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RRB GROUP-D Exam (ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा) - Model Questions (Set-72)

RRB GROUP-D Exam (ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा) - Model Questions (Set-72)

1. स्मॉग एक मिश्रण है

(a) वायु और जल वाष्प का
(b) जल और धूम्र का
(c) अग्नि और जल का
(d) धूम्र और कोहरे का

2. किसी केमिस्ट की दुकान में काम कर रहा रेफ्रिजरेटरएक उदाहरण

(a) मुक्त वस्तु का
(b) अन्तिम वस्तु का
(c) उत्पादत की वस्तु का
(d) उपभोक्ता की वस्तु का

3. विनिवेश होता है

(a) निजी कम्पनियों के शेयर सरकार को बेचना
(b) सरकार के शेयर निजी कम्पनियों को बेचना
(c) निवेश में वृद्धि
(d) व्यापारिक संस्थाओं को बन्द करना

4. SDR का पूर्ण विस्तार है।

(a) स्पेशल डॉलर राइस
(b) स्पेशल ड्राइंग राइटस
(c) स्टेट ड्राइंग राइट्स
(d) स्पेसिफिक डॉलर राइट्स

5. भारत में कृषि वस्तुओं के सम्बन्ध में न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य, प्रापण मूल्य आदि से सम्बन्धित आयोग है।

(a) योजना आयोग
(b) कृषि लागत और मूल्य आयोग
(c) कृषि मूल्य आयोग
(d) राष्ट्रीय विपणन आयोग

RRB Group-D Exam 2018 Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा 2018 अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB LOCO PILOT (ALP) Exam Online Tests Series

6. निम्नलिखित में कौन-सी मद विकासात्मक व्यय है?

(a) सिंचाई व्यय
(b) सिविल प्रशासन
(c) ऋण सेवाएँ
(d) सहायता अनुदान

7. जब उत्पादन की औसत लागत (AC) घटती है तब उत्पादन की सीमान्त

(a) बढ़ रही होती है।
(b) घट रही होती है।
(c) औसत लागत से अधिक होती है
(d) औसत लागत से कम होती है

8. टॉमस रो किसके समय में भारत आया था?

(a) अकबर
(b) जहाँगीर
(c) शाहजहाँ
(d) औरंगजेब

9. 'जब्ती प्रणाली का जन्मदाता कौन था?

(a) अकबर
(b) जहाँगीर
(c) टोडरमल
(d) हेमू

10. इलाही गज का प्रचलन किसने करवाया?

(a) बाबर
(b) हुमायूं
(c) अकबर
(d) औरंगजेब

RRB Group-D Exam 2018 Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा 2018 अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB LOCO PILOT (ALP) Exam Online Tests Series

Answer Key :

1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (a)

RRB GROUP-D Exam - Model Questions (Set-72)

RRB GROUP-D Exam - Model Questions (Set-72)

1. Who invented Radar?

(a) J. H. Van Tassel
(b) Wilhelm K. Roentgen
(c) P. T. Farnsworth
(d) A. H. Taylor and Leo C.Young

2. Who amongst the following is renowned in Hindustani classical music (vocal)?

(a) Shovana Narayan
(b) M. S. Subbalakshmi
(c) Pt. Jasraj
(d) M. S. Gopalakrishnan

3. Who amongst the following won the Nobel Prize at least twice?

(a) Winston Churchill
(b) Madame Curie
(c) Octavio Paz
(d) George Choupak

4. Who is the author of Business Speed of Thought?

(a) Dick Francis
(b) John Gray
(c) Bill Gates
(d) David Baldacci

5. At the 13th Lok Sabha Elections in which of the following States did the ruling alliance win all the seats?

(a) Himachal Pradesh
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Madhya Pradesh

RRB Group-D Exam Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB Group-D Exam Online Tests Series

6. Who led the Salt Satyagraha Movement with Gandhi?

(a) Annie Besant
(b) Mridula Sarabhai
(c) Muthu Lakshmi
(d) Sarojini Naidu

7. Yavanika or curtain was introduced in Indian theatre by which of the following?

(a) Shakas
(b) Parthians
(c) Greeks
(d) Kushans

8. D-Day is the day when

(a) Germany declared war on Britain
(b) US dropped the atom bomb on Hiroshima
(c) Allied Troops landed in Normandy
(d) Germany surrendered to the allies

9. Who started the Saka Era which is still used by the Government of India?

(a) Kanishka
(b) Vikramaditya
(c) Samudra Gupta
(d) Ashoka

10. Which of the following Indian States is broadly as large as the European nation Poland?

(a) Bihar
(b) Orissa
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Madhya Pradesh

RRB Group-D Exam Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB Group-D Exam Online Tests Series

Answer Key :

1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (a)

RRB GROUP-D Exam (ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा) - Model Questions (Set-71)

RRB GROUP-D Exam (ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा) - Model Questions (Set-71)

1.  दिल्ली सल्तनत में इक्ता प्रणाली का प्रारम्भ किसने किया?

(a) कुतुबुद्दीन ऐबक
(b) इत्तुतमिश
(c) बलबन
(d) अलाउद्दीन

2. निम्नलिखित में से एक संगीतकार कौन है जो बधिर (बहरा) था?

(a) बीथोवन एल. वी.
(b) बारव जे. एस
(c) रिचार्ड स्ट्रॉस
(d) जेहान्स ब्रम्स

3. भारत के राष्ट्रपति के चुनाव के लिए नागरिक को कितनी आयु पूरी कर लेनी चाहिए

(a) 25 वर्ष
(b) 30 वर्ष
(c) 35 वर्ष
(d) 18 वर्ष

4. किसने कहा था, "अच्छा नागरिक अच्छा राज्य बनाता है और बुरा नागरिक बुरा राज्य बनाता है?

(a) प्लेटो
(b) रूसो
(c) अरस्तू
(d) लास्की

5. संसद सदस्य संसद में अपनी सदस्यता गंवा देगा यदि वह सत्रों से निरन्तर अनुपस्थित रहे।

(a) 45 दिन तक
(b) 60 दिन तक
(c) 90 दिन तक
(d) 365 दिन तक

RRB Group-D Exam 2018 Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा 2018 अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB LOCO PILOT (ALP) Exam Online Tests Series

6. भारत में अवशिष्ट शक्तियाँ निहित हैं।

(a) केन्द्रीय सरकार में
(b) राज्य सरकार में
(c) केन्द्रीय सरकार और राज्य सरकार दोनों में
(d) स्थानीय शासन में

7. बुद्ध को प्रबोध कहीं प्राप्त हुआ था?

(a) सारनाथ
(b) बोधगया
(c) कपिलवस्तु
(d) राजगृह

8. किस मुगल सम्राट को जिन्दापीर' कहा जाता था?

(a) बाबर
(b) अकबर
(c) जहांगीर
(d) औरंगजेब

9 लोदी वंश के किस शासक ने सर्वप्रथम राजधानी को दिल्ली से आगरा स्थानान्तरित किया?

(a) सिकन्दर लोदी
(b) बहलोल लोदी।
(c) जहाँगीर लोदी
(d) दौलत खाँ लोदी

10, पश्चिमी यूरोप का तापमान बढ़ाने के लिए कौन-सी धारा उत्तरदायी है?

(a) लैब्राडोर धारा
(b) गल्फ स्ट्रीम
(c) कैनेरी धारा उत्तर
(d) उत्तर विषुवतीय धारा

RRB Group-D Exam 2018 Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा 2018 अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB LOCO PILOT (ALP) Exam Online Tests Series

Answer Key :

1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (d)

RRB GROUP-D Exam - Model Questions (Set-71)

RRB GROUP-D Exam - Model Questions (Set-71)

1. One time associate of Mahatma Gandhi, broke off from him and launched a radical movement called ‘self­respect movement’. Who was he ?

(a) P. Thyagaraja Shetti
(b) Chhatrapati Maharaj
(c) E.V. Ramaswamy Naicker
(d) Jyotirao Govindrao Phule

2. The first attempt to introduce a representative and popular element in the governance of India was made through:

(a) Indian Council Act, 1861
(b) Indian Council Act, 1892
(c) Indian Council Act, 1909
(d) Government of India Act, 1919

3. What did Jyotiba Phule’s Satyashodhak Samaj attempt in the last century?

(a) Saving the lower castes from hypocritical Brahmans and their opportunistic scriptures
(b) Attacking the caste system
(c) Led an anti-landlord and antimahajan upsurge in Satara
(d) Separate representation for untouchables

4. In which of the following movements did Mahatma Gandhi make the first use of Hunger Strike as a weapon?

(a) Non-Cooperation Movement, 1920-22
(b) Rowlatt Satyagraha, 1919
(c) Ahmedabad Strike, 1918
(d) Bardoli Satyagraha

5. Anglo-Nubian is a breed of:

(a) sheep
(b) goat
(c) poultry
(d) cattle

RRB Group-D Exam Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB Group-D Exam Online Tests Series

6. What kind of soil is treated with gypsum to make it suitable for cropping?

(a) Alkaline
(b) Acidic
(c) Water-logged
(d) Soil with excessive clay content

7. Where is the world’s first Integrated Solar Combined Cycle Power Project proposed to be set up?

(a) Cuttack
(b) Jaipur
(c) Patna
(d) Jodhpur

8. Where is Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake in the world, located?

(a) USA
(b) Brazil
(c) Canada
(d) Russia

9. Who was the ‘man of the series’ at the four-nation ODI LG Cup, 1999 tournament held at Nairobi?

(a) Sourav Ganguli
(b) Lance Klusener
(c) Lance Gibbs
(d) Vijay Bharadwaj

10. A winner of three gold and one silver medals at the 1998 Olympics, was a living legend until September 1998 when she died at the young age of 38. Who is this athlete?

(a) Dotorez Florence Griffith
(b) Florence Griffith Joyner
(c) Jackie Joyner Kersee
(d) None of the above

RRB Group-D Exam Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB Group-D Exam Online Tests Series

Answer Key :

1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (b)

Paper : (RRB) General Intelligence Paper Pattern

Paper : (RRB) General Intelligence Paper Pattern

1. P, Q, R, S, T and U are standing in a row from left to right in the ascending order of their heights. Q is taller than P but shorter than U. Except T, all others are shorter than U. S is shorter than P but taller than R. Which of the following pairs of persons are at both ends?

(a) U and R
(b) S and T
(c) U and S
(d) R and T

Ans:- D

In the following questions, A & B, four items are given. Three of them are related to one another in some particular way and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to the group?

2. B. (a) Gram
(b) Wheat
(c) Bread
(d) Maize

Ans:- C

3. 'Table' is related to 'Wood', in the same way as 'Shirt' is related to:

(a) Cotton
(b) Cloth
(c) Thread
(d) Garment

Ans:- B

4. In a certain code language POWER is written as 61452 and COULD is written as 81379. How will the word COUPLE be written in that code language?

(a) 913765
(b) 831657
(c) 813675
(d) 813567

Ans:- C

5. How many such pairs of letters there in the word RECOVERED which have as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?

(a) Five
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Six

Ans:- C

6. If 'P' means '−', 'Q' means '×', 'R' means '¸' and 'S' means '+', then what will be the value of the following expression?15 Q 3 P 25 R 5 S 8

(a) 40
(b) 48
(c) 52
(d) 46

Ans:- B

7. Pointing to a photograph of a man, John said, "He is the father of the brother of my son's mother". How is John related to the man in the photograph?

(a) Brother
(b) Son-in-law
(c) Father-in-law
(d) Cousin

Ans:- B

8. Which number should come in the place of question mark in the following number series.

9 20 33 48 ? 84 105

(a) 72
(b) 68
(c) 65
(d) 62

Ans:- C

9. Geetha walks 6 km towards north, turns her left and walks 8 km, again she turns to her left and walks 6km. How far is she from the starting point?

(a) 6 km
(b) 8 km
(c) 10 km
(d) 14 km

Ans:- B

10. mn - m - nm - n

(a) m m m
(b) n n n
(c) m n m
(d) n m n

Ans:- B

11. 4 ? 36 64

(a) 9
(b) 25
(c) 18
(d) None of these

Ans:- D

12.What will come in the place of question mark?

816 800 764 700 ?

(a) 636
(b) 638
(c) 610
(d) 600

Ans:- D

13. Find the odd pair

(a) 28, 4
(b) 35, 5
(c) 63, 7
(d) 56, 8

Ans:- C

14. Find the odd pair

(a) 15, 12
(b) 45, 27
(c) 20, 10
(d) 39, 18

Ans:- C

15. Which one word can not be formed from the letters of the word PARAPHERNALIA

(d) PEAR

Ans:- B

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्र

16. If Z = 52, and ACT = 48, then BAT will be equal to

(a) 39
(b) 41
(c) 44
(d) 46

Ans:- D

17. What should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following arrangement?

4         3         6
5         7         8
6         4         5
1        20     84 ?

(a) 120
(b) 240
(c) 220
(d) 210

Ans:- B

18. Prem started walking straight towards south. He walked a distance of 25 m and turned to his right, walked a distance of 8 m. He then turned to his left and walked a distance of 10 m. In which direction is he now with respect to the starting point?

(a) West
(b) East
(c) South-West
(d) South-East

Ans:- C

19. In a certain code language 'tor se pub' means 'Man and Woman', 'pub log rap' means 'Boy and Girl'. What is the code for 'Man' in that code language?

(a) pub
(b) se
(c) tor
(d) none of these

Ans:- C

20. PMCK is related to TOGM, in the same way as 'DRMB' is related to

(a) GTQB
(b) HTQD
(c) HSPD
(d) HTRE

Ans:- B

21. Seal is related to 'pup' in the same way as Zebra is related to

(a) Whelp
(b) Calf
(c) Foal
(d) Cub

Ans:- C

22. What should come in the place of question mark in the following arrangement?

6         9         13
3        17         8
19       2          ?

(a) 5
(b) 11
(c) 7
(d) 4

Ans:- C

23. If in a certain code language, SING is coded as SINGS, what will be the code for TRUST?


Ans:- B

24. If GIVE =43 and OR = 33, then TAKE will be equal to

(a) 38
(b) 37
(c) 36
(d) 34

Ans:- B

In the following questions (A, B, C, D & E), there are three circles in each question having 5 numbers. One inside and 4 outside. The four outer number give the inner number according to some rule. Find the missing number.

25.A. Male singers who are not Indians is represented by

(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 7

Ans:- C

26.B. Indians who are male but not singers are represented by

(a) 2
(b) 5
(c) 7
(d) 4

Ans:- A

27.C. Male Indian singers are represented by

(a) 2
(b) 5
(c) 3
(d) 4

Ans:- C

28.D. Males who are neither Indian nor singers is represented by

(a) 6
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 7

Ans:- A

29.E. Non-male Indian singers are represented by

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 5
(d) 4

Ans:- D

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions (A, B, C & D) given below.

P, Q, R, S, T and U are six members of a family, each of them engaged in a different profession. Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, Engineer, Nurse, Manager. Each of them remains at home on a different day of the week from Monday to Saturday.

The Lawyer remains at home on Thursday.

R remains at home on Tuesday.
P the doctor does not remain at home either on Saturday or on Wednesday
S in neither a doctor nor a teacher remains at home on Friday.
Q in the Engineer and T is the manager.

30.A. Which of the following combination is not correct

(a) R-Teacher
(b) Q-Engineer
(c) S-Nurse
(d) All are correct

Ans:- D

31.B. Which of the following combination is correct

(a) Nurse Friday
(b) Teacher Wednesday
(c) Manager Friday
(d) Engineer Thursday

Ans:- A

32. C. Who among them remains at home on the following day of the nurse's

(a) Q
(b) Q to T
(c) S
(d) None of these

Ans:- B

33. D. Who remains at home on Saturday

(a) S
(b) T
(c) Q or T
(d) None of these

Ans:- C

34. Fill in the missing number

18         2         16
15         7          8
18         6          ?

(a) 20
(b) 14
(c) 4
(d) 12

Ans:- D

35. Which letter will be the sixth to the left of the nineteenth letter from the right end of the following alphabet?


(a) N
(b) M
(c) Y
(d) None of these

Ans:- D

36. Race : Fatigue :: Fast : ?

(a) Hunger
(b) Food
(c) Race
(d) Laziness

Ans:- A


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Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्र

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Paper : (RRB) Numerical Aptitude Paper Pattern

Paper : (RRB) Numerical Aptitude Paper Pattern

1.Minimum number that should be added to 23087 to make it completely divisible by 8 is ......

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

Ans:- A

2.The angles ABC are 5x0, 7x0 and 6x0 respectively. What is the measure of the Ð BCA?

(a) 500
(b) 600
(c) 700
(d) cannot decide

Ans:- C

3.390× 1000 × 201 × 34 = ?

(a) 895
(b) 1540
(c) 1620
(d) 1780

Ans:- C

4.2100 ¸ 84 = √?

(a) 25
(b) 35
(c) 1225
(d) 625

Ans:- D

5.Ratio of costs of a table and a chair is 5:3 . If the tables cost Rs. 500 more than the cost of chair's, what is the chair's cost?

(a) Rs. 1250
(b) Rs. 1750
(c) Rs. 1450
(d) Rs. 750

Ans:- D

6. 1646 − 13 × 18 + 249 = ? + 875

(a) 786
(b) 687
(c) 2486
(d) 2356

Ans:- A

7.A number when divided by 5 leaves the remainder 3. What is the remainder when the square of the same number is divided by 5?

(a) 9
(b) 3
(c) 0
(d) 4

Ans:- D

8.12% 650 + ? % of 400 = 110

(a) 25
(b) 18
(c) 8
(d) 80%

Ans:- C

9.A train 'A' crosses a 160 m standing train 'B' in 15 sec and a standing person in 9 sec. What is its speed?

(a) 96 km/hr
(b) 72 km/hr
(c) 84 km/hr
(d) 92 km/hr

Ans:- A

10.The type of matrix

√2     0     0
0     √3     0
0     0     √2


(a) Scalar
(b) Unit
(c) Diagonal
(d) Transpose

Ans:- C

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्र

11.The value of log 10000 is

(a) 4
(b) 8
(c) 5
(d) 6

Ans:- A

12.The sum of all numbers between 800 and 1100 which are divisible by 79 is

(a) 2846
(b) 2844
(c) 3844
(d) 3584

Ans:- B

13.The difference between the squares of any two consecutive integers is equal to

(a) Product of two numbers
(b) Sum of two numbers
(c) Difference of two numbers
(d) An even number

Ans:- B

14.74 is divided into two parts so that 5 times one part and 11 times the others part are together equal to 454. Then the parts are

(a) 14,60
(b) 60,14
(c) 30,44
(d) 20,34

Ans:- B

15.If 4 workers can make 42 toys in 6 days, how many toys can 12 workers make in 3 days?

