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RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : गणित-40

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : गणित-40

1. रमेश ने कुल 27000 दो भागों में क्रमश: 8% वार्षिक तथा 9% वार्षिक चक्रवृद्ध ब्याज पर  दिये तथा दो वर्ष बाद कुल 4818.30 ब्याज के रूप में प्राप्त किये– उसने कितना 8% वार्षिक दर पर दिया ?

(a) 12000
(b) 13500
(c) 15000
(d) ज्ञात नहीं किया जा सकता

2. एक पेड़ की ऊँचाई प्रतिवर्ष 1/8 गुना हो जाती है यदि पेड़ की वर्तमान ऊँचाई 64 सेमी॰ हो, तो 2 वर्ष बाद इसकी ऊँचाई कितनी होगी ?

(a) 76 सेमी॰
(b) 80 सेमी॰
(c) 81 सेमी॰
(d) 84 सेमी॰

3. 1000 पर 10% वार्षिक दर से 4 वर्ष का चक्रवृद्ध ब्याज तथा साधारण ब्याज का अन्तर क्या होगा ?

(a) 31
(b) 32·10
(c) 40·40
(d) 64·10

4. समीर ने 15000 एक वर्ष के लिए 10% वार्षिक दर पर उधार दिये । यदि ब्याज प्रति छमाही संयोजित हो, तो वर्ष के अन्त में उसे कितना मिलेगा ?

(a) 16500
(b) 16525·50
(c) 16537·50
(d) 18150

5. 15625 पर 9 माह का 16% वार्षिक दर से तिमाही देय चक्रवृद्ध ब्याज कितना होगा ?

(a) 1941
(b) 1951
(c) 1961
(d) 1851

(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

आरआरबी जूनियर इंजीनियर(JE) परीक्षा (चरण -1) के लिए अध्ययन किट


1(a), 2(c), 3(d), 4(c), 5(b)

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : सामान्य तर्क (संकेत लिपि और सांकेतिक लिपि को समझना) - 15

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : सामान्य तर्क (संकेत लिपि और सांकेतिक लिपि को समझना) - 15

1. किसी निश्चित कोड में STORMED को PUTQCDL लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में CORNERS को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?


2. किसी निश्चित कोड में DOMAIN को NPEOJB लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में STREAM को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?


3. किसी निश्चित कोड में BEAT को UBFC लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में SORE को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?

(a) FSPT
(b) DQNR
(c) FQPR
(d) DSNT

4. किसी निश्चित कोड में GARNISH को RGAINHS लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में GENIOUS को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?


5. किसी निश्चित कोड में TOWN को POSV और CARE को BFBQ लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में BELT किस प्रकार लिखा जायेगा ?

(a) FUAK
(b) DSCM
(c) DSAK
(d) FUCM


(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

आरआरबी जूनियर इंजीनियर(JE) परीक्षा (चरण -1) के लिए अध्ययन किट

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (b)

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : गणित-15

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : गणित-15

1. 42, 63 और 140 का महत्तम समापवर्त्य ज्ञात कीजिए

(a) 14
(b) 9
(c) 21
(d) 7

2. 216, 288 और 720 का महत्तम समापवर्त्य ज्ञात कीजिए

(a) 12
(b) 24
(c) 72
(d) 84

3. 3/4, 6/7, 8/9 का लघुत्तम समापवर्त्य होगा

(a) 24
(b) 3
(c) 3/36
(d) 9/28

4. 5/7, 7/8 एवं 8/9 का लघुत्तम समापवर्त्य है

(a) 120
(b) 7/45
(c) 5/72
(d) 280

5. 1/3, 5/6, 2/9, 4/27 का लघुत्तम समापवर्त्य है

(a) 10/27
(b) 20/3
(c) 20/27
(d) 1/54


(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

आरआरबी जूनियर इंजीनियर(JE) परीक्षा (चरण -1) के लिए अध्ययन किट


1(d), 2(c), 3(a), 4(d), 5(b)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Reasoning (Analogy)-15

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Reasoning (Analogy)-15

Directions: There are two pairs, the first pair follows some relationship. Use the same relationship to find the second analogy of the second pair.

