IMPORTANT: RRB EXAM PORTAL is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways.

RRB : NTPC Exam Aptitude Test

RRB : NTPC Exam Aptitude Test



1. Aptitude Test will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode. Aptitude test may comprise of several test batteries and the candidates will have to qualify in each of these batteries to be considered for the posts of Assistant Station Master (ASM), (Cat. No.7). Aptitude Test marks of only such candidates, who qualify in each of the batteries individually, will be added to the 2nd Stage written examination(CBT) marks, for drawing the merit list for the posts of Assistant Station Master (ASM), (Cat. No.7). The ratio of 2nd stage CBT marks and Aptitude Test marks shall be 70:30. If a candidate scores less than the respective qualifying marks in any battery of the Aptitude Test, he/she will be eliminated from the selection process for ASM. However, he/she will be eligible to be considered for other posts depending upon his/her merit cum preferences and suitability. The candidates may visit the website of this RRB & view the mock test link for Aptitude Test containing important instructions, testprocedure, norms of evaluation etc. provided to guide the candidates appearing in the computer based Aptitude Test
2. In terms of para 8.04 of CEN 03/2015, Candidates called for Aptitude Test for the post of ASM are required to submit Vision Certificate from an Eye Specialist on prescribed proforma as per Annexure-IX of the aforesaid notification, failing which they will not be allowed to appear in Aptitude Test. The medical standards were once again displayed in the modified vacancy table while providing the candidates an opportunity to revise their post preferences on the website of RRBs. It is expected that the candidates would have taken due care regarding their suitability for various posts as per their medical standards while filling up their revised post preferences. Accordingly, all candidates are required to submit a Medical certificate fulfilling requisite Vision Standards from an Eye Specialist as per proforma (AnnexureIX of CEN 03/2015, attached with e-call letter) at the time of Aptitude Test, failing which they will not be permitted to attend the Aptitude Test.

Courtesy: RRB

IMPORTANT: RRB EXAM PORTAL is NOT associated with Railway Recruitment Board(RRB) or Indian Railways, For RRB official website visit -


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