(a) 63
(b) 28
(c) 252
(d) 7

Ans:- A

16.The price of 349 coconuts are Rs 2094. What will be the price of 26 dozens of coconuts?

(a) Rs 1662
(b) Rs 1562
(c) Rs 2062
(d) Rs 1872

Ans:- D

17.The area of a rectangular field is 10 times of its length. If the breadth of the field is 10m, what is its length?

(a) 40m
(b) 25m
(c) 20m
(d) data inadequate

Ans:- D

18.The salary of an employee was reduced by 40% first and then was increased by 50%. How much percent did he lose?

(a) 15%
(b) 20%
(c) 10%
(d) 12%

Ans:- C

19.If 9 men & 15 women can do a piece of work in 25 days, then 39 men and 10 women will complete the same work in

(a) 7 days
(b) 6 days
(c) 5 days
(d) 4 days

Ans:- C

20.One person took a loan of Rs. 5000 for 3 yrs on simple interest. After three years he paid back Rs. 6200 including the principal and the interest accrued. Calculate the rate of interest.

(a) 6%
(b) 7%
(c) 8%
(d) 7.5%

Ans:- C

21.The smallest number which when added to the number 1154 makes it a perfect square is

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

Ans:- B

22.The present age of Ramesh is ¼ of his father's age. After 4 years, the sum of their ages will be 68. What is the present age of Ramesh?

(a) 10 yrs
(b) 15 yrs
(c) 16 yrs
(d) 12 yrs

Ans:- B

23. Sheet metal required to make a hollow cone of height 24 cm and radius 7 cm is

(a) 407 cm2
(b) 250 cm2
(c) 704 cm2
(d) 400 cm2

Ans:- C

24. If 42 men can do a work in 15 days, how many men are required to complete it in 21 days?

(a) 24
(b) 36
(c) 30
(d) none of these

Ans:- A

25. Average marks in Maths in a class of 40 students is 45. Average of all the 30 boys is 50. Then the average marks obtained by the girls is

(a) 30
(b) 35
(c) 25
(d) none of these

Ans:- A

26. The largest angle of a quadrilateral is two times the smallest angle. If the angles form a series (a, a+d, a+2d, a+3d), the other two angles would be

(a) 600, 1200
(b) 800, 1000
(c) 900, 1000
(d) 700, 900

Ans:- B

27. A mixture of 20 kg of spirit and water contains 10% water. How much water must be added to this mixture to raise the percentage of water to 25%

(a) 4 kg
(b) 5 kg
(c) 8 kg
(d) 30 kg

Ans:- A

28. A shopkeeper bought locks at the rate of 8 locks for Rs. 34 and sold them at 12 locks for Rs. 57. The number of locks he should sell to have a profit of Rs. 900 is

(a) 1400
(b) 1600
(c) 1800
(d) 2000

Ans:- C

29. A person travels equal distance with speed of 3 km/hr; 4 km/hr and 5 km/hr. and takes a total time of 47 minutes. The total distance (in km) is

(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

Ans:- A

30. The perimeter of a circular and another square field are equal. Find the area in sq.m of the circular field if the area of the square field is 484 sq.m.

(a) 888
(b) 770
(c) 616
(d) None of these

Ans:- C

31. If the compound interest on a certain sum for 2 yrs at 10% annum is Rs. 2100, the simple interest on it at the same rate for 2 yrs will be.

(a) Rs. 1700
(b) Rs. 1800
(c) Rs. 1900
(d) Rs. 2000

Ans:- D

32. The diagonal of a square A is x + y. The diagonal of a square 'B' with twice the area of A is

(a) 2(x + y)
(b) x + 2y
(c) √2 (x + y)
(d) 2x + 4y

Ans:- C

33. If 10x+3y : 5n+2y = 9:5, then x : y is

(a) 3:5
(b) 5:3
(c) 2:5
(d) 1:2

Ans:- A

34. Free International CallsSMS & Call Friends for Free across the World. Call Now! Safe Feed Of My BabyFor Safe Feeding And Healthy Baby, visit.Your Ad HereA conical tent of radius 12m and height 16m is to be made. Find its cost if canvas is Rs. 10 per m2

(a) Rs 7543
(b) Rs 7445
(c) Rs 7342
(d) 7600

Ans:- A

35. 1, 5, 14, 30, ?, 91

(a) 45
(b) 55
(c) 46
(d) 60

Ans:- B

36. 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 10, ?, 13

(a) 7
(b) 11
(c) 14
(d) 12

Ans:- C

37. 2, 6, 30, 60, 130, ?

(a) 210
(b) 216
(c) 200
(d) 160

Ans:- A


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Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्र

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Paper : (RRB) General Knowledge Paper Pattern

Paper : (RRB) General Knowledge Paper Pattern

1. When was the first underground railway (Metro Railway) started?

(a) 1982
(b) 1989
(c) 1984
(d) 1992

Ans:- C

2. Shatabdi Express train was started in

(a) 1984
(b) 1988
(c) 1990
(d) 1985

Ans:- B

3.At which of the following places Diesel Component Works is established?

(a) Jamshedpur
(b) Patiala
(c) Perambur
(d) Varanasi

Ans:- B

4.Which Zone is the largest in Indian Railways?

(a) Central Railway
(b) Northern Railway
(c) Eastern Railway
(d) Western Railway

Ans:- C

5.The railway station situated in the extreme south is

(a) Chennai
(b) Cochin
(c) Kanyakumari
(d) Trivandrum

Ans:- C

6.A platform surrounded by rail lines from all the four sides, is called

(a) dock platform
(b) passenger platform
(c) island platform
(d) goods platform

Ans:- C

7.When was the nationalization of Indian Railways done?

(a) 1952
(b) 1950
(c) 1951
(d) 1954

Ans:- B

8.In which year Research, Design and Standard organization was established?

(a) 1954
(b) 1957
(c) 1959
(d) 1967

Ans:- B

9.Railway Staff College is situated at

(a) Bangalore
(b) Secundrabad
(c) Chennai
(d) Vadodara

Ans:- D

10.Where is the Research, Design and Standard Organisation situated?

(a) Lucknow
(b) Bangalore
(c) Pune
(d) New Delhi

Ans:- A

11.Which is the following pairs of regional Railways and their headquarters not true?

(a) South-Central Railway - Secunderabad
(b) Central railway - Bhopal
(c) South Railway - Chennai
(d) North Railway - New Delhi

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्र

Ans:- B

12.Between which of the destinations the first Indian train was started?

(a) from Calcutta to Delhi
(b) From Mumbai to Thane
(c) From Mumbai to Surat
(d) From Mumbai to Madras

Ans:- B

13.When was the first train in Indian started?

(a) 1851
(b) 1852
(c) 1853
(d) 1854

Ans:- C

14.In which Governor-General's reign railway lines in India was established?

(a) Lord William Bentick
(b) Lord Cornwallis
(c) Lord Kenning
(d) Lord Dalhousie

Ans:- D

15.A station where the rail lines end, is called

(a) junction station
(b) way-side-station
(c) block station
(d) terminal station

Ans:- D

16.How much distance was traveled by first train of India?

(a) 33 km
(b) 36 km
(c) 34 km
(d) 46 km

Ans:- C

17.What is the position of the Indian Railway in the world according to the length of rail lines?

(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth

Ans:- D

18.What is the length of North-Eastern Frontier Railway (NEFR)?

(a) 4300 Km
(b) 3700 Km
(c) 4290 km
(d) 5298 km

Ans:- B

19.The headquarters of North-Eastern railway is situated at

(a) Mumbai (V.T)
(b) Guwahati
(c) Gorakhpur
(d) New Delhi

Ans:- C

20.When was the North-Eastern frontier Railway (NEFR) established?

(a) 15th Jan, 1958
(b) 15th Jan, 1955
(c) 2nd Jan, 1956
(d) 14th April, 1952

Ans:- A

21.The headquarters of North -Eastern Frontier Railway (NEFR) is

(a) Calcutta
(b) Maligaon (Guwahati)
(c) Chennai
(d) Gorakhpur

Ans:- B

22.In which of the following cities, the first sub-way train was started?

(a) Mumbai
(b) Delhi
(c) Calcutta
(d) Chennai

Ans:- C

23.General Manger is responsible for

(a) Railway Board
(b) Railway Ministry
(c) Both railway Board and Railway Ministry
(d) None of these

Ans:- A

24.The headquarters of South-Central Railways is situated at

(a) Mumbai (V.T)
(b) Chennai
(c) Secundrabad
(d) Mumbai (Central)

Ans:- C

25.The headquarters of Northern Railway is at

(a) New Delhi
(b) Guwahati
(c) Gorakhpur
(d) Mumbai (V.T)

Ans:- A

26.The headquarters of South Railways is situated at

(a) Calcutta
(b) Chennai
(c) Delhi
(d) Mumbai

Ans:- B

27.In which institution the training of electric work is being given?

(a) Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
(b) Indian Railways Institute of Electrical Engineering
(c) Railway Staff College
(d) Indian Railways Institute of Civil Engineering

Ans:- B

28.Who invented the railway engine?

(a) Charles Babbage
(b) Isaac Newton
(c) James Watt
(d) George Stephenson

Ans:- D

29.Where is the Indian Railways Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Institution situated?

(a) Nasik
(b) Baroda
(c) Jamalpur
(d) Pune

Ans:- C

30.Metro Railway is functioning in which of the following Indian States?

(a) Gujarat
(b) Maharashtra
(c) West Bengal
(d) Tamil Nadu

Ans:- C

31.The zone with the minimum length is

(a) North-Eastern Railway
(b) North-Eastern Frontier Railway
(c) South-East Railway
(d) South-Central Railway

Ans:- B

32.Where is the Indian Railways Institute of Civil Engineering Institute situated?

(a) Pune
(b) Chennai
(c) Nasik
(d) Sikandrabad

Ans:- A

33.How many training institutions of Railways are in India?

(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Five
(d) Six

Ans:- C

34.What is the position of the Indian Railway under the zonal system?

(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Forth

Ans:- B

35.Which of the gauges is used in the hilly areas?

(a) Broad gauge
(b) Meter gauge
(c) Narrow gauge
(d) Special gauge

Ans:- C

36.Where is the extreme north of India a railway station?

(a) Jammutavi
(b) Amritsar
(c) Pathancoat
(d) Guwahat

Ans:- A

37.How many institutions do give suggestions for railways technology?

(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four

Ans:- B

38.Diesel Locomotive Works is situated at

(a) Perambur
(b) Varanasi
(c) Kapurthala
(d) Bangalore

Ans:- B

39.The manufacturing of steam engine in Chittranjan Locomotive Works was stopped in

(a) 1974
(b) 1961
(c) 1971
(d) 1973

Ans:- C

40.The passenger bogies of the Indian Railways are manufactured at which of the following places?

(a) Kapurthala
(b) Chittranjan
(c) Perambur
(d) Bangalore

Ans:- C

41.Indian Railways which is the largest of the Public Sector Enterprises, is divided into how many regions?

(a) 7
(b) 9
(c) 8
(d) 10

Ans:- B

42.Besides Mahrashtra, Karnataka and Goa, which of the following is the fourth State for Konakan Railway Project?

(a) Kerala
(b) Tamil Nadu
(c) Gujarat
(d) Andhra Pradesh

Ans:- A

43.Palace On Wheels train was inaugurated in

(a) 1988
(b) 1972
(c) 1982
(d) 1965

Ans:- C

44.When was the Central Railway established?

(a) 5th Nov 1951
(b) 14th Nov 1951
(c) 14th April 1951
(d) 16th August, 1951

Ans:- A

45.Rajasthan is under which of the following railway zones?

(a) Northern region
(b) Western region
(c) North-Western region
(d) Central Region

Ans:- B

46.The largest national enterprise of India is

(a) Indian Railway
(b) Indian Shipyard
(c) Airways
(d) None of these

Ans:- A

47.The first locomotive which was manufactured in Chittranjan on

(a) November 1950
(b) October 1950
(c) September 1949
(d) October 1954

Ans:- A

48.Where is the wheel and axle plant of Indian Railways situated?

(a) Chittranjan
(b) Kapurthala
(c) Bangalore
(d) Perambur

Ans:- C

49.When was the Jammu City appeared on the map of Indian Railway?

(a) 1965
(b) 1963
(c) 1967
(d) 1965

Ans:- D

50.Where is the headquarters of Central Railway situated?

(a) Mumbai (V.T)
(b) Mumbai (Church Gate)
(c) Gwalior
(d) Gorakhpur

Ans:- A


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Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्र

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RRB GROUP-D Exam (ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा) - Model Questions (Set-70)

RRB GROUP-D Exam (ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा) - Model Questions (Set-70)

1. b 3 P, c 6 R, d 12 T, e 24 V, ?

(a) f 48 X
(b) f 46 X
(c) f 48 W
(d) g 48 X'

2. c/6, e/10, g/14, i/18, ?

(a) k/22
(b) k/11
(c) p/22
(d) p/11


(a) WYAC
(b) WXYA
(c) WXYZ
(d) WYZA

4. 2, 65, 7, 59, 12, 53, ?, ?

(a) 15,42
(b) 17,45
(c) 17, 47
(d) 18, 48

5. निम्न श्रृंखला में गलत संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए।

6, 12, 21, 32, 45, 60

(a) 6
(b) 12
(c) 21
(d) 32

RRB Group-D Exam 2018 Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा 2018 अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB LOCO PILOT (ALP) Exam Online Tests Series

6. मुख्यमंत्री तीर्थदर्शन योजना निम्नलिखित में से किस राज्य की एक योजना है?

(a) उत्तरप्रदेश
(b) मध्यप्रदेश
(C) राजस्थान
(d) बिहार

7. प्रथम विश्वयुद्ध के समय किसको ‘रिक्रूटिंग सार्जेन्ट कहा गया?

(a) वल्लभभाई पटेल
(b) जवाहरलाल नेहरू
(c) महात्मा गाँधी
(d) सरोजिनी नायडू

8. किसको ‘मदर ऑफ इण्डियन रिवोल्यूशन' कहा जाता है?

(a) मारग्रेट नोबल
(b) मैडम कामा
(c) कस्तूरबा गाँधी
(d) सरोजिनी नायडू

9. जेवलिनक्या है?

(a) आइफोन-5 में लगाया गया एक सॉफ्टवेयर
(b) एक ऐसा रोबोट जो डॉक्टर की ओर से किए जाने वाले काम करेगा
(c) अमेरिका की टैंक रोधी मिसाइल
(d) इजराइल मिसाइल

10. संविधान सभा की पहली बैठक कब हुई थी?

(a) 9 दिसम्बर, 1946
(b) 9 दिसम्बर, 1947
(C) 9 दिसम्बर, 1948
(d) 9 दिसम्बर, 1950

RRB Group-D Exam 2018 Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा 2018 अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB LOCO PILOT (ALP) Exam Online Tests Series

Answer Key :

1.(c) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5. (a) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(a)

RRB GROUP-D Exam - Model Questions (Set-70)

RRB GROUP-D Exam - Model Questions (Set-70)

1. Two waves, each of amplitude 1.5 mm and frequency 10 Hz, are travelling in opposite direction with a speed of 20 mm/s. The distance in mm between adjacent nodes is :

(a) 1.0
(b) 1.2
(c) 1.5
(d) 2.0

2. The snow on the mountains does NOT melt all at once when it is heated by the sun because:

(a) it becomes very hard
(b) it reflects most of the heat from the sun
(c) it has a low specific heat capacity
(d) it has a high latent heat of fusion

3. An atomic pile is used for

(a) producing X-rays
(b) conducting nuclear fission
(c) coducting thermonuclear fusion
(d) accelerating atoms

4. Clove, the commonly used spice, is obtained from the:

(a) root
(b) stem
(c) flower bud
(d) fruit

5. Labourers who do hard manual labour develop thick skin on their palms and soles due to:

(a) thick epidermis
(b) thick dermis
(c) thick subcutaneous tissue
(d) All of these

RRB Group-D Exam Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB Group-D Exam Online Tests Series

6. Maximum photosynthetic activity occurs in:

(a) blue and red region of light
(b) green and yellow region of light
(c) blue and orange region of light
(d) violet and orange region of light

7. In order to prevent the expansion of deserts, trees are planted in strips or blocks with the shortest trees on the desert side and tallest on the other side. Such plantation is called?

(a) shelter belts
(b) agro forests
(c) wind breaks
(d) social forests

8. A book that brought awareness of environment all over the world was Silent Spring. It was written by:

(a) Julien Huxley
(b) Jane Goodall
(c) John Seymour
(d) Frank Graham Jr.

9. AIDS virus has:

(a) single-stranded RNA
(b) double-stranded RNA
(c) single-stranded DNA
(d) double-stranded DNA

10. A ‘breath test’ used by traffic police to check drunken driving uses:

(a) otassiumdichromatesulphuric acid
(b) potassium permanganate-sulphuric acid
(c) turmeric on filter paper
(d) silica gel coated with silver nitrate

RRB Group-D Exam Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB Group-D Exam Online Tests Series

Answer Key :

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (c)

Paper : (RRB) Railway Engineering

Paper : (RRB) Railway Engineering  

1. The bent-up length of rail used in front of nose of crossing which help in channelising the train wheels in their proper routes are known as:

(a) lead rail
(b) point rail
(c) wing rail
(d) splice rail

Ans :- C  

2.The point up to which the new railway track laid, at any time is called:

(a) terminal
(b) station
(c) rail-head
(d) base

Ans:- C  

3.The good quality wood for sleeper is:

(a) Deodar
(b) Sheesham
(c) Teak
(d) Sal

Ans:- C  

4.Generally the life of wooden sleepers is taken as:

(a) 2 to 3 years
(b) 12 to 15 years
(c) 35 to 50 years
(d) 5 to 8 years

Ans:-  B  

5.The gradual or tapered widening of the flangeway which is formed by bending and splaying the end of check rail or wing rail away from the gauge line is known as:

(a) Flare
(b) Toe
(c) Heel
(d) Loop

Ans:- A  

6.The minimum height of embankment above the highest flood mark in the area should be:

(a) zero cm
(b) 30 cm
(c) 100 cm
(d) 60 cm

Ans:- D  

7.The recommended depth of ballast cushion on a curved portion of a track is provided under the ........ edge of the sleeper.