1. EDC : RQP : : MLK : ?

(a) XYZ
(b) PQR
(c) ZYX
(d) NOP

2. AGJ : DKO : : STD : ?

(a) VXI
(b) XVW
(c) XWV
(d) WXI



4. ROAD : VTGK : : BOX : ?

(a) STD
(b) FTD
(c) FDT
(d) DFT


(d) None of these


(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

1(c), 2(a), 3(a), 4(b), 5(c)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Awareness (Indian Polity)-15

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Awareness (Indian Polity)-15

1. When does the State law have precedence over Central law on the Concurrent subject?

(a) if the State law was passed earlier
(b) if the law passed by the State was approved by the President before enactment of law on the same subject by the Parliament
(c) if the Supreme Court so advises
(d) In no case

2. In India the superintendent, direction and control of the conduct of elections is vested in

(a) Parliament
(b) District Administration
(c) State Government working through the District-Magistrates
(d) Election Commission

3. The independence of the Election Commission has

(a) by making the removal of the Chief Election Commissioner difficult
(b) by not permitting any change in the salary and other service conditions of the Election Commissioner during his term
(c) both the above provisions
(d) by none of the above provisions

4. The power to set up a Administrative Tribunal for the adjudication of disputes relating to elections vested in:

(a) presidential proclamation
(b) the appropriate legislature
(c) special ordinances made for the purpose
(d) any law made by the Election Commission

5. A Political Party in India can acquire the status of a registered Party if it secures­

(a) at least 2 per cent of votes in state
(b) at least one per cent of votes in state
(c) at least three per cent of votes in state
(d) None of the above.


(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

1(b), 2(d), 3(c), 4(d), 5(b)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Mathematics-15

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Mathematics-15

1. In the array 48392874362754869364, the number of instances where an even number is followed by two odd numbers is

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

2. How many integers from 1 to 100 exist such that each is divisible by 5 and also has 5 as a digit ?

(a) 10
(b) 11
(c) 12
(d) 20

3. If x is an even integer, which of the following is an odd integer ?

(a) 3x + 2
(b) 7x
(c) 8x + 5
(d) x3

4. When the integer n is divided by 6, the remainder is 3. Which of the following is not a multiple of 6?

(a) n – 3
(b) n + 3
(c) 2n
(d) 3n.

5. A worker was engaged for a certain number of days and was promised to be paid ` 1755. He remained absent for some days and was paid  ` 1365 only. What were his daily wages ?

(a) ` 182
(b) ` 195
(c) ` 185
(d) ` 192


(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

1(c), 2(b), 3(c), 4(d), 5(b)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Science-15

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Science-15

1. Lamberts law is related to

(a) Reflection
(b) Refraction
(c) Interference
(d) illumination

2. Which of the following laws validates the statement that matter can neither be created nor destroyed ?

(a) Law of conservation of energy
(b) Le Chateliers Principle
(c) Law of conservation of mass
(d) Law of osmosis

3. Decibel is the unit used for

(a) Speed of light
(b) Intensify of heat
(c) Intensity of sound
(d) Radio wave frequency

4. The term Isoneph indicates the lines of equal

(a) cloudiness
(b) salinity
(c) rainfall
(d) pressure

5. The atmospheric layer reflecting radio waves is called

(a) Ozonosphere
(b) Ionosphere
(c) Stratosphere
(d) Mesosphere


(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

1(d), 2(c), 3(c), 4(a), 5(b)

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : सामान्य तर्क (संकेत लिपि और सांकेतिक लिपि को समझना) - 14

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : सामान्य तर्क (संकेत लिपि और सांकेतिक लिपि को समझना) - 14

1. जिस प्रकार DIVE संबंघित है EIVD से तथा SOUL संबंघित है LOUS से उसी प्रकार FEAR संबंघित है ?

