Diesel Locomotives - Descriptive Questions
1. How to conduct AIR BRAKE SELF TEST in WDG4 loco?
2. Write about cab console changing in WDG4 MU.
3. How to trouble shoot MR drooping in WDP4 loco?
4. Explain the Cranking and shutdown procedure in WDG4 loco.
5. How to move WDP4/WDG4 loco as live, banker and DEAD in train?
6. Write the CRS sanction speeds of WDP4 over GNT Division.
7. Write the CRS sanction speeds of WDP1 over GNT Division.
8. Write the CRS sanction speeds of WDM2 over GNT Division.
9. Write the isolation of TCC1 in WDP4 step wise operation of EM2000.
10. Write about AUTO FLASHER LIGHT.
11. How Air Dryer function in DSL locomotive?
12. Write about AIR FLOW INDICATOR.
13. Write BP charging and destruction and recharging in WDM2 loco.
14. Write the independent brake working in WDM2 loco.
15. Write about C2 relay valves function in the loco barking system.
16. Draw the circuit and explain load meter not responding.
17. Draw the circuit and explain Throttle not responding
18. Write the details of important modifications issued by RDSO.
19. Draw the circuit and explain Engine not cranking.
20. Draw the circuit and explain Engine cranking but not firing.
21. Draw the circuit and explain Engine firing but not holding.
22. Write about power ground.
23. How to detect defective traction motor (continuous wheel slip).
24. Write about MU32B valve.
25. Write about F1 selector valve.
26. What are the circumstances Dynamic brake should be avoided?
27. Reasons for HOT engine and how to work the train?
28. Write about the TEN tests to be conducted while taking over charge.
29. Write the fuel oil system in WDP4 with neat sketch.
30. Explain MR system in WDP4/WDG4 Locos with neat sketch.
31. How will you trouble shoot in case of GR power/GR dynamic in WDP4/ WDG4 Locos?
32. Write short notes about 1) AC control beaker 2) control breaker 3) Local control breaker in WDP4/WDG4 Locos. 4)Turbo Lube pump breaker.
33. Write short Notes about 1) Radar 2) EPD-Engine protection device 3) Ejector 4) Pressure Cap. in case of WDP4/WDG4 Locos.
34. Trouble shoot 1) Loss of train Line pressure 2) Low MR equalizing Pressure.
35. Write short Notes about 1) Return sight glass 2) Bypass sight glass 3) creep control 4) L/T switch.
36. How to conduct load rest in case of WDP4/WDG4 Locos?
37. Write Functioning and purpose of Flange lubrication system in WDP4/ WDG4 Locos.
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