(a) upper
(b) middle
(c) inner
(d) outer

Ans:- C  

8. An outward slope provided on the tread of the wheel is:

(a) 1 in 5
(b) 1 in 10
(c) 1 in 20
(d) 1 in 25

Ans:- C

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

9.The granular material spread on the formation of a railway track for the sleepers to rest upon is known as:

(a) anchors
(b) ballast
(c) subgrade
(d) chairs

Ans:- B  

10.Bone shaped section of fish plate is commonly used for connecting:

(a) double headed rails
(b) flat footed rails
(c) bull headed rails
(d) all above are correct

Ans:- B  

11.The members laid transversely under the rails for supporting and fixing them at the gauge distance apart are known as:

(a) fastenings
(b) sleepers
(c) ballast
(d) fish plate

Ans:- B  

12.The bottom width of foot in a flat footed rail is:

(a) 78.6 mm
(b) 136.5 mm
(c) 66.7 mm
(d) 70 mm

Ans:- B  

13.The rectangular pits in which wheels of the locomotives are taken out for repairs, are known as:

(a) Track pits
(b) Inspection pits
(c) Drop pits
(d) Siding pits

Ans:- C  

14. The wheels are coned to prevent from rubbing the inside face of the rail head and to prevent lateral movement of the axle with its wheels. The slope of cone is:

(a) 1 in 5
(b) 1 in 20
(c) 1 in 10
(d) 1 in 15

Ans:- B  

15. Gauge is the distance measured in place of the between which faces of two parallel rails in a track.

(a) inner faces
(b) centre line of one rail to inner face of other rail
(c) centre lines
(d) outer faces

Ans:- A  

16. Most significant which imposes limitations in raising the high speeds is:

(a) adhesion of wheels
(b) resistance due to oscillations
(c) flange resistance
(d) air or wind resistance

Ans:- A  

17. The rails are welded by:

(a) Thermit welding
(b) Gas welding
(c) Arc welding
(d) MIG welding

Ans:- A  

18. Steel sleepers are ..... shaped in section.

(a) oval
(b) rectangular
(c) trough
(d) semi-spherical

Ans:- C  

19. In India generally the sleeper density of sleepers per rail length used is:

(a) 18
(b) 30
(c) 12
(d) 24

Ans:- A   

20. The extra rails provided over bridge to prevent damage and danger in case of derailment on the bridge are known as:

(a) Stock rails
(b) Guard rails
(c) Check rails
(d) Wing rails

Ans:- B  

21. The phenomenon of misalignment of rails due to temperature change is known as:

(a) cropping
(b) creeping
(c) bulging
(d) buckling

Ans:- D  

22. Creep is the ..... movement of rails.

(a) longitudinal
(b) diagonal
(c) horizontal
(d) vertical

Ans:- A  

23. Ballast best suited to steel sleepers is:

(a) sand
(b) Gravel
(c) Quartzite
(d) All the above

Ans:- C  

24. The section of a rail is decided on the basis of:

(a) Type of rails
(b) Spacing of the sleepers
(c) Speed of trains
(d) All of the above

Ans:- D  

25. While preparing sub-grade of a railway line, the grubbing operation means:

(a) checking of subgrade
(b) filling or cutting of earth work in railway subgrade
(c) compaction and consolidation of earth work
(d) removal and disposal of stumps and roots trees

Ans:- D  

26. The sinuous path taken by an engine as against the alignment of the track is known as:

(a) Rolling motion  
(b) Nosing motion
(c) Lurching motion  
(d) Vibration

Ans:- B  

27. The mechanical device which transfer chemical energy of fuel into mechanical energy in the form of motion is called:

(a) rolling stock
(b) railway
(c) wagon
(d) locomotive

Ans:- D  

28. Integrated coach factory is located in:

(a) Chennai
(b) Bangalore
(c) Jamshedpur
(d) Mumbai

Ans:- A  

29. C.T.C. stands for:

(a) Critical Track Control
(b) Critical Traffic Channeliser
(c) Centralised Traffic Control
(d) None of these

Ans:- C  

30. To reduce the intensity of pressure particularly on soft variety of sleepers, a rectangular plate is introduced between the rails and the sleepers. This is known as:

(a) Fish plate  
(b) Chair
(c) Saddle plate
(d) Bearing plate

Ans:- D  

31. Generally the rail sections used in India is:

(a) flat footed
(b) double headed
(c) bull headed
(d) all above

Ans:- A  

32. The arrangement consisting of three tracks used for changing the direction of engine is called:

(a) three ladder track
(b) turn table
(c) three throw switch
(d) triangle

Ans:- B  

33. The length of a wooden sleeper for broad gauge track is:

(a) 1.83 m
(b) 1.52 m
(c) 2.74 m
(d) 1.676 m

Ans:- C  

34. The technical officer of the rank of sectional officer in the maintenance organisation of Indian Railways is called:

(a) Permanent Way Inspector
(b) Gangmate
(c) Assistant Permanent Way Inspector
(d) None of these are correct

Ans:- C  

35. The depth of ballast section under sleeper for broad gauge track as per Indian standard should be:

(a) 250 to 300 mm
(b) 200 to 250 mm
(c) 150 to 200 mm
(d) 150 mm

Ans:- B  

36. The completed and finished railway line on which wheeled vehicles are drawn by locomotive is known as:

(a) steel way
(b) rails
(c) railway
(d) permanent way

Ans:- D  

37. The horse power to weight ratio steam engine is generally of the order of:

(a) 10-15 kg/HP
(b) 60-80 kg/HP
(c) 20-30 kg/HP
(d) 100-150 kg/HP

Ans:- B  

38. The cause of formation of kinks in a rail is:

(a) Loose packing at joints
(b) Defect in gauge and alignment
(c) Defect in cross level joints
(d) Any of the above

Ans:- D  

39. The horizontal distance from the material depot to the rail head is called:

(a) lift
(b) site distance
(c) rail-head
(d) lead

Ans:- D  

40. On curves, to counteract the effect of centrifugal force, the level of outer rail is raised above the inner rail by a certain amount. This is called :

(a) Track gradient
(b) Track slope
(c) Super elevation
(d) Horizontal gradient

Ans:- C  

41. The measure of stiffness of track required to produce a unit depression in the track is known as:

(a) Tractive force  
(b) Load capacity
(c) Gauge  
(d) Track modulus

Ans:- D  

42. The head of a gang in maintenance organisation of railway is called:

(a) P.W.I
(b) Keyman
(c) Ganger
(d) A.P.W.I

Ans:- C  

43. The fixed rail in a railway track against which the tongue rail fits s known as:

(a) wing rail
(b) stock rail
(c) lead rail
(d) point rail

Ans:- B  

44. The standard length of rail for Broad Gauge track in India is:

(a) 19.2 m
(b) 25.6 m
(c) 11.8 m
(d) 12.8 m

Ans:- D  

45. The thickness of fish plate generally used in Indian Railway is:

(a) 16 mm
(b) 10 mm
(c) 25 mm
(d) 20 mm

Ans:- D  

46. Thermal efficiency of a diesel engine may be expected to be in the range of:

(a) 50-65%
(b) 25-35%
(c) 15-20%
(d) 10-15%

Ans:- B  

47. Wear on top or head of rail occurs due to:

(a) Abrasion of rolling wheels
(b) Heavy axle load
(c) Constant brake application
(d) Any or all of the above

Ans:- D  

48. Any movement of the locomotive in different planes, e.g., vertical, longitudinal, transversal etc., is known as:

(a) Oscillating motion  
(b) Lurching motion
(c) Shutting motion  
(d) Vibration

Ans:- A  

49. In rainy season the dust in the ballast becomes mud and comes up by suction from below the rail joint. Such joint is called:

(a) Wet joint
(b) Water joint
(c) Pumping joint
(d) Blowing joint

Ans:- C  

50. Accidents can be avoided by adopting:

(a) interlocking
(b) C.T.C. system
(c) pilot guard system
(d) A.T.C. system

Ans:- A


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रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

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(Paper) RRB Ticket Collector / Commercial Clerk Model Solved Paper

Paper : RRB Ticket Collector / Commercial Clerk Model Solved Paper

(General Awareness)

1. Who is considered the real founder of the Gupta Empire?

(a) Chandragupta II
(b) Chandragupta I
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Srigupta

2. Shahjahan ascended the Mughal throne in

(a) 1628 AD
(b) 1626 AD
(c) 1625 AD
(d) 1627 AD

3. Which is correct order?

(a) Babur, Humayun, Jahangir, Akbar, Shahjahan, Aurangzeb
(b) Babur, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shahjahan, Aurangzeb
(c) Babur, Akbar, Humayun, Shahjahan, Jahangir, Aurangzeb
(d) Babur, Humayun, Shahjahan, Akbar, Jahangir, Aurangzeb

4. Ibn Batutah visited India during the rule of

(a) Alauddin Khilji
(b) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
(c) Sher Shah Suri
(d) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

5. Who was the Nawab of Bengal during Battle of Plassey ?

(a) Siraj-ud-daola
(b) Mir Jafar
(c) Mir Qasim
(d) None of these

6. FIFA World Cup, 2006 was played in

(a) Germany
(b) France
(c) Spain
(d) UK

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

7. Munaf Patel plays which sport?

(a) Badminton
(b) Football
(c) Cricket
d) Table-Tennis

8. The first Asian lady swimmer to have crossed the English Channel was

(a) Bula Choudhury
(b) Arati Saha
(c) Nilima Ghosh
(d) None of these

9. Which country has never won the Cricket World Cup?

(a) India
(b) Pakistan
(c) Sri-Lanka
(d) England

10. Which cricket playing countries fight for the ASHES?

(a) Indian and Pakistan
(b) Australia and South Africa
(c) Australia and England
(d) England and West Indies

11. Who was the first Law Minister of independent India?

(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Vallabhbhai Patel
(c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(d) Dr. B.R.Ambedkar

12. Who was the first speaker of the Lok-Sabha?

(a) B.R.Ambedkar
(b) G.V.Mavlankar
(c) N.Sanjeeva Reddy
(d) Dr. S.P.Mukherjee

13. How many states (except Delhi) are there in India?

(a) 28
(b) 29
(c) 25
(d) 30

14. Which country won the first World Cup Cricket?

(a) Australia
(b) India
(c) England
d) West Indies

15. Who was the woman President of the United Nations?

(a) Sarojini Naidu
(b) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
(c) Golda Mayer
(d) Margaret Thatcher

16. Who was the first man to land on moon?

(a) Neil Armstrong
(b) Edwin
(c) Gagarin
(d) John Collins

17. One inch is equal to how many centimeters?

(a) 2.54
(b) 2.84
(c) 2.94
(d) 3.0

18. Bronze is an alloy of copper and

(a) Nickel
(b) Tin
(c) Zinc
(d) Aluminium

19. Minus 40 degree centigrade is equal to _____ degree Fahrenheit.

(a) 104
(b) 122
(c) -40
(d) None of these

20. What is the value of XC (Roman Number)?

(a) 100
(b) 40
(c) 110
(d) 90

21. The person of which of the following blood groups can accept the blood of any group?

(a) AB
(b) O
(c) A
(d) B

22. Mountain K2 is known as

(a) Everest
(b) Nanga Parbat
(c) Godwin
(d) Austen

23. Lucknow is situated on the banks of river

(a) Yamuna
(b) Tapti
(c) Shipra
(d) Gomti

24. Who won the Golden Ball Award during FIFA World Cup 2006?

(a) Ronaldo
(b) Klose
(c) Ronaldinho
(d) Zidane

25. Who is the Chief Minister of Orissa?

(a) K C Singhdeo
(b) Nandini Satyaji
(c) Navin Patnaik
(d) Rameshwar Thakur

26. Who is the Finance Minister of India?

(a) Manmohan Singh
(b) P Chidambaram
(c) Murasoli Maran
(d) Pranab Mukherjee

27. Where is the headquarters of South-East Central Railway located?

(a) Bilaspur
(b) Jabalpur
(c) Bhopal
(d) Raipur

28. Which of the following places in India receives maximum precipitation?

(a) Itanagar
(b) Mawsynram
(c) Cherrapunjee
(d) Tezpur

29. Who was elected the President of the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) in July 2006?

(a) Prasen Mukherjee
(b) Ajit Panja
(c) Jagmohan Dalmiya
(d) Sourav Ganguly

30. Who built the Tower of Victory in Chittor ?

(a) Rana Sanga
(b) Rana Rattan Singh
(c) Rana Kumbha
(d) Rana Partap


1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (c) 11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (d) 21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (b) 25. (c) 26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (c)


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रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

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Paper : RRB Bhopal Ticket Collector, Commercial Clerk, Jr. Clerk, Jr. Account Clerk Exam

Paper : RRB Bhopal Ticket Collector, Commercial Clerk, Jr. Clerk, Jr. Account Clerk Exam

1. The main sources about the Indus Valley civilization are :

(1) Inscriptions
(2) Coins
(3) Manuscripts on leaves of palm and birch
(4) Archaeological excavations

2. The propounder of Yoga School of Philosophy was

(1) Patanjali
(2) Gautam
(3) Jaimini
(4) Shankaracharya

3. The term Double Fault is related to the game of

(1) Badminton
(2) Golf
(3) Tennis
(4) Cricket

4. Which of the following pairs of names are related?

(1) Golf- Polo
(2) Soccer- Football
(3) Billiards- Snookers
(4) Volleyball- Football

5. Which of the following pairs is the highest peak of India?

(1) Kanchanjungha
(2) Nanda Devi
(3) Mount Everest
(4) Kamet

6. After how many years elections are held to elect the members of Rajya Sabha?

(1) 6 years
(2) 2 years
(3) 3 years
(4) 4 years

7. Which of the following is the longest river in India?

(1) Ganga
(2) Brahmaputra
(3) Yamuna
(4) Godavari

8. Which of the following vitamins is obtained from sunlight?

(1) Vitamin A
(2) Vitamin C
(3) Vitamin D
(4) Vitamin B

9. How many bones are there in the human body?

(1) 206
(2) 202
(3) 204
(4) 203

10. Which of the following is the longest river in the world?

(1) Amazon
(2) Nile
(3) Mississippi
(4) Danube

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

11. Silk is mostly obtained from

(1) Ujjain
(2) Koshambi
(3) Taxila
(4) Varanasi

12. Who among the following is associated with the Sarnath Inscription ?

(1) Ashoka
(2) Harshavardhana
(3) Chandra Gupta Maurya
(4) Samundra Gupta

13. Which of the following names of play ground is correct?

(1) Ring Skating
(2) Diamond Cricket
(3) Field Cycling
(4) Bull Tennis

14. Who among the following is competent to amend the provisions of citizenship?

(1) Parliament
(2) President
(3) Prime Minister
(4) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

15. Who among the following administers the oath of office to the President?

(1) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
(2) Prime Minister
(3) Vice President
(4) Speaker of the Lok Sabha

16. Who among the following administers the oath of office to the Chief Justice of a High Court?

(1) Governor
(2) President
(3) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
(4) Council of Ministers

17. Railway in included in which of the following lists?

(1) Union list
(2) State list
(3) Concurrent list
(4) None of these

18. Who among the following was the first and last woman ruler of Delhi?

(1) Razia Beghum
(2) Chand Bibi
(3) Mumtaz
(4) Karnavati

19. Who among the following was the first to land on moon?

(1) Neil Armstrong
(2) Tenzing Norgay
(3) Rakesh Sharma
(4) Edwin Aldrin

20. Who among the following was the first Indian woman to scale the Mount Everest?

(1) Bachendri Pal
(2) Santosh Yadav
(3) Dicky Dolma
(4) None of these

21. Zero hour is the period

(1) just after question hour in both Houses of Parliament
(2) at the starting of the sitting
(3) at the end of sitting
(4) None of these

22. The maximum interval between the two sessions of the Houses is

(1) Six months
(2) 3 months
(3) 2 months
(4) one year

23. The period of proclamation of emergency is

(1) one month
(2) two months
(3) six months
(4) one year

24. The Chief Minister who remained in the office for the longest period :

(1) Jyoti Basu
(2) Lalu Prasad
(3) Mayawati
(4) M. Karunanidhi

25. The Salarjung Museum is located in

(1) Hyderabad
(2) Bhopal
(3) Patna
(4) Ranchi

26. Which of the following gases is filled in a balloon?

(1) Helium
(2) Hydrogen
(3) Bromine
(4) Oxygen

27. Which of the following is called Banker Bank?

(1) Reserve Bank of India
(2) State Bank of India
(3) Punjab National Bank
(4) None of these

28. Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly?