(a) AERF
(b) AFRE
(c) RFAE
(d) REAF

2. किसी निश्चित कोड में DURABLE को QTCBDKA लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में COUNTRY को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?


3. किसी निश्चित कोड में JOURNEY को TNISZFO लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में BONDING को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?


4. किसी निश्चित कोड में ORGANISE को BHSPDRHM लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में DESTINED को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?


5. किसी निश्चित कोड में BRIGHT को JSCSGF लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में JOINED को कैसे लिखा जायेगा



(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

आरआरबी जूनियर इंजीनियर(JE) परीक्षा (चरण -1) के लिए अध्ययन किट

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a)

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : गणित-14

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : गणित-14

1. 24, 36 और 40 का लघुत्तम समापवर्त्य ज्ञात कीजिए

(a) 120
(b) 240
(c) 360
(d) 480

2. 66, 75, 130 का लघुत्तम समापवर्त्य ज्ञात कीजिए

(a) 20450
(b) 21450
(c) 22450
(d) 23450

3. 9, 30, 27, 15 का लघुत्तम समापवर्त्य ज्ञात कीजिए

(a) 270
(b) 240
(c) 120
(d) उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं

4. 36 और 84 का महत्तम समापवर्त्य ज्ञात कीजिए

(a) 12
(b) 6
(c) 4
(d) 18

5. 18, 42, 102 का महत्तम समापवर्त्य ज्ञात कीजिए

(a) 6
(b) 7
(c) 8
(d) 14


(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

आरआरबी जूनियर इंजीनियर(JE) परीक्षा (चरण -1) के लिए अध्ययन किट


1(c), 2(b), 3(a), 4(a), 5(a)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Awareness (Geography)-14

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Awareness (Geography)-14

1. Which of the following languages of Sino ­Tibetan family is included in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution recently?

(a) Naga
(b) Bodo
(c) Miri
(d) Kinnauri

2. National Highways No. 7 does not pass through:

(a) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Chhattisgarh
(c) Karnataka
(d) Andhra Pradesh

3. The Indus and Brahmaputra rivers are examples of

(a) Subsequent drainage
(b) Superimposed drainage
(c) Consequent drainage
(d) Antecedent drainage

4. Which one of the following states does not form part of the Narmada basin’?

(a) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Gujarat
(d) Maharashtra

5. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(a) Kosi :  Consequent river
(b) Narmada : Rift valley river
(c) Sutluj . Antecedent river
(d) Ghagghar : River with interior drainage


(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

1(b), 2(d), 3(d), 4(b), 5(d)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Reasoning (Analogy)-14

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Reasoning (Analogy)-14

Directions: In each questions below, two pairs of numbers are given but one number in the second pair is missing. Identify the relationship between the two numbers in the first pair and find the missing number in the second pair such that the numbers in second pair also follow the same relationship.

1. 15 : 1125 : : 32 : ?

(a) 278
(b) 287
(c) 782
(d) 872

2. 16 : 240 : : 11 : ?

(a) 100
(b) 90
(c) 110
(d) 80

Directions: There are two pairs, the first pair follows some relationship. Use the same relationship to find the second analogy of the second pair.

3. FG : BC : : RI : ?

(a) EN
(b) NE
(c) MF
(d) ST

4. IE : RV : : KC : ?

(a) PU
(b) PX
(c) XP
(d) RW

5. DH : GL : : PQ : ?

(a) RS
(b) SU
(c) TW
(d) US


(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

1(a), 2(c), 3(b), 4(b), 5(b)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Mathematics-14

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Mathematics-14

1. Ashok had to do a multiplication. Instead of taking 35 as one of the multipliers, he took 53. As a result, the product went up by 540. What is the new product ?

