, 1940 when Sir Michael O’ Dwyer was to speak at a seminar in the Caxton Hall. As Sir Michael turned to resume his seat after the speech. Udham Singh pulled out his revolver and fired at him, Sir Michael died without a shriek. Udham

Singh was arrested and produced before the court on April 2, 1940. The court passed death sentence on him and he was hanged at Pentonville Prison, London on July 3, 1940.

29. Udham Singh went to America where he

(1) mobilized the Indian citizens for the liberation of the motherland
(2) collected sufficient funds to fight colonialism
(3) met fellow citizens working for the same cause
(4) went sight-seeing

Ans. (3)

30. Where did Udham Singh buy the weapon which was used for killing Sir Michael?

(1) Paris
(2) Lahore
(3) London
(4) Berlin

Ans. (1)

31. Udham Singh shot at Sir Michael O’Dwyer in

(1) Jallianwala Bagh
(2) Armritsar
(3) London
(4) Paris

Ans. (3)

32. When Udham Singh was arrest ed in Lahore, he was charged for

(1) instigating his countrymen against the Englishmen
(2) his links with anti-British forces
(3) concealing his identity and carrying on underground activities
(4) possessing unlicensed arms and ammunition

Ans. (4)

33. Udham Singh returned to India in 1928 mainly because he was:

(1) short of funds to meet his expenses
(2) to produce some arms from Lahore
(3) to escape from the British police
(4) called by a revolutionary in India

Ans. (4)

34. In the following question a word has been spelt in four different ways one of which is correct. Choose the correctly spelt word:

(1) Assemblage
(2) Asemblage
(3) Assemmblage
(4) Accemblage

Ans. (1)

35. In the following sentence, fill in the blank by choosing correct option from the given alternatives

The documents are available ? inspection.

(1) of
(2) about
(3) with
(4) for

Ans. (4)

36. In the following question, choose the Adjective.

(1) Preference
(2) Gifted
(3) Genius
(4) In vain

Ans. (2)

37. Write the synonym of the word ‘Consummate’.

(1) Novice
(2) Ambiguous
(3) Perfect
(4) Imperfect

Ans. (3)

38. Find out, which part of the following sentence has a grammatical or idiomatic error in it.

They have(1)/held the championship(2)/ since the past(3)/ two years.(4)

Ans. (3)

39. In the following question, a word has been spelt in four different ways, one of which is correct. Choose the correctly spelt word.

(1) demmurage
(2) demurrage
(3) demarrage
(4) demurage

Ans. (2)

40. In the following question, an idiomatic expression and its four possible meanings are given. Find out the correct meaning of the idiomatic expression and choose your correct answer from the given four choices:

Play one’s cards well

(1) A good gambler displaying skills
(2) A magician showing magic of cards
(3) Use means effectively
(4) A game of gamble

Ans. (3)

41. Out of the four alternatives, choose the one that can he substituted for .the given words/ phrase and mark it as your answer.

A cock and bull story

(1) An unbelievable gossip
(2) A children’s fable
(3) A quarrelsome dialogue
(4) A competition between un equal people

Ans. (1)

42. Choose the part of the following sentence containing error and mark it as your answer:

The number of orders(1). /
for that item have(2). /
increased greatly; several of them(3). /
have come from Egypt(4).

Ans. (2)

43. Identify the part of the following sentence containing an error and choose it as your answer.

In America(1)/Presidential elections(2) /is held every four years(3)No error(4)

Ans. (3)

44. In the following sentence, fill in the blank by choosing correct option from the given alternatives:

‘Ram has annoyed his boss. He ? have to leave the job.

(1) might
(2) will
(3) ought to
(4) None of these

Ans. (2)

45. In the following question, three words having different meanings of a certain word are given. Select that word from the answer choices marked (1), (2), (3) and (4).

Witness, Observer; Onlooker

(1) spectator
(2) present
(3) biased
(4) careful

Ans. (1)

46. For the following word written in capital letters, four words are listed below as (1), (2) (3) and (4). Out of these, choose the word nearest in meaning to it as your answer:


(1) approve
(2) justify
(3) express
(4) exonerate

Ans. (2)

47. In the following sentence, the bold part contains an error. Answer choice (1) repeats the original, other three are 1ifferent. If you think that the original sentence displays the best way of wording the bold part, choose your answer (1): otherwise select the best alternative from the other three choices.

“Parents and teachers are be coming increasingly concerned about protecting children and the drugs which are available to them, and several parent teacher organizations, dedicated to educating children about the dangers of drug addiction, have recently been formed.”

(1) protecting children and the drugs which are available to them
(2) protecting of children and the drugs which are available to them
(3) protecting children from the drugs available to them
(4) protecting children from the drugs availability to them

Ans. (3)

48. From the given four answer choices, select the answer that gives the clearest, most exact sentence, but do not change the meaning Of the bold part of original sentence.

Such people never have and never will be trusted.

(1) never have and never will be trusted
(2) never have and will be trust ed
(3) never have been trusted and never will be trusted
(4) never have and anyone trust them and never will have anyone

Ans. (3)

49. Which one of the following statements is untrue?

(1) The sea-floor is older than the land
(2) The first rocks were formed as a result of the cooling o. molten matter
(3) Sedimentary rocks are also called aqueous rocks because they were formed bythe agency of water
(4) Stalactites and stalagmites are deposits of lime found in caves

Ans. (3)

50. The main hydro electric power potential of the Indus river system lies in India and not in Pakistan because:

(1) the need for hydro-electric power is greater in India than in Pakistan
(2) India has superior technology to develop hydro—electric power
(3) India has a greater labour force to develop hydro electric power
(4) The mountain stages of these rivers lie in India

Ans. (4)

51. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below:

List I

List II

(a) Cotton

1. Madhya Pradesh

(b) Gram


(c) Black Pepper

3. West Bengal

(d) Pine apple

4. Kerala

Codes:(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) 2 1 4 3
(2) 2 1 3 4
(3) 1 2 4 3
(4) 1 2 3 4

Ans. (1)

52. In the production of tidal energy the maximum potential exists at:

(1) Bhavnagar
(2) Digboi
(3) Cochin
(4) Ladakh

Ans. (1)

53. The National Highway system is the responsibility of

(1) State governments
(2) Central governments
(3) Central and State governments
(4) Local body governments

Ans. (3)

54. Supersonic jets cause pollution by thinning of

(1) Sulphur dioxide layer
(2) Carbon dioxide layer
(3) Ozone layer
(4) None of these

Ans. (3)

55. Which one of the following is commonly called Edible sponge mushroom’?

(1) Sargassum
(2) Morchella
(3) Agaricus
(4) None of these

Ans. (3)

56. Which of the following is not an essential function of the skin in the human body?

(1) protects the internal or of the body
(2) acts as a sensory organ
(3) regulates the temperature of the body
(4) gives shape to the body

Ans. (4)

57. The device used for converting alternating current to direct current is called

(1) Inverter
(2) Rectifier
(3) Transmitter
(4) Transformer

Ans. (2)

58. Water is used in hot water bottles because:

(1) it is easily obtained in pure form
(2) it has high specific heat
(3) it is cheaper and not harmful
(4) it is easy to heat water

Ans. (2)

59. Mention the ray which appears to originate outside the earth.

(1) cosmic ray
(2) the ultra-violet ray
(3) the alpha ray
(4) the beta ray

Ans. (1)

60. A person cannot see objects clearly which are nearer than 75 cms from his eyes. What disease is he suffering from?

(1) Astigmatism
(2) Colour-blindness
(3) Myopia
(4) Hypermetropia

Ans. (4)

61. Oil rises up to wick in a lamp because

(1) oil is volatile
(2) oil is very light
(3) of the surface tension phenomenon
(4) of the diffusion of oil through the wick

Ans. (3)

62. Following Railway Training Institutes have been indicated with the cities where they are located. Find out which is wrongly matched.

(1) Railway Staff College — Vadodara
(2) Indian Railway Institute of Civil Engineering — Pune
(3) Indian Railway Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering —Jamalpur
(4) Indian Railway Institute Signal and Tele Communication Engineering — Mumbai

Ans. (4)

63. Match List-I with List-II and choose the correct answer from the given four options:

List I

List II

(Zonal Railway)

(Head Quarter)

(a) North Central Railway

1. Bilaspur

(b) South East Central Railway


(c) West Central Railway

3. Jabalpur

(d) East Coast Railway

4. Bhubaneshwar

Code.(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) 2 1 3 4
(2) 1 2 3 4
(3) 2 3 4 1
(4) 4 1 3 2

Ans. (1)

64. In Indian Railways Network, approximately how many passenger service vehicles (passenger coaches) are working?

(1) 44,100
(2) 33.000
(3) 49,000
(4) 54,000

Ans. (2)

65. Who is the principal head of the Department of a Station Master in Zonal Railway Head Quarter Office?

(1) Chief Commercial Manager
(2) Chief Safety Officer
(3) Chief Personnel Officer
(4) Chief Operations Manager

Ans. (4)

66. Two new zones named North Western Railway and East Central Railway become functional/ operational from?

(1) October 1, 2002
(2) April 1, 2002
(3) April 1, 2003
(4) October 1, 2003

Ans. (1)

67. In one of the following State, though the Konkan Railway line does not pass through it, yet it has capital share in the K.R. Corporation. Name the State.

(1) Karnataka
(2) Goa
(3) Tamil Nadu
(4) Kerala

Ans. (3)

68. All doubts and disputes in connection with election of the Vice- President of India are decided by the

(1) High Court of a State
(2) Chief Election Commissioner
(3) Supreme Court of India
(4) President of India

Ans. (3)

69. Consider the following functionaries

1. Union Cabinet Secretary
2. Chief Election Commissioner
3. Union Cabinet Ministers
4. Chief Justice of India

Their correct sequence, in the order of precedence is

(1) 3, 4, 2, 1
(2) 4, 3, 1, 2
(3) 4, 3, 2, 1
(4) 3. 4, 1, 2

Ans. (3)

70. The basic structure theory of the Constitution of India implies that

(1) Certain features of the Constitution are so essential to it that they cannot be abrogated
(2) Fundamental Rights cannot be abridged or taken away
(3) The Constitution cannot be amended except in accordance with the procedure prescribed in Article 368
(4) The Preamble of the Constitution cannot be amended

Ans. (1)

71. Which of the following enjoys the constitutional status?

1. Finance Commission
2. Planning Commission
3. Zonal Council
4. National Development Council
5. Election Commission
6. University Grants Commission

(1) 1, 3 and 5
(2) l and 5
(3) 1, 2, 5 and 6
(4) 1, 3, 5 and 6

Ans. (2)

72. The ultimate responsibility of taking due action on the comments of the Comptroller and Auditor General vests with

(1) President of India
(2) Supreme Court of India
(3) Parliament of India
(4) National Development Council

Ans. (1)

73. Mohit said to Neelam, “Your only brother’s son is my wife’s brother.” How is Neelam related to the wife of Mohit?

(1) aunt
(2) mother-in-law
(3) sister
(4) cannot be determined

Ans. (1)

74. A tourist drives 10 km towards East and turns to right hand side and takes a drive of another 3 km. He then drives towards West (turning to his right) another 3 km. He then turns to his left and walks another 2 km. Afterwards, he turns to his right and travels 7 km. How far is he from his starting point and in which direction?

(1) 10 km—East
(2) 9 km— North
(3) 8 km— West
(4) 5 km—South

Ans. (4)

75. The question below is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. Decide the ‘Strong’ and ‘Weak’ arguments and give answer out of four given options ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’ and ‘4’

Should all the professional colleges in India be encouraged to run their own courses without affiliation to any university?

(I) Yes, this is the only way to create more opportunities for those who seek professional training.
(II) No, this will dilute the quality of professional training as all such colleges may not be equipped to conduct such courses.

(1) Only argument I is strong
(2) Only argument II is strong
(3) Both I and II are strong
(4) Neither I nor II is strong

Ans. (2)

76. Statement: “Please do not wait for me; I may be late, start taking lunch as soon as the guests arrive.” — a message from a director of a company to his office managers.-

I. Keeping guests waiting is not desirable.
II. Lunch may not be ready in time.

Consider the above statement and two assumptions to decide as to which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement. Choose the correct answer from the given options 1, 2, 3 and 4.

(1) Only assumption I is implicit
(2) Only assumption II is implicit
(3) Both I and II are implicit
(4) Neither I nor II is implicit

Ans. (1)

77. How many Asian countries are there in Common wealth?

(1) 49
(2) 51
(3) 54
(4) 57

Ans. (3)

78. Khan Abdul Gaffer Khan’s which action; performed in favour of Indian independence, but was against the English men?

(1) Formation of Lal-Kurti sena
(2) Assassination of an Englishman
(3) Trade of red shirts
(4) Demand for Pakhtunistan

Ans. (1)

79. On selling an article for Rs. 270 there is a gain of 12.5%. What is its cost price?

(1) Rs. 240
(2) Rs. 220
(3) Rs. 210
(4) Rs. 250

Ans. (1)

80. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 1: 2: 3. The greatest angle will be

(1) 60°
(2) 30°
(3) 90°
(4) 75°

Ans. (3)

81. The compound interest on Rs. 2500 at the rate of 6% p.a. after 2 years will be

(1) Rs. 309
(2) Rs. 318
(3) Rs. 320
(4) None of these

Ans. (1)

82. (999)2 – (998)22=?

(1) 1995
(2) 1998
(3) 1997
(4) 1992

Ans. (3)

83. A man covers a distance of 6 km at the rate 4 kmph and other 4 km at 3 kmph. His average speed is

(1) 9&13/7 kmph
(2) 3&9/17 kmph
(3) 5&9/17 kmph
(4) 3 & 5/9 kmph

Ans. (2)

84. The cost price of an article is Rs. 7840. To gain 7%, the article should be sold at

(1) Rs. 8388.80
(2) Rs. 8000
(3) Rs. 8383.80
(4) Rs. 8833.80

Ans. (1)

85. Two pipes can fill a tank in 10 minutes and 30 minutes respectively and a third pipe can empty the full tank in 20 minutes. If all the three pipes are opened simultaneously, the tank will be

(1) 10 minutes
(2) 8 minutes
(3) 7 minutes
(4) None of these

Ans. (4)

86.(4*4*4+3*3*3)/13 =

(1) 7
(2) 2
(3) 3
(4) 4

Ans. (1)

87. (6.25) 4÷ (6.25)3 =?

(1) 6.25
(2) 6.025
(3) 6.0025
(4) 6.002

Ans. (1)

88. The ratio between the ages of Ram and Mohan is 4:5 and that between Mohan and Anil is 5:6. If sum of the ages of three be 90 years, how old is Mohan?

(1) 24 years
(2) 20 years
(3) 30 years
(4) 25 years

Ans. (3)

89. The per cent of 2 /45 is?

(1) 3&4/9 %
(2) 4&4/9 %
(3) 4 %
(4) 9 %

Ans. (2)

90. If a x=b;b y=c and cz =a , then xyz =?

(1) 1
(2) -1
(3) 2
(4) 2

Ans. (1)

91. Match the name of countries in List-I with years of beginning of railways in List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists:

List I

List II


(Year of beginning of railways)

(a) Britain

1. 1853

(b) America

2. 1829

(c) India

3. 1825

(d) France

4. 1830

Codes:(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) 2 1 4 3
(2) 4 1 3 2
(3) 3 4 1 2
(4) 1 2 3 4

Ans. (3)

92. The length of Indian rails is

(1) More than 5000 km
(2) More than 5630 km
(3) More than 6000 km
(4) More than 6531 km

Ans. (4)

93. Match the items of List-I with List-II and select the-correct answer by using the codes given below the Lists:

List I

List II

(Largest Population)


(a) Jains

1. Nagaland

(b) Buddhas

2. Rajasthan

(c) Christians

3. Maharashtra

(d) Muslims

4. Lakshadwip

Codes:(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) 2 1 4 3
(2) 2 3 1 4
(3) 1 2 4 3
(4) 1 2 3 4

Ans. (2)

94. The capital of the king of Punjab Ranjit Singh was

(1) Lahore
(2) Ludhiana
(3) Mathura
(4) Sri Nagar

Ans. (1)

95. Photosynthesis does not take place in

(1) plants
(2) fungi
(3) bacteria
(4) virus

Ans. (4)

96. In nucleuic protein, Uceriotic chromosomes are alike in

(1) prophase
(2) Metaphase
(3) Anaphase -
(4) None of these

Ans. (2)

97. Which type of protein is found in virus?

(1) Lyco protein
(2) Secondary protein
(3) Primary protein
(4) None of these

Ans. (3)

98. In ionic solid, the velocity of electricity is

(1) fast
(2) weak
(3) less than solid
(4) less than gas

Ans. (1)

99. The largest phase in cell division is

(1) Liptotin
(2) Zagotin
(3) Pacotin
(4) None of these

Ans. (3)


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RRB Loco Pilot (ALP) Exam 2019 Printed Study Kit

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(Paper) RRB -Allahabad: ASM Exam Solved Question Paper

(Paper) RRB -Allahabad: ASM Exam Solved Question Paper

Time Allowed : 90 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 75

Read the following instruction carefully before you begin to answer the questions.


1. This Booklet contains 75 questions in all comprising the following three parts:

Part –A: General Awareness (25 Questions)
Part –B : Quantitative Aptitude (25 Questions)
Part –C : General Intelligence &Reasoning (25 Questions)

2. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

3. The paper carries negative marking 1/3rd marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.

4. You will be supplied the Answer-Sheet separately by the Invigilator. You must complete the details of Name, Roll Number, Test ID and name of the examination on the Answer-Sheet carefully. You must also put your signature on the Answer-Sheet at the prescribed place before you actually start answering the questions. These instructions must be fully complied with, failing which, your Answer-Sheet will not be evaluated and you will be awarded ‘ZERO’ mark.

5. Answer must be shown by completely blackening the corresponding ovals on the Answer-Sheet against the relevant question number by Black/Blue Ball Point Pen only. Answers which are not shown by Black/Blue Ball-point Pen will not be awarded any mark.

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7. The Answer-Sheet must be handed over to the Invigilator before you leave the Examination-Hall.

8. Failure to comply with any of the above instructions will render a candidate liable to such action/penalty as may be deemed fit.

9. Answer the questions as quickly and as carefully as you can. Some questions may be difficult and others easy. Do not spend too much time on any question.

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1. Prambikulam Dam has been an issue of dispute between

A) Karnataka and Kerala
B) Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
C) Tamil Nadu and Kerala
D) Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu

2. India's maximum tax revenue comes from

A) Corporation tax
B) Income tax
C) Excise duty
D) Customs duty

3. Thomas Cup is associated with

A) Badminton
B) Billiards
C) Lawn Tennis
D) Table Tennis

4. Who wrote the book, Never Gandhi Not Again?

A) R.K. Narayan
B) Omesh Saigal
C) Arun Shourie
D) Narsirnha Rao

5. The cost price of 18 articles is equal to the selling price of 15 articles. The gain per cent is

A) 15%
B) 20%
C) 25%
D) 18%

6. A is the father of X. B is the mother of Y. The sister of X and Z is Y. Which of the following statements is not true?

