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(Download) RRB : Junior Engineer (JE) Exam Papers-18-DECEMBER-2024 SHIFT-1

(Download) RRB : Junior Engineer (JE) Exam Papers-18-DECEMBER-2024 SHIFT-1

EXAM NAME Junior Engineer (JE) Exam Papers

EXAM DATE : 18 Dec 2024


MEDIUM : English

Q.1 Write the expanded form of (6a + 2b + 7c)2.
Ans 1. 36a2 + 4b2 + 49c2 + 28ab + 28bc + 84ac
2. 36a2 + 4b2 + 49c2 + 24ab + 28bc + 94ac
3. 36a2 + 4b2 + 49c2 + 24ab + 23bc + 84ac
4. 36a2 + 4b2 + 49c2 + 24ab + 28bc + 84ac

Q.2 What will come in the place of the question mark (?) in the following equation, if ‘+’ and ‘−’ are interchanged and ‘×’ and ‘÷’ are interchanged? 
34 ÷ 33 × 22 + 19 − 40 = ?

Ans 1. 74
2. 72
3. 73
4. 70

Q.3 Two sets of numbers are given below. In each set of numbers, certain mathematical operation(s) on the first number result(s) in the second number. Similarly, certain mathematical operation(s) on the second number result(s) in the third number and so on. Which of the given options follows the same set of operations as in the given sets?

(NOTE: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers, without breaking down the numbers into their constituent digits. E.g. 13 – Operations on 13 such as adding / subtracting /multiplying to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.) 19-57-114-134; 21-63-126-146 

Ans 1. 18-54-108-118
2. 17-51-102-112
3. 20-60-120-180
4. 16-48-96-116

Q.4 Tapan starts from Point A and drives 8 km towards the south. He then takes a right turn,drives 5 km, turns right and drives 12 km. He then takes a right turn and drives 9 km. He takes a final right turn, drives 4 km and stops at Point P. How far (shortest distance) and towards which direction should he drive in order to reach Point A again? (All turns are 90° turns only unless specified.) 

Ans 1. 4 km to the west
2. 7 km to the west
3. 5 km to the west
4. 6 km to the west

Q.5 Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1) Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam was introduced in 2023.
2) Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam ensures 33% reserved seats for women in the Parliament, Legislative Assemblies and Delhi Assembly.
3) Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam will be in force for 10 years only.

Ans 1. 1 only
2. 1 and 3
3. 2 and 3
4. 1 and 2



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