IMPORTANT: RRB EXAM PORTAL is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways.

(Typing Schedule) RRC Allahabad: Clerk cum Typist, Cat-5 of GDCE/NCR

(Typing Schedule) RRC Allahabad: Clerk cum Typist, Cat-5 of GDCE/NCR

On the basis of Written Exam Conducted on 10.07.2016, 17.07.2016 & 24.07.2016 the post of Matric Level ( Clerk-cum-Typist Cat.5) of GDCE/NCR candidates with following Roll Nos. have provisionally been found eligible for being called for Type Test to be held on 19.04.2017 (One day in two shift) at Shambhunath institute of Management (SIM) Jhalwa, Allahabad - 211012 as per schedule indicated below:


1. The candidates may use either Typewriter machines or computer for the typing skill test, an option form is enclosed as Annexure-B, candidates are required to fill up the form and return to Railway Recruitment Cell, Allahabad and also bring a copy of the same on the typing test date.

2. If the candidates opt for using typewriting machine, they should bring their own typewriting machines with them. RRC/Allahabad will not provide any machine and will also not be able to supply any machine if the machine brought by candidates turns out to be defective. Accordingly, candidates are advised to bring good quality typewriter machine with them. Electronic typewriter machine are not allowed. Candidates will be provided blank sheets by the RRC and they are required to type on one side of the sheets provide and in double space

3. The candidates are required to pass the typewriting test at the minimum speed of 30 words per minutes in English or 25 words per minutes in Hindi. In case of using computers, the use of editing tools for correcting mistakes will not be permitted, in case of Hindi typing the font used on the computer will be krutidev 11.

4. The duration of typing test is 10 minutes.

5. The candidates are required to type 300 words so as the attain a minimum speed of 30 words per minute. The Transcript of those candidates who do not type out 300 words in English or 250 words in Hindi in the prescribed time will not be evaluated

6. Candidate must start typing from the beginning of the typing paper and must complete the whole paper. If any candidates finished the paper before the allotted time, he/she restart the same passage and continue typing until expiry of the time.

7. Spacing errors, punctuation errors, paragraphic errors, wrong capitalization, crowing, piling/over typing errors, transposition errors, syllabification errors and faulty operations will be treated as mistakes. Railway Board latest instruction for evaluate of typing test will be applicabale.

8. The candidates must return the question paper along with their scripts to the Invigilator and the examination hall either the question paper or script or any other blank typing paper. They should not tear any sheet given to them. If a candidates uses more than one sheets, he/she should fasten all the sheets securely before handing over to the invigilator.

9. The Railway Recruitment Cell reserves the right of ordering re-tests in the case of any candidate or all candidates..

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Courtesy: RRB-Allahabad

IMPORTANT: RRB EXAM PORTAL is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways, For RRB official website visit -