A) B is the wife of A
B) B has one daughter
C) Y is the son of A
D) X is the sister of Z

7. X told Y, "It is true that I am your real brother, but you are not my sister". How would Y be possibly related to X?

A) Cousin
B) Friend
C) Brother
D) Cannot be determined

8. From the given choices, select the one which can be formed by using the letters of the given word :



9. From the given choices, select the one which can be formed by using the letters of the given word:



10. A pipe of diameter 'd' can drain a certain water tank in 40 minutes. The time taken by a pipe of diameter '2d' for doing the same job is

A) 50 min.
B) 10 min.
C) 20 min.
D) 80 min.

11. For the implantation of ovum in the ovaries, the hormone produced is

A) Oxytocin
B) Prolactin
C) Progesterone
D) None of these

12. In human body the ratio of Red Blood Corpuscles and White Blood Corpuscles is ....

A) 300 : 1
B) 400 : 1
C) 500 : 1
D) 600 : 1

13. One of the digestive juices that lacks enzymes but aids digestion is

A) Bile
B) Succus entericus
C) Chyme
D) Chyle

14. Which of the following planets has been named after the Roman goddess of love?

A) Mars
B) Jupiter
C) Saturn
D) Venus

15. The Swine Flu virus is denoted by

A) H1N5,
B) N1H2
C) H1N1
D) N5N1

16. Which type of economy exists in India?

A) Socialist
B) Mixed
C) Capitalist
D) Rural

17. National Stock Exchange is located in

A) Mumbai
B) Kolkata
C) Chennai
D) New Delhi

18. Which of the following pollutes the air of big cities?

A) Copper
B) Lead
C) Chromium
D) Copper Oxide

19. What is Zero Hour?

A) When the Parliament discusses the proposals of the Opposition
B) Time of recess
C) It is the Question Hour
D) None of these

20. The session of Parliament is called …………. (minimum) in a year

A) twice
B) four times
C) six times
D) thrice

RRB Loco Pilot (ALP) Exam 2019 Printed Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड लोको पायलट परीक्षा (Stage-1) अध्ययन सामग्र

21. Echo is heard when the reflecting surface is

A) of less volume
B) of large area
C) of less area
D) of large volume

22. The substance coated on plastic tape recorder tapes is

A) Zinc oxide
B) Magnesium oxide
C) Iron sulphate
D) Iron oxide

23. Dronacharya Award is presented to a

A) Sports coach
B) Chess champion
C) Hockey player
D) Cricket player

24. 'A Bond with the Mountains' is a collection of short stories by

A) Khushwant Singh
B) Ruskin Bond
C) Graham Greene
D) R.K. Narayan

25. Which country patented its famous automatic rifle Kalashnikov?

A) Russia
B) China
C) Afghanistan
D) Spain

26. 12 copies of a book were sold for Rs. 1800, thereby gaining the cost price of 3 copies. The cost price of a copy is

A) Rs. 120
B) Rs. 150
C) Rs. 1200
D) Rs. 150027.

27.A sum of money was invested at a certain rate for 2 years. Had it been invested at 3% higher rate of interest, it would have fetched Rs.450 more. The sum invested was

A) Rs. 7500
B) Rs. 600
C) Rs. 5000
D) Rs. 4500

28. A sum of money put out at compound interest amounts to Rs.16900 in 2 years and to Rs. 17576 in 3 years. Find the rate of interest per annum.

A) 4%
B) 5%
C) 10%
D) 6%

29. On what sum of money will the compound interest for 3 years at 5% per annum amount to Rs. 630.50?

A) Rs. 1200
B) Rs. 1261
C) Rs. 4000
D) Rs. 3000

30. A sum of Rs. 625 is made up of 80 currency notes which are of either Rs. 10 or Rs. 5 denomination. The number of Rs. 10 notes are

A) 35
B) 45
C) 40
D) 30

31. The average age of 8 persons in a committee is increased by 2 years when two men whose ages are 35 years and 45 years are replaced by two women. The average age of two women is (in years)

A) 40
B) 42
C) 48
D) 45

32. One-fourth of a certain journey was covered at an average speed of 45km/hr; one third at the speed of 48 km/hour and the remaining journey at the speed of 50 km/ hour. The average speed of the whole journey in km/hour. is

A) 54
B) 51
C) 48
D) 46

33. Visitors to a show were charged Rs.150.00 each on the first day, Rs.75.00 on the second day and Rs.25.00 on the third day and the total attendance on the three days were in the ratio 2 : 5 : 13 The average charge per person for the whole show is

A) Rs. 75.00
B) Rs. 60.00
C) Rs. 50.00
D) Rs. 55.00

34. Preeti has a son, named Arun. Ram is Preeti's brother: Neeta too has a daughter named Reema. Neeta is Ram's sister. What is Aurn's relationship to Reema?

A) Brother
B) Nephew
C) Cousin
D) Uncle

35. Pointing to a woman a man said, "Her mother is the, only daughter of my mother:" How is the man related to the woman?

A) Father
B) Brother
C) Paternal Uncle
D) Maternal Uncle

36. Which of the following rivers does not fall into Bay of Bengal?

A) Mahanadi
B) Tapti
C) Godavari
D) Krishna

37. Pitty and organic soils are found in

A) Kerala
B) Maharashtra
C) Andhra Pradesh
D) Tamil Nadu

38. The highest peak of south India is

A) Anaimudi
B) Doda Beta
C) Amarkantak
D) MahendraGiri

39. If the length of a simple pendulum is doubled, its time period will

A) increase
B) decrease
C) remain constant
D) None of these

40. Which of the following reacts sharply with oxygen?

A) Al
B) Cu
C) Fe
D) Zn

41. Bees and houseflies are related to the group

A) Insects
B) Worms
C) Animals
D) None of these

42. Choose the odd one in the following.

A) 3
B) 5
C) 7
D) 9

43. The first grand slam tennis tournament of the year is

A) Wimbledon Open
B) US Open
C) French Open
D) Australian Open

44. At Kelvin scale, the normal temperature of human body is

A) 290
B) 310
C) 300
D) 30

45. The monopolistic rule of East India Company was brought under the direct control of British Empire in

A) 1793
B) 1784
C) 1773
D) 1781

46. Of the three numbers, second is twice the first and is also thrice the third. If the average of the three numbers is 44, the largest number is

A) 24
B) 72
C) 36
D) 108

47. Of the three numbers whose average is 60, the first is one fourth of the sum of the others. The first number is ...

A) 30
B) 36
C) 42
D) 45

48. The average of a family of 5 members is 24 years. If the age of youngest member is 6 years, find the verage age of the family at the birth of the youngest member.

A) 23 1/2 years
B) 20 years
C) 22 1/2 years
D) 18 years

49. 9 men went to a hotel 8 of them spent Rs. 30 each over their meals and then 9th spent Rs. 20 more than the average expenditure of all the nine. The total money spent by them was

A) Rs. 292.50
B) Rs. 272.50
C) Rs. 312.50
D) Rs. 325.50

50. In a cricket team of eleven players, one player weighing 42 kg. is injured and his place is taken by another player. If the average weight of the team is increased by 100 grams as a result of this, then the weight of the new player is

A) 43.1 kg.
B) 43.01 kg.
C) 43.50 kg.
D) 42.9 kg.

Directions (Qns. 51-55): In each of the following questions, find the next term to fill the blank space indicated by '?' mark.

51. 20, 32, 45, 59, 74, ?

A) 95
B) 90
C) 85
D) 79

52. 210, 195, 175. 150, 120, ?

A) 75
B) 80
C) 85
D) 90

53. 3, 5, 10, 12, 24, 26, ?

A) 52
B) 30
C) 28
D) 48

54. 3, 8, 15, 24, 35, ?

A) 42
B) 48
C) 49
D) 53

55. 5, 16, 49, 148, ?

A) 440
B) 441
C) 443
D) 445

56. How many sovereign countries are members of the United Nations?

A) 180
B) 193
C) 185
D) 183

57. Who received one of Pakistan's highest civilian awards Nishane-Imtiaz for his extraordinary contribution in the field of art?

A) Amitabh Bachchan
B) Nasiruddin Shah
C) M.E Hussain
D) Dilip Kumar

58. The book "The Insider" is written by

A) P.V. Narasimha Rao
B) Shobha De
C) Vikram. Chandra
D) Khushwant Singh

59. Which of the following is not related to vitamin 'B' complex group?

A) Thiamin
B) Retinol
C) Folic acid
D) Riboflavin

60. Bhatnagar Award is given for significant contribution in the field of

A) Economics
B) Agriculture
C) Literature
D) Science and Technology

61. Golda Meir was the woman Prime Minister of

A) England
B) France
C) Sri Lanka
D) Israel

62. How many members are nominated by the President for the Council of States?

A) 10
B) 11
C) 15
D) 12

63. Magellan Strait is located between/at

A) Pacific and South Atlantic Oceans
B) the south and end of Africa
C) China and Japan
D) the south end of South America

64. Who was the founder of the Satya Shodhak Samaj'?

A) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
B) Sri Narayan Guru
C) Jyotirao Phule
D) Ishwarchand Vidyasagar

65. Which of the following does not touch the boundary of Myanmar'?

A) Mizoram
B) Manipur
C) Nagaland
D) Tripura

66. Parliamentary elections in India were not held in

A) 1996
B) 1997
C) 1998
D) 1999

67. Ghumar is a folk dance of

A) Jammu and Kashmir
B) Punjab
C) Himachal Pradesh
D) Rajasthan

68. National Metallurgical Laboratory is located in

A) Jamshedpur
B) Bhilai
C) Durgapur
D) Rourkela

69. The language of the Union Territory of Lakshadweep is

A) Tamil
B) Hindi
C) Malayalam
D) Telugu

70. Rajiv Gandhi KhelRatna award 2004 was given to

A) P. T. Usha
B) SaniaMirza
C) Rajya Vardhan Rathore
D) Anju Bobby George

71. A certain job was assigned to a group of men to do in 20 days. But 12 men did not turn up for the job and the remaining men did the job in 32 days. The original number of men in the group was

A) 32
B) 34
C) 36
D) 40

72. A certain number of men can do a work in 60 days. If there were 8 men more it could be finished in 10 days less. How many men were there in the beginning?

A) 40
B) 35
C) 45
D) 50

73. 12 men and 18 boys working 7 1/2 hours a day can do a certain work in 60 days. If one man works equal to 2 boys, then the number of boys required to help 21 men to do twice the work in 50 days, working 9 hours a day, will be

A) 30
B) 42
C) 48
D) 90

74. The average expenditure of a man for the first five months is Rs. 1200 and for the next seven months is Rs.1300. Find his monthly average income if he saves Rs. 2900 during the year?

A) Rs. 1500
B) Rs. 1475
C) Rs. 1450
D) Rs. 1425

75. The average temperature for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday was 40°C. The average for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was 41°C. If on Thursday temperature is 45°C, what was it on Monday?

A) 40°C
B) 41°C
C) 42°C
D) 43.5°C


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(Paper) RRB -Bhubaneshwar : ASM Previous Year Exam Paper

(Paper) RRB -Bhubaneshwar : ASM Previous Year Exam Paper

Time Allowed: 90 Minutes

Maximum Marks: 90

Read the following instruction carefully before you begin to answer the questions.


1. This Booklet contains 90 questions in all comprising the following four parts:

Part –A : General Awareness (30 Questions)
Part –B : Quantitative Aptitude & English Language (30 Questions)
Part –C : General Intelligence & Reasoning (30 Questions)

2. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.

3. The paper carries negative marking 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.

4. You will be supplied the Answer-Sheet separately by the Invigilator. You must complete the details of Name, Roll Number, Test ID and name of the examination on the Answer-Sheet carefully. You must also put your signature on the Answer-Sheet at the prescribed place before you actually start answering the questions. These instructions must be fully complied with, failing which, your Answer-Sheet will not be evaluated and you will be awarded ‘ZERO’ mark.

5. Answer must be shown by completely blackening the corresponding ovals on the Answer-Sheet against the relevant question number by Black/Blue Ball Point Pen only. Answers which are not shown by Black/Blue Ball-point Pen will not be awarded any mark.

6. A machine will read the coded information in the OMR Answer-Sheet. In case the information is incomplete or different from the information given in the application form, such candidate will be awarded ‘ZERO’ mark.

7. The Answer-Sheet must be handed over to the Invigilator before you leave the Examination-Hall.

8. Failure to comply with any of the above instructions will render a candidate liable to such action/ penalty as may be deemed fit.

9. Answer the questions as quickly and as carefully as you can. Some questions may be difficult and others easy. Do not spend too much time on any question.

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RRB Loco Pilot (ALP) Exam 2019 Printed Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड लोको पायलट परीक्षा (Stage-1) अध्ययन सामग्र

1. Where is the Punjab Lalit Kala Academy located?

(A) Muktasar
(B) Ludhiana
(C) Patiala
(D) Chandigarh

2. What does happens when water is condensed into ice ?

(A) Heat is absorbed
(B) Heat is released
(C) Quantity of heat remains unchanged
(D) None of these

3. Which of the following gases is not a noble gas?

(A) Zenon
(B) Argon
(C) Helium
(D) Chlorine

4. Which of the following diffuses most quickly 7

(A) Solid
(B) Gas
(C) Liquid
(D) None of these

5. Which temperature in Celsius scale is equal to 300 K '?

(A) 30°C
(B) 27°C
(C) 300°C
(D) None of these

6. First Youth Olympic games will be held in—

(A) Japan
(B) China
(C) North Korea
(D) Singapore

7. Where was the capital of Pandya dynasty situated ?

(A) Mysore
(B) Kanchipuram
(C) Madurai
(D) Delhi

8. Tripitik is the scripture of—

(A) Jain religion
(B) Hindu religion
(C) Buddhishtha religion
(D) Muslim religion

9. Who is the author of ‘Adhe-Adhure’?

(A) Mohan Rakesh
(B) Prem Chand
(C) Nirala
(D) Pant

10. Which of the following Constitutional Amendments has included fundamental duties into the Constitution '?

(A) 42nd
(B) 43rd
(C) 44th
(D) 39th

11. Where is the Central Food Technology Research Institute situated?

(A) Delhi
(B) Anand
(C) Ahmedabad
(D) Mysore

12. Which of the following is common in both, Buddhism and Jainism?

(A) Nonviolence
(B) Violence
(C) Triratna
(D) Truth

13. Light-year measures which of the following?

(A) Intensity of light
(B) Mass
(C) Time
(D) Distance

14. Which of the following gases is used for ripening the fruits 7

(A) Methane
(B) Ethane
(C) Ethylene
(D) Acetylene

15. Who among the following was involved in Alipore bomb case'?

(A) Aravind Ghosh
(B) P. C. Banerjee
(C) Bipin Chandra Paul
(D) Chandrashekhar Azad

16. Sikh Guru Arjundev was contemporary to which of the following rulers'?

(A) Humayun
(B) Akbar
(C) Shahjahan
(D) Jahangir

17. Besides hydrogen, which of the following elements is common in organic compounds?

(A) Phosphorus
(B) Sulphur
(C) Nitrogen
(D) Carbon

Directions—(Q. 18-21) Find the correct meanings of the words given below:

18. EWE

(A) Calf
(B) Female sheep
(C) Deer
(D) None of these

19. Buffalo

(A) Calf
(B) Baby box
(C) Baby bison
(D) Baby cow

20. Veneration—

(A) Esteem
(B) High respect
(C) Devotion
(D) Worship

21. Vicious—

(A) Remorseless
(B) Ferocious
(C) Kind
(D) Wicked

Directions—(Q. 22—25) Choose the word /phrase which is nearest in meaning to the words in question:

22. Bizarre

(A) Colourful
(B) Odd
(C) insipid
(D) Smart

23. Innuendo

(A) Narration
(B) lnsinuation
(C) Insist
(D) lnsutale

24. Salutary

(A) Welcome
(B) Discharge
(C) Promoting
(D) Remove

25. Fictile

(A) Fiction
(B) Moulded
(C) Fictitious
(D) Smooth

26. Solid Carbon dioxide is termed as—

(A) Soft ice
(B) Dry ice
(C) White ice
(D) None of these

27. 1 kg of a liquid is converted into its vapour at its boiling point. The heat absorbed in the process is called—

(A) Latent heat of vaporisation
(B) Latent heat of fusion
(C) Latent heat of sublimation
(D) None of these

28. Whether all the universities in the country should start online admission at all levels with immediate effect?

(i) No, since all the students may not have access to the internet easily.
(ii) Yes, it may liberate the students and their parents from the long-standing problems of knocking at the doors of different colleges and standing in queue.

(A) Only argument (i) is correct
(B) Only argument (ii) is correct
(C) Neither argument (i) nor argument (ii) is correct
(D) Both the arguments, (i) and (ii), are correct

29. The product ‘Fair and Lovely’ is related to—

(B) I.T.C.
(C) P&G
(D) H.U.L.

30. Should the Government make it compulsory for the private medical colleges to join the entrance test conducted by the Government ’?

(i) No, private institutions should be empowered, so that they may decide their own admission strategy and improve their work-management.

(ii) Yes, all medical institutions, whether these are private or governments, should adopt the same entrance standard.

(A) Only argument (i) is correct
(B) Only argument (ii) is correct
(C) Either argument (i) is correct or argument (ii) is correct
(D) Neither argument (i) is correct nor argument (ii) is correct

31. In case the President of India decides to resign, he will address his letter of resignation to—

(A) Prime Minister
(B) Chief Justice
(C) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(D) Vice-President

32. The metal extracted from Bauxite is—

(A) SiIver
(B) Copper
(C) Manganese
(D) Aluminium

33. The Cyclone represents a state of atmosphere in which—

(A) Low pressure in the center and high pressure around
(B) There is high pressure in the center and low pressure around
(C) There is low pressure all around
(D) None of these

34. The ‘Ocean of Storms’ is the name given to—

(A) Atlantic Ocean
(B) Pacific Ocean
(C) A waterless area on moon surface
(D) None of these

35. The capital of Pallavas was—

(A) Arcot
(B) Kanchi
(C) Malkhed
(D) Banavasi

36. Which Indian state was ranked as the No. 2 tourist destination in the world by LONELY PLANET‘?

(A) Himachal Pradesh
(B) Tamil Nadu
(C) Kerala
(D) Uttarakhand

37. How much water is contained in our body by mass?

(A) 65%
(B) 70%
(C) 60%
(D) None of these

38. What determines the sex of a child ?

(A) Chromosomes of the father
(B) Chromosomes of the mother
(C) RH factor of the parents
(D) Blood group of the father

39. The two civilizations which helped in the formation of Gandhara School of Art are—

(A) Indian and Roman
(B) Indian and Egyptian
(C) Greek and Roman
(D) Indian and Greek

40. ‘ThinkPad' is a laptop associated with which among the following companies?

