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NCR Departmental Exam : Working Principle of Tamping Machines, Question Bank

NCR Departmental Exam : Working Principle of Tamping Machines, Question Bank



1.  Lining systems are used on ………….machines

a.    CSM & 3X only                                 b.    UNO & DUO only

c.    all tamping machines only                d.    all track machines

2.  …………..……………. Lining method/ methods are used on tamping machine

a.     3 point lining only                           b.    4 point lining only

c.     3 point & 4 point                             d.    single chord & double chord

3.  During lining machine measures deflection w.r.t. ……….  & rectify it.

a      Reference rail                                    b.       both rails

c.     no rail                                                 d.    canted rail

4.  During alignment machine corrects …………

a.    Slew                                                   b.    versine

c.     cant                                                    d.    cross level

5.  Tamping machine can work on the horizontal curve having radius up to--

a.     100 mtrs                                           b.    150 mtrs

c.     200 mtrs                                           d.    176 mtrs

6.  Tamping machine can work on the vertical curve having radius up to ………

a.    500 mtrs                                           b.    2500 mtrs

c.    3000 mtrs                                        d.     4000 mtrs

7.  Tamping machine can normally work on max.  gradient as per design

a.     1in 1000                                             b.       1in 100

c.     1in 150                                               d.   1in 400

8.  Versine of curved track depends on …………….

a.    radius of curve                                  b.    measuring chord length

c.    measurement method                      d.    all of a,b & c

9.  Double chord lining system is used on …………… machine

a.    UT Only                                              b.    Old UNO & DUO only

c.    CSM & Tamping Express                   d.    only CSM

10.In lining system,smoothing mode may be used in ………………..

a.      4 point lining method only                       b.      3 point lining method only

c.      3  point  &  4  point  lining  method both  d.      None of these

11.Laser mode may be used in ………………..

a.    4 point lining method                              b.    3 point lining method

c.     3 point & 4 point lining method both      d.    None of these

12.Design mode may be used in ………………..

a.    4 point lining method                             b.    3 point lining method

c.     3 point & 4 point lining method both     d.    None of these

13.In 4 point lining method,  no. of trollies used……………

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