IMPORTANT: RRB EXAM PORTAL is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways.

RRB : NTPC Exam Typing Skill Test

RRB : NTPC Exam Typing Skill Test

The Typing Skill Test is qualifying in nature and the candidates appearing in Typing Skill Test have to type in the language opted during application viz. 300 words at the minimum speed of 30 w.p.m. in English or 250 words at 25 w.p.m. in Hindi on computer within 10 minutes to qualify in the test else they (except PWD candidates) will be eliminated from the selection process for Jr. Accounts Assistant- cum-Typist and Sr. Clerk-cum-Typist. They will, however, be eligible to be considered for other posts depending upon their merit cum preferences and suitability. Candidates may please go through other important instructions in the e-call letter carefully. 4. PWD candidates who claim exemption from TypingSkill Test are required to submit the medical certificate stating “Being unable to perform the Typing Skill Test because of his/her physical disability…..” in prescribed proforma (Annexure-VIII of CEN 03/2015, enclosed with e-call letter). The required medical certificate should be issued by a Medical Board attached to the Special Employment Exchange or by a Civil Surgeon/Chief Medical Officer where such a Board does not exist. Such Certificate may be produced at the venue itself on the date of Typing Skill Test, or may be submitted online through the following link from 03.06.2017 onwards but before the date of the examination, failing which they will have to undergo the Typing Skill Test on the scheduled date. 


The PWD candidates, who do not submit the requisite medical certificate, seeking such exemption from Typing Skill Test, whether online or at the venue, will have to undergo the Typing Skill Test on the scheduled date. In case any PWD candidate seeking such exemption, does not submit the requisite medical certificate either online or at the venue and also does not turn up on the date/and time of the Typing Skill Test with the medical certificate, he/she will be treated as absent and will be eliminated from the selection process for Jr. Accounts Assistant-cum-Typist and Sr. Clerk-cum-Typist. He/she will, however, be eligible to be considered for other posts depending upon his/her merit cum preferences and suitability...

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IMPORTANT: RRB EXAM PORTAL is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways, For RRB official website visit -


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