(A) HP
(C) Infosys

41. The first summit of SAARC was held at—

(A) Kathmandu
(B) Colombo
(C) New Delhi
(D) Dhaka

42. The wire of flash bulb is made of—

(A) Copper
(B) Barium
(C) Magnesium
(D) Silver

43. The curves showing the volume pressure behaviour of gases plotted at different fixed temperatures are called—

(A) Isochors
(B) lsothermals
(C) V.T.P. Curves
(D) Isocurves

44. Project Tiger was launched in—

(A) 1973
(B) 1976
(C) 1978
(D) 1983

Directions—(Q. 45 and 46) Attempt the question to the best of your judgment.

45. How many letters in the word TRYST have as many letters between them as in the alpha beta?

(A) None
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

46. From the alternatives, select the set which is most like the given set. Given set (23, 29, 31)—

(A) (17, 21, 29)
(B) (31, 37, 49)
(C) (13, 15, 23)
(D) (41, 43, 47)

Directions—what should come in place of question mark (?) in the following number series?

47. 13 13 65 585 7605 129285 …..?....

(A) 2456415
(B) 2235675
(C) 2980565
(D) 2714985

48. If 'VEHEMENT’ is written as ‘VEHETNEM’ then in that code how will you code ‘MOURNFUL’ '?



(A) Gratify
(B) Avarice
(C) Accessory
(D) Amend

50. Praduman is older than Janaki; Shreshtha is older than Chhama; Ravindra is not as old as Shreshtha  but is older than Janaki. Chhama is not as old as Janaki. Who is the youngest?

(A) Praduman
(B) Janaki
(C) Shreshtha
(D) Chhama

51. ln a row of children facing North, Bharat is eleventh from the right end and is third to the right of Samir who is fifteenth from the left end. Total how many children are there in the row?

(B) 28
(C) 30
(D) 27

52. Which number is missing '?

45389, ?, 453, 34

(A) 34780
(B) 8354
(C) 4892
(D) 3478

53. lf in the word CALIBRE, the previous letter in the English alphabet replaces each consonant and each vowel is replaced by the next letter and then the order of letters is reversed, which letter will be third from the right end '?

(A) A
(B) C
(C) B
(D) K

54. How many such digits are there in the number 57683421, each of which is as far away from the beginning of the number, as they will be when arranged in descending order within the number?

(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) More than three

Directions—(Q. 55 to 57) In the following question there are two words to the left of the sign (::) which are connected in some way. The same relationship obtains between the third word and one of the four alter-natives under it. Find the correct alternative in each case.

55. Medicine : Sickness : : Book : ?

(A) Ignorance
(B) Knowledge
(C) Author
(D) Teacher

56. River : Dam : : Traffic : ?

(A) Signal
(B) Vehicle
(C) Motion
(D) Lane

57. Session : Concludes : : Lapses

(A) Leave
(B) Permit
(C) Agency
(D) Policy

58. lf16=11,25=12,36=15,then49=?

(A) 14
(B) 20
(C) 19
(D) 17

59. Pick out the odd in the following—

(A) Ashok—Assam
(B) Poonam—Punjab
(C) Gyanendra—Gujarat
(D) Anjana—Rajasthan

60. KEATS = 25, SHELLEY = 35, BROWNING = ?

(A) 45
(B) 37
(C) 50
(D) 40

Directions—(Q. 61 and 62) what approximate value should come in place of question-mark (?) in the following questions?(You are not expected to calculate the exact value)

61. (9321 + 5406 + 1001) ÷ (498 + 929 + 660) = ?

(A) 13-5
(B) 4-5
(C) 16-5
(D) 7-5


(A) 606
(B) 646
(C) 586
(D) 716

63. The difference between the greatest number and the smallest number of 5 digits O, 1,2, 3,4 using all but once is—

(A) 32976
(B) 32679
(C) 32769
(D) None of these

64. Area of a parallelogram whose base is 9 cm and height 4 cm is ....... .. sq cm.

(A) 9
(B) 4
(C) 36
(D) 13

65. The number which is neither prime nor composite is— (B)

(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 3
(D) 2

66. The length of a room is three times its breadth. If the perimeter of the room is 64 cm, then its breadth is ....... .. cm.

(A) 64
(B) 32
(C) 16
(D) 8

67. Aditi read 4/5th of Tintin comic book which has 100 pages. How many pages of the book is not yet read by Aditi'?

(A) 40
(B) 60
(C) 80
(D) 20

68. What is the meaning of beckoned?

(A) Summon by sign or gesture
(B) Did not signal
(C) Did not call
(D) Invite

69. A box contains coins (equal no. of every one) of rupee and half rupee, coins of 25 paise, 10 paise, 5 paise value, 2 paise value and one paise value. The total value of coins in the box is Rs. 1158. Find the number of coins of each value.

(A) 500
(B) 400
(C) 700
(D) 600

70. The area of a rhombus with diagonals 12 cm and 20 cm is ........ sq cm.

(A) 120
(B) 12
(C) 20
(D) 240

71. A piece of road is one kilometer in length. We have to supply lamp posts. One post at each end. distance between two consecutive lamp posts is 25 metres. The number of lamp posts required is—

(A) 41
(B) 51
(C) 61
(D) 42

72. There are B00 students in a class. On one particular day, if 1/10th of the students were absent, how many students were present?

(A) 700
(B) 650
(C) 720
(D) 750

73. The quotient in a division is 403. The divisor is 100 and the remainder is 58, the dividend is—

(A) 40458
(B) 34058
(C) 43058
(D) 40358

74. A labourer was engaged for 25 days on the condition that for every day, he works, he will be paid Rs. 2 and for every day, he is absent he will be fined 50p. If he receives only Rs. 37-50, find the no. of days he was absent—

(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 4

Directions—(Q. 75 to 77) choose the word/phrase which is most opposite in meaning to the word?

75. Quixotic

(B) Whimsical
(C) Realistic
(D) Foolish

76. Rabid

(A) Mad
(B) Normal
(C) Furious
(D) Fanatical

77. Scurrilous

(A) Inoffensive
(B) Vulgar
(C) Insulting
(D) Course

78. Digits of first place and third place are interchanged of the numbers 349, 483, 766, 598, 674 and then the ew numbers are arranged in ascending order. Which would be the fourth number?

(A) 483
(B) 766
(C) 674
(D) 598

79. What least number should be added to 2600 to make it a complete square?

(A) 3
(B) 9
(C) 1
(D) 25

80. When sun-light passes through a glass prism, which of the following colours refracts the most’?

(A) Blue
(B) Red
(C) Orange
(D) Green

81. if (78)2 is subtracted from the square of a number, we get 6460. What is that number?

(A) 109
(B) 112
(C) 111
(D) 115

82. The difference between 28% and 42% of a number is 210. What is 59% of this number?

(A) 900
(B) 420
(C) 885
(D) None of these

83. A-B meansA is the father of B. A + B means A is the daughter of B. A + B means A is the son of B. A XB means A is the wife of B. Then, what is the relation of P with T in the expression P + S - T ?

(A) Son
(B) Daughter
(C) Sister
(D) Wife

84. Eilora caves in Maharashtra were built during the rule of which of the following dynasties '?

(A) Rashtrakoot
(B) Pallav
(C) Paia
(D) Choia

85. But for the Surgeons skill, the patient........ died.

(A) may have
(B) must have
(C) should have
(D) would have

86. I want to see the Principal, I have something to tell him urgently.

(A) so
(B) for
(C) since
(D) and

87. I wasn’t really listening and didn't what he said.

(A) Catch
(B) receive
(C) Accept
(D) take

88. The first division of Congress took place in—

(A) Surat
(B) Kolkata
(C) Allahabad
(D) Chennai

89. What is ginger?

(A) Flower
(B) Root
(C) Stem
(D) Leaf

90. Battle of Kalinga was fought at which of the following places?

(A) Udaigiri
(B) Dhauli
(C) Balasore
(D) Barabaki


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RRB Loco Pilot (ALP) Exam 2019 Printed Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड लोको पायलट परीक्षा (Stage-1) अध्ययन सामग्र

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(Mock Test) RRB Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician Exam (Test -3)

(Mock Test) RRB Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician Exam (Test -3)

1. The maximum efficiency of full wave rectifier is?

a) 40.1 %
b) 81.2 %
c) 90 %
d) 98 %


2. R.C. Coupling is used for amplification of the?

a) Current
b) Resistance
c) Power
d) Voltage

3. A ‘PNP’ Transistor is made of?

a) Germanium
b) Silicon
c) Either (a) or (b)
d) None

4. The addition of pentavalent impurity to a semi conductor creates?

a) Holes
b) Free electrons
c) Minority electrons
c) Majority electrons

5. Claw hammer is mostly used in?

a) Fitter trade
b) Tool and Die
c) Carpentry
d) Black sm ithy

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RRB Loco Pilot (ALP) Exam Printed Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड लोको पायलट परीक्षा (Stage-1) अध्ययन सामग्री

6. The Unit of capacitance is

a) Volt
b) Coulomb
c) Farad
d) None

7. Good conductor of electricity is?

a) Copper
b) Iron
c) Aluminum
d) Silver

8. Grinding wheels are made by?

a) Iron & Stone
b) Rod & Sand
c) Sand
d) Abrasive & Bond

We can do reaming after?

a) Milling
b) Shaping
c) Drilling
d) Spot facing

10. Sine bar is used for checking and setting of?

a) Round
b) Triangle
c) Angle
d) Square

11. What Drill Size should be used for M10 tapping?

a) 8.1 mm
b) 8.8 mm
c) 8.6 mm
d) 8.2

12. Tie rod is part of which machine?

a) Planner
b) Shaper
c) Milling
d) Lathe

13. If four resistance valve of every resistance is “R” ohm in parallel connection then the total resistance is?

a) 4R
b) 2R
c) R
d) R/4

14. Which of the following is needed while marking on round job?

a) Bolt
b) Block
c) V-Block
d) H-clamp

15. The mixture of solder wire is?

a) Tint Zinc
b) Zinc + Lead
c) Tint Lead
d) None

16. Rs.900 are distributed among A, B & C in the ratio 4: 5: 6 what will be the difference of the shares of A and C?

a) Rs. 25
b) Rs. 120
c) Rs. 130
d) Rs. 150

17. In a zoo there are Rabbits and Pigeons. If their heads are counted these are 90, while their legs are 224, then the number of “Pigeons”?

a) 68
b) 70
c) 72
d) 80

18. A cistern is filled in 9 hrs and it takes 10 hrs when there is a leak in its bottom. If the cistern is full, time to empty?

a) 80 hrs
b) 85 hrs
c) 90 hrs
d) 95 hrs

The average daily wage of X, Y and Z are Rs. 120. If Y earns Rs. 40 more than Z and X earns double of what Z earns, wage of “X” is?

a) Rs. 80
b) Rs. 120
c) Rs. 160
d) Rs. 100

20. The father is seven times older than his son. After 4 years, the sum of their ages would be 50 yrs. The Son’s present age?

21. The S.I unit of Resistance is?

a) Joule
b) Ohm
c) Watt
d) Ampere

22. When an iron nail gets rusted weight?

a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) No change
d) None

23. If a body of mass “m” moving on circular path of radius “R” with velocity “ω” then the centripetal is?

a) 1⁄2 mv 2
b) mω2 R
c) mv2
d) Rω2

24. The element common to all acids?

a) Oxygen
b) Chlorine
c) Sulphur
d) Hydrogen

25. Right to Information Act comes in to force in the year?

a) 2005
b) 2006
c) 2009
d) 2004

26. Who among the following “First law officer” of the Government of India?

a) Solicitor General
b) Attorney General
c) Chief Justice
d) CAG

27. Who was the second president of India?

a) Dr. Zakir Hussain
b) V.V.Giri
c) N. Sanjeev Reddy
d) S. Radha Krishnan

28. The period of First Five Year Plan was?

a) 1947-1952
b) 1949-1954
c) 1951-1956
d) 1956-1961

29. Nobel Prize is not given is which of the following fields?

a) Physics
b) Biology
c) Chemistry
d) Peace

30. Wankhede Stadium is situated in?

a) Mumbai
b) Nagpur
c) Pune
d) Bengaluru

31. “The Leaning tower of Pisa” is situated in?

a) France
b) England
c) Egypt
d) Italy

33. Complete the series 45, 54, 47, ___, 49, 56, 51, 57, 53?

a) 55
b) 48
c) 50
d) None

34. In ancient India which of the following capital of Kalinga?

a) Ujjain
b) Talcila
c) Toshali
d) Pataliputra

35. The Indian valley Civilization was primarily?

a) Tribal
b) Urban
c) Rural
d) Local

36. The percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere is?

a) 29 %
b) 78 %
c) 21 %
d) 0.03 %

37. “Kanchanaganga” mountain peak is in?

a) India
b) Nepal
c) Bhutan
c) Tibet

38. Which of the following is the busiest human organ?

a) Nose
b) Heart
c) Kidney
d) Liver

39. “Kavaratti” is the Capital of?

a) Lakshadweep
b) Daman & Diu
c) Dadra & Nagar Haveli
d) Mizoram

40. Following is Best Conductor of Heat?

a) Mercury
b) Silver
c) Leather
d) Benzene

41. The oldest mountains in India are

a) Himalayas
b) Aravallis
c) Naga Hills
d) Siwaliks

42. Who was the founder of Chola Dynasty?

a) Vijayalaya
b) Raja raja
c) Rajendra-I
d) None

43. Ascorbic acid is?

a) Vitamin –D
b) Vitamin –B
c) Vitamin –A
d) Vitamin –C

44. Who said “Swaraj is my birth right and I will have it?”

a) Mahatma Gandhi
b) Jawaharlal Nehru
c) Subhash Chandra Bose
d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

45. The lion capital at Sarnath is associated with?

a) Ashoka
b) Gopala
c) Bimbisara
d) Ajatasatru

46. Sum of the first fifteen natural numbers is?

a) 130
b) 110
c) 120
d) 140

47. How many odd numbers are there from 1 to 81?

a) 42
b) 41
c) 40
d) 43

51. “Mary Kom” is associated with?

a) Wrestling
b) Boxing
c) Archery
d) Weight lifting

52. Hill: Mountain:: Sea : ___?

a) Lake
b) Ocean
c) River
d) Water fall

53. Pick the odd one out amongst the following?

a) Pink
b) green
c) Indigo
d) Violet

54. In a code language if BCD is written as ABC then UVW will be written as?

a) XYZ
b) BCD
c) RST
d) MNO

55. In a code if ‘A’ is written as ‘Z’ , ‘B’ is written as ‘Y’ and ‘C’ is written as ‘X’ then DEF will be written as?

a) WVU
b) RST
c) SRQ
d) ONM

56. Which country has the largest number of post offices in the world?

a) USA
b) China
c) India
d) Russia

57. The Eight Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals?

a) States in India
b) Fundamental Rights
c) Fundamental Duties
d) Languages in India

58. Voltmeter is a device used to measure?

a) Current
b) Resistance
c) Potential difference
d) None

59. Gobi desert located in which country?

a) India
b) China
c) Asia
d) Africa

60. Where would you see a “TORNADO” the most?

a) Russia
b) China
c) Brazil
d) USA

61. The needle of compass always points forwards?

a) South
b) North
c) West
d) East

62. Titan is a moon of?

a) Saturn
b) Jupiter
c) Mars
d) Uranus

63. “Hydrophobia” is associated with?

a) Tetanus
b) Meningitis
c) Rabies
d) Dengue

64. The price of pen after a discount of 10 % is Rs. 45 what is the original price?

a) Rs. 50
b) Rs. 55
c) Rs. 60
d) Rs. 47.5

65. If 300 is decreased by 2.5 %, the answer is?

a) 292.5
b) 296.5
c) 297.5
d) 295

66. How many numbers between 101 and 300 are exactly divisible by both 3 and 5?

a) 13
b) 14
c) 15
c) 16

67. In a clock the angle traced by the hour hand in 12 hrs is?

a) 3600
b) 1800
c) 900
d) 300

68. How many days are there in a leap year?

a) 367
b) 366
c) 364
d) 365

69. Which of the following is not a prime number?

a) 97
b) 191
c) 221
d) 441

71. Pointing to a Photograph Arun said “she is the mother of my son’s wife’s daughter”, Arun related to the lady?

a) Uncle
b) Cousin
c) Father-in-law
d) None

72. What will be the difference between the sum of the odd digits and the sum of the even digits in the number 857423?

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 4

75. Two numbers are less than a third number by 30% and 37% respectively. How much percent is the second number less than the fist?

a) 10 %
b) 15%
c) 20%
d) 25 %

76. Material used for making Bushes?

a) White metal
b) Brass
c) Gun metal
d) C.I

77. Bench vice spindle has?

a) V-threads
b) Square threads
c) Acme threads
d) None

78. B.S.W thread has thread angle of?

a) 600
b) 450
c) 370
d) 550

79. Lip clearance angle in a drill is kept?

a) 300
b) 450
c) 150
d) 250

80. How many tool heads can be mounted on planer machine?

a) 4
b) 1
c) 3
d) 2

81. Ratio of worm & warm wheel in dividing head is?

a) 12 : 1
b) 24 : 1
c) 40 : 1
d) 80 : 1

82. A device that converts from decimal to binary system is called?

a) CPU
b) Decoder
c) Converter
d) Encoder

83. Which of the following operation cannot be done on milling machines?

a) Cutting splines
b) Cutting gears
c) Cutting helical groove
d) Gear shaping

84. The limits of Hole are 25.00 and 25.021 and that of a shaft are 25.022 and 25.032 the type fit is?

a) Interference
b) Clearance
c) Transition
d) None

85. Shafts transmitting power at right angle to each other are connected by?

a) Helical gears
b) Spur gears
c) Bevel gears
d) Spiral gears

87. Turning water tap is an example of?

a) Force
b) Torque
c) Couple
d) Moment

88. The relation between coefficient of friction and angle of friction is?

a) μ=tanφ
b) 1 μ=tan θ −
c) μ=sinφ
d) μ=cosφ

89. If the efficiency of a machine is 100% then it is called?

a) Simple machine
b) Ideal machine
c) Lifting machine
d) None

91. Which of the following is a class – I lever?

a) Pliers
b) Nut cracker
c) Tongs
d) None

92. Scalar is a type of physical quantity having magnitude but lacking?

a) Weight
b) Magnitude
c) Speed
d) Acceleration

93. The rate of change of angular velocity is named by?

a) Displacement
b) Angular Acceleration
c) Angular Distance
d) None

95. The force of attraction between nuclear and electron is?

a) Centripetal
b) Centrifugal
c) Torque
d) Impulsive force

97. One kilogram-meter = ___ Joules?

a) 9
b) 9.81
c) 8.9
d) 8.91

98. The time period of a second’s pendulum is?

a) 1 sec
b) 2 sec
c) 3 sec
d) 4 sec

99. One horse power = ____ kgfm/sec?

a) 70
b) 73
c) 74
d) 75

Answer Key


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(Mock Test) RRB Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician Exam (Test -2)