(a) 1050
(b) 1590
(c) 1440
(d) None of these

2. Which of the following is a multiple of 88 ?

(a) 1392578
(b) 138204
(c) 1436280
(d) 143616

3. Which of the following fractions is less than 7/8 and greater than 1/3 ?

(a) 1/4
(b) 23/24
(c) 11/12
(d) 17/24

4. If the numbers : 169, 248, 416, 974, 612, 325 and 517 are arranged in descending order based on the sum of the digits of each of these numbers, the middle number will be

(a) 248
(b) 517
(c) 612
(d) 974

5. Which of the following is true, if a = 3/4, b = 4/5 and c = 5/6?

(a) a < c < b
(b) a < b < c
(c) c < a < b
(d) b < a < c


(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

1(b), 2(d), 3(d), 4(b), 5(c)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Science-14

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Science-14

1. Dynamo is a device for converting

(a) Heat energy into electrical energy
(b) Mechanical energy into electrical energy
(c) Magnetic energy into electrical energy
(d) Chemical energy Into electrical energy

2. Oil rises up the wick in a lamp because

(a) Oil is very light
(b) Of the diffusion of oil through the wick
(c) Of the surface tension phenomenon
(d) Of the capillary action phenomenon

3. In the atmosphere ultraviolet rays are absorbed by

(a) Oxygen
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Ozone
(d) Helium

4. An electron microscope gives higher magnification than an optical microscope because:

(a) it uses more powerful lenses
(b) the velocity of electron is smaller than that of visible light
(c) the electrons have more energy than the light particles
(d) the wavelength of elections is smaller as compared to the wavelength of visible light

5. For a body moving with no uniform velocity and uniform acceleration

(a) (X) Displacement Time graph is linear.
(b) Displacement Time graphic is nonlinear
(c) Velocity Time graph is nonlinear
(d) Velocity Time graph is linear


(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

1(b), 2(d), 3(a), 4(d), 5(b)

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : सामान्य तर्क (संकेत लिपि और सांकेतिक लिपि को समझना) - 13

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : सामान्य तर्क (संकेत लिपि और सांकेतिक लिपि को समझना) - 13

1. किसी निश्चित कोड में DIAMOND को EJBNPOE लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में ROUTINE को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?


2. किसी निश्चित कोड में FLOWERS को EKNVDQR लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में ROUTINE को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?


3. किसी निश्चित कोड में DREAMING को BFSEFMHL लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में TREATISE को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?


4. किसी निश्चित कोड में STUMBLED को NVUTCDKA लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में CLAMITY को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?


5. किसी निश्चित कोड में MOUNTS को VPNRSM लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में PERUSE को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?



(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

आरआरबी जूनियर इंजीनियर(JE) परीक्षा (चरण -1) के लिए अध्ययन किट

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a)

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : गणित-13

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : गणित-13

1. 0.9, 0.18, 3.6, 7.2, 0.144

(a) 1.44
(b) 7.2
(c) 12.96
(d) उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं

2. 1.08, 0.36 और 0.9 का म.स. है

(a) 0.03
(b) 0.9
(c) 0.18
(d) 0.108

3. 2.4, 0.36 तथा 7.2 का म.स. ज्ञात करें

(a) 12
(b) 120
(c) 1.2
(d) 0.12

4. 10 a2bc, 15 abc2, 20 a2b2c का ल.स. है

(a) 90 abc2
(b) 60 a2b2c
(c) 300 a2b2c2
(d) 60 a2b2c2

5. ×2 + ×y + y2 और ×3 - y3 का ल.स. होगा

(a) × - y
(b) ×2 - y2
(c) ×3 - y3
(d) ×2 + ×y + y2


(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Phase-1) 

आरआरबी जूनियर इंजीनियर(JE) परीक्षा (चरण -1) के लिए अध्ययन किट


1(b), 2(c), 3(d, 4(d), 5(c)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Awareness (History)-13

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Awareness (History)-13

1. What did the term niyoga, with reference to women, stand for in the vedic society ?

(a) Symbolic self-immolation of a widow at the death of her husband.
(b) Cohabitation of a childless widow with her husband’s brother until the birth of a son.
(c) The vow of celibacy taken by a women of upper class.
(d) The performance of vedic sacrifices by a women independently.