(1) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(2) Bhimrao Ambedkar
(3) Jawaharlal Nehru
(4) Sachchidanand Sinha

29. Which of the following is the longest platform in the world?

(1) Kharagpur
(2) Kolkata
(3) Leningrad
(4) Tokyo

30. Who among the following built the Grand Trunk road?

(1) Shershah
(2) Akbar
(3) Humayun
(4) Shahjehan

31. Focus on the age eye is adjusted through

(1) Retina
(2) Iris
(3) Comea
(4) Lens

32. Who among the following was the ruler of Kalinga?

(1) Kharvela
(2) Ashoka
(3) Samudragupta
(4) None of these

33. Maximum oil can be extracted from

(1) Sunflower
(2) Groundnut
(3) Mustard
(4) Cardamom

34. The most suitable conductor is

(1) Saline water
(2) Fresh water
(3) Pure water
(4) None of these

35. The mausoleum of which saint is located in Ajmer?

(1) Moinuddin Chisti
(2) Badruddin Zacharia
(3) Khwaja Walliullah
(4) Abdul Shatari

36. Gobar gas mainly contains

(1) Methane
(2) Ethane
(3) Propane
(4) Butane

37. Who among the following invented the decimal system?

(1) Aryabhatt
(2) Copernicus
(3) Magellan
(4) Charak

38. Nose starts bleeding when one climbs up mountain due to

(1) low pressure
(2) high pressure
(3) height
(4) None of these

39. In which of the following sectors maximum number of women are employed?

(1) Tea
(2) Agriculture
(3) Jute
(4) Textile

40. Railway earns maximum revenue from

(1) freight charges
(2) passenger fares
(3) advertisement
(4) None of these

41. Which of the following is called the laughing gas?

(1) Nitrogen Oxide
(2) Hydrogen Oxide
(3) Nitrous Oxide
(4) Sulphur Oxide

42. Who was the first Indian to qualify for Olympics?

(1) Shiny Abraham
(2) PT Usha
(3) Karmam Malleshwari
(4) Jyotirmony Sikdar

43. During Shivaji childhood, who among the following exercised the maximum influence on his character?

(I) Jija Bai, his mother
(II) Dadaji Kondadev, his tutor
(III) Shahji Bhonsle, his father

(1) I Only
(2) I and III
(3) I, II and III
(4) I and II

44. Black Hole Episode was the main cause of :

(1) Battle of Buxar
(2) Battle of Plassey
(3) Battle of Wandiwash
(4) Battle of Haldighati

45. Who is known as the Grand Old Man of India ?

(1) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Kan
(2) C. Rajgopalachari
(3) Lala Lajpat Rai
(4) Dadabhai Naoroji

46. The slogan Inquilab Zindabad was first raised by :

(1) Lokmanya Tilak
(2) Veer Savarkar
(3) Chandrashekhar Azad
(4) Bhagat Singh

47. Which of the following is/ are true about Sarojini Naidu?

(a) She was the First Woman President of the Congress
(b) She was the first Woman Governor in independent India
(c) She was the first Health Minister in independent India
(d) She wrote the famous Golden Bough

(1) a, b and d
(2) a and c
(3) a and b
(4) Only b

48. Which planet looks reddish in the night sky?

(1) Mercury
(2) Mars
(3) Jupiter
(4) Saturn

49. Geostationary orbit is at a height of :

(1) 6 km
(2) 1000 km
(3) 3600 km
(4) 36,000 km

50. The ozone layer in the upper part of the atmosphere protects us from :

(1) Cosmic rays
(2) Ultrasonic waves
(3) Infra- red rays
(4) Ultraviolet rays

51. Nights are cooler in the deserts than in the plains because :

(1) sand radiates that more quickly than the earth
(2) the sky remains clear most of the time
(3) sand absorbs heat more quickly than the earth
(4) None of these

52. Which of the following is the highest plateau in the world?

(1) Colorado Plateau
(2) Pamir Plateau
(3) Patagonia Plateau
(4) Potwar Plateau

53. Pointing towards a woman Manju said that She is the sister of father of son of my mother. How is that woman related to woman?

(1) Aunt
(2) Sister
(3) Niece
(4) None of these

54. Tipu Sultan was the ruler of

(1) Hyderabad
(2) Madurai
(3) Mysore
(4) Vijayanagar

55. Which of the following passes through India?

(1) Tropic of Cancer
(2) Tropic of Capricorn
(2) Prime Meridian
(4) Equator


1. (4) 2. (1) 3. (3) 4. (2) 5. (1) 6. (1) 7. (1) 8. (3) 9. (1) 10. (2) 11. (4) 12. (1) 13. (1) 14. (1) 15. (1) 16. (1) 17. (1) 18. (1) 19. (1) 20. (1) 21. (1) 22. (1) 23. (1) 24. (1) 25. (1) 26. (1) 27. (1) 28. (1) 29. (1) 30. (1) 31. (2) 32. (1) 33. (1) 34. (1) 35. (1) 36. (1) 37. (1) 38. (2) 39. (1) 40. (1) 41. (3) 42. (2) 43. (4) 44. (2) 45. (4) 46. (4) 47. (4) 48. (2) 49. (4) 50. (4) 51. (1) 52. (2) 53. (1) 54. (3) 55. (1)


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रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

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(Paper) RRB Bhopal Ticket Collector, Commercial Clerk Exam (Held On 16.9.2007)

Paper : RRB Bhopal Ticket Collector, Commercial Clerk Exam (Held On 16.9.2007)

1. The main sources about the Indus Valley civilization are :

(1) Inscriptions
(2) Coins
(3) Manuscripts on leaves of palm and birch
(4) Archaeological excavations

2. The propounder of Yoga School of Philosophy was

(1) Patanjali
(2) Gautam
(3) Jaimini
(4) Shankaracharya

3. The term Double Fault is related to the game of

(1) Badminton
(2) Golf
(3) Tennis
(4) Cricket

4. Which of the following pairs of names are related?

(1) Golf- Polo
(2) Soccer- Football
(3) Billiards- Snookers
(4) Volleyball- Football

5. Which of the following pairs is the highest peak of India?

(1) Kanchanjungha
(2) Nanda Devi
(3) Mount Everest
(4) Kamet

6. After how many years elections are held to elect the members of Rajya Sabha?

(1) 6 years
(2) 2 years
(3) 3 years
(4) 4 years

7. Which of the following is the longest river in India?

(1) Ganga
(2) Brahmaputra
(3) Yamuna
(4) Godavari

8. Which of the following vitamins is obtained from sunlight?

(1) Vitamin A
(2) Vitamin C
(3) Vitamin D
(4) Vitamin B

9. How many bones are there in the human body?

(1) 206
(2) 202
(3) 204
(4) 203

10. Which of the following is the longest river in the world?

(1) Amazon
(2) Nile
(3) Mississippi
(4) Danube

11. Silk is mostly obtained from

(1) Ujjain
(2) Koshambi
(3) Taxila
(4) Varanasi

12. Who among the following is associated with the Sarnath Inscription ?

(1) Ashoka
(2) Harshavardhana
(3) Chandra Gupta Maurya
(4) Samundra Gupta

13. Which of the following names of play ground is correct?

(1) Ring Skating
(2) Diamond Cricket
(3) Field Cycling
(4) Bull Tennis

14. Who among the following is competent to amend the provisions of citizenship?

(1) Parliament
(2) President
(3) Prime Minister
(4) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

15. Who among the following administers the oath of office to the President?

(1) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
(2) Prime Minister
(3) Vice President
(4) Speaker of the Lok Sabha

16. Who among the following administers the oath of office to the Chief Justice of a High Court?

(1) Governor
(2) President
(3) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
(4) Council of Ministers

17. Railway in included in which of the following lists?

(1) Union list
(2) State list
(3) Concurrent list
(4) None of these

18. Who among the following was the first and last woman ruler of Delhi?

(1) Razia Beghum
(2) Chand Bibi
(3) Mumtaz
(4) Karnavati

19. Who among the following was the first to land on moon?

(1) Neil Armstrong
(2) Tenzing Norgay
(3) Rakesh Sharma
(4) Edwin Aldrin

20. Who among the following was the first Indian woman to scale the Mount Everest?

(1) Bachendri Pal
(2) Santosh Yadav
(3) Dicky Dolma
(4) None of these

21. Zero hour is the period

(1) just after question hour in both Houses of Parliament
(2) at the starting of the sitting
(3) at the end of sitting
(4) None of these

22. The maximum interval between the two sessions of the Houses is

(1) Six months
(2) 3 months
(3) 2 months
(4) one year

23. The period of proclamation of emergency is

(1) one month
(2) two months
(3) six months
(4) one year

24. The Chief Minister who remained in the office for the longest period :

(1) Jyoti Basu
(2) Lalu Prasad
(3) Mayawati
(4) M. Karunanidhi

25. The Salarjung Museum is located in

(1) Hyderabad
(2) Bhopal
(3) Patna
(4) Ranchi

26. Which of the following gases is filled in a balloon?

(1) Helium
(2) Hydrogen
(3) Bromine
(4) Oxygen

27. Which of the following is called Banker Bank?

(1) Reserve Bank of India
(2) State Bank of India
(3) Punjab National Bank
(4) None of these

28. Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly?

(1) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(2) Bhimrao Ambedkar
(3) Jawaharlal Nehru
(4) Sachchidanand Sinha

29. Which of the following is the longest platform in the world?

(1) Kharagpur
(2) Kolkata
(3) Leningrad
(4) Tokyo

30. Who among the following built the Grand Trunk road?

(1) Shershah
(2) Akbar
(3) Humayun
(4) Shahjehan

31. Focus on the age eye is adjusted through

(1) Retina
(2) Iris
(3) Comea
(4) Lens

32. Who among the following was the ruler of Kalinga?

(1) Kharvela
(2) Ashoka
(3) Samudragupta
(4) None of these

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

33. Maximum oil can be extracted from

(1) Sunflower
(2) Groundnut
(3) Mustard
(4) Cardamom

34. The most suitable conductor is

(1) Saline water
(2) Fresh water
(3) Pure water
(4) None of these

35. The mausoleum of which saint is located in Ajmer?

(1) Moinuddin Chisti
(2) Badruddin Zacharia
(3) Khwaja Walliullah
(4) Abdul Shatari

36. Gobar gas mainly contains

(1) Methane
(2) Ethane
(3) Propane
(4) Butane

37. Who among the following invented the decimal system?

(1) Aryabhatt
(2) Copernicus
(3) Magellan
(4) Charak

38. Nose starts bleeding when one climbs up mountain due to

(1) low pressure
(2) high pressure
(3) height
(4) None of these

39. In which of the following sectors maximum number of women are employed?

(1) Tea
(2) Agriculture
(3) Jute
(4) Textile

40. Railway earns maximum revenue from

(1) freight charges
(2) passenger fares
(3) advertisement
(4) None of these

41. Which of the following is called the laughing gas?

(1) Nitrogen Oxide
(2) Hydrogen Oxide
(3) Nitrous Oxide
(4) Sulphur Oxide

42. Who was the first Indian to qualify for Olympics?

(1) Shiny Abraham
(2) PT Usha
(3) Karmam Malleshwari
(4) Jyotirmony Sikdar

43. During Shivaji childhood, who among the following exercised the maximum influence on his character?

(I) Jija Bai, his mother
(II) Dadaji Kondadev, his tutor
(III) Shahji Bhonsle, his father

(1) I Only
(2) I and III
(3) I, II and III
(4) I and II

44. Black Hole Episode was the main cause of :

(1) Battle of Buxar
(2) Battle of Plassey
(3) Battle of Wandiwash
(4) Battle of Haldighati

45. Who is known as the Grand Old Man of India?

(1) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Kan
(2) C. Rajgopalachari
(3) Lala Lajpat Rai
(4) Dadabhai Naoroji

46. The slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’ was first raised by :

(1) Lokmanya Tilak
(2) Veer Savarkar
(3) Chandrashekhar Azad
(4) Bhagat Singh

47. Which of the following is/ are true about Sarojini Naidu?

(a) She was the First Woman President of the Congress
(b) She was the first Woman Governor in independent India
(c) She was the first Health Minister in independent India
(d) She wrote the famous ‘Golden Bough’

(1) a, b and d
(2) a and c
(3) a and b
(4) Only b

48. Which planet looks reddish in the night sky?

(1) Mercury
(2) Mars
(3) Jupiter
(4) Saturn

49. Geostationary orbit is at a height of :

(1) 6 km
(2) 1000 km
(3) 3600 km
(4) 36,000 km

50. The ozone layer in the upper part of the atmosphere protects us from :

(1) Cosmic rays
(2) Ultrasonic waves
(3) Infra- red rays
(4) Ultraviolet rays

51. Nights are cooler in the deserts than in the plains because :

(1) sand radiates that more quickly than the earth
(2) the sky remains clear most of the time
(3) sand absorbs heat more quickly than the earth
(4) None of these

52. Which of the following is the highest plateau in the world?

(1) Colorado Plateau
(2) Pamir Plateau
(3) Patagonia Plateau
(4) Potwar Plateau

53. Pointing towards a woman Manju said that ‘She is the sister of father of son of my mother’. How is that woman related to woman?

(1) Aunt
(2) Sister
(3) Niece
(4) None of these

54. Tipu Sultan was the ruler of

(1) Hyderabad
(2) Madurai
(3) Mysore
(4) Vijayanagar

55. Which of the following passes through India?

(1) Tropic of Cancer
(2) Tropic of Capricorn
(2) Prime Meridian
(4) Equator


1. (4) 2. (1) 3. (3) 4. (2) 5. (1) 6. (1) 7. (1) 8. (3) 9. (1) 10. (2) 11. (4) 12. (1) 13. (1) 14. (1) 15. (1) 16. (1) 17. (1) 18. (1) 19. (1) 20. (1) 21. (1) 22. (1) 23. (1) 24. (1) 25. (1) 26. (1) 27. (1) 28. (1) 29. (1) 30. (1) 31. (2) 32. (1) 33. (1) 34. (1) 35. (1) 36. (1) 37. (1) 38. (2) 39. (1) 40. (1) 41. (3) 42. (2) 43. (4) 44. (2) 45. (4) 46. (4) 47. (4) 48. (2) 49. (4) 50. (4) 51. (1) 52. (2) 53. (1) 54. (3) 55. (1)


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Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

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RRB GROUP-D Exam (ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा) - Model Questions (Set-69)

RRB GROUP-D Exam (ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा) - Model Questions (Set-69)


(a) नाटक - अभिनेता
(b) भवन-वास्तुकार
(c) शिल्पशिल्पकार
(d) कपड़ास्कर्ट


(a) EGKQ
(b) CEIO
() LNGw
(d) PRIB


(a) 357
(b) 581
(c) 698
(d) 784


(a) 392-12
(b) 483-15
(c) 602-42
(d) 917-35

निर्देश : दिए हुए विकल्पों में से उस विकल्प का चयन कीजिए जिसमें दी हुई संख्याओं का समूह प्रश्न में दी हुई संख्याओं के समूह के समान हो।

5. दिया गया समूह : (2, 10, 28)

(a) (4, 2056)
(b) (7, 42, 49)
(c) (12, 24, 48)
(d) (9, 27, 81)

RRB Group-D Exam 2018 Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा 2018 अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB LOCO PILOT (ALP) Exam Online Tests Series

6. निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, एक श्रृंखला में आसन्न अक्षरों के बीच अक्षरों की बढ़ती हुई संख्या छोड़ी गई हैं। निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सी श्रृंखला इस नियम का पालन करती है?


निर्देश: निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से कौनसा विकल्प नीचे दिए गए विकल्पों का सार्थक क्रम दर्शाएगा


1. अमीबा
2. इस्टर
3. कृमि
4. गाय

(a) 1, 3, 2, 4
(b) 1, 2, 3, 4
(c) 4, 3, 2,1
(d) 3, 2, 4, 1

8 . निम्नलिखित शब्दों को शब्दकोष के अनुसार व्यवस्थित कीजिए

1. Intricate 2. Interview
3. Intransigent
4. Interrogation
5. Intravenous

(a) 2, 4, 5, 3, 1
(b) 5, 3, 1, 2, 4
(c) 4, 2, 3, 5, 1
(d) 3, 5, 2, 1,4

निर्देश: निम्नलिखित अक्षर श्रृंखला के खाली स्थान पर क्रम में रखने पर निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा अक्षर समूह उसे पूरा करेगा?

9. ae b d_fi g i_k oln

(a) c m h
(b) ch m
(c) cg m
(d) cj1

निर्देश : निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से लुप्त संख्या/अक्षर/आकृति ज्ञात कीजिये


5255, 5306, _____, 5408, 5459

(a) 5057
(b) 5357
(c) 2257
(d) 5157

RRB Group-D Exam 2018 Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा 2018 अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB LOCO PILOT (ALP) Exam Online Tests Series

Answer Key :

1.(d) 2.(c) 3.(d) 4.(c) 5.(c) 6.(b) 7.(a) 8.(a) 9.(c) 10.(a)

Paper : RRB Jammu - Kashmir Ticket Collector / Commercial Clerk Solved Paper

Paper : (RRB) Jammu - Kashmir Ticket Collector / Commercial Clerk Solved Paper


1. In which ritual book attached to the Rig Veda Andhras were first mentioned ?

(A) Brihihakta
(B) Aitreya Brahmana
(C) Gatha Sapthasati
(D) Silppadikaram

Ans (B)

2. Which of the following is capital a city of Manipur?

(A) Dispur
(B) Guwahati
(C) Imphal
(D) Itanagar

Ans (C)

3. Which of the following was the birth place of Gautam Buddha?

(A) Lumbini
(B) Saranath
(C) Gaya
(D) Prayaga

Ans (A)

4. Which of the following protects India from cold winds and foreign invasions in the north of India?

(A) River Ganga
(B) Vindhya Ranges
(C) Himalayas
(D) Sahyadri

Ans (C)

5. Africa occupies which part of the earth?

(A) 1/3rd
(B) 2/3rd
(C) 4/5th
(D) 1/5th

Ans (D)

6. What is the Insurance company founded by sir Dorab Tata in 1919?


Ans (C)

7. Who invented Telephone?

(A) Alexandar Graham Bell
(B) Thamas Edision
(C) Alexandar Flemming
(D) Marconi

Ans (A)

8. Where is "India Gate"?

(A) New Delhi
(B) Mumbai
(C) KolkAta
(D) Chandigarh

Ans (A)

9. Who was the wife of "Mahatma Gandhi"?

(A) Anjali Bai
(B) Putli Bai
(C) Kasthuri Bai
(D) Kanchana Bai

Ans (C)

10. Where is the "Mahamastaka Abhisheka" festival held?

(A) Hassan
(B) Shravanabelagola
(C) Bangalore
(D) Mysore

Ans (B)

11. The first woman to become Governor of a state in India was -

(A) Sarojini Naidu
(B) Fateema Biwi
(C) Vijayalaxmi Pandit
(D) Sucheta Kripalani

Ans (A)

12. Who among was the controversial painter, painted the nude paintings of "Hindu Goddess"

(A) Jakir Hussain
(B) M.F. Hussain
(C) Mohit Hussain
(D) N.F. Hussain

Ans (B)

13. Which among the following is the Indian News Papers Day?

(A) 29th January
(B) 2nd October
(C) 25th December
(D) 14th April

Ans (A)

14. Which was the old name of "New Delhi"?

(A) Hastinapur
(B) Ayodhya
(C) Daulatabad
(D) Indhraprastha

Ans (D)

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

15. On which river Hirakud project was built?

(A) Mahanadi
(B) Sutlej
(C) Tungabadra
(D) Kosi

Ans (A)