(Mock Test) RRB Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician Exam (Test -2)

1. The Suez Canal joins Red Sea with?

a) Black Sea
b) Caspian Sea
c) Mediterranean Sea
d) Arabian Sea

2. Mahatma Gandhi was born at?

a) Baroda
b) Sabarmati
c) Rajkot
d) Wardha

3. Which of the following is a Karif Crop in our country?

a) Wheat
b) Maize
c) Barely
d) Opium

4. Pankaj Advani’s name is associated with?

a) Billiards
b) Chess
c) Police Service
d) Politics

5. The term “Middle Path” associated with?

a) Jainism
b) Buddhism
c) Hinduism
d) None

6. Which of the following is the oldest Dynasty?

a) Chalukyas
b) Cholas
c) Pallavas
d) Satavahanas

7. The founder of all Indian National Congress?

a) A.O. Hume
b) Nehru
c) Gandhi
d) Tilak

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रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड लोको पायलट परीक्षा (Stage-1) अध्ययन सामग्री

8. Which Veda contains sacrificial formulae?

a) Rigveda
b) Samaveda
c) Yajurveda
d) None

9. Which was the main port city of Harappa Civilisation?

a) Harappa
b) Mohenjodaro
c) Lothal
d) None

10. The oldest Veda is?

a) Rigveda
b) Samaveda
c) Yajurveda
d) None

11. At which place did Buddha die?

a) Kusinagara
b) Sarnath
c) Kundagrama
d) None

12. The Buddhists literature was written in?

a) Sanskrit
b) Pali
c) Hindi
d) None

13. Where is the Meanakshi temple situated?

a) Karnataka
b) Madurai
c) Maharashtra
d) None

14. The Book titled ‘Lilavati’ is related to?

a) History
b) Polity
c) Administration
d) Mathematics

15. Where was the Capital of Shivaji situated?

a) Sasaram
b) Rajgarh
c) Raigarh
d) None

16. Who built the Grand Trunk Road?

a) Ashoka
b) Chandragupta
c) Shershah
d) Humayun

17. “Gidda” is the famous folk dance of?

a) Punjab
d) Karnataka
c) Maharashtra
d) None

18. Gandhara Art flourished under?

a) Gupta
b) Kushana
c) Bactrians
d) None

19. How many strings are there on a Sarod?

a) 19
b) 15
c) 20
d) 25

20. How many “Mahajanapadas” in Ancient Indian History?

a) 13
b) 14
c) 15
d) 16

21. Which of the following is the currency of Bahrain?

a) Peso
b) Dinar
c) Riyal
d) Bahat

22. Common wealth games 2014 will be organised in?

a) London
b) New Delhi
c) Glasgow
d) Toronto

23. Deepika Kumari’s name associated with?

a) Swimming
b) Archery
c) Billiards
d) Cricket

24. Which of the following terms not associated with Banking (or) Finance?

a) SLR
b) LBW
c) Credit
d) Repo rate

25. Which of the following cups/trophies is associated with the game of cricket?

a) Ranji Trophy
b) Davis cup
c) Thomas cup
d) Nehru trophy

26. How many members are nominated by the president of India to the Rajya Sabha?

a) 5
b) 6
c) 8
d) None

27. Members of the Lok Sabha are elected for a period of?

a) 4 years
b) 5 years
c) 6 years
d) 7 years

28. Complete the following series A D G J M P S V___

a) B
b) C
c) Y
d) X

29. Complete the series 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, ____, ____.

a) 12, 15
b) 13, 14
c) 7, 11
d) 10, 13

30. Find odd man out?

1) Eye
2) Nose
3) Ear
4) Brain

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

31. Find odd man out?

1) 27  2) 64  3) 8  4) 9

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

32. VAB: UCD:: TEF :___?

a) RIJ
b) SKL
b) SIJ
d) SGH

33. Put in meaningful order?

1) Arrest
2) Theft
3) Punishment
4) Judgment
5) Court

a) 2, 1, 5, 4, 3
b) 1, 5, 2, 3, 4
c) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
d) 1, 2, 3, 5, 4

34. Put in meaningful order ?

1) Set
2) Go
3) Ready
4) Target
5) Start

a) 2, 3, 1, 4, 5
b) 1, 4, 3, 2, 5
c) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5
d) 3, 5, 1, 2, 4

35. Select the missing number:

8     9     6

6     3     2

5     4     ?

240 108  96

a) 90
b) 36
d) 8

36. The heights of A and B are equal. C is shorter than A, D is shorter than E but taller than B, who is the tallest of all?

a) E
b) B
c) D
d) C

37. If ‘x’ means ‘+’, ‘+’ means ‘÷’, ‘-’ means ‘x’; ‘÷’ means ‘-‘ then 8 X 7-8 + 40 ÷ 2 = ?

38. From the given alternatives select the word which cannot be formed



39. “Roshan” starts from house and walks 2 km towards east, turns right and walks 1 km, turns right again and walks 1km. what is the direction from him?

a) East
b) West
c) North
d) South

40. The ratio of Boys and Girls in a School is 3:2. When 6 more girls join this ratio becomes 6:5. Then the number of boys in the school is?

a) 42
b) 36
c) 24
d) 30

41. If 35% of x is 735, then 80% of x is?

a) 1680
b) 880
c) 780
d) 1080

42. A dealer offers successive discounts of 20%, 10% and 5%. A single equivalent discount rate is?

a) 35%
b) 31.6%
c) 22.8%
d) 30%

43. If the price of oil is increased by 25% what will be the percentage consumption of oil that a house must reduce, expenditure not increases?

a) 15%
b) 10%
c) 20%
d) 25%

45. If the ratio of the sides of two equilateral triangles is 1: 2, then the ratio of their areas is?

a) 4 : 9
b) 1 : 4
c) 1 : 2
d) 2 : 3

46. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio 1: 4: 5, then the triangle is?

a) Scalene
b) Right angle
c) Isosceles
d) None

47. A person sells 36 oranges per rupees and suffers a loss of 4% find how many oranges should be sold per rupee to gain 8%?

a) 30
b) 28
c) 32
d) 40

48. The age of Solar System is?

a) 7.8 billion Years
b) 3.2 billon Years
c) 3.8 billion Years
d) 4.6 billion years

49. Which of the following is the ore of iron?

a) Hematite
b) Bauxite
c) Galena
d) None

50. Name of river that does not originate in Western Ghats?

a) Kaveri
b) Vaigai
c) Barak
d) Godavari

51. In which part of the transformer maximum heat is produced?

a) Core
b) Oil
c) Windings
d) frame

52. The resistance of a 100 watt 230 v lamp is?

a) 52.0 Ω
b) 529 Ω
c) 2.3 Ω
d) None

53. Core of the transformer is made up of?

a) Iron
b) Copper
c) Low silicon steel
d) High silicon steel

54. If a 1000 w heater is used for 5 hrs, then the cost of energy Rs.1.50/unit will be?

a) Rs. 1.50
b) Rs. 15
c) Rs. 225
d) Rs. 7.50

55. Plug gauge is used for?

a) Checking hole size
b) Checking Oval size
c) Taper checking
d) None

56. The least count of vernier bevel protractor is?

a) 5 seconds
b) 10
c) 5 minutes
d) 900

57. Surface plates is commonly used for checking?

a) Surface
b) Right angle
b) Angle
d) 600 angle

58. A complete turn of not on a bolt is called?

a) Pitch
b) Lead
c) Helix angle
d) Round

59. Thread angle of Acme thread is?

a) 600
b) 450
c) 900
d) 290

60. Why annealing is done?

a) Soften material
b) Harden metal
c) Remove stresses
c) None

61. The distance between two crests in a thread is named as?

a) Pitch
b) Lead
c) Helix
d) None

62. The ratio between Force of friction and normal reaction is known as?

a) Angle of friction
b) Angle of repose
c) co-efficient of friction
d) None

63. The efficiency of a screw Jack independent of?

a) Load
b) Helix angle
c) Angle of friction
c) None

64. A “Thyristor” is often used in?

a) Wall clocks
b) Multi meters
c) Speed control of motoring
d) None

65. Which rectifier requires four diodes?

a) Half wave
b) Full wave
c) Full wave Bridge
d) None

66. Who was the first recipient of Bharat Ratna to be awarded posthumously?

a) Rajendra Prasad
b) Indira Gandhi
c) Lal Bahadur Sastry
d) Mother Teresa

67. “Right to constitutional remedy” has been mentioned in which article of the constitution?

a) Article 30
b) Article 32
c) Article 35
c) None

68. The HCF of two numbers is 12 and their LCM is 144. If one of them is 36 the other is?

a) 36
b) 48
c) 52
d) None

69. The ratio of load lifted to effort applied is termed as?

a) Efficiency
b) Velocity ratio
c) M.A
d) None of the above

70. If a machine called as Reversible its efficiency?

a) <50 %
b) =50%
c) >50%
d) 100%

71. Water stored in a “Dam” possesses?

a) No energy
b) Electrical energy
c) Kinetic energy
d) Potential energy

72. Find the area of a square if the sum of the diagonals is 100 cm?

a) 1000 cm2
b) 1250 cm2
c) 5000 cm2
d) None

73. Work done is measured by?

a) Mass × Velocity
b) Mass × Acceleration
c) Force × Distance
d) Force × Time

74. Which layer of atmosphere is closest to the earth?

a) Stratosphere
b) Troposphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere

75. Which is the first element in periodic table?

a) Hydrogen
b) Oxygen
c) Neon
d) Helium

76. One gallon = _____litres.

a) 4.5 4
b) 4.1
c) 3.54
d) 8

78. The difference between compound interest and simple interest on Rs. 200 at 20% per annum for two years is?

a) Rs. 5
b) Rs. 6
c) Rs. 7
c) Rs. 8

80. If the number 7x394 is divisible by ‘11’ then the value of ‘x’ is?

a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6

81. Bronze consists of copper and?

a) Zinc
b) Tin
c) Silicon
d) Phosphorus

82. The Hole provided in the anvil is?

a) Round
b) Triangle
c) Rectangle
d) Hexagon

83. The voltage less than 250 V is known as?

a) Low voltage
b) High voltage
b) Extra high voltage
d) Medium voltage

84. Difference between the synchronous speed and the Induction motor speed is called?

a) Regulation
b) Slip
c) Back lash
d) lag

85. Bench vice size is given by?

a) length of jaw
b) size of spindle
c) width of jaw
d) weight of vice

86. On ‘LATHE’ to support heavy rods while turning we use?

a) Dead centre
b) Tail stock
c) Steady rest
c) carrier

87. Micrometers have least count of?

a) 0.02 mm
b) 0.1 mm
c) 0.001mm
d) 0.01 mm

88. Tri square is used to check the job?

a) Length wise
b) on 450
c) Depth wise
d) on 900

89. Identify the operation that is not normally done on a lathe?

a) Knurling
b) Threading
c) Tapering
c) Square cutting

90. The refrigerant for ice plant is?

a) CO2
b) Ammonia
c) Methyl
c) Water

91. Borax flux is used in?

a) Soldering
b) Welding
c) Brazing
d) All of the above

92. One ton of refrigerant is?

a) 200 KJ/min
b) 211KJ/min
c) 215 KJ/min
d) 250 KJ/min

93. Elbow is used to give ____turn to the pipe?

a) 450
b) 300
c) 1800
d) 900

94. “Tesla” is the unit of?

a) Flux
b) Field strength
b) Flux density
d) None

95. “Megger” is an instrument to measure?

a) Very low resistance
b) Insulation resistance
c) Inductance
d) None

97. In drilling operation the feed is expressed in?

a) mm
b) mm/sec
c) mm/min
d) mm/revolution

98. Two Bulbs are marked 100w / 220 v and 60 w / 220 v. Which has the highest resistance?

a) 100 w
b) 60 w
c) Both same
d) None

99. In a Diesel engine the fuel is ignited by?

a) Spark
b) Injected fuel
c) Combustion chamber
d) None

100. How are electrical circuits protected from overheating?

a) Thermocouples
b) Shunts
c) Fuses
d) Solenoids

Answer Key

1) c 21) b 41) a 61) a 81) b 2) c 22) c 42) b 62) c 82) c 3) b 23) b 43) c 63) a 83) a 4) a 24) b 44) a 64) c 84) b 5) b 25) a 45) b 65) c 85) a 6) d 26) d 46) b 66) c 86) c 7) a 27) b 47) c 67) b 87) d 8) c 28) c 48) d 68) b 88) d 9) c 29) d 49) a 69) c 89) d 10) a 30) d 50) c 70) c 90) b 11) a 31) d 51) c 71) d 91) c 12) b 32) d 52) b 72) b 92) b 13) b 33) a 53) d 73) c 93) d 14) d 34) d 54) d 74) b 94) c 15) c 35) d 55) a 75) a 95) b 16) c 36) a 56) c 76) a 96) a 17) a 37) b 57) a 77) d 97) d 18) b 38) a 58) a 78) d 98) b 19) a 39) b 59) d 79) c 99) d 20) d 40) b 60) c 80) c 100) c


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(Mock Test) RRB Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician Exam (Test -1)

(Mock Test) RRB Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician Exam (Test -1)

1. A lunar eclipse occurs when?

a. The moon comes between the sun and the earth.
b. The earth comes between the Sun and the moon.
c. The Sun comes between the earth and the moon.
d. None.

2. Who introduced famous 20 point input-output programme?

a. Rajiv Gandhi
b. Indira Gandhi
c. P.V.Narasimha Rao
d. None

3. The Nanvakkal is famous in?

a. Sericulture
b. Piggory
c. Poultry
d. None

4. How many bones are in the adult human skeleton?

a. 205
b. 206
c. 207
d. 212

5. The Agricultural University is it?

a. Coimbatore
b. Salem
c. Sivaganga
d. None

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RRB Loco Pilot (ALP) Exam Printed Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड लोको पायलट परीक्षा (Stage-1) अध्ययन सामग्री

6. In Tamil Nadu Bird Sanctuary is situated at?

a. Mudumalai
b. Vedanthangal
c. Mundanthurai
d. None

7. The famous lion reserve is situated at?

a. Gir sanctuary
b. Hazaribagh Park
c. Corbett Park
d. None

8. Who out of the following had abolished Zajiya on Hindus?

a. Aurangzeb
b. Jahangir
c. Shah Jahan
d. Akbar

9. Sound cannot travel through?

a. Vacuum
b. Hydrogen gas
c. Water
d. Steel

10. Which planet is the nearest to the Sun?

a. Earth
b. Venus
c. Pluto
d. Mercury

11. Which of the following diseases is caused by virus?

a. Pellagra
b. Small-pox
c. Filariasis
d. None

12. The density of water is higher at?

a. 4° C
b. 0°C
c. -4°C
d. -273°C

13. Which one of the following regulates & co-ordinates the group movement of skeletal muscles?

a. Cerebrum
b. Cerebellum
c. Spinal cord
d. Medulla

14. Chemical equations can be written on the basis of

a. Law of constant proportion
b. Law of multiple proportions
c. Law of reciprocal proportion
d. None

15. Trimuthis festival is annually held at

a. Tanjore
b. Tirurayar
c. Tiruavares
d. Kumbakonam

16. If the side of a square is increased by 25% then how much percent does its area get increased?

a. 125
b. 156.25
c. 50
d. 56.25

17. If the circumference of a circle is 44 meters, then its area in m2

a. 145
b. 154
c. 308
d. 462

18. The height of a cylinder in 14cm and its curved surface area is 264 The Volume of the cylinder is

a. 308 cm2
b. 396 cm3
c. 1848 m3
d. 1232 cm3

19. How many times are the hands of a clock at right angles in a day?

a. 24
b. 48
c. 22
d. 44

20. Which letter will be the sixth to the right of the eleventh letter from the right end of the English alphabet?

a. K
b. V
c. J
d. U

21. What number is opposite “3”?

22. COOK – BAT = 21, then CANE – HAD =?

a. 9
b. 11
c. 10
d. 15

23. Pointing out to a person a man said to a woman. ‘’His mother is the only daughter of your father’’. How as the woman related to the person?

a. Aunt
b. Brother
c. Cousin
d. Mother

Direction (24-27): Read the following information and Answer the questions.

Five persons namely P, Q, X, Y and Z are sitting in a park. ‘P’ is the mother of ‘X’ who is wife of ‘Z’. ‘Y’ is brother of ‘P’ and ‘Q’ is the
husband of ‘P’.

