IMPORTANT: RRB EXAM PORTAL is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways.

(Discipline Mapping Table) Railway Recruitment Board : Junior Engineer

(Discipline Mapping Table) Railway Recruitment Board : Junior Engineer

Discipline Mapping Table :


Three years Diploma in Engineering or Bachelor’s Degree in
Exam Group
1. Mechanical Engineering Mechanical and Allied Engineering
Production Engineering
Automobile Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Machining Engineering
Tools and Machining Engineering
Tools and Die Making Engineering
Combination of any sub stream of basic streams of above disciplines
2. Electrical Engineering Electrical and Allied Engineering
Combination of any sub stream of basic streams of Electrical Engineering
3. Electronics Engineering
Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Communication Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Science
Information Technology
Combination of sub streams of basic streams of above disciplines.




Civil Engineering


Civil and Allied Engineering

Combination  of  any  sub  stream  of  basic  streams  of    Civil Engineering

B.Sc., in Civil Engineering of 3years duration


Printing Technology/Engineering

Printing Technology


Sl. No.

Educational Qualifications

Exam Group


B.Sc., Chemistry and Physics



Education Qualification Exam Group
1. BE/B.Tech., (Computer Science) Computer Science and Information Technology
BE/B.Tech., (Information Technology)
B.Sc. Computer Science
DOEACC “B” Level Course of 3 years duration or equivalent

All the candidates with the above qualification shall be tested in the Exam Group mapped as per the above chart. However,candidates with educational qualification of BE/B.Tech (Computer Science) or BE/B.Tech (Information Technology), applying for both the posts of JE(S&T Department) and JE (IT), have to opt for either Electronics and Allied Engineering Exam Group or Computer Science and Information Technology Exam Group. The educational qualification for the post of DMS (Depot Material Superintendent) is Three Years Diploma in Engineering i.e a candidate with Three Years Diploma in any of Engineering disciplines, can apply for these posts as applicable. Candidates with educational qualifications not figuring in the above chart and eligible for DMS posts have to choose any one of the above listed Exam Groups other than CMA Exam Group, during the registration for online applications of this CEN.

A candidate possessing more than one minimum educational qualification, mapped to different Exam Groups, can choose  any one Exam Group. These candidates would be eligible for all the posts for which they possess minimum educational  qualifications. 

Study Kit for RRB Junior Engineer EXAM (Paper-1)

Disclaimer: RRB PORTAL is not at all associated with Railway Recruitment Board or Indian Railways, For RRB official website visit -

Courtesy: Railway Recruitment Board

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IMPORTANT: RRB EXAM PORTAL is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways, For RRB official website visit -