2. Which one of the following vedic texts gives a detailed description of the Upanayna Samskara ?

(a) Atharva veda
(b) Chandyoga Upanishad
(c) Satapatha Brahmana
(d) Tandyamaha Brahamana

3. Which of the following text contains the famous Gayatri Mantra, addressed to the solar deity Savitri ?

(a) Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
(b) Rig Veda Samhita
(c) Atharva Veda Samhita
(d) Yajur Veda Samhita

4. Which of the following was not a feature of the later vedic society ?

(a) A monetary economy
(b) Taxes were collected in kind
(c) Increase in sacrifices and rituals
(d) Kinship-based

5. Which of the following route was the stop-over of the Indo-European or Aryans before enetering India ?

(a) Bacteria and the Northern Iranian plateau
(b) Central Europe
(c) Makran
(d) None of the above


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1(b), 2(c), 3(b), 4(a), 5(a)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Reasoning (Analogy)-13

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Reasoning (Analogy)-13

Directions: In each questions below, two pairs of numbers are given but one number in the second pair is missing. Identify the relationship between the two numbers in the first pair and find the missing number in the second pair such that the numbers in second pair also follow the same relationship.

1. 6 : 5 : : ? : 8

(a) 5
(b) 9
(c) 4
(d) 8

2. 2 : 22 : : ? : 2222

(a) 220
(b) 022
(c) 202
(d) 200

3. 6 : 64 : : 9 : ?

(a) 112
(b) 121
(c) 120
(d) 102

4. 130 : 5 : : 1010 : ?

(a) 100
(b) 1
(c) 10
(d) 1000

5. 20 : 7980 : : 12 : ?

(a) 1800
(b) 1717
(c) 1716
(d) None of these


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1(b), 2(c), 3(b), 4(c), 5(c)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Mathematics-13

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Mathematics-13

1. (9992 – 9982) is equal to

(a) 1
(b) 999
(c) 1997
(d) 998

2. A number when divided by 119 leaves the remainder 19. If the same number is divided by 17, the remainder will be

(a) 19
(b) 10
(c) 7
(d) 2

3. If n is any positive integer, then 34n – 43n is always divisible by

(a) 7
(b) 17
(c) 112
(d) 145

4. The number zero (0) is surrounded by the same two digit number on both (left and right) sides: for example 25025, 67067 etc. The largest number that always divides such a number is

(a) 7
(b) 11
(c) 13
(d) 1001

5. The least number of five digits exactly divisible by 456 is

(a) 10000
(b) 10012
(c) 10032
(d) 10056


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1(c), 2(d), 3(b), 4(d), 5(c)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Science-13

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Science-13

1. A passenger standing In a bus is thrown outward when the bus takes a sudden turn happens due to

(a) Outward pull on him
(b) Inertia of motion
(c) Change in momentum
(d) Change in acceleration

2. When pressure is increased the melting point of ice

(a) increases
(b) does not change
(c) decreases
(d) depends on the impurities in the ice

3. Longitudinal waves cannot travel through

(a) Vacuum
(b) Solid
(c) Liquid
(d) Gas

4. Electrostatic precipitator is used to control the pollution of

(a) air
(b) water
(c) noise
(d) thermal

5. The sky appears blue because of

(a) Atmospheric water vapour
(b) Scattering of light
(c) Reflection on sea water
(d) Emission of blue wavelength by the sun


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1(b), 2(c), 3(a), 4(a), 5(b)

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : सामान्य तर्क (संकेत लिपि और सांकेतिक लिपि को समझना) - 12

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : सामान्य तर्क (संकेत लिपि और सांकेतिक लिपि को समझना) - 12

1. किसी निश्चित कोड में KINETIC को TICDKIN लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में MACHINE को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?


2- किसी निश्चित कोड में RELATED को EFUBKDQ लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में RETAINS को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?


3- किसी निश्चित कोड में BANKING को OBCLFMH लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में CREATED को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?