24.How is P related to Z?

a. Mother
b. Aunt
c. Mother-in-law
d. None

25.  How is Y related to Q?

a. Brother
b. Brother-in-law
c. Cousin
d. Uncle

26. How is X related to Q?

a. Daughter
b. Niece
c. Aunt
d. Mother

27. How is Q related to Z?

a. Brother-in-law
b. Father
c. Father-in-law
d. None

28. In 12 hours the hands of the clock will coincide and at 90° for how many times?

a. 22
b. 11
c. 32
d. 33

29. 15, 30, 60, 105, _______ ?

a. 160
b. 175
c. 150
d. 165

30. Find out wrong Number?

16, 23, 26, 64, 100, 144

a. 36
b. 16
c. 25
d. 144


31. Who invented the law of gravitational force?

a. Einstein
b. C.V. Raman
c. Newton
d. None

32. Energy generated by turbine blade is?

a. P.E.
b. P.E. + K .E
c. K.E
d. None

33. What is the purpose of tempering for hardened steel?

a. To harden the steel
b. To soften the steel
c. To change the structure
d. To strengthen the steel

34. Leg vice is sued for _______ operations?

a. Smithy
b. Forging
c. Casting
d. Welding

35. Rainbow has elliptical shape due to?

a. Reflection
b. Refraction
c. Rare Fraction
d. None

36. When bullet is fired, which law is applied to riffle?

a. Newton’s 111rd law
b. Law of conservation
c. 156 law of thermodynamics
d. All of the above

37. A motorist moving in a straight direction he contains _______ energy?

a. Potential only
b. Kinetic + Potential Energy
c. Kinetic energy only
d. None

38. Sound travel is faster in?

a. Air
b. Vacuum
c. Cast Steel
d. Aluminum

39. Pilot tube is used to measure?

a. Velocity of a gas
b. Pressure of fluid
c. Quantify of flow
d. Velocity of fluid in open Channels

40. Air conditioning means?

a. To control the condition of air
b. To control the movement of air
c. To maintain pleasingness
d. All of the above

41. In motor vehicles which type of mirror used?

a. Concave
b. Convex
c. Both a and b
d. Plane

42. Why coolant is used in lathes?

a. To increase the cutting action
b. To decrease heat loss
c. To remove chips
d. All of the above

43. In simple indexing the crank movement is given by?

a. 24/N
b. 24/N+N/40
c. 40/N
d. 40/N = n1/N1 ± n2/N2

44. Usually shafts are made with?

a. Cast iron
b. H.S.S.
c. M. S
d. All of the above

45. Angle plates are used in conjunction with a ___ when holding  surface of the work piece should be kept horizontal?

a. Chuck
b. Face plate
c. Mandrel
d. Rests

46. Number of taps used for making a complete thread in the hole is?

a. Single tap only
b. Two taps
c. Three taps
d. None

47. Cutting edges of the reamers are called?

a. Lands
b. Flutes
c. Heal
d. All of the above

48. Slip gauges are sometimes used for accurate setting of the?

a. Tail stock
b. Carriage
c. Tool part
d. All of the above

49. Thermal stress in a bar is directly proportional to?

a. Its cross sectional area
b. It’s Volume
c. Change in temperature
d. None

50. Which type of radiation is liberating form the sun?

a. Fission
b. Fusion
c. Both A and B
d. None

51. Bar is measurement for?

a. Velocity
b. Temperature
c. Pressure
d. All of the above

52. Mechanical efficiency means?

a. Input/ Output
b. n stage/ n blade
c. Work done/Output
d. Output/Input

53. By combustion of fuel in cylinder chemical energy converted into?

a. Mechanical energy
b. Thermal Energy
c. Potential energy
d. Kinetic energy

54. Which type of refrigent is used in refrigerator?

a. Ammonia
b. Water
c. Freon
d. None

55. 20kgf.m. = _____ joules?

a. 4
b. 2
c. 3
d. None

56. Ladies voice is large than men’s, why?

a. Low pitch
b. Low amplitude
c. High pitch
d. High amplitude

57. For medium heads which type of turbine is suitable?

a. Kaplan turbine
b. Impulse turbine
d. Francis turbine
d. None

58. Jockey pulley is used to?

a. Increase the angle of contract
b. Decrease the angle of contact
c. a and b
d. None

59. What is the unit of strain?

a. N/mm2
b. N/m2
c. No unites
d. None

60. When two forces have equal magnitudes and angle between is 90° then what is the resultant?

a. P2
b. 2√p
c. √2 P
d. None

61. The melting point of the filler material in brazing should be above?

a. 420°
b. 600°
c. 800°C
d. 1000°C

62. Inconel is an alloy of?

a. Nickel-Chromium iron
b. Copper zinc-iron
c. Copper tin – iron
d. None

63. Primary is needed in?

a. Reciprocating pump
b. Gear pump
c. Centrifugal pump
d. Diaphragm pump

64. Weld spatter defect in welding is generally the result of?

a. Using tool high welding current
b. Using tool low welding current
c. Both a and b
d. None

65. A tool used for removing broke n bolts and studs from a hole is known as?

a. Screw driver
b. Punch
c. Exy-put
d. Emry rod

66. Which of the following used as the wire for heating an element?

a. Invar
b. Niche chrome
c. Silver
d. None

67. Example for semisolid lubricant is?

a. Graphite powder
b. Greases
c. Mineral oil
d. All

68. For the same compression ratio the thermal efficiency of Otto, diesel and dual combustion cycle will be in the order?

a. Otto, Dual, Diesel
b. Otto, Diesel, Dual
c. A and b
d. None

69. Cable should be connected with appliances so that?

a. It has complete contract with other metallic part.
b. It has partial contact with other metallic part.
c. It doesn’t have any contact with other metallic part.
d. It has contact with more than one metallic part.

70. The solder used for soldering battery cable is made of?

a. Tin and lead
b. Copper and tin
c. Lead ad aluminum
d. Copper and Zinc

71. While soldering wire on a terminal solder should solidify rapidly?

a. To avoid cracking of terminals.
b. To avoid melting of terminals.
c. To avoid displacement of components being soldered.
d. To avoid over heating of other components.

72. Correct sequence of current flow in simple electric circuit is?

a. Load, switch, battery
b. Battery, switch load
c. Load, battery, switch
d. Switch, load, battery

73. In an open circuit the resistance is?

a. Very high
b. Very low
c. Infinite
d. No resistance

74. In a closed electrical circuit the current is?

a. Inversely proportional to voltage.
b. Directly proportional to resistance.
c. Inversely proportional to voltage and directly.
d. Directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance.

75. A cell is device consisting of?

a. One electrode
b. Tow electrodes
c. Three electrodes
d . Four electrodes

76. Vent holes are provided in wet cells?

a. To pour electrode.
b. To allow gases to escape during charging only.
c. To allow gases to escapees during charging and discharging.
d. To allow gases to escapes during discharging only.

77. Identify the secondary cell from the following?

a. Silver-oxide cell
b. Carbon-zinc cell
c. Lead acid cell
d. Lithium cell

78. Lead acid battery is?

a. An electro-mechanical device
b. An electrochemical device
c. An electrical device
d. A chemical device

79. While discharging the battery converts?

a. Mechanical energy into electrical energy.
b. Electrical energy into chemical energy.
c. Chemical energy into mechanical energy.
d. Chemical energy into electrical energy.

80. The level of the electrolyte in each cell above plates should be?

a. 1/8” to 1/4”
b.1/4” to 3/8”
c. 3/8’’ to 9/16”
d. 7/8” to 1”

81. The electrolyte used in lead acid batter is?

a. Nitric acid
b. Citric acid
c. Sulfuric acid
d. Hydrochloric acid

82. The number of turns in primary winding are?

a. 100-200 turns
b. 200 – 300 turns
c. 200-400 turns
d. 400-500 turns

83. The distributor rotates simultaneously along with the?

a. Water pump
b. Oil pump
c. Fuel pump
d. Vacuum pump

84. The spark plug is fitted on?

a. Cylinder
b. Cylinder Head
c. Crank case
d. Rocker cover

85. Distributer shaft is supported by?

a. Ball bearing
b. Shell bearing
c. Brush bearing
d. Needle bearing

86. Distributor cap is made of?

a. Bakelite
b. Fiber
c. Plastic
d. P.V.C.

87. The centrifugal advance mechanism advances the timing when fly weights?

a. Fly outward
b. Contract inward
c. Remain constant
d. Move upward

88. The dynamo used in automobiles is of?

a. Single pole
b. Two pole
c. Three pole
d. Five pole

89. Dynamo brushes are made of?

a. Copper
b. Brass
c. Carbon
d. Aluminium

90. In charging system the regulator acts as?

a. An automatic control
b. An electronic control
c. Manual control
d. A semi automatic control

91. When the dynamo voltage is more than the battery voltage, the voltage flows to the ?

a. Field winding
b. Shunt winding
c. Series winding
d. Armature winding

92. The oil pumps are generally driven by?

a. Camshaft
b. Rocker shaft
c. Crank shaft
d. Damper pulley

93. The symbol of P-N diode?

a. A C
b. A C
c. A C
d. A C

94. The output of rectifier constrains?

a. AC
b. DC
c. Both a & b
d. None

95. Transistor is a?

a. Current controlled device
b. Voltage controlled device
c. Power controlled device
d. All of the above

96. Which of the following circuit can operate class for audio output?

a. Emitter
b. Push pull
c. Cascade
d. None

97. Which of the following Semi-conductor is widely used?

a. Germanium
b. Silicon
c. Gallium
d. None

98. In which oscillator series combinations of capacitors are obtained?

a. Cali Pitts
b. Hardly
c. Crystal
d. Weighing bridge

99. The most widely used method of biasing is?

a. Fixed bias
b. Basic to collector bias
c. Self bias
d. None

100. Memory is measured in?

a. Bytes
b. Gytes
c. Mytes
d. None


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(Model Paper - 2) RRB - Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician Exam (TTE)

(Model Paper - 2) RRB - Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician Exam (TTE)

1. ?Abhinav Bharat? was organized by

(a) Bhai Parmanand
(b) Khudiram Bose
(c) Vir Savarkar
(d) None of these

2. On 22nd December, which of the following places has the largest day and shortest night ?

(a) Melbourne
(b) Moscow
(c) Madrid
(d) Chennai

3. High pressure subtropical calm belts known as ?Horse Latitudes? lies between

(a) 00 and 150
(b) 200 and 250
(c) 300 and 350
(d) None of these

4. Zimbobwe was formerly known as

(a) Rhodesia
(b) Mali
(c) Namibia
(d) Zanzibar

5. Which of the following pairs is correct ?

(a) Bonn - Danube
(b) Baghdad - Tigris
(c) Rome - Seice
(d) Paris - Tibe

6. The canal joining Baltic Sea to North Sea is

(a) Kiel Canal
(b) Suez Canal
(c) Panama Canal
(d) None of these

7. Which of the following rivers does not form any delta at its mouth ?

(a) Cauvery
(b) Mahanadi
(c) Godavari
(d) Tapti

8. Srinagar is situated on the bank of the river

(a) Ravi
(b) Sutlej
(c) Jhelum
(d) Chenab

9. The Shompens are the tribal people of

(a) Andaman
(b) Nicobar
(c) Lakshadweep
(d) None of these

10. Match the following

A. Manas            I. Hangul
B. Dachigam       II. Elephant
C. Mudumalai     III. Tiger
D. Kaziranga       IV. Rhinoceros

    A     B         C         D
(a) I     II         III       IV
(b) III   I         II         IV
(c) II    IV      III         I
(d) I     III      IV         II

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रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड लोको पायलट परीक्षा (Stage-1) अध्ययन सामग्री

11. In India, Plan holiday was after

(a) China-India war of 1962
(b) Draught of 1966
(c) Pakistan war of 1971
(d) Pakistan war of 1965

12. Which of the following is not a ?Free Trade Zone? ?

(a) Kandla
(b) Mumbai
(c) Visakhapatnam
(d) Trivandrum

13. The least perfect square number which is divisible by 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 is

(a) 900
(b) 1600
(c) 2500
(d) 3600

12. A man has Rs. 480 in the denominations of one-rupee notes, five-rupee notes and ten-rupee notes. The number of notes are equal. What is the total number of notes ?

(a) 60
(b) 90
(c) 75
(d) 45

13. In an organization, 40% of the employees are matriculates, 50% of the remaining are graduates and remaining 180 are post-graduates. How many employees are graduates ?

(a) 360
(b) 240
(c) 180
(d) 300

14. Which of the following writs may be issued to enforce a Fundamental Right ?

(a) Habeas Corpus
(b) Mandamus
(c) Prohibition
(d) Certiorari

15. A common High Court for two or more States and/or Union Territories may be established by the

(a) President
(b) Parliament by making law
(c) Governor of State
(d) Chief Justice of India

16. Who among the following was the Constitutional adviser to the Constituent Assembly of India ?

(a) M. C. Setalvad
(b) K. M. Munshi
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) B. N. Rau

17. During the period of Renaissance, the new style of architecture first developed in

(a) Italy
(b) France
(c) England
(d) Germany

18. The Barrah dacoity was the first major venture of the revolutionary terrorists of the freedom movement in

(a) The Madras Presidency
(b) Punjab
(c) Bombay-Karnataka
(d) East Bengal

19. Who among the following were popularly known as Red Shirts ?

(a) Congress Socialists
(b) Members of Azad Hind Fauj
(c) Khudai Khidmatgars
(d) People led by Rani Gaidinliu

20. The State in India having dry season for only 3 to 4 months every year is

(a) West Bengal
(b) Kerala
(c) Mizoram
(d) Himachal Pradesh

21. Which of the following is correctly matched ?

(a) Gulbarga - Karnataka
(b) Midnapur - Gujarat
(c) Wardha - Madhya Pradesh
(d) Cochin - Tamil Nadu

22. U Thant Award is given for

(a) Contribution to east-west understanding
(b) Community leadership
(c) Social service
(d) Journalism

23. Bishop Desmond Tutu is the native of

(a) South Africa
(b) Cuba
(c) Tanzania
(d) Zambia

24. The first electric railway was opened in

(a) 1853
(b) 1885
(c) 1905
(d) 1925

25. Machael Ferreira is associated with which of the following games ?

(a) Chess
(b) Snooker
(c) Golf
(d) None of these

26. ?The Lord of Rings : The Return of the King? won Oscar award in how many categories ?

(a) 10
(b) 9
(c) 11
(d) 12

27. As per Census 2001, which of the following States has the lowest density of population ?

(a) Manipur
(b) Meghalaya
(c) Nagaland
(d) Mizoram

28. Which of the following is the latest Tank ?

(a) Akash
(b) Prithvi
(c) Arjun
(d) Bhim

29. Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched ?

(a) Encephalitis - Brain
(b) Colitis - Colon
(c) Hepatitis - Liver
(d) Jaundice - Throat

30. Which of the following type of clothes is manufactured by using petroleum products ?

(a) Rayan Silk
(b) Terelyne
(c) Nylon
(d) Cotton

31. The function of haemoglobin in the body is

(a) Transport of oxygen
(b) Destruction of bacteria
(c) Prevention of anemia
(d) Utilization of iron

32. Which disease is more common among agricultural workers as compared to urban population ?

(a) Lung?s disease
(b) Cirrhasis of liver
(c) Hookworm infection
(d) Cancer

33. Biological fixation of nitrogen occurs most commonly in which of the following crops ?

(a) Pulses
(b) Rice
(c) Wheat
(d) None of these

34. Which one of the following grows under the tree ?

(a) Cabbage
(b) Bengal gram
(c) Peanuts
(d) Castor

35. Which of the following is an example of a plant that bears seeds but not fruits ?

(a) Cotton Plant
(b) Peepal tree
(c) Eucalyptus tree
(d) Pine tree

36. Radioactive element which has been found to have large reserves in India is

(a) Uranium
(b) Thorium
(c) Radium
(d) Plutonium

37. The image formed on the retina of a human eye is

(a) Real and upright
(b) Real and inverted
(c) Imaginary and upright
(d) Imaginary and inverted

38. In increasing sequence, the major elements present in the human body are

(a) Calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus
(b) Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur
(c) Calcium, iron, sodium, sulphur
(d) Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron

39. A light sensitive compound used in photography is

(a) Silver chloride
(b) Silver sulphide
(c) Silver bromide
(d) Silver oxide

40. Protective foods in our diet are

(a) Fats and vitamins
(b) Carbohydrates and minerals
(c) Vitamins and minerals
(d) Proteins and carbohydrates

41. The ancient name of Bengal was

(a) Kamrupa
(b) Vasta
(c) Gauda
(d) Vallabhi

42. Ahilyabai was the queen of

(a) Gwaliar
(b) Malwa
(c) Jaipur
(d) Bijapur

43. Morish traveler, Ibn Batutah, came to India during the time of

(a) Ala-ud-din Khalji
(b) Firuz Shah Tughluq
(c) Balban
(d) Muhammed-bin-Tughluq

44. The relics of Indus Valley Civilisation indicates that the main occupation of the people was

(a) Agriculture
(b) Cattle rearing
(c) Commerce
(d) Hunting

45. The Mahabalipuram temples were built by the king of ????????. Dynasty

(a) Gupta
(b) Chola
(c) Pallava
(d) Kushana

46. The first telegraph line between Calcutta and Agra was opened in

(a) 1852
(b) 1853
(c) 1854
(d) 1855

47. The first discourse of Buddha in Sarnath is called

(a) Mahabhiniskraman
(b) Mahaparinirvana
(c) Mahamastakabhisheka
(d) Dharmachakrapravartan

48. The political and cultural center of the Pandyas was

(a) Vengi
(b) Madurai
(c) Kanchipuram
(d) Mahabalipuram

49. What is the correct chronological order of the dynasties in which they invaded India ?

1. Huns
2. Kushanas
3. Aryans
4. Greeks

(a) 4, 3, 2, 1
(b) 3, 4, 2, 1
(c) 4, 2, 3, 1
(d) 3, 4, 1, 2

50. Who wrote Mitakshara, a book on Hindu law ?

(a) Nayachandra
(b) Amoghvarsa
(c) Vijnaneswara
(d) Kumban

51. Gupta empire declined in the fifth century A.D. as a consequence of

(a) Chalukya raids
(b) Greek invasion
(c) Hun invasion
(d) Pallava raids

52. Who founded the Hindu Shahi dynasty of Punjab ?

(a) Vasumitra
(b) Kallar
(c) Jayapala
(d) Mahipala

53. The main external threat to the Sultanate of Delhi was posed by the

(a) Mughals
(b) Afghans
(c) Iranians
(d) None of these

54. Who among the following was a leading exponent of Gandhian thoughts ?

(a) J. L. Nehru
(b) M. N. Roy
(c) Vinoba Bhave
(d) Jayaprakash Narayan

55. Who were the immediate successors of the Imperial Mauryas in Magadha ?

(a) Kushanas
(b) Pandyas
(c) Satvahanas
(d) Sungas

56. Both Mahavira and Buddha preached during the reign of

(a) Ajatashatru
(b) Bimbisara
(c) Nandivardhan
(d) Uday

57. Jahangiri Mahal is located in

(a) Delhi
(b) Fatehpur Sikri
(c) Agra Fort
(d) Sikandara

58. The percentage of glucose present in the normal urine is

(a) 0.1%
(b) 2%
(c) 9.5%
(d) 0%

59. The magnetic effect of electric current was first observed by

(a) Henry
(b) Oersted
(c) Faraday
(d) Volta

60. Of the total water on the earth, fresh water reserves constitute approximately

(a) 4.5%
(b) 2.7%
(c) 1.2%
(d) 5.8%

61. The black hole theory was discovered by

(a) S. Chandrasekhar
(b) Har Gobind Khorana
(c) C.V. Raman
(d) S. Ramanujan

62. The main contribution of the Chola dynasty in the field of administration lies in

(a) Systematic provincial administration
(b) A well planned revenue system
(c) A well organized central government
(d) An organized local self government

63. Who founded the philosophy of Pustimarga ?

(a) Chaitanya
(b) Nanak
(c) Surdas
(d) Ballabhacharya

64. Which of the following battles changed the destiny of a Mughal ruler of India ?

(a) Haldighati
(b) Panipat II
(c) Khanua
(d) Chausa

65. ?The Vedas contain all the truth? was interpreted by

(a) Swami Vivekanand
(b) Swami Dayanand
(c) Swami Shraddhanand
(d) S. Radhakrishnan

66. Babur entered India for the first time from the west through

(a) Kashmir
(b) Sind
(c) Punjab
(d) Rajasthan

67. Which was the first among the following ?

(a) Doctrine of Lapse
(b) Subsidiary Alliance
(c) Permanent Settlement
(d) Double Government

68. The name of Lord Cornwallis is associated with the

(a) Dual government
(b) Maratha wars
(c) System of subsidiary
(d) Permanent settlement

69. Sir Charles Wood?s Despatch of 1854 delat with

(a) Administrative reforms
(b) Social reforms
(c) Economic reforms
(d) Educational reforms