16. Doctors Day is observed on___

(A) June 1
(B) July 1
(C) Aug 1
(D) Sep 1

Ans (B)

17. Which of the following is the farthest planet to the Sun?

(A) Mars
(B) Jupiter
(C) Neptune
(D) Pluto

Ans (D)

18. Who wrote the book "Rama Charita Manas"

(A) Tulsi Das
(B) Bhakta Kabir
(C) Bhakta Ramdev
(D) Valmiki

Ans (A)

19. Who has written the novel "The inheritance of loss" which was awarded "Booker Award"?

(A) Saniya Mirza
(B) Kiran Desai
(C) Kiran Bedi
(D) Sakuntala Devi

Ans (B)

20. Who won the Wimbledon Open (Mens ) Title for 2008?

(A) Fernando Gonazlez
(B) Roger Federer
(C) Boris Becker
(D) Sharapova

Ans (B)

21. Who is present governor of RBI?

(A) Biman Jalal
(B) N. Chaturvedi
(C) Y.V.Reddy
(D) None of these

Ans (C)

22. Which of the following is the smallest populated continent?

(A) Australia
(B) Antarctica
(C) South America
(D) Asia

Ans (B)

23. How many years for celebration of Silver Jubilee?

(A) 25
(B) 40
(C) 50
(D) 60

Ans (A)

24. Imperial Banks were amalgamated and changed as _________

(A) Reserve Bank of India
(B) State Bank of India
(C) Subsidiary Banks
(D) Union Bank of India

Ans (B)

25. The viceroy in whose period Indian Legislative Councils Act, 1909 was enacted?

(A) Lord William Benting
(B) Lord Marley Minto
(C) Lord Rippon
(D) Lord Curson

Ans (B)


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Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

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Paper : RRB Kolkata Ticket Collector Exam Solved Paper

Paper : RRB Kolkata Ticket Collector Exam Solved Paper

1. Who is considered the real founder of the Gupta Empire?

(a) Chandragupta II
(b) Chandragupta I
(c) Samudragupta
(d) Srigupta

2. Shahjahan ascended the Mughal throne in

(a) 1628 AD
(b) 1626 AD
(c) 1625 AD
(d) 1627 AD

3. Which is correct order?

(a) Babur, Humayun, Jahangir, Akbar, Shahjahan, Aurangzeb
(b) Babur, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shahjahan, Aurangzeb
(c) Babur, Akbar, Humayun, Shahjahan, Jahangir, Aurangzeb
(d) Babur, Humayun, Shahjahan, Akbar, Jahangir, Aurangzeb

4. Ibn Batutah visited India during the rule of

(a) Alauddin Khilji
(b) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
(c) Sher Shah Suri
(d) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

5. Who was the Nawab of Bengal during "Battle of Plassey"?

(a) Siraj-ud-daola
(b) Mir Jafar
(c) Mir Qasim
(d) None of these

6. FIFA World Cup, 2006 was played in

(a) Germany
(b) France
(c) Spain
(d) UK

7. Munaf Patel plays which sport?

(a) Badminton
(b) Football
(c) Cricket
(d) Table-Tennis

8. The first Asian lady swimmer to have crossed the English Channel was

(a) Bula Choudhury
(b) Arati Saha
(c) Nilima Ghosh
(d) None of these

9. Which country has never won the Cricket World Cup?

(a) India
(b) Pakistan
(c) Sri-Lanka
(d) England

10. Which cricket playing countries fight for the "ASHES"?

(a) Indian and Pakistan
(b) Australia and South Africa
(c) Australia and England
(d) England and West Indies

11. Who was the first Law Minister of independent India?

(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Vallabhbhai Patel
(c) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(d) Dr. B.R.Ambedkar

12. Who was the first speaker of the Lok-Sabha?

(a) B.R.Ambedkar
(b) G.V.Mavlankar
(c) N.Sanjeeva Reddy
(d) Dr. S.P.Mukherjee

13. How many states (except Delhi) are there in India?

(a) 28
(b) 29
(c) 25
(d) 30

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

14. Which country won the first World Cup Cricket?

(a) Australia
(b) India
(c) England
(d) West Indies

15. Who was the woman President of the United Nations?

(a) Sarojini Naidu
(b) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
(c) Golda Mayer
(d) Margaret Thatcher

16. Who was the first man to land on moon?

(a) Neil Armstrong
(b) Edwin
(c) Gagarin
(d) John Collins

17. One inch is equal to how many centimeters?

(a) 2.54
(b) 2.84
(c) 2.94
(d) 3.0

18. Bronze is an alloy of copper and

(a) Nickel
(b) Tin
(c) Zinc
(d) Aluminium

19. Minus 40 degree centigrade is equal to _____ degree Fahrenheit.

(a) 104
(b) 122
(c) -40
(d) None of these

20. What is the value of XC (Roman Number)?

(a) 100
(b) 40
(c) 110
(d) 90

21. The person of which of the following blood groups can accept the blood of any group?

(a) AB
(b) O
(c) A
(d) B

22. Mountain K2 is known as

(a) Everest
(b) Nanga Parbat
(c) Godwin
(d) Austen

23. Lucknow is situated on the banks of river

(a) Yamuna
(b) Tapti
(c) Shipra
(d) Gomti

24. Who won the Golden Ball Award during FIFA World Cup 2006?

(a) Ronaldo
(b) Klose
(c) Ronaldinho
(d) Zidane

25. Who is the Chief Minister of Goa?

(a) K C Singhdeo
(b) Nandini Satyaji
(c) Shivinder Singh Sidhu
(d) Rameshwar Thakur

26. Who is the Finance Minister of India?

(a) Manmohan Singh
(b) P Chidambaram
(c) Murasoli Maran
(d) Pranab Mukherjee

27. Where is the headquarters of South-East Central Railway located?

(a) Bilaspur
(b) Jabalpur
(c) Bhopal
(d) Raipur

28. Which of the following places in India receives maximum precipitation?

(a) Itanagar
(b) Mawsynram
(c) Cherrapunjee
(d) Tezpur

29. Who is the present Indian Cricket coach?

(a) Lal Chand Rajput
(b) Greg Chappel
(c) Gary Kirsten
(d) Madan Lal



1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (a)   6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (c)  11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (b)  16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (d)  21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (b) 25. (c)  26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (b) 29. (c)


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RRB GROUP-D Exam - Model Questions (Set-69)

RRB GROUP-D Exam - Model Questions (Set-69)

1. If KASHMIR is written as 8142753, how RIMSHAK can be written in that code?

(a) 3574218
(b) 3571842
(c) 3521478
(d) 3574812

2. The average age of a cricket team is 27 years. Two players with 24 and 27 years of age ,are replaced by new players of 23 and 28 years of age. What is the average age of the team now?

(a) 27 years
(b) 26 years
(c) 24 years
(d) .28 years

3. Four friends A, B, C, D, contribute money to a pool. A contributes double the amount C contributes and B contributes half the amount A contributes. D contributes half the amount of B. Which two are contributing equal amount?

(a) B, D
(b) A, D
(c) A, B
(d) B, C

4. Anil reached a place on Friday. He came to know that he was three days earlier than the scheduled day. If he had reached there on the following Sunday, how many days late/early he would have been?

(a) One day earlier
(b) One day late
(c) Two days late
(d) Two days earlier

5. In the following question a statement is followed by four inferences. Select the one which is most appropriate. All the books, written by Prabhakar, are textbooks. Some of his books are published by Pitamber Publishing Company.

(a) All the books published by Pitamber Publishing Company have been written by Prabhakar.
(b) Pitamber Publishing Company publishes some critical essays written by Prabhakar.
(c) Some textbooks written by Prabhakar are published by publishers other than Pitamber Publishing Company.
(d) Pitamber Publishing Company only publishes textbooks.

RRB Group-D Exam Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB Group-D Exam Online Tests Series

6. Whose teachings inspired the French Revolution?

(a) Locke
(b) Rousseau
(c) Hegel
(d) Plato

7. A money bill passed by the Lok Sabha is deemed to have been passed by the Rajya Sabha also when no action is taken by the Upper House within :

(a) 10 days
(b) 14 days
(c) 20 days
(d) 30 days

8. Which one of the following metals pollutes the air of a city having large number of automobiles?

(a) Cadmium
(b) Chromium
(c) Lead
(d) Copper

9. Which one of the following is a female sex hormone?

(a) Estrogen
(b) Androgen
(c) Oxytocin
(d) Insulin

10. What is the chemical name for ‘baking soda’?

(a) Sodium carbonate
(b) Sodium bicarbonate
(c) Sodium nitrite
(d) Sodium nitrate

RRB Group-D Exam Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB Group-D Exam Online Tests Series

Answer Key :

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (b)

(Paper) RRB Malda Ticket Collector Solved Paper (Held On 03.02.2008)

Paper : RRB Malda Ticket Collector Solved Paper (Held On 03.02.2008)

1. The speed of light with the rise in the temperature of the medium

(1) Increases
(2) Decreases
(3) Remains unaltered
(4) Drops sharply

2. Which from the following rivers does not originate in Indian territory?

(1) Mahanadi
(2) Brahmaputra
(3) Ravi
(4) Chenab

3. The gas predominantly responsible for global warning is

(1) Carbon dioxide
(2) Carbon monoxide
(3) Nitrous oxide
(4) Nitrogen peroxide

4. 26th January is India

(1) Independence Day
(2) Republic Day
(3) Revolution Day
(4) Parliament Day

5. Which of the following uses non-conventional Source of Energy?

(1) Kerosene lamp
(2) Wax candle
(3) Solar lantern
(4) Torch

6. Electric current is measured by

(1) Voltmeter
(2) Anemometer
(3) Commutator
(4) Ammeter

7. The dynamo is a device for converting

(1) Heat energy into electrical energy
(2) Mechanical energy into electrical energy
(3) Magnetic energy into electrical energy
(4) None of these

8. Galvanised Iron sheets have a coating of

(1) Tin
(2) Lead
(3) Zinc
(4) Chromium

9. The hardest substance available on earth is

(1) Platinum
(2) Diamond
(3) Quartz
(4) gold

10. Washing soda is the common name for

(1) Calcium carbonate
(2) Calcium bicarbonate
(3) Sodium carbonate
(4) Sodium bicarbonate

11. 2008 Olympic games will be held in

(1) China
(2) Greece
(3) Italy
(4) France

12. Who among the following has been appointed as the new Captain of Indian Test Cricket Team?

(1) Sachin Tendulkar
(2) Rahul Dravid
(3) Anil Kumble
(4) Mahender Singh Dhoni

13. Who among the following has been selected as new coach for the Indian Cricket Team?

(1) Vivian Richards
(2) Gary Kirsten
(3) Kapil Dev
(4) Allan Border

14. The mascot for the 34th National Games, to be held in Jharkhand in 2008, is

(1) Sheru
(2) Roopa
(3) Chauva
(4) None of these

15. With which game is the Agha Khan Cup associated?

(1) Football
(2) Badminton
(3) Basketball
(4) Hockey

16. The term, L.B.W. is associated with which of the following games?

(1) Cricket
(2) Hockey
(3) Football
(4) Polo

17. Wankhede stadium is situated in?

(1) Chandigarh
(2) Bangalore
(3) Mumbai
(4) Chennai

18. The Olympic games are normally held at an interval of

(1) 2 years
(2) 3 years
(3) 4 years
(4) 5 years

19. Jaspal Rana is the name associated with which of the following games?

(1) Boxing
(2) Shooting
(3) Archery
(4) Weight lifting

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

20. Netaji Subhash National Institute of Sports is located at

(1) Kolkata
(2) New Delhi
(3) Jhansi
(4) Patiala

21. A person wants to contest election for the membership of Gram Panchayat, what should be his age?

(1) 18 years or above
(2) 19 years or above
(3) 21 years of above
(4) Minimum 25 years

22. Who summons the joint sitting of the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha?

(1) President
(2) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
(3) Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
(4) Prime Minister

23. Which of the following is not a source of revenue to the village panchayat?

(1) Property Tax
(2) House Tax
(3) Land Tax
(4) Vehicle Tax

24. All electioneering campaigns during the time of elections are stopped.

(1) 48 hours before the appointed time of election results
(2) 48 hours before the actual poll
(3) 24 hours before the actual poll
(4) 36 hours before the actual poll

25. Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of India?

(1) President
(2) Prime Minister
(3) Parliament
(4) Chief Justice of India

26. The General Budget is presented in the parliament normally in the month of

(1) January
(2) February
(3) March
(4) Last month of the year

27. Who is the signatory on the Indian currency notes in denomination of two rupees and above?

(1) Secretary, Reserve Bank of India
(2) Finance Secretary, Minister of Finance
(3) Governor, Reserve Bank of India
(4) Finance Minister, Ministry of Finance

28. The monetary unit of Bangladesh is

(1) Rupee
(2) Takka
(3) Rupiah
(4) Dollar

29. Sellers market denotes a situations where

(1) Commodities are available at competitive rates
(2) Demand exceeds supply
(3) Supply exceeds demand
(4) Supply and demand are equal

30. Development means economic growth plus

(1) Inflation
(2) Deflation
(3) Price stability
(4) Social change

31. The Abbreviation NAEP stands for

(1) National Atomic Energy Planning
(2) National Adult education Programme
(3) National Authority on Engineering Projects
(4) Nuclear and Atomic Energy Project

32. The Abbreviations PSLV stands for

(1) Polar Survey Landing Vehicle
(2) Polarised Source Laser Viewing
(3) Precise Source Locating Vision
(4) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle

33. The term "epicentre" is associated with

(1) Earthquakes
(2) Tornadoes
(3) Cyclones
(4) Earth’s interior

34. Which of the following order is given to the plantes of solar system on the basis of their sizes?

(1) Jupiter, Saturn, Earth, Mercury
(2) Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Earth
(3) Mercury, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn
(4) Earth, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter

35. The solar eclipse occurs when

(1) the sun comes in between the moon and the earth
(2) the earth comes in the between the sun and the moon
(3) the moon comes in between the sun and the earth
(4) None of these

36. The removal of top soil by water or wind is called

(1) Soil wash
(2) Soil erosion
(3) Soil creep
(4) Silting of soil

37. Which of the following is suitable for growing cotton?

(1) Sandy soil
(2) Clayey soil
(3) Black soil
(4) Alluvial soil

38. Bandipur Sanctuary is located in the State of

(1) Tamil Nadu
(2) Uttar Pradesh
(3) Karnataka
(4) Madhya Pradesh

39. Largest State in terms of area, in India is

(1) Assam
(2) Rajasthan
(3) Madhya Pradesh
(4) Jammu and Kashmir

40. Koraput is related to which of the following Industry

(1) Aeroplane
(2) Ship building
(3) Iron and steel
(4) Electric locomotives

41. Which of the following group of States is the largest producer of tea?

(1) West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh
(2) Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan
(3) Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand
(4) West Bengal, Assam, Karnataka

42. Which of these has the largest river basin?

(1) Brahmaputra
(2) Ganga
(3) Godavari
(4) Sutlej

43. The Indus Valley Civilization was famous for

(1) Well-planned cities
(2) Efficient civil organization
(3) Development of Art and Architecture
(4) All of these

44. The Red Fort of Delhi was built by

(1) Akbar
(2) Shahjehan
(3) Jahangir
(4) Sher Shah

45. The ancient name of the city of Patna is

(1) Pataliputra
(2) Kanauj
(3) Kausambi
(4) Kapilavastu

46. The ancient kingdom of “Avanti” had its capital at

(1) Vaishali
(2) Kausambi
(3) Ujjain
(4) Ayodhya

47. When did Vasco-da-Gama come to India

(1) 1492
(2) 1498
(3) 1398
(4) 1542

48. The General who gave the firing order at Jallianwala Bag was

(1) Tegart
(2) Cornwallis
(3) Simpson
(4) O. Dwyer

49. Gandhiji started Satyagraha in 1919 to protest against the

(1) Rowlatt Act
(2) Salt Law
(3) Act of 1909
(4) Jallianwala Bagh Messacre

50. The Britishers come to India as traders and formed company named

(1) Indo-British Company
(2) The Great Britain Company
(3) Eastern India Company
(4) East India Company

51. Mahatma Gandhi was born in

(1) Wardha
(2) Porbander
(3) Sabarmati
(4) Ahmedabad

52. Who gave the slogan You give me blood, I promise you freedom?

(1) Bhagat Singh
(2) Chandra Shekhar Azad
(3) Subhash Chandra Bose
(4) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

53. In which State is Jawahar Tunnel located?

(1) Himachal Pradesh
(2) Uttaranchal
(3) Goa
(4) Jammu and Kashmir

54. Where did the dance form “Mohini Attam” develop?

(1) Manipur
(2) Kerala
(3) Karnataka
(4) Tamil Nadu

55. On selling three articles at the cost of four article, there will be profit of

(1) 25%
(2) 100/3 %
(3) 75/2%
(4) 40%

56. By selling an article for Rs. 40, there is loss of 40%. By selling it for Rs. 80 there is

(1) Gain of 20%
(2) Loss of 10%
(3) Loss of 20%
(4) Gain of 10%

57. A number consists of two digits whose sum is 8. If 8 is subtracted from the number, the digits interchange their places. The number is

(1) 44
(2) 35
(3) 62
(4) 33

58. A horse is tied to a peg hammered at one of the corner of a rectangular grass field of 40 m by 24 m by a rope 14 m long. Over how much area of the field can the horse graze?