4- PILE को यदि LIEP और STAR को ATRS लिखा जाये तो SEND को क्या लिखा जायेगा ?

(a) NDES
(b) NSDE
(c) NEDS
(d) DNES

5- किसी निश्चित कोड में JOURNEY को TNISZFO लिखा जाता है । उसी कोड में MEDICAL को कैसे लिखा जायेगा ?



(E-Book) RRB J.E. Junior Engineer Exam Previous Year Solved Papers

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आरआरबी जूनियर इंजीनियर(JE) परीक्षा (चरण -1) के लिए अध्ययन किट

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a)

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : गणित-12

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : गणित-12

1.  47, 45, 46, 44 का ल–स– क्या होगा ?

(a) 45
(b) 46
(c) 44
(d) 47

2. 78, 76, 75, 710 का म–स– ज्ञात करें

(a) 78
(b) 75
(c) 710
(d) 76

3. 5-11, 5-9, 5-16, 5-10 का ल–स– एवं म–स– क्रमश: ज्ञात करें

(a) 5-16, 5-9
(b) 5-11, 5-16
(c) 5-9, 5-16
(d) 5-16, 5-11

4. (23 × 33 × 52), (22 × 34 × 5 × 7) तथा(2 × 35 × 79) का ल–स– क्या होगा ?

(a) (23 × 35 × 79)
(b) (2 × 3 × 5 × 7)
(c) (23 × 35 × 52 × 79)
(d) उपुक्त में से कोई नहीं

5. (24 × 33 × 56 × 9), (2 × 32 × 53 × 92) तथा (23 × 35 × 5 × 97) का म–स– क्या होगा ?

(a) (24 × 3 × 56 × 9)
(b) (2 × 32 × 5 × 9)
(c) (24 × 35 × 56 × 97)
(d) उपुक्त में से कोई नहीं


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आरआरबी जूनियर इंजीनियर(JE) परीक्षा (चरण -1) के लिए अध्ययन किट


1(d), 2(b), 3(c), 4(c), 5(b)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Awareness (Miscellany)-12

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Awareness (Miscellany)-12

1. Ohama and the First Lady take a minute to reflect at the......a brass sculpture that survived the 26/11 attaek.

(a) Tree of Life
(b) Tomb
(c) Army of Life
(d) None of these

2. The US President meets the top three Taj Group bossess. In which of the following is not related to Taj Group ?

(a) Ratan Tata
(b) Raymond Bickson
(c) Krishnakumar
(d) Ramakrishna

3. Consider the following statements about Barack Obama

(a) The Obamas visit a science exhibition in one of the classes on the first floor of the Holy Name High School building in Colaba.
(b) The Oharnas arrive at St. Xavier’s College, Dhobi Talao, and tour the Agriculture and Food Security Expo co-organised by the US Agency for Internation al Development Aid and Con- federation of Indian Indus tries.
(c) Ohama interacts with the villigers of Kanpura, around 25km. from Ajmer via video conferencing.

Which of the above statements are true ?

(a) Only (a)
(b) Only (b)
(c) Only (c)
(d) All of the above

4. What was the gross medals count of India in the Commonwealth Games 2010 that superseded its performance of 2002?

(a) 98
(b) 100
(c) 101
(d) 105

5. Which of the following teams, in the Delhi Commonwealth Games 2010, emerged first at the top of the board with 74 gold, 55 silver and 48 bronze medals for a total of 177?

(a) England
(b) Canada
(c) Australia
(d) South Africa


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1(a), 2(d), 3(d), 4(c), 5(c)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Reasoning (Analogy)-12

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Reasoning (Analogy)-12

Directions: In each questions below, two pairs of numbers are given but one number in the second pair is missing. Identify the relationship between the two numbers in the first pair and find the missing number in the second pair such that the numbers in second pair also follow the same relationship.

1. 36 : 63 : : 81 : ?

(a) 16
(b) 18
(c) 17
(d) 15

2. 36 : 11 : : 64 : ?