70. The sea route to India was discovered by the

(a) Dutch
(b) English
(c) Portuguese
(d) French

71. Which of the following pairs is correct ?

(a) Ashvaghosa - Vikramaditya
(b) Banabhatta - Harshvardhan
(c) Harisena - Kanishka
(d) Kalidasa - Samudragupta

72. 4th July, 1776 is important in world history because

(a) Battle of Plassey started
(b) Sea route to India was discovered
(c) English King Charles II was executed
(d) American Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence

73. Rowlatt Act was passed in the year

(a) 1917
(b) 1919
(c) 192
(d) 1923

74. Communal electorate in India was introduced through which of the following acts ?

(a) 1909
(b) 1919
(c) 1935
(d) None of these

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(Model Paper - 1) RRB - Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician Exam - "Technical Aptitude"

(Model Paper- 1) RRB - Assistant Loco Pilot and Technician Exam

Technical Aptitude

1. The Tractor braking system is of

a) Mechanical type
b) Hydraulic type
c) Pneumatic type
d) Electrical type

2. The Power input of 1 ton air conditioner is

a) 1kw
b) 1.6kw
c) 2.4kw
d) 2.6kw

3. The refrigerator has a cooling capacity of 750 kcal/m. Its capacity in tons of refrigeration is equal to

a) 7.5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 30

4. The color code of refrigerator Ammonia is

a) Orange
b) White
c) Light blue
d) Green

5. The head used to remove any previous recording from the tape is

a) Recording head
b) Erasing head
c) Play back head
d) Running head

6. A Knee is a part of

a) Lathe
b) Milling machine
c) Jig boring machine
d) Grinding

7. Files are made of

a) H.S.S
b) C.I.
c) M.S.
d) None of these

8. The non ferrous metal with the lowest melting point is

a) Aluminum
b) Copper
c) Lead
d) Tin

9. The Front clearance angle of turning tool is maintained between

a) 3 0 to 4 0
b) 8 0 to 12 0
c) 15 0 to 18 0
d) 22 0 to 25 0

10. The number of Guide ways provided on the lathe bed is

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Six

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रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड लोको पायलट परीक्षा (Stage-1) अध्ययन सामग्री

11. The formula for cutting speed in meter/minute for turning a job of diameter 0 mm is given by

a) πDN/100 meter/min
b) πDN/1000 meter/min
c) π/1000 meter/min
d) None of these

12. Mandrel is a

a) Work holding device
b) Supporting device
c) a & b
d) None

13. The following tool is used of r boring a deep hole

a) Drill
b) Reamer
c) Boring bit
d) Augur bit

14. Power Hack-saw blade cuts the material during

a) Return stroke
b) Forward stroke
c) a & b
d) None

15. For gear cutting operation the type of milling used is

a) End milling
b) Face milling
c) Side milling
d) Slit Milling

16. Open and cross belt device quick return motion mechanism is used in

a) Horizontal shaper
b) Vertical Shaper
c) Slotter
d) Planner

17. In Direct Indexing the indexing plate used rotating the job spidle is provided with

a) 44 holes
b) 20 holes
c) 24 holes
d) None of these

18. One watt-hour is equal to

a) 36000 joules
b) 3000 joules
c) 3600 joules
d) None of these

19. Otto cycle is also known as

a) Bell Coleman Cycle
b) Carnot Cycle
c) Constant Volume Cycle
d) Sterling Cycle

20. The brake thermal efficiency and mechanical efficiency of a diesel engine are 50% and 70% respectively. The indicator thermal efficiency is

a) 20%
b) 70%
c) 60%
d) 80%

21. The king pin is indeed

a) Back wards
b) Front wards
c) Out wards
d) In wards

22. The grade of lubricant used in gear box is

a) SAX 30
b) SAE 40
c) SAE 90
d) SAE 150

23. The number of piles provided for a truck tyre is

a) 10
b) 20
c) 25
d) 15

24. Propeller Shaft takes the drive from

a) Clutch
b) Flywheel
c) Gear box
d) Differential

25. Petrol engine uses the following thermodynamic cycle

a) Carnot Cycle
b) Sterling Cycle
c) Otto Cycle
d) None

26. In gear ration between the starter pinion and the fly wheel ring gear is

a) 8
b) 1:12
c) 1:16
d) 1:25

27. For measuring the ovality of the cylinder bore the gauge used is

a) Dial Indicator
b) Plug gauge
c) Micro meter
d) Compression gauge

28. The crank shaft made of

a) Aluminum alloy
b) Cast Iron
c) Steel
d) Forged steel alloy

29. The composition of petrol fuel is approximately given as

a) 60% carbon, 40% hydrogen
b) 75% carbon, 25% hydrogen
c) 85%carbon, 15% hydrogen
d) 95% carbon, 5% hydrogen

30. The lubricating oil pump develops a pressure of

a) 1 to 2 kg/cm2
b) 3 to 5 kg/cm2
c) 5 to 8 kg/cm2
d) 8 to 10 kg/cm2

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(Mock Paper) Railway Protection Force (RPF) Exam Mock Paper -3

(Mock Paper) Railway Protection Force (RPF) Exam Mock Paper -3

1. In which State was the first non- Congress Government set up in Independent India?

(a) Punjab
(b) Bihar
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Kerala

2. Cheap money means

(a) low rates of interest
(b) low level of saving
(c) low level of income
(d) low level of standard of living

3. Under the rules of the IMR, each member is required to declare the par value of its legal tender money in terms of the US dollars and

(a) Silver
(b) Gold
(c) Pound Sterling
(d) Diamond

4. The Government takes „Ways and means advances‟ from

(a) RBI
(b) IDBI
(c) SBI

5. Kisan Credit Card Scheme was introduced in

(a) 1991
(b) 1996
(c) 1998
(d) 2000


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6. Compared to the rich the poor save

(a) a large part of their income
(b) an equal part of their income
(c) a smaller part of their income
(d) all of their incomes

7. One of the main factors that led to rapid expansion of Indian exports is

(a) imposition of import duties
(b) liberalization of the economy
(c) recession in other countries
(d) diversification of exports

8. When too much money is chasing too few goods, the situation is

(a) Deflation
(b) Inflation
(c) Recession
(d) Stagflation

9. With which crop has Green Revolution been associated?

(a) Rice
(b) Wheat
(c) Pulses
(d) Sugarcane

10. Who was the first Indian Governor-General of India ?

(a) B. R. Ambedkar
(b) C. Rajagopalachari
(c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(d) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

11. A candidate, to become a member of the Rajya Sabha, should not be less than

(a) 21 years of age
(b) 25 years of age
(c) 30 years of age
(d) 32 years of age

12. Which Constitutional Amendment gave precedence to the Directive Principles of State Policy over Fundamental Rights?

(a) 42nd
(b) 44th
(c) 52nd
(d) 56th

13. Nov. 26, 1949 is a significant day in the history of our constitution because

(a) India took a pledge of complete independence on this day
(b) the Constitution was adopted on this day
(c) India became a Republic on the day
(d) the first amendment of the Constitution was passed on this day

14. Which of the following expressions does not figure in the Preamble to the India Constitutions?

(a) Sovereign Democratic Republic
(b) Socialist
(c) Secular
(d) Federal

15. Which one of the following Presidents of India served for two terms?

(a) S. Radhakrishnan
(b) Rajendra Prasad
(c) Zakir Hussain
(d) V. V. Giri

16. The maximum strength of the elected members of the House of the People (Lok Sabha) is

(a) 530
(b) 545
(c) 540
(d) 550

17. How many readings does a non-Money Bill have in each House of the Parliament?

(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) One

18. Money Bill can be introduced in the State Legislative Assembly with the prior permission of the

(a) Governor of the State
(b) Chief Minister of the State
(c) Speaker of Legislative Assembly
(d) Finance Minister of the State

19. The Prime Minister who was voted out of power by the Parliament was

(a) Indira Gandhi
(b) Morarji Desai
(c) V. P. Singh
(d) Chandrashekhar

20. The Union Parliament consists of

(a) the President of India
(b) the Council of States (Rajya Sabha)
(c) the House of the People (Lok Sabha)
(d) All of these

21. The Indian National Congress had passed the famous resolution on “Non-Cooperation” in 1920 as its session held at

(a) Lucknow
(b) Delhi
(c) Bombay
(d) Calcutta

22. Who is known as the „Grand Old Man of India‟?

(a) Dadabhai Naoroji
(b) Gopal Krishan Gokhale
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d) Surendranath Banerjee

23. Which of the following can be considered as the most useful and outstanding reforms made by Lord Curzon, especially in respect of the people living in the undivided province of Punjab?

(a) Educational Reforms
(b) Police Reforms
(c) Industrial Reforms
(d) Agricultural Reforms

24. Who among the following was sent as an Ambassasdor to the royal court of Jahangir by James I, the then King of England?

(a) John Hawkins
(b) William Todd
(c) Sir Thomas Roe
(d) Sir Walter Raleigh

25. „Dyarchy‟ was introduced in the Government of India Act of

(a) 1909
(b) 1919
(c) 1935
(d) None of these


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(Mock Paper) Railway Protection Force (RPF) Exam Mock Paper -2

(Mock Paper) Railway Protection Force (RPF) Exam Mock Paper -2

1. Gautam Buddha had attained Mahaparinibban in the State of

(a) Anga
(b) Magadha
(c) Malla
(d) Vatsa

Answer- c

Explanation- After the Buddha passed away, prominent monks spent the rest of the night discussing the teachings. At dawn, the Venerable Ananda informed the Mallas of Kusinara of the Mahaparinibbana (death) of the Master. For seven days the Mallas and throngs of people paid respect to the body of the Blessed One with lights, incense, garlands of flowers, instrumental music and religious songs. For the cremation ceremonies, a pyre of perfumed wood and flowers was prepared. The body of the Buddha was cremated with honor due the Greatest King.

2. Buddha had delivered maximum sermons at

(a) Vaishali
(b) Sravasti
(b) Kaushambi
(d) Rajgriha


Explanation- It was at Sarnath Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon to his disciples for whom he left Bodh Gaya. In this  sermon he had preached the middle path of attaining the "Nirvana" that avoids the extremes of pleasure and austerity, the four noble truths and the eightfold path. Buddha had delivered maximum sermons at Sravasti.

3. The first Gupta ruler who issued coins was

(a) Srigupta
(b) Chandragupta I
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Chandragupta II


Explanation- Chandragupta- I introduced a new era, the Gupta era and the first Gupta king to adapt the title Maharajadhiraja and issued gold coins.

4. The Prince who was responsible for the death of his father was

(a) Ajatsatru
(b) Chandapradyota
(c) Prasenjit
(d) Udayana


Explanation- Ajātashatru was a king of the Magadha empire in north India. He was the son of King Bimbisara, the Great Monarch of Magadha. He was contemporary to Lord Mahavira and Lord Buddha. He took over the kingdom of Magadha from his father forcefully by imprisoning him who is said to have starved him to death. He fought a terrible war against the Vajjis/Lichhvis and conquered the once considered invincible democratic Vaishali Republic.

5. Who among the following was the earliest Sufi Saint to have settled at Ajmer?

(a) Sheikh Moinuddin Chisti
(b) Sheikh Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Qaki
(c) Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya
(d) Sheikh Salim Chisti



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Explanation- Mu'īnuddīn Chishtī reached Ajmer along with Mohammad of Ghori, and settled down there. In Ajmer, he attracted a substantial following, acquiring a great deal of respect amongst the residents of the city. Mu'īnuddīn Chishtī practiced the Sufi Sulh-e-Kul (peace to all) concept to promote understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims. Mu'īnuddīn Chishtī, Bakhtiyar Kaki, Baba Farid and Nizamuddin Auliya (each successive person being the disciple of the previous one), constitutes the great Sufi saints of Indian history.

Shaikh Salim was Sufi saint during Mughal Empire in South Asia. Salim Chishti was one of the famous Sufi saints of the Chishti Order in India. Salim Chishti was the descendant of the famous Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti whose tomb is in Ajmer, Rajasthan.

6. With which Mughal General did Shivaji singh the famous Treaty of Purandhar' in 1665 A.D.?

(a) Jaswant Singh
(b) Jai Singh
(c) Shaishta Khan
(d) Diler Khan


Explanation- The Treaty of Purandar was signed on June 11, 1665, between the Rajput ruler Jai Singh I, who was commander of the Mughal Empire, and Maratha Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Shivaji was forced to sign the agreement after Jai Singh besieged Purandar fort. When Shivaji realised that war with the Mughal Empire would only cause damage to the empire and that his men would suffer heavy losses, he chose to make a treaty
instead of leaving his men under the Mughals.

7. During the 13th and 14th centuries A.D. the Indian peasants did not cultivate.

(a) Wheat
(b) Bareley
(c) Rice
(d) Maize


Explanation- Maize in India is a post-Columbian introduction by the Portuguese in the 16th century or later.

8. The writer of Mahabhasya 'Patanjali' was a contemporary of

(a) Chandragupta Maurya
(b) Ashoka
(c) Pushyamitra Sunga
(d) Chandragupta I


Explanation- The Sunga Empire played an imperative role in patronizing Indian culture at a time when some of the most important developments in Hindu thought were taking place. Patanjali`s Yoga Sutras and Mahabhasya were composed in this period. Panini composed the first Sanskrit grammarian Ashtadayai during the reign of the Sunga dynasty. Artistry also progressed with the rise of the Mathura school of art.

9. Who among the following was the founder of Agra

(a) Balban
(b) Bahlol Lodhi
(c) Sikandar Lodhi
(d)Firoz Tughlaq


Explanation- Sikandar Lodi seized Agra and during his reign, the city flourished as an important cultural centre. However, the claims of Niamatullah, the chronicler of the Lodhi dynasty, that Sikandar founded the city are unacceptable, as it had been mentioned in earlier records. The only claim that could be justified was that Agra came to be known as the Shiraz of India during Sikandar Lodi's time.

10. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched

(a) Ajmer- Quuwal-al-Islam
(b) Jaunpur- Atala Mosque
(c) Malwa- Jahaz Mahal
(d) Gulbarga- Jama Masjid


Explanation- Jama Masjid Gulbarga, reputed to have been built by a Moorish architect during the late 14th or early 15th century who imitated the great mosque in Cordoba, Spain. The Jaunpur Atala Masjid was built by Sultan Ibrahim (1401–1440), Sharqi Sultan of Jaunpur on foundations laid during the reign of Tughluq Sultan Firuz Shah III (1351–1388). Jahaz Mahal is believed to have been constructed during the reign of Mahmud Shah Khalji. It was commissioned by Ghiyas al-Din. The Jahaz Mahal in Mandu, Malwa is located on a narrow strip of land between the two lakes.

11. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the code given below:

1) Vikram Samvat began in 58 BC
2) Saka Samvat began in 78 AD.
3) Gupta era began in 319 AD.
4) The era of Muslim rule in India began in 1192 AD.


(a) 1 and 2
(b) 3 and 4
(c) 1,2 and 3
(d) 1,2,3 and 4

Answer-c (Most correct answer)

Explanation- Vikram Samvat was introduced in 57 B.C. and hence if 57 is deducted from Vikram Samvat year we get Christian year. e.g. V.S. 2054 – 57 = A.D. 1997. The Saka Samvat or Era commenced in B.C. 78 during Saka Kshatrap Nahpan’s time. By adding 78 to Saka year, we get Christian year. e.g. Saka 1752 + 78 = A.D. 1830. In A.D. 320 Chandragupta I succeeded his father Ghatotkacha. It is said that he laid the foundation of great Gupta Empire.

In the 8th century, the province of Sindh (in present day Pakistan) was conquered by an Arab army led by Muhammad bin Qasim. Sindh became the easternmost province of the Umayyad Caliphate. In the first half of
the 10th century, Mahmud of Ghazni added the Punjab to the Ghaznavid Empire and conducted several raids deeper into modern day India.

12. Which one of the following rulers established embassies in foreign countries on modern lines?

(a) Haider Ali
(b) Mir Qusim
(c) ShahAlam II
(d) Tipu Sultan


Explanation- Tipu Sultan external relations aimed at seeking support of the foreign power for a concerted action against the English, whose commercial company had become the most dominating political authority in India. His embassies to distant places like Paris and Constantinople, his numerous letters to France and Turkey, his invitation to Zaman Shah of Afghanistan to rescue the Mughals from English hands, and his correspondence with Napoleon, were all focused on the single point of his confrontation with the English.

13. Who among the following was the one to have escaped being hanged in the 'Kakori Conspiracy Case'?

(a) Ashfaquallah Khan
(b) Rajendra Lahiri
(c) Ram Prasad Bismil
(d) Chandra Shekhar Azad


Explanation- Swaran Singh (uncle of Bhagat Singh), Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaqullah Khan, Rajendra Lahiri and Roshan Singh were sentenced to death by the Court of Justice in the 'Kakori Conspiracy Case'.

14. Who among the following attended all the three Round Table Conferences?

(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) B.R. Ambedkar
(c) Vallabh Bhai Patel
(d) Rajendra Prasad


Explanation- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was elected as the chairman of the drafting committee that was constituted by the Constituent Assembly to draft a constitution for the independent India; he was the first Law Minister of India; conferred Bharat Ratna in 1990. Dr. Ambedkar attended all the three Round Table Conferences in London and forcefully argued for the welfare of the "untouchables".

15. Which Sultan of Delhi imposed Jaziya on the Brahmins also?

(a) Balban
(b) Firoz Tughlaq
(c) Allauddin Khilji
(d) Mohammad bin Tughlaq


Explanation- He refused to exempt the Brahmins from the payment of Jaziya. He persecuted a number of heretical Muslim sects. He banned inhuman punishments. He prohibited Muslim women from going to worship in the grave of Saints. A brahmin was burnt publicly for questioning the Quran.


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(Mock Paper) Railway Protection Force (RPF) Exam Mock Paper -1

(Mock Paper) Railway Protection Force (RPF) Exam Mock Paper -1

1. ?248+ \/52+?144 =?

(A) 14
(B) 16
(C) 18-8
(D) 16.6


2. The boys and girls in a college are in the ratio 3 : 2. lf 20% of the boys and 25% of the girls are adults, the percentage of students who are not adults is-

(A) 675%
(B) 82-5%
(C) 78%
(D) 58%


3. Five years ago the average age of A, B, C, D was 45 years. By including X the present average of all the five is 49 years. Then the present age of X is-—

(A) 64 years
(B) 48years
(C) 45 years
(D) 40 years


4. The difference between simple interest and the compound interest on Rs. 800 at 5% per annum for 1 year is—»

(A) Rs. 81
(B) Rs. 41
(C) 56.50
(D) None of these.


5. A boat moves downstream at the rate of 1 km in 6 minutes and upstream at the rate of 1 km in 10 minutes. The speed of current is-

(A) 2 km/ hr
(B) 1km/ hr
(C) 1.5km/ hr
(D) 2.5 km/ hr



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6. The ratio of number of boys and girls in a school of 720 students is 7 : 5. How many more girls should be admitted to make the ratio 1 1 1 ?

