IMPORTANT: RRB EXAM PORTAL is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways.

(Info) RRB - Ahmedabad : No Suitable Candidate for Assistant Loco Pilot were found against Advt. No. 01/2011

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB)

No. RRB/ADI/E/R&T/01/2011/ALP

Employment Notice No. : 01/2011

Name of the Category : Assistant Loco Pilot

Category Code : 01

Scale : 5200-20200 + (GP-1900)

Date of Written Exam : 15.07.2012

Date of Aptitude Test : 05.11.2012, 06.11.2012 & 06.03.2013

Date of DV : 05.11.2012, 06.11.2012 & 06.03.2013

Based on written examination held on 15.07.2012, followed by Aptitude Test held on 05.11.2012, 06.11.2012 & 06.03.2013 and "Verification of Documents and Genuineness of candidature" 29.03.2013 & 30.03.2013, Part Results were notified on 30.03.2013 & 30.04.2013. In the Part Result notified on 30.04.2013, the Result against UR-01 & OBC-01 i.e. Total 02 vacancies were kept withheld. No candidate is found suitable against these withheld vacancies.

The Result is also available at Notice Board of RRB Office as well as on RRB Ahmedabad’s Website and shall also be published in Employment News.

Utmost care has been taken during result preparation; however, Railway Administration reserves the rights to rectify the same due to inadvertent error, if any.

Courtesy : RRB Ahmedabad

IMPORTANT: RRB EXAM PORTAL is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways, For RRB official website visit -