(1) 154 m2
(2) 308 m2
(3) 240 m2
(4) 480 m2

59. The sides of a triangle are in the ratio 3 : 5 : 7 and its perimeter is 30 cm. The length of the greatest side of the triangle in cm is

(1) 6
(2) 10
(3) 14
(4) 16

60. The radius of a right circular cone is 3 cm and its height is 4 cm. The curved surface of the cone will be

(1) 12 η sq. cm
(2) 15 η sq. cm
(3) 18 η sq. cm
(4) 21 η sq. cm

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

61. The steam engine was invented by

(1) James Watt
(2) James Prescott Joule
(3) New Commen
(4) Isaac Newton

62. Who invented the telephone?

(1) Thomas Alva Edison
(2) Galileo
(3) Alexander Graham Bell
(4) G. Marconi

63. Albert Einsten was a famous

(1) Physician
(2) Chemist
(3) Physicist
(4) Biologist

64. The fractions 7/11 , 16/20, 21/22 when arranged in descending order is

(1) 7/11, 16/20 ,21/22
(2) 21/22,7/11,16/20
(3) 21/22,16/20,7/11
(4) 7/11,21/22,16/20

65. If 10% of a number is subtracted from it, the result is 1800. The number is

(1) 1900
(2) 2000
(3) 2100
(4) 2140

66. The number is just preceding 9909 which is a perfect square is

(1) 9908
(2) 9900
(3) 9899
(4) 9801

67. In banking ATM stands for

(1) Automated Tallying Machine
(2) Automatic Teller Machine
(3) Automated Totalling Machine
(4) Automated Transaction of Money

68. Which amongst the following Abbreviations stands for organization related to Indian Defence forces?

(1) DOD
(2) RDSO
(3) DRDO
(4) DRES

69. Which amongst the following Abbreviations stands for organization related to Indian space programme?

(1) NASA
(2) ISO
(3) ISRO
(4) NSAT

70. The injection of anti-toxin is given to prevent

(1) Tetanus
(2) Tuberculosis
(3) Typhoid
(4) Filariasis

71. Dental caries are due to

(1) Viral infection
(2) Contaminated water
(3) Bacterial infection
(4) Hereditary causes

72. Palak leaves are rich source of

(1) Vitamin A
(2) Iron
(3) Carotene
(4) Vitamin E

73. Which of these is not a mosquito borne disease?

(1) Dengue fever
(2) Malaria
(3) Filariasis
(4) Goitre

74. Oranges are rich source of

(1) Carbohydrates
(2) Fats
(3) Proteins
(4) Vitamins

75. Which acid is produced when milk gets sour?

(1) Tartaric acid
(2) Butyric acid
(3) Lactic acid
(4) Acetic acid

76. AIDS stands for

(1) Acquired Immune Disease Syndrome
(2) Acquired Immunity Deficient Syndrome
(3) Acquired Immune Deficiency
(4) Acquired Infection Deficiency Syndrome

77. Stem cuttings are commonly used for re-growing

(1) Cotton
(2) Banana
(3) Jute
(4) Sugar Cane

78. Persons with which blood group are called universal donors :

(1) AB
(2) A
(3) O
(4) B

79. Silk is produced by

(1) Egg of silkworm
(2) Pupa of silkworm
(3) Larva of silkworm
(4) Insect itself

80. Which amongst the following is the train introduced by Indian Railways bringing travel by AC class withing the reach of a common man?

(1) August Kranti
(2) Jan Shatabdi
(3) Garib Rath
(4) Sampark Kranti

81. Approximately how many stations are there on the Indian Railway Network?

(1) 6000
(2) 7000
(3) 8000
(4) 9000

82. The Headquarters of North Western Railway is at

(1) Abu Road
(2) Jodhpur
(3) Ajmer
(4) Jaipur

83. The new electric railway engines are manufactured in

(1) Varanasi
(2) Chittaranjan
(3) Patiala
(4) Chennai

84. Which of the following is true in regard to Indian railway?

(1) It is the cheapest means of transportation
(2) The chief source of income is transportation of goods
(3) It is the only largest employer
(4) All of the above

85. The highest gallantry award in India is

(1) Ashok Chakra
(2) Paramvir Chakra
(3) Mahavir Chakra
(4) Param Vishista Chakra

86. Oscar prize is related to

(1) Literature
(2) Films
(3) Science
(4) Music

87. Arjuna award is given for

(1) Bravery in the battle field
(2) excellence in archery
(3) excellence in sports
(4) excellent service during emergency

88. The first Indian recipient of Nobel Prize in Literature is

(1) Mother Teresa
(2) Rabindranath Tagore
(3) Sorijini Naidu
(4) C.V. Raman

89. Bismillah Khan is related to

(1) Tabla
(2) Sarod
(3) Flute
(4) Shehnai

90. Who is the external affairs minister in the present union Cabinet?

(1) Shivraj Patil
(2) Pranab Mukherjee
(3) Priyaranjan Dasmunshi
(4) A.K. Antony

91. Who is the present Union Agriculture Minister?

(1) Raghuvansh Prasad Singh
(2) Manishankar Iyyer
(3) Sharad Parwar
(4) Kamalnath

92. Who is the present union Tourism and Culture Minister?

(1) Ambika Soni
(2) Kapil Sibbal
(3) Renuka Chaudhary
(4) Sushil Kumar Shinde

93. Who is the chairman of senior selection committee in BCCI?

(1) Sunil Gavaskar
(2) Dilip Vengasarkar
(3) Kapil Dev
(4) Chetan Chauhan

94. The assembly elections were held recently in two states namely

(1) Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh
(2) Madhya Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh
(3) Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat
(4) Andhra Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh

95. Thermometer is related to degree in the same way as clock is related to

(1) Wall
(2) Tower
(3) Hour
(4) Cock

96. The headquarters of the United Nations Union is located at

(1) Geneva
(2) New York
(3) Rome
(4) Washington

97. To work on mobile cell phone which of the following is/are required?

(1) Favourable handset
(2) Sim card
(3) Service provider network
(4) All of the above

98. Find the root value of 36.1 / 102.4

(1) 61 / 34
(2) 19 / 31
(3) 19 / 32
(4) 19 / 33

99. Which of the following keys of personal computer is not available in the key board of traditional typewriters?

(1) Tab
(2) Spacebar
(3) Enter
(4) Backspace

100. Which of the following words is not related to the functioning of Internet?

(1) www
(2) http
(3) e-mail
(4) All of the above


1. (3) 2. (2) 3. (1) 4. (2) 5. (3) 6. (4) 7. (2) 8. (3) 9. (1) 10. (3) 11. (1) 12. (3) 13. (2) 14. (3) 15. (4) 16. (1) 17. (3) 18. (3) 19. (2) 20. (4) 21. (3) 22. (1) 23. (3) 24. (4) 25. (1) 26. (2) 27. (3) 28. (2) 29. (2) 30. (4) 31. (2) 32. (4) 33. (1) 34. (1) 35. (3) 36. (2) 37. (3) 38. (3) 39. (3) 40. (1) 41. (4) 42. (2) 43. (4) 44. (2) 45. (1) 46. (3) 47. (2) 48. (4) 49. (1) 50. (4) 51. (2) 52. (4) 53. (4) 54. (2) 55. (2) 56. (1) 57. (4) 58. (1) 59. (3) 60. (2) 61. (1) 62. (3) 63. (3) 64. (3) 65. (2) 66. (4) 67. (2) 68. (3) 69. (3) 70. (1) 71. (3) 72. (2) 73. (4) 74. (4) 75. (3) 76. (3) 77. (4) 78. (3) 79. (3) 80. (3) 81. (2) 82. (4) 83. (3) 84. (4) 85. (2) 86. (2) 87. (3) 88. (2) 89. (4) 90. (2) 91. (3) 92. (1) 93. (2) 94. (3) 95. (3) 96. (2) 97. (4) 98. (3) 99. (3) 100. (4)


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RRB Bhubaneshwar Group ‘d’ Exam (Held On 30.09.2007)

RRB Bhubaneshwar Group ‘d’ Exam (Held On 30.09.2007)

1. Recently, the Mittal group acquired the steel company________.

(1) Arcellor
(2) Chorus
(3) Posco
(4) Jindal

2. Where is the headquarters of UNESCO located ?

(1) Paris
(2) Oslo
(3) Rome
(4) Istanbul

3. Which of the following locations is known for missile test?

(1) Chandiput
(2) Pokharan
(3) Shri Harikota
(4) Sunderban

4. When the rate of interest is decreased to 12.5% p.a. from 13% there is a loss of Rs. 104 in the annual income. What is the principal?

(1) Rs. 20800
(2) Rs. 21200
(3) Rs. 22400
(4) Rs. 23200

5. The Kalinga battle was fought near which of the following places ?

(1) Barabati
(2) Balasore
(3) Dhouli
(4) Udaygiri

6. Which least number when added to 2000 makes it exactly divisible by 19?

(1) 7
(2) 11
(3) 14
(4) 17

7. Which kind of energy is there in a stretched rubber band?

(1) Kinetic
(2) Magnetic
(3) Potential
(4) Constant

8. Which of the following places is known for path figurine painting ?

(1) Painting
(2) Raghurajpur
(3) Pipili
(4) Jajpur

9. A car covers the 13 rd of its total distance at 60 kmph. next 13 rd at 30kmph and the remaining distance at 10 kmph, then what is the average speed of the whole journey?

(1) 33 kmph
(2) 25 kmph
(3) 20 kmph
(4) 15 kmph

10. Who is the present captain of Indian National Hockey team?

(1) Dhanraj Pillai
(2) Probodh Tirki
(3) Gaganjit Singh
(4) Dilip Tirki

11. Who built the famous Jagannath temple ?

(1) Ashoka
(2) Kharvel
(3) Jajati Keshari
(4) Chola Gangdev

12. What will be the compound interest on a sum of Rs. 6000 for 2 years at the rate of 12% per annum ?

(1) Rs. 1526
(2) Rs. 1772
(3) Rs. 1886
(4) Rs. 2072

13. Indicating towards a picture Rita tells her daughter. ‘He is the only son of my mother’s mother." How is Rita related to that man?

(1) Sister
(2) Nephew / Niece
(3) Aunt / Maternal mother
4) Mother

14. Hindustan Zinc plant is located at

(1) Engule
(2) Udaipur
(3) Kakinanda
(4) Vishakhapatnam

15. Which is the longest river of India ?

(1) Godavari
(2) Krishna
(3) Sindhu
(4) Ganges

16. At which of the following places was located an important village of old Kalinga?

(1) Puri
(2) Baripada
(3) Tosali
(4) Kyonjhar

17. Who was awarded first with Prime Minister prize for significant work in public administration?

(1) Y.V. Reddy
(2) Bimal Jalan
(3) N. Gopalaswamy
(4) Rajiv Chawla

18. Which part of the body is affected by Pneumonia ?

(1) Brain
(2) Heart
(3) Lungs
(4) Kidney

19. The average weight of A,B and C is 70 kg but the average weight of A and B is 90 kg. What is the weight oC?

(1) 30 kg.
(2) 35 kg
(3) 40 kg.
(4) 45 kg.

20. Which river originates from Orissa and merges with Godavari?

(1) Brahmani
(2) Rushikulya
(3) Nagawali
(4) Indravati

21. The Chilka lake is famous for

(1) White Whale
(2) White Shark
(3) White Dolphin
(4) White Prawn

22. Light, radiowaves and X-rays are______ waves.

(1) Electro magnetic
(2) Nuclear
(3) Magnetic resonance
(4) Seismic

23. Which of the following is a red planet ?

(1) Jupiter
(2) Mars
(3) Mercury
(4) Sun

24. The ratio of A and B is 5:7. The value of A is 185, then B is equal to

(1) 129
(2) 239
(3) 259
(4) 379

25. The headquarters of World Health Organization is located at

(1) Geneva
(2) Paris
(3) Berlin
(4) Washington

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

26. In Orissa, Mig is built at

(1) Cuttak
(2) Sambalpur
(3) Berhampur
(4) Sunaveda

27. Which of the following is the first college of Orissa?

(1) Orissa Veterinary College
(2) Revanshaw College
(3) Wurla Engineering College
(4) Government Arts College

28. Which of the following is a Hockey player?

(1) Dilip Tirki
(2) V.V.S. Lakshman
(3) W.Bhutia
(4) Pravin Thipse

29. The square root of 24649 is

(1) 127
(2) 137
(3) 157
(4) 247

30. Which of the following is a chief kharif crop in Orissa ?

(1) Jawar
(2) Bajara
(3) Rice
(4) Wheat

31. Eager : interest : : Sharp : ?

(1) Desire
(2) Height
(3) Smile
(4) Intelligence

32. The ratio of 50 ml and 2 litres is

(1) 1 : 20
(2) 1 : 25
(3) 1 : 40
(4) 1 : 80

33. Who wrote ‘My Experiments with Truth’?

(1) Jawaharlal Nehru
(2) Rabindranath Tagore
(3) M.K. Gandhi
(4) Jai Prakash Narayan

34. The deficiency of vitamin ‘C’ causes

(1) Paralysis
(2) Scurvey
(3) T.B.
(4) Jaundice

35. What will come in place of the question mark in the following number series?

16 ,21, 7, 13, 18, 6, 19, ?, ?

(1) 22 and 6
(2) 24 and 8
(3) 22 and 8
(4) 24 and 6

36. If one side of a square is decreased by 5% its area decreases by

(1) 6.75%
(2) 9.75%
(3) 12.50%
(4) 25%

37. Which of the following states is the most densely covered by forests ?

(1) Orissa
(2) Madhya Pradesh
(3) Assam
(4) Arunachal Pradesh

38. Who among the following was awarded with Nodel Prize in Physics ?

(1) J.C. Bose
(2) Hargobind Khurana
(3) S. Chandra Shekhar
(4) Amartya Sen

39. The ‘ Gateway of India’ is situated in

(1) Delhi
(2) Mumbai
(3) Chennai
(4) Kolkata

40. Sultan Azlan Sah Hockey Tournament 2007 was won by

(1) India
(2) Pakistan
(3) South Korea
(4) Australia

41. Winter crop season is known in India as

(1) Rabi
(2) Winter
(3) Kharif
(4) Poddu

42. 3 49 1 2 1 of ? 7 10 7 7 + + − =

(1) 15
(2) 12
(3) 13

43. Which Indian player has taken the highest number of wickets in Test Cricket ?

(1) B.S. Bedi
(2) Kapil Dev
(3) Sri Nath
(4) Anil Kumble

44. The population of a city is 70000. it increases at 10% in the first year and at 20% in the following year. What will be the population after 2 years ?

(1) 77000
(2) 84000
(3) 92400
(4) 104000

45. Which river flows in India through Tibbet ?

(1) Ravi
(2) Beas
(3) Brahmaputra
(4) Ganges

46. The decimal equivalent of 7 gm of a kilogram is

(1) 0.7
(2) 0.07
(3) 0.007
(4) 0.0007

47. Hyderabad was earlier known as

(1) Bhagyanagar
(2) Nizamabad
(3) Secunderabad
(4) Golconda

48. Kullu Valley is situated in

(1) Punjab
(2) Himachal Pradesh
(3) Kashmir
(4) Uttarakhand

49. Muchkund power project is situated in the state of

(1) Andhra Pradesh
(2) Orissa
(3) Gujarat
(4) Karnataka

50. Which mountain range divides India into north and south ?

(1) Nilgiris
(2) Satpura
(3) Vidhyas
(4) Aravali

51. The telegraphic code was invented by

(1) S.F.B. Morse
(2) Arcwright
(3) Thomas Addison
(4) G.Marconi

52. In a sum of Rs. 11.70, the coins of one rupee, 50 paise and 5 paise and 5 paise are in the ratio 3: 5 :7. Find the number of 50 paise coins.

(1) 6
(2) 10
(3) 14
(4) 20

53. Which place is famous for Jain caves ?

(1) Eilora
(2) Khandgiri
(3) Kapilash
(4) Sarnath

54. The first successful synchronous satellite of India is

(1) SLV

55. Find the missing number in the following matrix.

2         5         ?   
10       5       50   
5         4       20

(1) 10
(2) 15
(3) 20
(4) 25

56. Which of the following places is famous for thermal power plant ?

(1) Hirakud
(2) Manipal
(3) Polavaram
(4) Talcher

57. Indira Gandhi Zoological park is located in

(1) Vishakhapatnam
(2) Gyderabad
(3) Puri
(4) Bhubaneshwar

58. The universal blood donor is

(1) Group ‘A’
(2) Group ‘B’
(3) Group ‘AB’
(4) Group ‘O’

59. Which state is the biggest producer of cotton ?

(1) Kerala
(2) Karnataka
(3) Andhra Pradesh
(4) Maharashtra

60. The VIBGYOR spectrum is related to

(1) Light
(2) Sound
(3) Motion
(4) Energy

61. Who invented telephone ?

(1) Graham Bell
(2) K.G. Gillete
(3) Wright brothers
(4) E. Torricelli

62. A man sells an article for Rs. 3550 and loses 19%. The cost price of the article is

(1) Rs. 4283
(2) Rs. 4350
(3) Rs. 4383
(4) Rs. 4450

63. The largest number which divides 411.752 and 1031 leaving remainder 8 in each case, is

(1) 8
(2) 11
(3) 21
(4) 31

64. The pilotless aircraft developed by DRDO whichis targeted, is

(1) Tejas
(2) Vijay
(3) Lakshya
(4) Varun

65. The first Indian woman justice of Supreme Court of India is

(1) Kiran Bedi
(2) Brinda Karat
(3) Fatima Bibi
(4) Mohini Giri

66. The instrument used to measure the intensity of earthquake is

(1) Dynamometer
(2) Seismograph
(3) Fathometer
(4) Magnetometer

67. The LCM of 2457,,,39612andis

(1) 118
(2) 136
(3) 359
(4) 1403

68. The first train in India was inaugurated in

(1) 1753
(2) 1784
(3) 1853
(4) 1857

69. The calculating machine was invented by

(1) Pascal
(2) Bill Gates
(3) Issac Newton
(4) Goodyear

70. A man travels for 4 hours. The half of the journey is covered by bus at 40 kmph and the remaining at 30 kmph by scooter. What distance did he cover?

(1) 17.5 km
(2) 37.14 km
(3) 137.14 km
(4) 117.5 km

71. Who is the chairman of National Human Rights Commission in India?

(1) S.Rajendra Babu
(2) V.N. Kaul
(3) U.S. Mishra
(4) R.C. Lahouti

72. The urban population is most in

(1) Tamil Nadu
(2) West Bengal
(3) Karnataka
(4) Maharashtra

73. Who wrote ‘Abhigyan Shakuntalam’?

(1) Charak
(2) Harisen
(3) Bann Bhatta
(4) Kalidas

74. A man buys 8 mangoes for Rs. 9 and sells them at 9 mangoes for Rs. 8. his gain or loss per cent is

(1) 10.18% loss
(2) 10.18% gain
(3) 20.98% loss
(4) 20.98% gain

75. Which is understood best for conducting electricity?

(1) Radiators
(2) Conductors
(3) Vectors
(4) Regulators

76. The other name of evergreen forests is

(1) Deciduous forests
(2) Tropical forests
(3) Alpine forests
(4) None of these

77. 7, 8, 10, 13, 17, ?