(A) 90
(B) 220
(C) 120
(D) 240


7. A can do g of a work in 5 days. B can dog of the work in 10 days. ln how many days both A and B can do the work ?

(A) 7%days
(B) 9%days
(C) Sgdays
(D) 10 days


8. Consider the following statements-

Assertion (A) : Median of {7, 2, 12, 5, 9} is 7.
Reason (R) : The middle most value ot a data arranged in ascending order is called median.

Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below-

(A) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(B) (A) alone is true
(C) (R) alone is true
(D) Both (A) and (R) are true and
(R) is the correct explanation of (A).

Answer. D

9. Match List-I with List-II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below—~


(a) Correlation coefficient
(b) Coefficient of variation
(c) For a symmetrical distribution
(d) MeandeviationfromMedian


1. Mean = Median = Mode
2. Least
3. Percentage variation
4, Cannot exceed unity

Codes :

(a) (b) (C) (d)
(A) 4 3 Z 1
(B) 4 2 3 1
(C) 4 3 1 2
(D) 3 4 2 1


10. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?

(A) Harmonic mean —A measure of skewness
(B) Mean deviation -An average
(C) Analysis —An arrangement of data
(D) Sales and profit - Positive correlation


11. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?

(A) Data ——A collection of objects
(B) Mode —A well defined measure
(C) Range —Difference between the largest and the smallest items of a data
(D) Q. D.-A best measure of dispersion


12. The average of three numbers is 135. The largest number is 180 and the difference of the other two is 25. The smallest number is—

(A) 130
(B) 125
(C) 120
(D) 100


13. By frequency distribution we mean the classification of data according to—

(A) dissimilarities
(B) similarities
(C) class intervals
(D) magnitude


14. Value of M.D. of [5, 5, 5, 5, 5) from Median is-

(A) 0
(B) 2
(C) 4
(D) 5


15. lf y = 3 + 2x, then the coefficient of correlation between x and y is~

(A) -1
(B) 0
(C) 0.5
(D) 1


16. Which one of the following measures cannot be computed for {2, 7, 5, 10, 4) ?

(A) Mean
(B) Median
(C) Mode
(D) Harmonic Mean C

17. Consider the following statements—

Assertion (A) : Histogram is a graphical presentation of data.
Reason (R) : Statistical data can be represented in the form of graphs.

Now select your answer according to the coding scheme given below-

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true
(B) Both (A) and (R) are false
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true


18. The Green Revolution has led to marked increase in—

1. Productivity of wheat
2. Productivity of pulses
3. Regional inequalities [
4. Inter-personal inequalities A Of the statements—

(A) 1 and 2 are correct
(B) 3 and 4 are correct
(C) 1, 3 and 4 are correct
(D) All are correct.


19. The chief centre or meeting point of the Indo-Roman trade was-

(A) Arikamedu
(B) Alexandria
(C) Madurai
(D) Musiri


20. The Indus Valley Civilization is about-

(A) Ten thousand years old
(B) Seven thousand years old
(C) Five thousand years old
(D) Three thousand years old


21. Upanishads are books on

(A) Religion
(B) Yoga
(C) Philosophy
(D) Law


22. Which one of the following is correctly matched 7

(A) Ellora caves -Sal
(B) Mahabalipuram -Rashtral
(C) Meenakshi temple -Pallavas
(D) Khajuraho —Chandelas


22. Which of the following were included in the Cripps propo» sals ?

1. India was promised dominion status
2. Setting up of a constitutionmaking body consisting of the elected representatives from British India and members from the princely states.
3. Setting up of an Executive Council composed of Indians alone
4. It suggested partition of India Of the statements(

(A) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(B) 2, 3 and 4 are correct
(C) 1, 3 and 4 are correct
(D) 1, 2 and 4 are correct


23. The Iain temples known for the finest marble carvings in India are situated at-

(A) Gwalior i
(B) Iaipur
(C) Gandhara
(D) Dilwara


24. Who prepared the draft of the 'Quit India' resolution ?

(A) Acharya Kripalani
(B) Iawaharlal Nehru
(C) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(D) Pattabhi Sitaramayya


25. Arrange the following events in chronological order and mark the correct choice from the options given below-

1. Death of Bal Gangadhar Tilak
2. Nagpur session of the Congress
3. The Moplah uprising
4. The inauguration of Vishwa Bharati at Shantiniketan.

(A) 4, 3, 2 and 1
(B) 3, 4, 2 and 1
(C) 2, 1, 3 and 4
(D) 3, 2, 4 and 1

26. Who is called as the father of pure Tamil movement ?

(A) Bhavanar
(B) Bharathi
(C) Thiru.V. Kalyanasundaranar
(D) Maraimalai Adikal


27. The district with highest population in Tamil Nadu as per 2001 census is-

(A) Madurai
(B) Chennai
(C) Coimbatore
(D) Trichi


28. The district with highest literacy rate in Tamil Nadu is-

(A) Kamniyakumari
(B) Tirunelveli
(C) Cuddalore
(D) Thanjavur


29. The density of population in Tamil Nadu is (as per 2001 census)-

(A) 478
 (B) 456
(C) 411
(D) 626


30. SEBI has introduced rolling settlement for selected shares under the method-

(A) All shares have to be paid for on the day of purchase
(B) Purchaser has to make advance payment for the share
(C) Purchase can be set oft against sales
(D) Payment has to be settled at the end of 5th day


31. Which of the following state» ments is correct regarding Indira Awas Yojana ?

(A) Soil and water conservation works
(B) Construction of rural roads
(C) Providing houses at free of cost to the members of SC / ST  and free bonded labourers
(D) Land development and waste land development


32. Match List-I with List—II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below-

List-I List-II

(a) IFCI     1. 1955
(b) ICICI   2. 1964
(c) IDBI     3. 1948
(d) EXIM Bank 4. 1971


(a) (b) (C) (d)
(A) 4 3 2 1
(B) 3 2 4 1
(C) 3 1 2 4
(D) 2 3 4 1


33. Consider the following statements-

1. The expansion of the public sector was based on Indus— trial Policy Resolution, 1956
2. Govt. has announced New Industrial Policy in ]uly, 1991.
3. Govt. has not announced any industrial policy at all. Of the statements

(A) 1 alone is correct
(B) 2 alone is correct
(C) 1 and 2 are correct '
(D) All are correct _


34. On whose vision was the term 'democratic socialism' described ?

(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Srnt. Indira Gandhi
(C) Iawaharlal Nehru
(D) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel


35. Which one of the following is correctly matched ?

(A) Industrial policy statement -2002
(B) Report on the committee on disinvestment of shares (Rangarajan Committee) -1987
(C) Common Minimum Programme of United Front Govt. -1996
(D) Start of tenth Five-Year Plan -2005


36. For which purpose is the finance commission appointed ?

(A) To make recommendahon for devolution of non-plan revenue resources
(B) To earn foreign exchange
(C) To recommend measures for profit making public sector enterprises
(D) To impose taxes


37. In which year was Legislative Council abolished in Tamil Nadu ?

(A) 1984
(B) 1985
(C) 1986
(D) 1987


38. The major emphasis in the First Five-Year Plan was on-

(A) Employment generation
(B) Agriculture
(C) Export promotion
(D) Industry


39. UNICEF was established in the year-

(A) 1946
(B) 1956
(C) 1949
(D) 1954


40. Which one of the following is correct .

(A) Human Development Index -United Nations
(B) PQLI -1996
(C) Social Indicators -I.ndia
(D) Welfare measures -Morris


41. Indian Telephone Industries Ltd. is located at-

(A) Mumbai and Bangalore
(B) Bangalore
(C) Mumbai and New Delhi
(D) Mumbai and Chennai


42. Raurkela steel plant was set up with the assistance from-

(B) UK
(D) West Germany


43. The Oil and Natural Gas Commission was set up in

(A) 1956
(B) 1957
(C) 1959
(D) 1961


44. The Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission——

(A) Is the Prime Minister
(B) Is the Planning Minister
(C) Holds the rank of a cabinet minister _
(D) Is an economist of repute


45. World Trade Organisation was started in the year

(A) 1984
(B) 1994
(C) 1995
(D) 1996


46. In Tamil Nadu, the district with the highest sex ratio as per 2001 census is-

(A) Tuticorin
(B) Tirunelveli
(C) Rarnnad
(D) Nilgiris



(E-Book) RRB RPF Constable Previous Year Exam Papers

RRB Railway Protection Force (RPF) Constable Exam

रेलवे सुरक्षा बल (RPF) सिपाही परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

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(Papers) Railway Protection Force (RPF): Sub-Inspector(SI) Exam-2013 General Knowledge Solved Paper

(Papers) Railway Protection Force (RPF): Sub-Inspector(SI) Exam-2013

General Knowledge Solved Paper

1. As a result of global warming, we could be
(A) sea level rise (B) changes in crop pattern
(C) changes in the coast line (D) All the above

(Ans: D)

2. The Earth Summit (Save Earth) had organized
(A) by UNESCO (B) by Yuensiidi
(C) W H o (D) UNICEF

(Ans: B)

3. If the two things complement their cross price elasticity modules:
(A) minus (B) plus (C) negative (D) imaginary number

(Ans: C)

4. The opportunity cost of producing a commodity that is-
(A) the costs which the firm can take on a different technique was adopted
(B) the cost of production under a different law firm could raise
(C) actual costs incurred
(D) the next best alternative production leaved

(Ans: D)

5. land vary in the short term by any other factor is the earned surplus are:
(A) economic rent (surplus) (B) Net rent (surplus)
(C) virtual rent (surplus) (D) Max normal rent (surplus)

(Ans: C)

6. Who is the ex-officio Chairman of the Planning Commission?
(A) Planning and Development Minister (B) FM
(C) Prime Minister (D) Rural and Community Development Minister

(Ans: C)

7. Which of the following is not true in the case when the economy is in a high interest rate?
(A) is increased savings (B) lending is reduced
(C) the cost of production increases (D) return of capital increases

(Ans: D)

8. Which of the following is not the method of measurement of national income?
(A) value-added method (B) Income Method
(C) investment method (D) expense method

(Ans: C)

9. labor-intensive techniques shall be chosen
(A) in a labor surplus economy (B) capital surplus economy
(C) in the developed economies (D) in developing economies

(Ans: A)

10. Which of the following will not be economic activity?
(A) was read to the students in his class teacher
(B) the teacher is teaching students under SSA
(C) read to her daughter's home teacher
(D) is providing advisory services to his residence Teacher

(Ans: C)

RRB Loco Pilot (ALP) Exam 2019 Printed Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड रेलवे सुरक्षा बल (RPF) सिपाही परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

11. Finance Commission
(A) makes five-year plans
(B) makes monetary policy
(C) The Central Government has recommended the revision of salaries
(D) resources between the center and the states decides on Bntbare

(Ans: D)

12. When a country's net national product is-
(A) to GDP, reduced allowances Mulyttas
(B) by adding net income in GDP abroad
(C) Gross national product of the net income from abroad reduced
(D) of the gross national product Mulyhnas allowances reduced

(Ans: D)

13. To whom jaundice is caused by infection?
(A) of the brain (B) liver (C) Renal (D) spleen (spleen)

(Ans: B)

14. The average rate of the heart beat in a normal person is-
(A) 82 (B) 92 (C) 72 (D) 98

(Ans: C)

15. EEG (EEG) is used to record what activity?
(A) Heart (B) Lung (C) brain (D) muscle

(Ans: C)

16. cow's milk due to the presence of a yellow color what happens?
(A) Jathofil (B), riboflavin (C) Raibulos (D) Carotene

(Ans: D)

17. Which of the following is a contagious disease?
(A) diabetes (B) diphtheria (C) arthritis (D) Cancer

(Ans: B)

18. Which of the following volume is decreased in anemia?
(A) hemoglobin (B) collagen (C) Haioglobin (D) myosin

(Ans: A)

19. Which of the following disease is often transmitted through the air?
(A) The Plague (B) Tayfoid (C) Tuberculosis (D) Cholera

(Ans: C)

20. A rich source of food, ie
(A) starch (B) of glucose (C) of fructose (D) of Maltose

(Ans: A)

21. Aspirin simple name is-
(A) of salicylic acid (B) of salicylate
(C) of Methil salicylate (D) Aesitil of salicylic acid

(Ans: D)

22. Forms due to smallpox
(A) Rubiola virus (B) Variola virus (C) Varisela (D) Micsovayrs

(Ans: B)

23. Carbon monoxide is a flammable gas. Which of the following and is flammable gas?
(A) Helium (B) nitrogen (C) oxygen (D) hydrogen

(Ans: D)

24. breathing mechanism should
(A) Heat (B) Water (C) oxygen (D) sunlight

(Ans: C)

25. Which of the following metal reacts with water to produce hydrogen does not?
(A) potassium (B) cadmium (C) sodium (D) Lithium

(Ans: B)

26. Forms are ozone
(A) only oxygen (B) oxygen and nitrogen
(C) hydrogen and carbon (D) oxygen and carbon

(Ans: A)

27. Which of the following has the lowest density of liquid?
(A) FRESH WATER (B) salted water (C) gasoline (D) Mercury

(Ans: C)

28. 'low temperature' to cause which of the following principle is used?
(A) superconductivity (B) water-Kelvin effect
(C) heat-electric effect (D) Adiabatic demagnetization

(Ans: D)

29. Forms photoelectric cell changes
(A) mechanical energy into electrical energy (B) heat energy into mechanical energy
(C) light energy into chemical energy (D) light energy into electrical energy

(Ans: D)

30. The two stones of different mass from the top of a building with a dropped-in
(A) small stone on the ground before it reaches
(B) large stones on the ground before it reaches
(C) both arrive at the stone ground
(D) depends on the composition of the stone

(Ans: C)

31. pulsars, ie
(A) are the stars of the earth (B) are moving away from Earth stars
(C) rapidly moving stars (D) high-temperature stars

(Ans: C)

32. The solar system's largest planet is-
(A) Earth (B) Tue (C) Saturn (D) Jupiter

(Ans: D)

33. "National School of Drama," which of the following is situated in the city?
(A) Mumbai (B) New Delhi (C) Bhopal (D) Kolkata

(Ans: B)

34. When and where our national anthem was sung for the first time?
(A) 24 January, 1950 at Allahabad (B) 24 January, 1950 in Delhi
(C) 26 December, 1942 in Calcutta (D) 27 December, 1911 in Calcutta

(Ans: D)

35. The ozone hole in the atmosphere has been detected, where it is located?
(A) over the Arctic Ocean (B) above Aentarktika
(C) over India (D) above Alaska

(Ans: B)

36. Talent Playn-
(A) is a disease
(B) educational and technical institutions dissuade students say
(C) the cost of scientific and industrial research is pointless
(D) migration of skilled personnel say

(Ans: D)

37. How many lines Dharmacakra the national flag?
(A) 22 (B) 24 (C) 18 (D) 14

(Ans: B)

38. 'India Today' it?
(A) unstable mass of problems
(B) by removing the former British India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
(C) a newsletter dedicated to current affairs
(D) is a member of the Indian Union, the United Nations

(Ans: C)

39. Book 'is VAZ Fraiv Past Midnight "is the subject?
(A) of the Bhuj earthquake (B) of Orissa flood
(C) of Andhra Pradesh cyclone (D) Bhopal Gas case,

(Ans: D)

40. "Tin Bigha Corridor" that connects?
(A) for India and Pakistan (B) India and China
(C) Bangladesh and Pakistan (D) Bangladesh and India

(Ans: D)

41. Pulitzer Prize for outstanding work in the area are recognized?
(A) Science and Technology (B) literature and journalism
(C) International Understanding (D) Environmental Studies

(Ans: B)

42. Victory Column built in Chittor Who did?
(A) Maharana Pratap (B) Rana Sangram Singh
(C) the Azad Rana (D) Rana Ratan Singh

(Ans: C)

43. The instrument is used to change the speed of the electric fan?
(A) amplifier (B) regulator (C) switch (D) Rectifier

(Ans: B)

44. Namdhapa National Park?
(A) Mizoram (B) Manipur (C), Tripura (D) Arunachal Pradesh

(Ans: D)

45. Which religious books Gandhiji their 'mother said?
(A) Ramayana (B) The New Testament (C) to God Gita (D) Koran

(Ans: C)

46. ​​Which of the following Tehri Hydro Power Complex is located on the river?
(A) Alaknanda (B) Mandakini (C) Dhauliganga (D) Bhagirathi

(Ans: D)

47. Nobel laureate Amartya Sen of India are famous for acting in what area?
(A) Physics (B) Protecting the environment (C) Chemistry (D) Economics

(Ans: D)

48. Which of the following North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is not a member?
(A) Italy (B) Germany (C) USA (D) India

49. Which country following the recent 'Tiangung -1 called "first space laboratory module launched?
(A) South Korea (B) North Korea (C) China (D) Japan


50. Which of the following countries of SAARC in India recently, an important border with the Pact?
(A) Myanmar (B) Nepal (C) China (D) Bangladesh


(Ans: D)


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रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड रेलवे सुरक्षा बल (RPF) सिपाही परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

Courtesy: RPF

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Railway Protection Force (RPF/RPSF) Constable Exam Solved Question Paper (Held 15 Feb 2015)

Railway Protection Force (RPF/RPSF) Constable Exam

Solved Question Paper (Held 15 Feb 2015)

Directions (1-5) : Complete the following series each of which follows a certain pattern. 