(a) 51
(b) 14
(c) 15
(d) 41

3. 13 : 17 : : 23 : ?

(a) 92
(b) 30
(c) 29
(d) 31

4. 7 : 49 : : 12 : ?

(a) 441
(b) 114
(c) 141
(d) 144

5. 64 : 16 : : 27 : ?

(a) 9
(b) 8
(c) 10
(d) 7


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1(b), 2(c), 3(c), 4(d), 5(a)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Mathematics-12

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Mathematics-12

1. Find the unit digit in the expansion of 325445.

(a) 0
(b) 5
(c) 1
(d) 2

2. Find the unit digit in the expansion of 314448.

(a) 6
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 2

2. A worker was engaged for a certain number of days and was promised to be paid ` 1755. He remained absent for some days and was paid 1365 only. What were his daily wages ?

(a) ` 182
(b) ` 195
(c) ` 185
(d) ` 192

4. Which of the following cannot be a digit in the unit’s place of a perfect square ?

(a) 7
(b) 1
(c) 5
(d) 0

5. The smallest number, which when added to the sum of square of 9 to 10 gives a perfect square is

(a) 0
(b) 3
(c) 8
(d) 15


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1(b), 2(a), 3(b), 4(a), 5(d)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Science-12

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Science-12

1. Good conductor of electricity is

(a) dry air
(b) paper
(c) kerosene
(d) graphite

2. Heat from the Sun reaches the Earth by

(a) Reflection
(b) Conduction
(c) Radiation
(d) Convection

3. In which of the following cases kinetic energy is being used in performing work ?

(a) Paddling the bicycle to cover a distance
(b) Driving a car to cover a distance
(c) Wind mill grinding wheat grain
(d) Rowing a boat in the lake

4. If the velocity time graph of a particle is represented by y = mt + c then the particle is moving with

(a) constant speed
(b) constant velocity
(c) constant acceleration
(d) varying acceleration

5. Which of the following occurred first ?

(a) Albert Einstein propounded the General Theory of Relativity
(b) Max Planck unveiled the Quantum Theory
(c) Guglielmo Marconi sent out the first wireless signals
(d) Wright Brothers successfully flew an aircraft


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1(d), 2(c), 3(b), 4(c), 5(c)

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : सामान्य विज्ञान-11

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : सामान्य विज्ञान-11

1. ध्वनि ऊर्जा को वैधुत ऊर्जा में परिवर्तित करने वाले यन्त्र का नाम क्या है?

(a) ऐम्प्लीफायर
(b) आलापक
(c) माइक्रोफोन
(d) प्रेषित्र

2. कम्प्यूटर का दिमाग क्या है?

(a) सी०पी०यू०
(b) सी०डी०
(c) फ्लॉपी डिस्क
(d) मेगाबाइट

3. कोई भी नाव डूब जाएगी, यदि वह पानी हटाती है, अपने:

(a) आयतन के बराबर
(b) भार के बराबर
(c) पृष्ठ भाग के बराबर
(d) घनत्व के बराबर

4. ध्वनि की गति सबसे तेज होती है:

(a) जल में
(b) वायु में
(c) कांच में
(d) ग्लिसरीन में

5. शीतकाल में कपड़े हमें गरम रखते हैं, क्योंकि वे:

(a) ऊष्मा प्रदान करते हैं
(b) ऊष्मा का विकिरण नहीं करते
(c) वायु को शरीर के सम्पर्क में आने से रोकते हैं
(d) शरीर की ऊष्मा को बाहर जाने से रोकते हैं


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आरआरबी जूनियर इंजीनियर(JE) परीक्षा (चरण -1) के लिए अध्ययन किट


1(c), 2(a), 3(a), 4(c), 5(d)

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : गणित-11

RRB जूनियर इंजीनियर (JE) Sample Paper : गणित-11

1. 1 × 0.1 × 0.01 × 0.001 का मान है

(a) 0.00001
(b) 1.00001
(c) 0.000001
(d) 1.1

2. 0.2 × 0.003 × 0.004 × 0.005 = ?