(1) 18
(2) 20
(3) 22
(4) 24

78. Lignite is found in abundance in

(1) Orissa
(2) Andhra Pradesh
(3) Tamil Nadu
(4) Karnataka

79. The western seacoast in India is known as

(1) Coromandal
(2) Malabar
(3) Palk Strait
(4) Konkan

80. The river called China’s sorrow is

(1) Yang te
(2) Hwang Ho
(3) Three Gorges
(4) Shinago

81. Fraction 32 is equivalent to what per cent?

(1) 55%
(2) 75%
(3) 150%
(4) 175%

82. On January 26, 1950, India became

(1) Independent
(2) Democratic
(3) Republic
(4) Non-aligned

83. A car moves at 120 kmph, the distance covered by it in 15 minutes, is

(1) 20 km
(2) 30 km
(3) 40 km
(4) 50 km

84. Who invented the cholera vaccine?

(1) Joseph Lister
(2) Louis Pasteur
(3) Edward Jenner
(4) Roger Beacon

85. The smallest fraction in the following is

(1) 79
(2) 59
(3) 89
(4) 57

86. The two nuclear explosions took place in

(1) Kutch
(2) Andaman
(3) Pokharan
(4) Sunderban

87. In a group, the grandfather and his wife, father, mother, their three sons and their wives and two daughters of each son are included. The number of women in the group is

(1) 11
(2) 13
(3) 15
(4) 17

88. A cricketer scored at an average of 52 runs in 8 matches. The average of first 5 matches was 50, the average of the last 3 matches is

(1) 51.5
(2) 52.3
(3) 53.5
(4) 55.3

89. The missile fired from ground to air is

(1) Agni
(2) Trishul
(3) Naag
(4) Prithvi

90. The Railway Coach factory is situated in

(1) Varanast
(2) Kapurthala
(3) Chittaranjan
(4) Perambur

91. If a bus covers 135 km in 3 hours. The time taken to cover 200 km at the same speed is

(1) 3.22 hrs
(2) 3.44 hrs
(3) 4.22 hrs
(4) 4.44 hrs

92. The vegetation has life. Who researched on it?

(1) Hargobind Khurana
(2) Hippocratus
(3) Edward Jenner
(4) J.C. Bose

93. Which is an ice fed river?

(1) Ganges
(2) Mahanadi
(3) Tapti
(4) Godavari

94. The largest among the following

(1) 719
(2) 1216
(3) 1117
(4) 1318

95. The Runn of Kutch is known for

(1) Lion
(2) Tigers
(3) Herbivores
(4) Wild ass

96. The first commercial noncivilian aircraft is

(1) Tejas
(2) Saras
(3) Indian
(4) Volan

97. For contribution in the field of trade. Padma Bhushan, 2007 was awarded to

(1) LN Mittal
(2) S.B. Mittal
(3) Ratan Tata
(4) Azim Premji

98. The HCF of 12984, and is10864

(1) 182
(2) 380
(3) 3320
(4) 482

99. The first Indian to get Nobel Prize is

(1) Rabindra Nath Tagore
(2) C.V. Raman
(3) J.C. Bose
(4) Subhash Chandra Bose

100. Which latest satellite of INSAT series was launched in 2007?

(1) INSAT – 2B
(2) INSAT-2C
(3) INSAT-3D
(4) INSAT-4B

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

101. If difference between the ages of X and Y is 12 years and the ratio of their ages is 3 : 7, they what is the age of Y ?

(1) 4 years
(2) 7 years
(3) 11 years
(4) 21 years

102. 6.7 + 9(8-(2.6+1.5) + 12) = ?

(1) 13.6
(2) 31.6
(3) 143.1
(4) 149.8

103. The highest prize in literature of Indian government is

(1) Literature Prize
(2) Lalit Kala Puraskar
(3) Dada Saheb Phalke Puraskar
(4) Jnanpith Puraskar

104. The area of a circle whose radius is 3.5 cm. is

(1) 12.5 cm2
(2) 22.5 cm2
(2) 28.5 cm2
(4) 38.5 cm2

105. A sum of Rs. 6300 was lent at 5% rate of interest for 9 years. The simple interest will be

(1) Rs. 1840
(2) Rs. 1942
(3) Rs. 2742
(4) Rs. 2835

106. In the following the Belghar wild- life sanctuary is known for

(1) Crocodile
(2) Elephants
(3) Tigers
(4) None of these

107. International Gandhi Prize 2006 was given to

(1) Kofi Annan
(2) Desmond Tutu
(3) Yohi Sasakava
(4) Sunderial Bahuguna

108. The player of tournament of World Cup Cricket 2007 was

(1) Graeme Smith
(2) Muttaih Muralitharan
(3) Rahul Dravid
(4) Gelnn McGrath

109. If the compound interest on a certain sum for 2 years at the rate of 10% p.a. is Rs. 630, the sum is

(1) Rs. 1000
(2) Rs. 2000
(3) Rs. 3000
(4) Rs. 4000

110. The largest gland in human body to secrete bile is

(1) Gall bladder
(2) Liver
(3) Skin
(4) Pancreas

111. The deepest lake of Asia is

(1) Rengali
(2) Pulicut
(3) Chilka
(4) Baikal

112. Chalk : Lime : : Coal : ?

(1) Carbon
(2) Fire
(3) Oven
(4) Chimney

113. Oriss is a chief producer of

(1) Wheat
(2) Cotton
(3) Pulse
(4) Jute

114. Which of the following is known for Bali journey?

(1) Cuttak
(2) Paradip
(3) Gopalpur
(4) Jajpur

115. In how many years will the simple interest on Rs. 6900 at the rate of 4% per annum be Rs. 2484?

(1) 4 years
(2) 7 years
(3) 9 years
(4) 12 years

116. In Forbes list, the richest man in the world is

(1) L.N. Mittal
(2) Bill Gates
(3) Queen Elizabeth
(4) George Bush

117. Jayadev belonged to

(1) Kakinada
(2) Machhalipatnam
(3) Vijaywada
(4) Puri

118. The study of heredity is called

(1) Anatomy
(2) Cytology
(3) Psychology
(4) Genetics

119. The last matches of Afro- Asian cricket championship were held in

(1) India
(2) Pakistan
(3) South Africa
(4) Kenya

120. Who is the first Indian spaceman?

(1) Homi Bhabha
(2) Rakesh Sharma
(3) Kalpana Chawla
(4) Sunita Williams

121. Which city hosted the Arab league conference?

(1) Dubai
(2) Muscat
(3) Riyadh
(4) Doha

122. If STORMY is coded as QVMTKA, then WINTER will be coded as


123. Barabat fort is situated at

(1) Cuttak
(2) Khurda
(3) Warangal
(4) Ahmedabad

124. The Commonwealth Games- 2010 will be held in

(1) Colombo
(2) Canberra
(3) New Delhi
(4) Dhaka

125. The dimensions of a rectangular hall are 5m x 4m x 3m. A window occupies an area of 4m2 . Without window the area of walls is

(1) 50m2
(2) 54m2
(3) 56m2
(4) 60m2

126. The nature of carbon dioxide is

(1) Inflammable
(2) Smellless
(3) Yellowish
(4) Sour

127. The largest store of bauxite has been found in the district of

(1) Nellore
(2) Engule
(3) Vishakhapattnam
(4) Tulcher

128. X starts for his office and walks 500m straight and turns left and walks 300m. he again turns left and walks 500m. he then turns right to walk 900m. How far is he from his office?

(1) 1000 m
(2) 1000 m
(3) 1200 m
(4) 1300 m

129. Which of the following is a non-metallic element?

(1) Mercury
(2) Manganese
(3) Carbon
(4) Gold

130. In respect of territorial area, the state of Andhra Pradesh is placed at

(1) Third
(2) Fourth
(3) Fifth
(4) Sixth

131. The recently discovered earthlike planet has been named ______ by the European scientists.

(1) NW 581C
(2) EU 581C
(3) PL 581C
(4) GL 581C

132. Karnam Malleswari is related to

(1) Weightlifting
(2) Wrestling
(3) Shotput
(4) Long jump 1 4

133. 300 men can do a work in 16 days. To do of the work in 15 days the number of men required is

(1) 80
(2) 75
(3) 60
(4) 45

134. The south- west monsoon starts during

(1) May- June
(2) June- July
(3) July – August
(4) August- September

135. The chairman of the Planning Commission in India is

(1) Dr. Manmohan Singh
(2) Arjun Singh
(3) P. Chidambaram
(4) Pranab Mukherjee

136. Salarjung museum is located in

(1) Hyderabad
(2) Delhi
(3) Kolkata
(4) Ahmedabad

137. The chief foodgrain crop of Andhra Pradesh is

(1) Ragi
(2) Jowar
(3) Wheat
(4) Rice

138. If DEADLY is coded as GHDGOB, then MOTIVE will be coded as


139. If A : B = 2 :1 and B :C = 6 : 5, then A : B : C =?

(1) 2 : 6 : 5
(2) 2 : 7 : 5
(3) 4 :10 : 7
(4) 12 : 6 : 5

140. The state with lowest area is

(1) Lakshadwip
(2) Pudicherry
(3) Goa
(4) Delhi

141. 47 kmph is equivalent to

(1) 10.03 m/s
(2) 11.04 m/s
(3) 13.05 m/s
(4) 14.06 m/s

142. Rocket is launched from

(1) Balasore
(2) Sri Harikota
(3) Trombay
(4) Siachen

143. Who is the President of Afghanistan?

(1) Pervez Musharraf
(2) Hamid Karzai
(3) M. Ahmedinejad
(4) M. Abbaas

144. The first novelist of Orissa is

(1) Faqir Mohan Senapti
(2) Gopinath Mohanty
(3) Anant Patnaik
(4) Manoj Das

145. A trader marks his goods at 20% higher than the cost price and then allows a discount of 10%. His gain per cent is

(1) 8%
(2) 10%
(3) 12%
(4) 14%

146. The outermost layer of earth’s atmosphere is

(1) Troposphere
(2) Lithosphere
(3) Mesosphere
(4) lonosphere

147. X, Y and Z can complete a work in 7, 14 and 28 days respectively. They together can complete the work in

(1) 4 days
(2) 8 days
(3) 12 days
(4) 16 days

148. A 140m long train is moving at 70 kmph. It will cross a man running at 4 kmph in the same direction of train in

(1) 4.63 seconds
(2) 5.63 seconds
(3) 6.63 seconds
(4) 7.63 seconds

149. 25m is what per cent of 7.5 km?

(1) 33%
(2) 3.3%
(3) 0.33%
(4) 0.03%

150. A tap can fill a tank in 8 minutes and an other tap can empty the tank in 16 minutes. If both the taps are opened together, the tank will be filled in

(1) 8 minutes
(2) 16 minutes
(3) 20 minutes
(4) 24 minutes


1. (1) 2. (1) 3. (1) 4. (1) 5. (3) 6. (3) 7. (3) 8. (4) 9. (3) 10. (4) 11. (4) 12. (1) 13. (2) 14. (2) 15. (3) 16. (3) 17. (3) 18. (3) 19. (1) 20. (4) 21. (4) 22. (1) 23. (2) 24. (3) 25. (1) 26. (4) 27. (2) 28. (1) 29. (3) 30. (3) 31. (4) 32. (3) 33. (3) 34. (2) 35. (2) 36. (2) 37. (4) 38. (3) 39. (2) 40. (4) 41. (1) 42. (3) 43. (4) 44. (3) 45. (3) 46. (3) 47. (1) 48. (2) 49. (2) 50. (3) 51. (1) 52. (2) 53. (2) 54. (2) 55. (1) 56. (4) 57. (4) 58. (4) 59. (4) 60. (1) 61. (1) 62. (3) 63. (4) 64. (3) 65. (3) 66. (2) 67. (4) 68. (3) 69. (1) 70. (3) 71. (1) 72. (4) 73. (4) 74. (3) 75. (2) 76. (2) 77. (3) 78. (3) 79. (4) 80. (2) 81. (3) 82. (3) 83. (2) 84. (3) 85. (2) 86. (3) 87. (1) 88. (4) 89. (2) 90. (4) 91. (4) 92. (4) 93. (1) 94. (2) 95. (4) 96. (1) 97. (2) 98. (3) 99. (1) 100. (4) 101. (4) 102. (4) 103. (4) 104. (4) 105. (4) 106. (2) 107. (3) 108. (4) 109. (3) 110. (2) 111. (4) 112. (1) 113. (4) 114. (4) 115. (3) 116. (2) 117. (4) 118. (4) 119. (4) 120. (2) 121. (3) 122. (2) 123. (1) 124. (3) 125. (1) 126. (4) 127. (1) 128. (3) 129. (3) 130. (3) 131. (4) 132. (1) 133. (1) 134. (1) 135. (1) 136. (1) 137. (4) 138. (3) 139. (4) 140. (1) 141. (3) 142. (2) 143. (2) 144. (2) 145. (1) 146. (4) 147. (1) 148. (4) 149. (3) 150. (1)


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रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

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(Paper) General Intelligence Test | Bank PO , MBA , RRB , LIC Assistant

Paper : General Intelligence Test | Bank PO , MBA , RRB , LIC Assistant

1. Piyush is 18th from either end of a row of boys. How many boys are there in that row ?

(A) 26

(B) 32

(C) 24

(D) 35

2. "Medicine" is related to "Patient" in the same way as "Education" is related to

(A) Teacher

(B) School

(C) Student

(D) Tuition

3. Fill in the missing letter in the following series

S, V, Y, B, ?

(A) C

(B) D

(C) E

(D) G

4. What should come in the place of question mark in the following series ?

3, 8, 6, 14, ?, 20

(A) 11

(B) 10

(C) 8

(D) 9

5. Select the correct option in place of the question mark






6. What should come in the place of question mark in the following series ?

1, 4, 9, 25, 36, ?

(A) 48

(B) 49

(C) 52

(D) 56

7. In a class of 60 where boys are twice that of girls, Raman ranked 17th from the top. If there are 9 boys ahead of Raman, how many girls are after her in the rank ?

(A) 26

(B) 12

(C) 10

(D) 33

8. If "BOAT"is written as "YLZG" in a code language how is "EGG" to be written in the same language ?





9. In a code language SINGER is written as AIBCED then GINGER will be written in the same code as





10. If BAT is coded as 283, CAT is coded as 383 and ARE is coded as 801, then the code for BETTER is

(A) 213310

(B) 213301

(C) 123301

(D) 012334

11. If water is called black, black is called tree, tree is called blue, blue is called rain, rain is called pink and pink is called fish in a certain language then what is the colour of sky called in that language ?

(A) Blue

(B) Fish

(C) Rain

(D) Pink

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

12. A man walks 3 km northwards and then turns left and goes 2 km. He again turns left and goes 3 km. He turns right and walks straight. In which direction he is walking now ?

(A) East

(B) West

(C) North

(D) South

13. One morning after sunrise Vikas and Shanu were standing in a lawn with their back towards each other. Vikas shadow fell exactly towards left-hand side. Which direction Shanu was facing ?

(A) East

(B) West

(C) North

(D) South

14. Neelam is taller than Paumpi but not as tall as Mihir. Roma is taller than Namarata but not as tall as Paumpi. Who among them is the tallest ?

(A) Mihir

(B) Paumpi

(C) Namarata

(D) Neelam

15. In an examination Raja got more marks than Mohit but not as many as Minal. Minal got more marks than Suresh and Rupali. Suresh got less marks than Mohit but his marks are not the lowest in the group. Who is second in the descending order of marks ?

(A) Minal

(B) Rupali

(C) Raja

(D) None of these

16. Pointing to a photograph of a girl, Raja said  "She has no sister or daughter but her mother is the only daughter of my mother" ". How is the girl in the photograph related with Raja"s mother ?

(A) Sister in law

(B) Grand Daughter

(C) Daughter in law

(D) None of these

17. If Suyash" father is Babloo" father" only son and Babloo has neither a brother nor a daughter. What is the relationship between Suyash and Babloo ?

(A) Uncle ,Nephew

(B) Father,Daughter

(C) Father, Son

(D) Grandfather, Grandson

18. An application was received by inward clerk in the afternoon of a weekday. Next day he forwarded it to the table of the senior clerk, who was on leave that day. The senior clerk next day evening put up the application to the desk officer. Desk officer studied the application and disposed off the matter on the same day, i.e., Friday. Which day the application was received by the inward clerk ?

(A) Tuesday

(B) Earlier weeks, Saturday

(C) Wednesday

(D) Monday

19. Flight to Mumbai leaves every 5 hours. At the information counter I learnt that the flight took off 25 minutes before. If the time now is 10 : 45 a.m., what is the time for the next flight ?

(A) 2 : 20 a.m.

(B) 3 : 30 a.m.

(C) 3 : 55 p.m.

(D) 3 : 20 p.m.

20. Babloo ranked 16th from the top and 29th from the bottom among those who passed an examination. 6 boys did not participate in the competition and 5 failed in the examination. How many boys were there in that class ?

(A) 44

(B) 40

(C) 50

(D) 55

21. Indra is 7th from the left and Jaya is 5th from the right. When they interchange their position Jaya becomes 19th from the right. What is Indra, position from the left ?

(A) 21st

(B) 19th

(C) 23rd

(D) 20th

22. If EARTHQUAKE is coded as MOGPENJOSM then EQUATE will be coded as





23. If COUNTRY is coded in certain way as EMWLVPA, ELECTORATE will be coded in the same manner as





24. "Air" is to "Bird" as "Water" is to

(A) Drink

(B) Fish

(C) Wash

(D) Swim

25. "Pencil" is to "Write" as "Knife" is to

(A) Injure

(B) Peel

(C) Prick

(D) Attack

Answers with Hints

1. (D)

2. (C) As "Medicine" is used by a "Patient" in the same way "Education" is used by a "Student".

3. (C)

4. (D)

5. (C)

6. (B)

7. (B)

8. (C)

9. (B)

10. (A)

11. (C)

12. (A)

13. (D)

14. (A) Mihir > Neelam > Paumpi > Roma > Namrata

= The tallest is Mihir.

15. (C) Minal > Raja > Mohit > Suresh > Rupali

16. (B) The girl in the photograph is the daughter of Raja" sister. Hence the girl is grand daughter of Raja" mother.

17. (C) Suyash is the son of Babloo.