1. 3, 12, 27, 48, 75, 108, ?. 
(a) 162 (b) 183 (c) 192 (d) 147

(Ans : d)

2. 49, 121, 169, 289, ?. 
(a) 361 (b) 529 (c) 400 (d) 441

(Ans : a)

3. a_ccabc_a_cc_bcc 
(a) c b c b (b) b c b a (c) b a c b (d) b b c c

(Ans : b)

4. _cbacb_dbad_adc_. 
(a) d a c b (b) b c a a (c) c c a a (d) c b d d

(Ans : a)

5. 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24, ?. 
(a) 36 (b) 30 (c) 32 (d) 40

(Ans : c)

Directions (6-10) : In the following questions, find the odd one out. 
6. (a) Nepal (b) Germany (c) China (d) India

(Ans : b)

7. (a) BY (b) CV (c) DW (d) AZ

(Ans : b)

8. (a) 18 (b) 27 (c) 33 (d) 9

(Ans : c)

9. (a) Snooker (b) Chess (c) Hockey (d) Billiards

(Ans : c)

10. (a) IFG (b) QOP (c) XVW (d) ECD

(Ans : a)

11. 24 : 36 :: ? : 72 
(a) 48 (b) 60 (c) 56 (d) 40

(Ans : a)

12. Convict : Jail : : Lawyer: ?
(a) Field (b) Hospital (c) Office (d) Court

(Ans : d)

RRB Loco Pilot (ALP) Exam 2019 Printed Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड रेलवे सुरक्षा बल (RPF) सिपाही परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

13. Rabies : Dog: : Ebola: ? 
(a) Fish (b) Mosquito (c) Cat (d) Bats

(Ans : d)

14. If 26th January, 2015 is Monday what was the day on 26th January, 2011 ? 
(a) Tuesday (b) Wednesday (c) Thursday (d) Monday

(Ans : b)

15. If 'a' means multiplication, 'b' means minus, 'c' means plus and 'd' means division, then 5a 3b 2c [4d 4] = ?.
(a) 6 (b) 0 (c) 14 (d) 12

(Ans : c)

16. GTU : JWX :: CMN : ? 
(a) FQR (b) FPQ (c) FPR (d) FOP

(Ans : b)

17. The average of eleven numbers Is 30. If average of first ten numbers is 22 then what is the eleventh number? 
(a) 8 (b) 80 (c) 30 (d) 110

(Ans : d)

18. If 59 is added to a square of a number. the result is 900. What is the number? 
(a) 30 (b) 28 (c) 29 (d) 27

(Ans : c)

19. If C is to the West of A and B is to the South of A. in what direction is B with respect to C ? 
(a) NW (b) SE (c) NE (d) SW

(Ans : b)

20. Deepa and Seema together do a work In 6 days. Deepa can complete the same work alone in 9 days. In how many days will Seema complete the work alone? 
(a) 18days (b) 3 days (c) 12 days (d) 15days

(Ans : a)

21. The population of a city was 70,000. It increased by 8%. What is the population now? 
(a) 76,000 (b) 76,500 (c) 76,600 (d) 75,600

(Ans : d)

22. What will be the Highest Common Factor of 4.8 and 12 ? 
(a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 2

(Ans : b)

23. If CORRECTION is coded as DPSSFDWPO. How would EMOTION be coded ? 

(Ans : d)

24. A motorcycle covers 60 km. in 3 hours. Its speed is doubled. What distance will it cover in the next 1 hour? 
(a) 360 km. (b) 40 km. (c) 60 km. (d) 120 km.

(Ans : b)

25. 75 of 1/30 » 1/2 = ? 
(a) 1.25 (b) 2.5 (c) 12.5 (d) 5

(Ans : d)

26. Ramesh walks 25 metre towards North. He then turns left and walks for 20 metre. He then again turns left and walks for 25 metre. He then turns left and walks for 50 metre. How far is he from his starting position ? 
(a) 30 metre (b) 50 metre (c) 120 metre (d) 70 metre

(Ans : a)

27. At what % of simple interest per annum will Rs. 400 amount to Rs. 520 in five years? 
(a) 6% (b) 5% (c) 5.5% (d) 24%

(Ans : a)

28. The radius of a circular field is 31.5 metre. What is its circumference? 
(a) 198 metre (b) 154 metre (c) 237 metre (d) 110 metre

(Ans : a)

29. The difference of cubes of two consecutive numbers is 127 What are the numbers? 
(a) 5 and 6 (b) 4 and 5 (c) 6 and 7 (d) 7 and 8

(Ans : c)

30. The length of a rectangular field is increased by 20% am breadth is decreased by 20% What is the per cent increase or decrease in its area ? 
(a) 20% increase (b) 4% decrease (c) 1 % increase (d) No change

(Ans : b)

31. Amar is twenty fourth in a queue starting from either end. How many persons are there in the queue? 
(a) 46 (b) 49 (c) 47 (d) 48

(Ans : c)

32. Ram moves 10 km towards East then moves 10 km right again moves 10 km right. In which direction is he now from the starting point ? 
(a) North (b) West (c) South (d) East

(Ans : c)

33. 0.0050 » 0. 05 + 0.05 = ? 
(a) 0.15 (b) 0.05 (c) 0.16 (d) 0.50

(Ans : a)

34. A shirt priced at Rs. 1500 is being sold at a discount of 40% + 60%. What is its price after discount? 
(a) Rs. 0 (b) Rs. 1400 (c) Rs. 540 (d) Rs. 360

(Ans : d)

35. The sum of two digits of a number is 13. If 9 is subtracted from the number, the digits are interchanged. What is the number? 
(a) 76 (b) 87 (c) 78 (d) 67

(Ans : a)

36. The sum of four consecutive positive integers is 82, then the smallest one of them is– 
(a) 20 (b) 19 (c) 22 (d) 21

(Ans : b)

37. Raul moves 8 km towards West and then turns towards left and travels for 6 km. How far is Raul from his starting point and in which direction ? 
(a) NE 2 km (b) SE 14 km (c) NW 10 km (d) SW 10 km

(Ans : d)

38. What is the Lowest Common Multiple of 2, 3 and 7 ? 
(a) 42 (b) 21 (c) 14 (d) 6

(Ans : a)

39. There are 1500 students in a school. 15% are Muslims, 7% Sikhs, 8% Christians and remaining are Hindus. How many Hindu students are there in the school ? 
(a) 1470 (b) 700 (c) 1050 (d) 1200

(Ans : c)

40. 20 dogs can eat 20 hens in 10 days. In how many days can 40 dogs eat 40 such hens? 
(a) 1 (b) 20 (c) 30 (d) 10

(Ans : d)

41. If BANGLE is coded as ELGNAB. How would SANDAL be coded ? 

(Ans : c)

42. If Wednesday falls on 26th January, then what day will it be on the last day of January? 
(a) Friday (b) Monday (c) Sunday (d) Thursday

(Ans : b)

43. 60% is equal to– 
(a) 6/9 (b) 9/10 (c) 3/5 (d) 7/9

(Ans : c)

44. Average height of a class of 12 students is 180 cm. The average decreases to 179 cm when the height of the class teacher is also added. What is the height of the teacher? 
(a) 168 cm (b) 167 cm (c) 179. 5 cm (d) 166 cm

(Ans : b)

45. 3 - 1 + 3 × 6 » 3 - 1 = ? 
(a) 11 (b) - 3 (c) 7 (d) 9

46. Rishi earned Rs. 83.2 at compound rate of interest 8% per annum over two years. How much did he invest? 
(a) Rs. 600 (b) Rs. 500 (c) Rs. 540 (d) Rs. 503.2

(Ans : b)

47. If 1/4 of third-part of a number is equal to 5, then the number is– 
(a) 15 (b) 60 (c) 12 (d) 20

(Ans : b)

48. If × stands for division, » stands for subtraction, + stands for multiplication and - stands for addition. then 
6 × 2 + 2 – 4 + 2 = ? 
(a) 0 (b) 4 (c) 10 (d) 9

(Ans : d)

49. In a group of seven teams. each team plays against one another twice. How many total matches will be played in the group? 
(a) 49 (b) 42 (c) 48 (d) 28

(Ans : b)

50. A bus travels at a speed of 75 km/hr for 45 minutes and then travels at a speed of 90 km/hr for 45 minutes. What distance will it cover in one and a half hour? 
(a) 123.75 km (b) 165 km (c) 125 km (d) 82.5 km

(Ans : a)

51. How many even numbers are there in the following sequence of numbers which are immediately preceded by an odd number but immediately followed by an even number? 
5 1 4 7 3 9 8 5 7 2 6 3 1 5 8 6 3 8 5 2 7 4 3 4 9 6 
(a) Two (b) One (c) Four (d) Three

(Ans : a)

52. 0.105 + 1.05 + 0.515 + 0.015 = ? 
(a) 1.685 (b) 1.675 (c) 1.75 (d) 1.785

(Ans : a)

53. Which is the largest fraction ? 
(a) 3/7 (b) 7/9 (c) 7/8 (d) 9/10

(Ans : d)

54. Average of 8 numbers is 42. If 9 is subtracted from each number then what is the new average? 
(a) 33 (b) 34 (c) 25 (d) 9

(Ans : a)

55. What is the ratio of 20 paise and Rs. 4? 
(a) 1 : 8 (b) 1 : 16 (c) 1 : 20 (d) 1 : 5

(Ans : c)

56. A shopkeeper sold a shirt for Rs. 728 at a loss of 9%. If he had sold for Rs. 792, what would have been the gain/loss per cent? 
(a) 8% loss (b) 9% profit (c) 1% loss (d) 8% profit

(Ans : a)

57. Convert 9/10 into decimal. 
(a) 90 (b) 1.90 (c) 0.09 (d) 0.9

(Ans : d)

58. Shyam sold a bag for Rs. 598.9 at a gain of 13%. What was its cost price? 
(a) Rs. 550 (b) Rs. 530 (c) Rs. 585 (d) Rs. 500

(Ans : b)

59. In a certain code SEAT is coded as RDZS. How would READ be coded ? 
(a) QDZC (b) QDCZ (c) QDZE (d) QDZD

(Ans : a)

60. What time will a runner take to run a distance of 8 km at a speed of 15 km/hr? 
(a) 35 minutes (b) 33 minutes (c) 31 minutes (d) 32 minutes

(Ans : d)

61. If PERFECTION is coded as EFREPNOITC, how will IMPOSTER be coded? 

(Ans : b)

62. The area of a square field is 196 sq. metre. What would be the length of the rope required to fence the field from any three sides? 
(a) 56 metre (b) 42 metre (c) 52 metre (d) 147 metre

(Ans : b)

63. If 40% of a number is 184, then what is the value of 85% of the number? 
(a) 333 (b) 391 (c) 380 (d) 328

(Ans : b)

64. A TV is bought for Rs. 42,000 and sold for Rs. 49,140. What is the gain per cent? 
(a) 9% (b) 7.14% (c) 17% (d) 7%

(Ans : c)

Directions (65-68) : The figure given below consists of three intersecting circles which represent set of players who play tennis, badminton and kabaddi. Each region in the figure is represented by a number.

65. How many players play Kabaddi?
(a) 48 (b) 28 (c) 38 (d) 43

(Ans : a)

66. Which number represents the set of players who play only Tennis?
(a) 20 (b) 15 (c) 5 (d) 18

(Ans : a)

67. Which number represents the set of players who play both tennis and badminton but not kabaddi? 
(a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 15 (d) 5

(Ans : b)

68. Which game is played by least number of players? 
(a) Tennis (b) Badminton (c) Kabaddi (d) All the three

(Ans : a)


(Ans : a)                                


(Ans : b)


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रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड रेलवे सुरक्षा बल (RPF) सिपाही परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

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RPF Constable Exam Solved Question Paper (Held Feb 2015)

Railway Protection Force (RPF/RPSF) Constable Exam

Solved Question Paper (Held Feb 2015)

1. Which of these states has the longest international border ? 
(a) Nagaland (b) Mizoram (c) Arunachal Pradesh (d) Assam

(Ans : c)

2. Which of these fabrics is named after a French dress maker? 
(a) Linen (b) Crepe (c) Georgette (d) Chiffon

 (Ans : c)  

3. Who was the founder of Sikhism? 
(a) Guru Govind Singh (b) Guru Ramdass (c) Guru Nanak (d) Ranjeet Singh

(Ans : c)

4. Who is the founder of Patna's famous Super 30 institute that coaches economically back- ward students for IIT JEE ? 
(a) Anurag Anand (b) Sushil Kumar (c) Anand Kumar (d) Nitish Kumar

(Ans : c)

5. Shri Narendra Modi is the ……of India. 
(a) Speaker of Lok Sabha (b) Prime Minister (c) Leader of Opposition (d) President

(Ans : b)

6. National Unity Day is celebrated in India on. 
(a) 30th January (b) 29th August (c) 31st October (d) 2nd October

(Ans : c) 

7. Which continent is the Giraffe native to? 
(a) Australia (b) Africa (c) America (d) Asia

 (Ans : b) 

8. Sumo is a traditional form of wrestling of which country ? 
(a) China (b) Japan (c)Vietnam (d) South Korea

(Ans : b)

9. Amir Khusro was the famous poet in the court of. 
(a) Shah Jahan (b) Alauddin Khilji (c) Akbar (d) Sher Shah Suri

(Ans : b)

10. Which of these medical conditions is classified into Type-1 and Type-2 ? 
(a) Diabetes (b) Hepatitis (c) Night Blindness (d) Common Cold

(Ans : a)

RRB Loco Pilot (ALP) Exam 2019 Printed Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड रेलवे सुरक्षा बल (RPF) सिपाही परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

11. Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Armed Forces? 
(a) Prime Minister (b) Vice-President (c) Chief of Army Staff (d) President

(Ans : d)

12. The surface of which of these planets is not solid ? 
(a) Jupiter (b) Mars (c) Venus (d) Mercury

(Ans : a)

13. With which main ingredient is litti, a food item from Bihar. stuffed? 
(a) Onion (b) Potato (c) Vegetables (d) Gram Flour

(Ans : d)

14. Which natural phenomenon conducts carbon dioxide fixation in plants? 
(a) Sunlight (b) Rain (c) Thunder (d) Cosmic Rays

(Ans : a)

15. Other than cricket which game also has a striker? 
(a) Ludo (b) Kho- Kho (c) Carrom (d) Chess

(Ans : c)

16. Islamic State is not waging a battle against– 
(a) Ukraine (b) Lebanon (c) Iraq (d) Syria

(Ans : a)

17. Which of these places got its name from a local word for mangrove trees? 
(a) Vrindavan (b) Sunderbans (c) Mussoorie (d) Madhubani

 (Ans : b) 

18. Name the Chief Minister of Jharkhand. 
(a) Babulal Marandi (b) Arjun Munda (c) Raghubar Das (d) Hemant Soren

(Ans : c)

19. If you are in Red Fort, which city are you visiting? 
(a) Agra (b) Hyderabad (c) Jaipur (d) Delhi

(Ans : d)

20. Which of these is Dot a port city on the Arabian Sea? 
(a) Panaji (b) Vishakhapatnam (c) Mumbai (d) Mangalore

(Ans : b)

21. Which of these Asian countries is not landlocked? 
(a) Afghanistan (b) Laos (c) Mongolia (d) Cambodia

(Ans : d)

22. Which was the first hill passenger railway opened in India in 1881 ? 
(a) Kalka Shimla Railway (b) Matheran Hill Railway (c) Nilgiri Mountain Railway (d) Darjeeling Himalayan Railway

(Ans : d)

23. What does CO stand for? 
(a) Carbon (b) Carbon monoxide (c) Coal (d) Carbon dioxide

(Ans : b)

24. Raslila dance is associated with which God ? 
(a) Lord Shiva (b) Lord Ganesha (c) Lord Indra (d) Lord Krishna

(Ans : d)

25. Which of the following is an Indian online retail company? 
(a) Alibaba Group (b) Amazon (c) eBay (d) Jabong

(Ans : d)

26. For making which sweet is winter melon or white gourd soaked in sugar syrup? 
(a) Jalebi (b) Petha (c) Gulab Jamun (d) Murabba

(Ans : b)

27. Which of these is an essential component of most acids? 
(a) Hydrogen (b) Oxygen (c) Helium (d) Nitrogen

(Ans : a)

28. Sir Creek is a disputed territory between India and. 
(a) Myanmar (b) Nepal (c) Pakistan (d) Bangladesh

(Ans : c)

29. Which of these is essential to keep bones strong in the body? 
(a) Iodine (b) Zinc (c) Fats (d) Calcium

(Ans : a)

30. How many different kinds of zodiac signs are there in Astrology ? 
(a) 12 (b) 16 (c) 14 (d) 11

(Ans : a)

31. The Nobel Peace Prize for 2014 has been awarded to– 
(a) Kailash Satyarthi (b) Barack Obama (c) Kailash Satyarthi and Tawakkul Karman (d) Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai

(Ans : d)

32. The autobiography of which freedom fighter is titled 'Atmakatha' which he wrote during his prison time in Bankipore Jail in Patna? 
(a) Rajendra Prasad (b) Ram Manohar Lohia (c) Lal Bahadur Shastri (d) Jayaprakash Narayan

(Ans : a)

33. Which was the first element to be artificially produced? 
(a) Technetium (b) Francium (c) Einsteinium (d) Promethium

(Ans : a)

34. Who was the host of TV show 'Big Boss 8' '? 
(a) Salman Khan (b) Amitabh Bachchan (c) Shah Rukh Khan (d) Amir Khan

(Ans : a)

35. Which of the following is not a social networking website? 
(a) Facebook (b) hi5 (c) Wikipedia (d) Twitter

(Ans : c)

36. In the Northern Hemisphere, around which date does the summer solstice occur? 
(a) 21st June (b) 22nd July (c) 23rd May (d) 31st March

(Ans : a)

37. Which of these fruits is not rich in vitamin C ? 
(a) Orange (b) Kiwi (c) Lemon (d) Apple

(Ans : d)

38. Deepika Kumari is associated with which sport ? 
(a) Shooting (b) Wrestling (c) Archery (d) Football

(Ans : c)

39. Which of these countries is an archipelago? 
(a) Laos (b) Chile (c) Philippines (d) Argentina

(Ans : c)

40. Flight 17, which was shot down over Ukraine was a scheduled international passenger flight to Kuala Lumpur from– 
(a) Amsterdam (b) Moscow (c) Paris (d) London

(Ans : a)

41. Manik Sarkar is the Chief Minister of– 
(a) Assam (b) Tripura (c) West Bengal (d) Sikkim

(Ans : b)

42. Kaziranga National Park is most famous for– 
(a) Swamp Deer (b) Wild Ass (c) One-homed Rhinoceros (d) Asiatic Lion

(Ans : c)

43. Which was the last autonomous territory or protectorate to integrate with the Indian union? 
(a) Puducherry (b) Sikkim (c) Diu (d) Goa

(Ans : b)

44. Which country will host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games? 
(a) Argentina (b) Russia (c) Japan (d) Brazil

(Ans : d)

45. Rann of Kutch is situated in which state? 
(a) Bihar (b) Rajasthan (c) Gujarat (d) Maharashtra

(Ans : c)

46. Which new university named after an ancient centre of learning in its vicinity, began its academic session in 2014 ? 
(a) Takshila (b) Nalanda (c) Pushpagiri (d) Vikramshila

(Ans : b)

47. The sign for which mathematical function is the logo of the Red Cross society ? 
(a) Subtraction (b) Multiplication (c) Division (d) Addition

(Ans : d)

48. Who was the ruling Governor General of India when the power was transferred from the East India Company to the British crown ? 
(a) Lord Irwin (b) Lord Canning (c) Lord Curzon (d) Lord Mountbatten

(Ans : b)

49. Wangchuck dynasty is the ruler of which country ? 
(a) Brunei (b) Indonesia (c) Myanmar (d) Bhutan

(Ans : d)

50. Which of these Union Cabinet ministers have never served a the Chief Minister of any State or Union territory ? 
(a) Ram Vilas Paswan (b) D.V. Sadananda Gowda (c) Rajnath Singh (d) Sushma Swaraj

(Ans : a) 


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