(a) 0.0000000120
(b) 0.0000012
(c) 0.000012
(d) 0.00012

3. 0.05 × 0.09 × 5 = ?

(a) 0.005
(b) 0.0225
(c) 0.025
(d) 0.225

4. 7892.35 × 99.9 का गुणनपफल होगा

(a) 753445.765
(b) 764455.765
(c) 788445.765
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं

5. 54.327 × 357.2 × 0.0057 वही है जो है–

(a) 54327 × 3572 × 0.0000057
(b) 5.4327 × 3.572 × .57
(c) 5.4327 × 3.572 × 5.7
(d) इनमें से कोई नहीं


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आरआरबी जूनियर इंजीनियर(JE) परीक्षा (चरण -1) के लिए अध्ययन किट


1(c), 2(a), 3(b), 4(c), 5(c)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Awareness (General Science)-11

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: General Awareness (General Science)-11

1. In high mountain regions bleeding through nose occurs because

(a) the pressure of the blood capillaries is higher than the outside pressure
(b) the pressure at high altitudes is greater than that of the plains
(c) the blood pressure increases at high altitudes
(d) the blood pressure fluctuates and causes the blood vessels to break

2. One litre of cool air weighs heavier then one litre of hot air because of the

(a) increased number of collisions between the molecules
(b) increased number of molecules at high temperature
(c) greater energy of molecules at high temperature
(d) lower energy of molecules at high temperature

3. Why does a liquid drop assuming a spherical shape ?

(a) because a sphere has the least surface for a given volume.
(b) because a sphere has the largest surface for a given volume surface tension.
(c) because intermolecular forces are strong in liquids.
(d) because intermolecular force are weak in liquids.

4. In which of the following example of motion, the body can he considered approximately, a point object :

(a) a railway carriage moving without jerks between two stations.
(b) a monkey sitting on top of a man cycling smoothly on a larger circular path.
(c) a spinning cricket hall that turns sharply on hitting the ground.
(d) both (a) and (b)

5. While running over a horizontal level road, the man holds the umbrella in the vertical direction. If he stops, then in order to protect himself from the rain he should hold it :

(a) still vertically
(b) inclined to the front
(c) inclined to the back
(d) at an angle of 45


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1(a), 2(b), 3(a), 4(d), 5(c)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Reasoning (Analogy)-11

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Reasoning (Analogy)-11

Directions: In each questions below, two pairs of numbers are given but one number in the second pair is missing. Identify the relationship between the two numbers in the first pair and find the missing number in the second pair such that the numbers in second pair also follow the same relationship.

1. 125 : 5 : : 64 : ?

(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 6
(d) 8

2. 24618 : 21 : : 87532 : ?

(a) 25
(b) 50
(c) 20
(d) 30

3. 63 : 80 : : 15 : ?

(a) 24
(b) 12
(c) 42
(d) 12

4. 100 : 10 : : 121 : ?

(a) 10
(b) 11
(c) 9
(d) 8

5. 25 : 125 : : 64 : ?

(a) 521
(b) 512
(c) 513
(d) 520


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1(b), 2(a), 3(a), 4(b), 5(b)

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Mathematics-11

RRB Junior Engineer (JE) Sample Paper: Mathematics-11

1. The sum of 50 natural numbers is always divisible by

(a) 17
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) All of these

2. N = n; where n is natural number. The unit’s digit of N can’t be

(a) 2
(b) 6
(c) 5
(d) 0

3. Given that 4A =333555 + 555333, then A is divisible by

(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 37
(d) All of these

4. N = (a × b × c × d), where a, b, c, d are distinct integers lying between –7 and 12, both inclusive. The minimum value of N is

(a) –9240
(b) –840
(c) –2520
(d) None of these

5. The sum of two numbers is 85 and their difference is 9. What is the difference of their squares?

(a) 765
(b) 845
(c) 565
(d) 645


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1(d), 2(c), 3(d), 4(a), 5(a)


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