18. (C) The desk officer received the application on Friday. Hence the senior clerk received it on Thursday and the inward clerk received the application on Wednesday.

19. (D) The time for the next flight

= 10·45 – 0·25 + 5·00

= 15·20 = 3 : 20 p.m.

20. (D) Number of boys in the class

= (16 + 29 - 1) + 6 + 5

= 55

21. (A)

22. (D)

23. (D)

24. (B) As "Bird" flies in "Air" similarly "Fish" swims in "Water".

25. (D) As "Pencil" is used to "Write" similarly "Knife" is used to "Attack".


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(Paper) RRB Allahabad Sr. Clerk Exam Solved Paper (Held on 12-10-2008)

(Paper) RRB Allahabad Sr. Clerk Exam Solved Paper (Held on 12-10-2008)

1. Trasfer of heat through horizontal movement of air is called

(A) Advection

(B) Convection

(C) Conduction

(D) Radiation

Ans : (A)

2. Which of the following revers is referred to as "Dakshin Ganga"

(A) Krishna

(B) Godavari

(C) Mahanadi

(D) Cauvery

Ans : (B)

3. The clouds float in atmosphere because of their low-

(A) Temperature

(B) Viscosity

(C) Pressure

(D) Density

Ans : (D)

4. Which one is the first atomic plant established in India?

(A) Kaiga

(B) Tarapur

(C) Narora

(D) Kota

Ans : (B)

5. Who presides over the meeting of the council of ministers?

(A) The prime Minister

(B) The President

(C) Cabinet secretary

(D) Lok Sabha Speaker

Ans : (A)

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

6. What is the minimum age required to become Prime Minister of India?

(A) 18 Years

(B) 21 Years

(C) 25 Years

(D) 35 Years

Ans : (C)

7. Which of the following gases is used in the artificial ripening of fruits?

(A) Acetylene

(B) Ethylene

(C) Methane

(D) Ethane

Ans : (B)

8. The light waves are -

(A) Electric Waves

(B) Magnetic Waves

(C) Electromagnetic Waves

(D) Electrostatic Waves

Ans : (C)

9. Which of the folowing process produce Hydrogen gas?

(A) Electrolysis of water

(B) Passing of steam over red hot iron

(C) Reaction of Zinc with Hydrochloric acid

(D) All of these

Ans : (D)

10. The hydraulic brakes used in automobiles is a direct application of -

(A) Archmedes' Principle

(B) Pascal's Law

(C) Bernoulli's Theorem

(D) Faraday's Law

Ans : (B)

11. Which of the following planet orbits around the sun in background direction from east to west?

(A) Earth

(B) Mercury

(C) Venus

(D) Jupiter

Ans : (B)


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रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

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RRB GROUP-D Exam (ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा) - Model Questions (Set-68)

RRB GROUP-D Exam (ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा) - Model Questions (Set-68)

निर्देश : दिए गए विकल्पों में से अक्षरों/शब्द/संख्या/ आकृति को चुनिए।


(a)  MLKI
(b) PLHD
(c) XVTR
(d) PGHI



3. 520 : 738 : : ? : 350

(a) 678
(b) 867
(c) 768
(d) 876

4. 423 : 657 : : 534 : ?

(a) 678
(b) 867
(c) 768
(d) 876

5. 13 : 24 : : ? : ?   

(a) 45 : 79
(b) 56 : 78
(c) 35 : 59
(d) 57 : 68

RRB Group-D Exam 2018 Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा 2018 अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB LOCO PILOT (ALP) Exam Online Tests Series

6. स्टेथोस्कॉप : ह्रदयस्पंद : : ? : तापमान

(a) ऊष्मा
(b) पारा
(c) पैमाना
(d) तापमापी

7. बसंत : ग्रीष्म : :

(a) रविवार : सोमवार
(b) वृहस्पतिवार : बुधवार
(c) मंगवाल : शुक्रवार
(d) शुक्रवार : सोमवार

8. BYW : DWU :  : FUS : ?

(a) ESQ
(b) GST
(c) HSQ
(d) EST

9. निम्नलिखित शब्द किस सामान वर्ग से सम्बंधित है ?

नदियाँ, हिमनद, समुंद्री लहरे

(a) भौम जल
(b) पवन
(c) अपरदन कारक
(d) अपक्षय कारक

निर्देश : दिए गए विकल्पों में से विषम शब्द /अक्षर/आकृति/ संख्या या शब्द युग्म ज्ञात कीजिए।


(a) बिमा
(b) भविष्य निधि
(c) वेतन
(d) शेयर

RRB Group-D Exam 2018 Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा 2018 अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB LOCO PILOT (ALP) Exam Online Tests Series

Answer Key :

1.(c) 2.(c) 3.(b) 4.(c) 5.(d) 6.(d) 7.(a) 8.(c) 9.(c) 10.(c)

RRB GROUP-D Exam - Model Questions (Set-68)

RRB GROUP-D Exam - Model Questions (Set-68)

Directions: Find the odd wora/letters/numberfromthe given alternatives.


(a) Herring
(b) Shark
(c) Barracuda
(d) Whale


(a) Abundance
(b) Plentiful
(c) Copious
(d) Ample


(a) AEFJ 1
(b) KOPT
(c) UYZD
(d) EHIL


(a) 24
(b) 60
(c) 124
(d) 210

Directions: Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following?


1. Probation.
2. Interview,
3. Selection,
4. Appointment,
5. Advertisement,
6. Application

(a) 5, 6, 3, 2, 4,1
(b) 5, 6, 4, 2, 3, 1
(c) 6, 5, 4, 2, 3, 1
(d) 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 1

RRB Group-D Exam Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB Group-D Exam Online Tests Series


1. Heel 2. Shoulder
3. Skull 4. Neck
5. Knee 6. Chest
7. Thigh 8. Stomach
9. Face 10. Hand

(a) 3, 4, 7, 9, 2, 5, 8, 10, 6, 1
(b) 3, 9, 4, 2, 10, 6, 8, 7, 5, 1
(c) 2, 4, 7, 10, 1, 5, 8, 9, 6, 3
(d) 4, 7, 10, 1, 9, 6, 3, 2, 5, 8

7. Arrange the following words according to dictionary arrangement:

1. Wound,
2. Writer,
3. Whiter,
4. Worst,
5. Worked

(a) 5, 3, 2, 1, 4
(b) 1, 4, 3, 5, 2
(c) 3, 5, 4, 1, 2
(d) 2, 1, 3, 4, 5

8. Number of letters skipped in between adjacent letters in the series increases by one. Which of the following series observe the ruling given above?


Directions: Complete the series.

9. 2460,3570,4680,?

(a) 8640
(b) 5670
(c) 5970
(d) 5790

10. 7714,7916,8109,?

(a) 8311
(b) 8312
(c) 8509
(d) 8515

RRB Group-D Exam Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB Group-D Exam Online Tests Series

Answer Key :

1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (3) 9. (d) 10. (a)

(Paper) RRB Ahmedabad : Placement Sample Paper (General Knowledge, English, Analogy, Hindi-grammer, Physics /Che (Basic)) Reasoning

(Paper) RRB Ahmedabad : Placement Sample Paper (General Knowledge, English, Analogy, Hindi-grammer, Physics /Che (Basic)) Reasoning

1.) Terminal colours of Rainbow?
a: Violet&Red

a: Indira Gandhi
b: Sarogini naidu etc

3.) First Nuclear plant in INDIA is situated in
a: Bombay
b: Nellore etc

4.) 2 capacitances are in parallel gives 6 micro farad & in series gives 25 what will be the value of individual capacitance.

5.) Who invented THERMOMETER?
ANS: Farenheit

6.) Electrostatic potential is a Scalar Quantity or Vector Quantity?

7.) Among values 1 to100 Probability of occurance of numbers ending with 9 is?
c:1 d:0

8.) Si, Ge lie in ….. block of periodic table
a: III
b: V
c: IVA (ANS)
d: IV B

9.) Some eqn was given x=20 sin 157t then calculate frequency

10.) Which Filter is used for passing ONLY HIGH frequency
b. crystal

11.) In Zener breakdown is proportional to
Ans -ive coefficient of temperature

12.) If water is heated from 0degree to 10 degree effect on volume
a: increase steadily
b: remain same
c: decrease steadily

13.) If we dig EARTH FROM North to South pole and a stone is dropped in it then efffect on its velocity
a: increase continously
b: First increase and become Zero in center
c. It Will Start Oscillate

14.) Dandi march was related to ……..
a: Salt
b: Sugar etc

15.) Radiation pattern of loop antenna
a: cardioid
b. semicircular
c. circle d. none

16.) DENMARK lie in which continent

17.) Cooks island is situated in which continent?

18.) Range of AM Signal?

19.) In an Electrolyte if rod is immersed then mass on rod will be proportional to
a: current passed in it

20.) largest unit in energy

21.) spelling check of SATELLITE

22.) plural of “DIBIYA” IN HINDI

23.) Sarvnam chatiye

24.) RADDISH is a
a: modified root
b: bulb
c; stem

25.) X Rays are ….. Rays
Ans emw

26.) ass:bray::sheep BLEAT

27.) In Hindi Pehle Janma (AGRAJ, ARGAJA/AAGRAJETC)

28.) Lord Shankar is related to originaetor of …. river

29.) ………is also called JALDHAR

30) fsk is used in
a: telegraphy
b: telephony
c: radio transmission etc


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रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

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(Paper) RRB Mathematics Question Exams Paper (Solved)

(Paper) RRB Mathematics Question Exams Paper (Solved)

1. What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following equation? 158.25 x 4.6 + 21% of 847+?= 950.93 50 45

  • 35
  • 40
  • 25
  • Answer: 45
  • 53.25

2. The average of the first and the second of three numbers is 15 more than the average of the second and the third of these numbers. What is the difference between the first and the third of these three numbers?

  • 15
  • 45
  • 60
  • Data inadequate
  • Answer: None of these

Difference is 30 - The difference between the simple and the compound interest compounded every six rnonths at the rate of 10 %.p.a. at the end of two years is Rs. 124.05. What is the sum?

  • Rs 10,000
  • Rs 6,000
  • Rs 12,000
  • Answer: Rs 8,000
  • None of these

4. What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following equation? 85.147 + 34.912 x 6.2 + ? = 802.293

  • 400
  • 450
  • 550
  • 600
  • Answer: 500

5. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following equation? 9548+7314=8362+?

  • 8230
  • Answer: 8500
  • 8410
  • 8600
  • None of these

6. What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following equation? 248.251 ÷ 12.62 x 20.52 =?

  • Answer: 400
  • 450
  • 600
  • 375
  • 350

7. When a number is added to another number the total becomes 333.333 per cent of the second number. What is the ratio between the first and the second number?

  • 3:7
  • 7:4
  • Answer: 7:3
  • Data inadequate
  • None of these

8. There are 11 members in a family out of which there are 4 males and remaining females. The family has hired three cars for a trip to zoo. The members are to be seated in the cars in such a way that there are not more than four members in one car and there is at least one male in each car. How many different ways can the members travel?

  • 610
  • 126
  • 140
  • 532
  • Answer: None of these

9. 657 Ways 9:- The sum of four numbers is 64.If you add 3 to the first number, 3 is subtracted from second number, the third is multiplied by 3 and the sum is divided by 3, then all the results are equal. What is the difference between the largest and the smallest of the original numbers?

  • Answer: 32
  • 27
  • 21
  • Cannot be determined
  • None of these

10. The Numbers are 9,15,4,36 10. In a recent Survey 40% homes contained two or more People. Of those houses containing only one person 25% were having only a male. What is the percentage of all houses which contain exactly one female and no males?

  • 75
  • 40
  • 15
  • Cannot be determined
  • Answer: None of these

11. 45 percent 11. Sumitra has an average of 56% on her first 7 examinations. How much should she make on her eighth examination to obtain an average of 60% on 8 examinations?

  • 88%
  • 78%
  • 98%
  • Answer: Cannot be determined
  • None of these

Study Kit for Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) NTPC Exams

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्र

12. Since Total marks are not given So Can not be Determined 12. A classroom has equal number of boys and girls. Eight girls left to play Kho-kho, leaving twice as many boys as girls in the classroom. What was the total number of girls boys present initially? -

  • Cannot be Determined
  • 16
  • 24
  • Answer: 32
  • None of these

13. 16 boys 16 Girls 13. An amount of money is to be distributed among P, Q and R in the ratio of 6:19:7 respectively. If R gives Rs. 200/- of his share to Q, the ratio among P, Q and R becomes 3:10:3 respectively .What was the total amount?

  • Answer: Rs. 6,400/-
  • Rs 12800/-
  • Rs 3,200/-
  • Data inadequate
  • None of these

14. A man in his will distributed his money in such a way that half of it is for his wife, two-thirds of the remaining equally to three of his sons and the remaining amount equally to four of his daughters. If each of the daughters receives Rs. 20,000/-, how much money will each of his sons receive?

  • Rs. 50,333.33
  • Rs 48333.33
  • Answer: Rs 53,333.33
  • Data inadequate
  • None of these

15. Arun thinks his weight is more than 65 kg but less than 72 . His brother does not agree with him and thinks Arun’s Weight is more than 60 kg but less than 70 kg. Arun ‘s Mother thinks Arun’s weight cannot be more than 68kg. If all of them are correct in their estimation, what is the average of the probable values of Arun’s weight?

  • 69 kg
  • Answer: 67 kg
  • 68kg
  • Data inadequate
  • None of these

16. The length and the breadth of the floor of a room is 20 ft. and 10 ft respectively. Square tiles of 2 ft. dimension having three different colours are placed on the floor. The first row of tiles on all sides is of black colour, out of the remaining one-third is of white colour and the remaining are of blue colour. How many blue Coloured tiles are there?

  • Answer: 16
  • 32
  • 48
  • 24
  • None of these

17. If the arithmetic mean of 6, 8, 10. x, 7 is 8.the value of x will be

  • 7
  • Answer: 9
  • 10
  • 8
  • none of these

18. A train is moving with an uniform speed. It crosses a railway platform 120 metres long in 12 seconds and another platform 170 meires long in 16 seconds. The speed of the train per second is—

  • Answer: 12.5 m/sec
  • 10 m/sec
  • 10.22 m/sec
  • 14 m/sec
  • None of these

19.The median of the data 30. 25, 27, 25-8, 29, 35,38. 28 is

  • Answer: 28.5
  • 29.5
  • 28
  • 29
  • None of these

20. If the sum of the two radii of two circles is 7 cm and the difference of their circumference is 8 cm, the two circumferences will be—

  • 34cm and 26cm
  • 28cm and 20cm
  • Answer: 26 cm and 18 cm
  • 20cm and 12cm
  • None of these


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रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड (आरआरबी) एनटीपीसी परीक्षा के लिए अध्ययन सामग्री

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RRB GROUP-D Exam (ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा) - Model Questions (Set-67)

RRB GROUP-D Exam (ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा) - Model Questions (Set-67)

1. यदि किसी आयत की लम्बाई 25% बढ़ जाए और चौड़ाई 20% घट जाए, तो आयत के क्षेत्रफल में निम्न में से कौन-सा परिवर्तन हो जाएगा ?

(a) 5% वृद्धि
(b) 5% हास
(0) अपरिवर्तित
(d) 10% वृद्धि

2. एक फल विक्रेता ने एक रूह के 5 की दर से केले खरीदे और एक रू. में 4 की दर से बेचे। उसका प्रतिशत लाभ या हानि है।

(a) 25/2% लाभ
(b) 25% हानि
(७) 25% लाभ
(d) 25/2% हानि

3. एक वृत्ताकार मैदान के बाहर 3.5 मी चौड़ी सड़क है। यदि मैदान की। परिधि 44 मी हो, तो 30 पैसे प्रति वर्ग मी की दर से सड़क ठीक कराने का खर्च कितना होगा?

(a) रू. 57.75
(b) रू, 75.57
(c) रू, 157.57
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं

(a) 120°
(b) 60’
(C) 45°
(d) 30°

5. पाँच संख्याओं का औसत 7 है। नई संख्यार्थी सम्मिलित करने पर आठ संख्याओं का औसत 8.5 जो जाता है। तीन नई संख्याओं का औसत

(a) 9
(b) 10.5
(c) 11
(d) 11.5

RRB Group-D Exam 2018 Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा 2018 अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB LOCO PILOT (ALP) Exam Online Tests Series

6. यदि n का 10%, 7 के 20% के बराबर हो, तो m : 7 किसके बराबर होगा ?

(a) 2:1
(b) 1:2
(C) 1:10
(d) 1:20

7.  यदि a/b = 2/3 और b/c = 4/5  तो a+b/b+c  किसके बराबर होगा

(a) 20/27
(b) 27/20
(c) 6/8
(d) 8/6

8 . एक पीपे में 3:1 के अनुपात में शराब और पानी का मिश्रण है। मिश्रण का कितना भाग निकालकर उतनी ही मात्रा में पानी मिलाया जाय,  ताकि परिणामी मिश्रण में शराब और पानी का अनुपात 1:1 हो जाए?

(a) 1/4
(b) 1/3
(c) 3/4
(d) 2/3

9. किसी मिश्रण में स्प्रिट और पानी 3 : 2 के अनुपात में हैं। यदि इसमें पानी से स्प्रिट 3 लीटर अधिक है, तो इस मिश्रण में स्प्रिट की मात्रा

(a) 10 लीटर
(c) 8 लीटर
(b) 12 लीटर
(d) 9 लीटर

10. किसी व्यक्ति से उसकी आयु बताने को कहा गया। उसका उत्तर था। “तीन वर्ष बाद की मेरी आयु लीजिएउसे 3 से गुणा कीजिएगुणनफल में से तीन वर्ष पहले की मेरी आयु के तिगुने को घटाइए और फिर आपको उत्तर प्राप्त हो जाएगा कि मेरी वर्तमान आयु क्या है।” उस व्यक्ति की वर्तमान आयु क्या थी ?

(a) 24 वर्ष
(b) 20 वर्ष
(c) 32 वर्ष
(d) 18 वर्ष


RRB Group-D Exam 2018 Study Kit

रेलवे भर्ती बोर्ड ग्रुप-डी परीक्षा 2018 अध्ययन सामग्री

RRB LOCO PILOT (ALP) Exam Online Tests Series

Answer Key :

1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (d)


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